@@ -234,91 +234,178 @@ def call_anchor(fileName,avatar):
-def sentence_time_ratio(text,maxLen):
- total_len = len(text)
- if total_len > maxLen:
- left_word = total_len % maxLen
- times = int(math.ceil(total_len/maxLen))
- if left_word < 5:
- times+=1
- sen_len = int(total_len/times)
+def syllable_count(word):
+ word = word.lower()
+ count = 0
+ vowels = "aeiouy"
+ if word[0] in vowels:
+ count += 1
+ for index in range(1, len(word)):
+ if word[index] in vowels and word[index - 1] not in vowels:
+ count += 1
+ if word.endswith("e"):
+ count -= 1
+ if count == 0:
+ count += 1
+ return count
+def split_sentence(in_str, maxLen):
+ re.findall(r'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', in_str)
+ zh_idx = []
+ eng_idx= []
+ for i in range(len(in_str)):
+ if in_str[i] > u'\u4e00' and in_str[i] < u'\u9fff':
+ zh_idx.append(i)
+ else:
+ eng_idx.append(i)
+ space_index = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(' ', in_str)]
+ for idx in space_index:
+ eng_idx.remove(idx)
+ eng_range_list = []
+ for k, g in groupby(enumerate(eng_idx), lambda ix : ix[0] - ix[1]):
+ eng_range = list(map(itemgetter(1), g))
+ eng_range_list.append(eng_range)
+ total_syllable = 0
+ for i in range(len(eng_range_list)):
+ total_syllable += (syllable_count(in_str[eng_range_list[i][0]:eng_range_list[i][-1]+1])+0.5)
+ for i in range(len(zh_idx)):
+ total_syllable+=1
- time_ratio = [None]*times
- sentences = [None]*times
- print(times,',',total_len,",",sen_len)
- for t in range(times):
+ #final chchchchchc[en][en][en]
+ #[en] is a vocabulary dict with occurence of image
+ zh_eng_idx_list = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(in_str):
+ if in_str[i]==' ':
+ i+=1
+ if i in zh_idx:
+ zh_eng_idx_list.append(i)
+ i+=1
+ if i in eng_idx:
+ for ls in eng_range_list:
+ if i in ls:
+ zh_eng_idx_list.append(ls)
+ i = ls[-1]+1
+ break
- sentences[t] = text[t*sen_len:t*sen_len+sen_len]
- time_ratio[t] = len(sentences[t])/total_len
- else:
- time_ratio = [1]
- sen_len = total_len
- sentences = [text]
+ zh_eng_dict_list = [{'content':'','time_ratio':0}]
+ idx = 0
+ current_len = 0
+ sen_idx = 0
+ while idx < len(zh_eng_idx_list):
+ str_from_idx = ''
+ sylla_cnt = 1
+ if type(zh_eng_idx_list[idx])==type([]):
+ str_from_idx = in_str[zh_eng_idx_list[idx][0]:zh_eng_idx_list[idx][-1]+1]+' '
+ sylla_cnt = syllable_count(str_from_idx)
+ else:
+ str_from_idx = in_str[zh_eng_idx_list[idx]]
- return sen_len, time_ratio, sentences
+ if len(zh_eng_dict_list[sen_idx]['content'])+sylla_cnt>=maxLen:
+ zh_eng_dict_list[sen_idx]['time_ratio'] = current_len/total_syllable
+ zh_eng_dict_list.append({'content':'','time_ratio':0})
+ sen_idx+=1
+ current_len = 0
+ else:
+ current_len += sylla_cnt
+ zh_eng_dict_list[sen_idx]['content'] += str_from_idx
+ idx+=1
+ total_ratio = 0
+ for obj in zh_eng_dict_list:
+ total_ratio+=obj['time_ratio']
+ zh_eng_dict_list[-1]['time_ratio'] = 1-total_ratio
+ return zh_eng_dict_list
def parse_script(file_path,gt_list):
- with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
+ with open(file_path, 'r',encoding="utf-8") as f:
raw_lines = [line.strip() for line in f]
lines = adjustSub_by_text_similarity(gt_list,raw_lines)
+ #make dict
dict_list = []
- for idx in range(int((len(lines)+1)/4)):
+ for idx in range(len(lines)):
- script['index'] = idx
- time_raw = raw_lines[idx * 4 +1 ]
- script['content'] = lines[idx*4+2]
- start = time_raw.split(' --> ')[0].split(':')
- stop = time_raw.split(' --> ')[1].split(':')
- start[2] = start[2].replace(',','.')
- stop[2] = stop[2].replace(',','.')
