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outline: none; background-color: #ea5413; margin-top: 4rem; border-radius: 3rem; font-size: 1.8rem; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 1px rgba(201, 201, 201, 0.637); } .blog-tabs .btn-light { margin-top: 1.5rem; color: #ea5413; position: absolute; bottom: 1rem; left: 3.5rem; } // 影片導覽區塊 .video-int { .video-box { margin-top: 30px; .video-btn { padding: 15px 50px; width: 280px; background: #fff; font-size: 32px; } } } :fullscreen { #expand { display: none; } .home-page { @media screen and(max-width:1280px) { height: 100vh; } } .home-box { height: 350px; @media screen and(max-width:1280px) { height: 250px; } } } #compression { display: none; } // 首頁 .home-page { position: relative; height: 100vh; @media screen and(max-width:1280px) { height: 130vh; } @media screen and(max-width:1080px) { height: 100vh; } .home-box { height: 33vh; } .homebutton-box { background-image: url(./img/BG_3png.png); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; // height: 65vh; .homebtn-icon { h1 { font-size: 32px; text-align: center; transition: 0.5s; } img { width: 100px; transition: 0.5s; filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(108deg) brightness(104%) contrast(104%); } &:hover { h1 { font-size: 26px; } img { transform: scale(0.75); } } } } .homepage-title { h1 { color: #e95412; font-weight: 900; font-size: 48px; } } .homepage-line { position: absolute; bottom: 50px; width: 70vw; @media screen and(max-width:1280px) { bottom: 30px; } } // #wheel{ // animation-name: wheel; // animation-duration: 10s; // } } .home-btn{ filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(108deg) brightness(104%) contrast(104%); } // @keyframes wheel { // 0%{ // transform: rotate(0); // } // 100%{ // transform: rotate(10deg); // } // } // demo .demo-btn { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; // background: #3f4c72; font-size: 32px; padding: 10px 20px; text-decoration: none; color: white; border: none; display: block; padding: 3rem 0; text-align: center; &:hover { color: white; } } .demo-box{ background:#E2E2E2; width: 90%; margin:0 auto ; .demo-card{ padding: 4rem 30px; } li{ font-size: 17px; } .demo-CTA{ color:#fff; padding: 15px 50px; font-size: 24px; transition: 1s; &:hover{ opacity: 0.7; } } } .features-nav { .dropdown-toggle { &::after { display: inline-block; margin-left: 0.255em; vertical-align: 0.255em; content: ""; border-top: 0.3em solid; border-right: 0.3em solid transparent; border-bottom: 0; border-left: 0.3em solid transparent; } } } // 影片導覽區塊 .video-sec01 { height: 100vh; .video-int { .video-box { margin-top: 30px; .video-btn { padding: 15px 50px; width: 250px; background: #fff; font-size: 32px; } } } } #gotop { cursor: pointer; position: fixed; bottom: 50px; right: 50px; } .sec-video { height: 50vh; } .video-img { cursor: pointer; } .aboutpage{ height:100vh; }