@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+## 2022/01/22 (六)
+* 臨時週會
+* HHH 駐點
+* integrate linebot collection api with frontend (ana)(fix none missing metadata.json problem)
+* integrate joyso api(tranfser) mechanism with frontend (ana)
+* integrate linepay with frontend (ana)
+* go.hhh ssl expired problem
+## 2022/01/21 (五)
+* HHH gitlab 修復 with ming
+* discuss ark gas fee mechanism (ming)
+* HHH 週報
+* HHH 駐點
+* HHH 爬蟲需求討論 (sales noran kevin)
+* integrate linebot collection api with frontend (ana)
## 2022/01/20 (四)
* joyso api with random num problem fix
* ark linepay 盤點