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  89. <lan set-lan="html:feature_no1_title1">輸入文字腳本及素材</lan><br>
  90. <lan set-lan="html:feature_no1_title2">一鍵輸出合成影片</lan>
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  93. <li set-lan="html:feature_no1_li1">只需等待數分鐘即產製完成</li>
  94. <li set-lan="html:feature_no1_li2">可上傳圖片或是影片作為背景</li>
  95. <li set-lan="html:feature_no1_li3">生成MP4檔</li>
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  110. <h3 set-lan="html:feature_no2_title">多位AI虛擬人物選擇</h3>
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  112. <li set-lan="html:feature_no2_li1">無人物肖像權問題</li>
  113. <li set-lan="html:feature_no2_li2">人物表情、動作自然</li>
  114. <li set-lan="html:feature_no2_li3">因應主題,選擇合適人物</li>
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  156. <h3 class="text-start" set-lan="html:feature_no3_title">投影片轉製為影片</h3>
  157. <ul class="features-list">
  158. <li set-lan="html:feature_no3_li1">輸入文字腳本及投影片連結
  159. <br>一鍵完成影片
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  161. <li set-lan="html:feature_no3_li2">生成MP4檔</li>
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  176. <h3 set-lan="html:feature_no4_title">多語言支援</h3>
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  178. <li set-lan="html:feature_no4_li1">支援中英文內容</li>
  179. <li set-lan="html:feature_no4_li2">可加入字幕</li>
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