CJYen 3 rokov pred
1 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 56 pridanie a 28 odobranie
  1. 56 28

+ 56 - 28

@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
+# sele
 import requests
 import requests
 import config
 import config
 class yt():
 class yt():
+    def __init__(self, api_key):
+        self.base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=" \
+                        "snippet,statistics&id="
+        self.api_key = api_key
     def get_html_to_json(self, path):
     def get_html_to_json(self, path):
-        api_url = path
+        """組合 URL 後 GET 網頁並轉換成 JSON"""
+        api_url = f"{self.base_url}{path}&key={self.api_key}"
         r = requests.get(api_url)
         r = requests.get(api_url)
         if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
         if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
             data = r.json()
             data = r.json()
@@ -14,38 +21,59 @@ class yt():
 googleApi = config.googleApi
 googleApi = config.googleApi
-path = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet,statistics" \
-       "&id=f3goszxHt4k&key="+googleApi
-item = yt()
-data = item.get_html_to_json(path)
-list1 = data.get("items", "not found list1")
-for i in list1:
-    snippet = i.get("snippet", "not found snippet")
-    title = snippet.get('title', "not found title")
-    content = snippet.get('description', "not found description")
+urllist = ["f3goszxHt4k", "fi5Sdo1ngXM", "3xMEQLAlY2Q", "g7bGfn_ym2k",
+           "5kwo6GJqZak", "ZS4hiZWWjxA", "rJZ7SJuMGe4", "qcUB4uTZZNM",
+           "EojvnYcFP18", "U4ucS3wp3M4", "8qaM_HWNSLc", "xh5MMFksEWo",
+           "qAe4EpqAJXk", "hlS7KF2Kc3Q", "6gH9ZF5nfQ8", "gGVA5gcx5PE",
+           "QHeyNICIePM", "Eq_Nj2EVJRA", "Zsai9VxZ7oM", "7pcSaHg_V4c",
+           "Ts7HDyZ9DoQ", "lsD_6YD1wqg", "qNvkdZ8yPgA", "ki4tmmiCYVs",
+           "fx4fTBh9PFo", "WC_rYXVP2g8", "3aHCylX2Du0", "aH8T9bQhZjI",
+           "0e7sGmBWCFM", "uD5dxKLBL0I", "KgHqcNulmHY", "OogrWr0yVAA",
+           "g9Pwxd9FEpM", "36EvsfVlobE", "Ja6WRIvMaAM", "hETKVh3DIP0",
+           "kLmrSdEHLkQ", "o3t1nTM2JXI", "1dy0phcIb1s", "zE3PxSg0GPo",
+           "Qvf3uPhN4SY", "MwXwfDuZAN0", "G_M1tWGplkM", "bd6memqoLg8",
+           "XOd2NCcJLz0", "i3p-5UYtpbE", "oADIpGnUjfY", "MDPXxc_4rsE",
+           "aolWx-AiyMs", "fHNYihpq2b8", "HKcpzMnzZ5k", "5rCY7LYmxRs",
+           "2dE-zGdR3pQ", "srKHanTS-A8", "EXw9opKnWF4", "8g1imn_pTv0",
+           "5xbXmTrXObw", "_H9hNu2VzTE", "HQkAmut-OQw", "SmpaVb6f8pE",
+           "L_U7UoSo3U8", "KHB80ywdsPE", "UwBYV6Y2SR4", "kCeJ9aDpE2A",
+           "Owf1T6-w_1o", "1fwTV_WaccY", "2hnNuztqlbQ", "D0tO0E0J2uY",
+           "xS9GiawCYI8", "2tF9i9fQIKs", "rC21xM6_xbE", "dTZNhRaKxug",
+           "NW34lOX9pT0", "yK7KTnAeqqg", "lgiK6OPLU1A", "DJzPEGo720A",
+           "wRf83pGUquE", "yJfHdJQ2aJE", "Q7q_ajxcGFA", "7GQ4LmahHJI",
+           "zXi1JG5KmYI", "ebTeRrpZwRw", "5BsD16LtDcw", "gKaDBXZ6aDU"]
+item = yt(googleApi)
-list2 = data.get("items", "not found list2")
-for i in list2:
-    statistics = i.get("statistics", "not found statistics")
-    views = statistics.get('viewCount', "not found viewCount")
-    likes = statistics.get('likeCount', "not found likeCount")
-    comments = statistics.get('commentCount', "not found commentCount")
+# csv save
 column = '"'
 column = '"'
 breaks = ","
 breaks = ","
 length = ""
 length = ""
 share = ""
 share = ""
-next = "\n"
-values = f'"{title}", "{content}", "{likes}", "{views}", "{comments}", ' \
-         f'"{length}","{share}"{next}'
-# csv save
+next = "\r"
 with open('movie_yt.csv', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as file:
 with open('movie_yt.csv', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as file:
-               '"length","share"'+next)
-    file.write(values+next)
+               '"length","share"' + next)
+    for path in urllist:
+        data = item.get_html_to_json(path)
+        snippet = data.get("items", "not found items")
+        for i in snippet:
+            snippet = i.get("snippet", "not found snippet")
+            title = snippet.get('title', "not found title")
+            content = snippet.get('description', "not found description")
+        statistics = data.get("items", "not found items")
+        for i in statistics:
+            statistics = i.get("statistics", "not found statistics")
+            views = statistics.get('viewCount', "not found viewCount")
+            likes = statistics.get('likeCount', "not found likeCount")
+            comments = statistics.get('commentCount', "not found commentCount")
+        values = f'"{title}";"{content}";"{likes}";"{views}";"{comments}";' \
+                 f'"{length}";"{share}"{next}'
+        file.writelines(values)