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miacheng913 há 3 anos atrás
1 ficheiros alterados com 82 adições e 4 exclusões
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+ 82 - 4

@@ -143,6 +143,54 @@ async def register(request: Request, form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depe
     # 跳轉頁面至登入
     return templates.TemplateResponse(name='login.html', context={'request': request})
+@app.get('/tower_add_data', response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def login(request: Request):
+    return templates.TemplateResponse(name='tower_post.html', context={'request': request})
+async def register(request: Request,data : models.tower_data,key:str):
+    #data = models.tower_data(**await request.form())
+    if key!="21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3":
+        return {'msg':'no access'}
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    cmd ="SELECT * FROM device"
+    cmd2={}
+    check = 0
+    for row in db.query(cmd):
+        if row['id']== data.device:
+            check = 1 
+    if check :
+        for row in ['hotTemp','waterFlow','coldTemp','fanMotorCur','fanMotorSpeedFreq']:
+            cmd = "cmd2['cmd'] = \"UPDATE `record_dcs` SET `value` = \"+str(data.DCS_{})  +\" WHERE `device_id` = '\"+data.device+\"' AND `key` = '{}'\"".format(row,row)
+            exec(cmd)
+            print(cmd2['cmd'])
+            db.query(cmd2['cmd'])
+        for row in ['reducer','waterFlow','wetTemp','coldTempData1','coldTempData2','staticPressure']:
+            exec("cmd2['cmd'] = \"UPDATE `record_tower` SET `value` = \"+str(data.{})  +\" WHERE `device_id` = '\"+data.device+\"' AND `key` = '{}'\"".format(row,row))
+            print(cmd2)
+            db.query(cmd2['cmd'])
+        for row in ['ch01','ch02','ch03','ch04']:
+            exec("cmd2['cmd'] = \"UPDATE `vibration` SET `DataValue` = \"+str(data.DataValue_{})+\",`CVIndex` = \"+str(data.CVIndex_{})  +\" WHERE `device_id` = '\"+data.device+\"' AND `channelName` = '{}'\"".format(row,row,row))
+            print(cmd2)
+            db.query(cmd2['cmd'])
+            #exec("db['vibration'].update(dict(channelName={},device_id=data.device,DataValue=data.DataValue_{},CVIndex=data.CVIndex_{}),['channelName'],['device_id'])".format(row,row))
+        result={'msg':"success"}
+    else:
+        result = {'msg':"no device"}
+    return json.dumps(result,ensure_ascii=False)
+async def home(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+    return templates.TemplateResponse(name='add_tower.html', context={'request': request})
+async def home(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+    data=request.form()
+    print(data.device)
 @app.get('/home', response_class=HTMLResponse)
 async def home(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
@@ -178,6 +226,18 @@ async def tower(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
     result = get_user_under_organization(current_user)
     return json.dumps(result,ensure_ascii=False)
+@app.get('/user_role', response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def user_role(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+    try:
+        Authorize.jwt_required()
+    except Exception as e:
+        print(e)
+        return RedirectResponse('/login')
+    current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_subject()
+    result = {'role':check_role_type(current_user)}
+    print(result)
+    return json.dumps(result,ensure_ascii=False)
 @app.get('/tower', response_class=HTMLResponse)
 async def tower(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
@@ -227,7 +287,7 @@ async def member_authority(request:Request,tower_id: str,Authorize: AuthJWT = De
         return RedirectResponse('/login') 
     result = get_tower_perform(tower_id)
-    print(result)
+    #print(result)
     return json.dumps(result,ensure_ascii=False, cls = dateEncode)
@@ -1092,8 +1152,11 @@ def check_tower_health(user_name:str):
                     cmd = 'SELECT CVIndex,threshold FROM  `vibration` where device_id = "'+tower+'"'
                     health =1
                     for row in db.query(cmd) :
-                        if int(row['CVIndex']) < int(row['threshold']):
+                        print(row['CVIndex'],row['threshold'])
+                        if row['CVIndex'] < int(row['threshold']):
                             health = 0
+                            print("heheh")
+                    print(health)
                     result.append({'company':dic['company'], 'factory':dic['factory'], 'department':dic['department'], 'group': group, 'tower':  tower, 'health': health})
     return result 
@@ -1164,6 +1227,21 @@ def add_data():
     cmd = "TRUNCATE TABLE record_frequency"
-    for i in range(0,5000):
+    for i in range(0,1000):
+        print(i)
+        db['record_frequency'].insert(dict(time_stamp=loc_dt_format, MFHz=i, MFValue=uniform(0,0.12),vibration_id = 1))
+    cmd = "TRUNCATE TABLE record_frequency"
+    db.query(cmd)
+    for i in range(0,1000):
-        db['record_frequency'].insert(dict(time_stamp=loc_dt_format, MFHz=i, MFValue=uniform(0,0.12),vibration_id = 1))
+        db['record_frequency'].insert(dict(time_stamp=loc_dt_format, MFHz=i, MFValue=uniform(0,0.12),vibration_id = 1))
+def add_tower():
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    loc_dt = 
+    loc_dt_format = loc_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+    for device in ['dev005','dev006','dev007','dev008','dev009']:
+        for key in ['hotTemp','waterFlow','coldTemp','fanMotorCur','fanMotorSpeedFreq']:
+            db['record_dcs'].insert(dict(time_stamp=loc_dt_format, MFValue=uniform(0,0.12),vibration_id = 1))