- HHH 流量
- HHH sync
- 個meeting
- 處理富陞資料問題、以及整理未歸檔資料給zoe
- 與ming討論HHH影音部
- HHH 駐點
- HHH 流量
- 週會
- Meeting with Noran & 影音部 till 17:10 (個案頁進度、爬蟲進度、影音部專案進度、其餘專案進度)
- HHH 手機版 fb button hidden by yukyo
- HHH 駐點
- HHH 週報
- 臨時週會
- ark 進度確認 ming
- 確認ark 驗收進度 with ming
- 與ana討論 ark http2
- HHH 爬蟲程式修改
- 討論hhh 登入窗口問題with yukyo&mike
- HHH 駐點
- HHH 爬蟲討論 && 交付(新北市1000份 for BD)
- noran meeting 確認fb申請問題、進度交付、爬蟲進度對其他專案的時程影響、節目表催繳
- ark live/stage environment for linepay/ linebot/ service/ domain(?)
- 4444 at api.ptt.cx:4444 && video@choozmo.com is not blocked by google sorry
- discuss ark delegate api with ming
- deploy ark.cards && api.ptt.cx/ark_backstage as http2 (TTFB 3s -> 0.5s) (nginx、hypercorn、httpx、fastapi concurrency async)
- integrate nft crud(mint / burn(?)) with ana / ming
- fix put api of user problem
- 週會
- HHH 駐點
- HHH 流量(gpu 電線被踢到)
- HHH 執行表單功能交付與確認 (yukyo)
- ark前後端功能與ming demo 與確認
- 臨時週會
- HHH 駐點
- integrate linebot collection api with frontend (ana)(fix none missing metadata.json problem)
- integrate joyso api(tranfser) mechanism with frontend (ana)
- integrate linepay with frontend (ana)
- go.hhh ssl expired problem
- HHH gitlab 修復 with ming
- discuss ark gas fee mechanism (ming)
- HHH 週報
- HHH 駐點
- HHH 爬蟲需求討論 (sales noran kevin)
- integrate linebot collection api with frontend (ana)
- joyso api with random num problem fix
- ark linepay 盤點
- ark linebot rewrite
- ark joyso api with backstage rewrite
- joyso api with random num problem fix
- HHH 駐點
- ark linebot rewrite
- joyso api with random num problem fix
- 執行表單問題
- ark discuss
- ark linebot rewrite
- HHH駐點
- 執行表單問題
- google.cmm.ai問題
- kevin 流量問題
- ark discuss
- HHH駐點
- google poi crawler
- 周報、月報
- HHH backstage錯誤盤點
- google poi crawler
- hhh 4444 google sorry proxy list test
- ark meeting
- HHH駐點
- google poi crawler
- ark 新需求
- HHH backstage錯誤盤點
- google poi crawler
- HHH SEO linode ip 問題
- HHH backstage錯誤盤點
- HHH駐點
- google poi crawler
- ark 新需求
- HHH backstage錯誤盤點
- HHH駐點
- google poi crawler
- HHH service 維護
- backstage修復
- CRM api修復
- keyword extraction keybert/tfidf
- google poi crawler
- 和ming討論CMO相關看法
- keyword extraction implement
- 讀書會
- google poi crawler
- HHH駐點
- keyword extraction survey
- HHH開會
- google poi crawler
- keyword extraction (tf-idf/ Rake/ TextRank/ Yake)
- HHH 駐點
- 週會
- Help Zoe with Banner Problem
- Help Noran with problem reporting
- google poi crawler