- start_sec = float(start[0])*3600 + float(start[1])*60 + float(start[2])
- stop_sec = float(stop[0])*3600 + float(stop[1])*60 + float(stop[2])
- duration = start_sec-stop_sec
- script['start'] = start_sec
- script['stop'] = stop_sec
- script['duration'] = abs(duration)
+ script['content'] = lines[idx]
+ time_raw = raw_lines[idx * 4 +1 ].split(' --> ')
+ start = time_raw[0].split(':')
+ stop = time_raw[1].split(':')
+ script['start'] = float(start[0])*3600 + float(start[1])*60 + float(start[2].replace(',','.'))
+ script['stop'] = float(stop[0])*3600 + float(stop[1])*60 + float(stop[2].replace(',','.'))
- '''
- for dic in dict_list:
- print(dic)
- '''
+ #merge duplicated sentences
+ script_not_dup_list = []
+ for idx in range(len(dict_list)):
+ dup_list = []
+ for idx_inner in range(len(dict_list)):
+ if dict_list[idx_inner]['content']==dict_list[idx]['content']:
+ dup_list.append(idx_inner)
+ for dup_idx in dup_list:
+ if dup_idx == min(dup_list):
+ dict_list[dup_idx]['type'] = 'lead_sentence'
+ else:
+ dict_list[dup_idx]['type'] = 'duplicated'
+ dict_list[dup_list[0]]['stop'] = dict_list[dup_list[-1]]['stop']
+ if dict_list[idx]['type'] == 'lead_sentence':
+ script_not_dup_list.append(dict_list[idx])
+ #avoid subtitle overlapping ? Timeline overlapping not found currently
+ #cut by max length----> eng seperated problem {eng_idx}
+ #ENG counts, zh counts, space counts
new_idx = 0
splitted_dict = []
- for dic in dict_list:
- sen_len, time_ratio, sentences = sentence_time_ratio(dic['content'],13)
- for s in range(len(sentences)):
- new_dict = {}
- new_dict['index'] = new_idx
- start = dic['start']
- for t in range(s):
- start += (dic['duration']*time_ratio[t])
- new_dict['start'] = start
- new_dict['duration'] = dic['duration'] * time_ratio[s]
- new_dict['content'] = sentences[s]
+ for dic in script_not_dup_list:
+ dic_idx = 0
+ accumulated_duration = 0
+ duration = dic['stop']-dic['start']
+ print(duration)
+ for sub_dic in split_sentence(dic['content'],13):
+ new_dic = {}
+ new_dic['index'] = new_idx
- splitted_dict.append(new_dict)
- return dict_list
+ ind_duration = duration * sub_dic['time_ratio']
+ new_dic['start'] = dic['start'] + accumulated_duration
+ accumulated_duration += ind_duration
+ new_dic['content'] = sub_dic['content']
+ new_dic['duration'] = ind_duration
+ splitted_dict.append(new_dic)
+ return splitted_dict
-def adjustSub_by_text_similarity(gts,gens):
- adjusted = [None]*len(gens)
+def adjustSub_by_text_similarity(gts,gens_raw):
+ gens = []
+ for idx in range(int((len(gens_raw)+1)/4)):
+ gens.append(gens_raw[idx*4+2])
combine2 = [''.join([i,j]) for i,j in zip(gts, gts[1:])]
combine3 = [''.join([i,j,k]) for i,j,k in zip(gts, gts[1:], gts[2:])]
- alls = gts+combine2+combine3
+ alls = gts + combine2 + combine3
+ adjusted = [None]*len(gens)
+ duplicated_list = []
for idx in range(len(gens)):
match_text = difflib.get_close_matches(gens[idx], alls, cutoff=0.1)
- if len(match_text) != 0 and idx:
- #print(gens[idx]+'校正後: '+match_text[0])
+ if match_text[0] in duplicated_list:
+ for mt in match_text:
+ if mt == adjusted[idx-1] or mt not in duplicated_list:
+ adjusted[idx] = mt
+ break
+ else:
adjusted[idx] = match_text[0]
+ duplicated_list.append(match_text[0])
return adjusted
def trim_punctuation(s):
@@ -328,12 +415,20 @@ def trim_punctuation(s):
return res
def splitter(s):
- for sent in re.findall(u'[^!?,。\!\?]+[!?。\!\?]?', s, flags=re.U):
+ for sent in re.findall(u'[^!?,。\!\?]+[!? 。\!\?]?', s, flags=re.U):
yield sent
def split_by_pun(s):
res = list(splitter(s))
return res
+def split_by_word(s):
+ slice_size = 3
+ paragraph_len = len(s)
+ slice_num = int(math.ceil(paragraph_len/slice_size))
+ slice_list = []
+ for n in range(slice_num):
+ slice_list.append(s[n*slice_size:n*slice_size+slice_size])
+ return slice_list
def generate_subtitle_image_from_dict(name_hash, sub_dict):
for script in sub_dict: