@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+from fastapi import FastAPI,Cookie, Depends, Query, status,File, UploadFile,Request,Response,HTTPException
+from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
+from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, RedirectResponse, JSONResponse
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from typing import List, Optional
+from os.path import isfile, isdir, join
+import threading
+import zhtts
+import os
+import urllib
+import requests
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont
+import pyttsx3
+import rpyc
+import random
+import time
+import math
+import hashlib
+import re
+import asyncio
+import urllib.request
+from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+import dataset
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from util.swap_face import swap_face
+from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
+import shutil
+import io
+from first import first
+from passlib.context import CryptContext
+from jose import JWTError, jwt
+from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
+from fastapi_jwt_auth.exceptions import AuthJWTException
+from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
+import util.models
+import pymysql
+import mailer
+from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
+import traceback
+import logging
+import gSlide
+import aiofiles
+import json
+import util.user
+from routers import userRoute, toolAvatarVoiceOnly
+#https://www.choozmo.com:8887/verify_email?code=16370312713065429 =>
+app = FastAPI()
+db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+print("db loaded")
+mode = 'run'
+ CORSMiddleware,
+ allow_origins=["*"],
+ #allow_origins=["https://show.choozmo.com","https://video.choozmo.com"],
+ allow_credentials=True,
+ allow_methods=["POST","GET"],
+ #allow_headers=["*"],
+ allow_headers = ["Authorization","Accept","accept","Origin","Content-Type","X-LS-CORS-Template","X-LS-Auth-Token","X-LS-Auth-User-Token","Content-Type","X-LS-Sync-Result","X-LS-Sequence","token"],
+SECRET_KEY = "df2f77bd544240801a048bd4293afd8eeb7fff3cb7050e42c791db4b83ebadcd"
+pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto")
+app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static")
+app.mount("/static/img", StaticFiles(directory="static/img"), name="static/img")
+app.mount("/templates", StaticFiles(directory="templates"), name="templates")
+templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")
+oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")
+tmp_video_dir = '../OpenshotService/tmp_video/'
+tmp_avatar_dir = '../../face_swap/tmp_avatar/' #change source face path here
+resource_server = 'www.choozmo.com:8168/'
+resource_folder = '/var/www/html/'
+video_sub_folder = 'ai_anchor_video/'
+avatar_sub_folder = 'swap_save/'
+tmp_img_sub_folder = 'tmp_img/'
+pttx_sub_folder = 'tmp_pttx/'
+img_upload_folder = '/var/www/html/'+tmp_img_sub_folder
+video_dest = '/var/www/html/'+video_sub_folder
+avatar_dest = '/var/www/html/'+avatar_sub_folder
+pttx_dest = '/var/www/html/'+pttx_sub_folder
+speech_dest = '/var/www/html/speech/'
+# @app.get("/index2")
+# async def index2():
+# return FileResponse('static/index2.html')
+async def index2():
+ return FileResponse('static/index_eng.html')
+# home page
+@app.get("/index", response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def get_home_page(request: Request, response: Response):
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request, "response": response})
+async def checkStatus():
+ errorList = []
+ try:
+ conn = rpyc.classic.connect("",18812)
+ conn.close()
+ except:
+ errorList.append('111:18812 server')
+ try:
+ c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 8858)
+ c.close()
+ except:
+ errorList.append('make_video(docker name : new openshot)')
+ try:
+ c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 8868)
+ c.close()
+ except:
+ errorList.append('swap_face(docker name : fcontainer)')
+ return {'errors':errorList}
+@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def get_home_page(request: Request, response: Response):
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request, "response": response})
+async def get_home_page(request: Request, response: Response, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+ try:
+ Authorize.jwt_required()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Please login first','zh':'請先登入帳號'}}
+ current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_subject()
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("make_video.html", {"request": request, "response": response})
+@app.get("/make_video_long", response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def get_home_page(request: Request, response: Response, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+ try:
+ Authorize.jwt_required()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Please login first','zh':'請先登入帳號'}}
+ current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_subject()
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("make_video_long.html", {"request": request, "response": response})
+@app.get("/make_video_slide", response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def make_video_slide(request: Request, response: Response, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+ try:
+ Authorize.jwt_required()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Please login first','zh':'請先登入帳號'}}
+ current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_subject()
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("make_video_slide.html", {"request": request, "response": response})
+async def user_profile(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ if 'ok'!=verify_jwt_token(token):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Please login first','zh':'請先登入帳號'}}
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"'))
+ if user_obj['invite_code'] is None:
+ util.user.init_invite_code(user_id)
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"'))
+ if user_obj is None:
+ raise HTTPException(
+ status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+ detail="Missing token",
+ headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
+ )
+ video_num = str(first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history_input WHERE user_id ='+str(user_obj['id'])))['COUNT(*)'])
+ total_sec = str(first(db.query('SELECT SUM(duration) FROM history_input where user_id='+str(user_obj['id'])))['SUM(duration)'])
+ left_sec = user_obj['left_time']
+ video_info_list = []
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM history_input WHERE user_id='+str(user_obj['id'])+' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 50'
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ video_info_list.append({'id':row['id'],'title':row['name'],'duration':row['duration'],'url':row['link'],'time_stamp':row['timestamp'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")})
+ dic_return = {'user_info':{'id':user_id,'userName':user_obj['username'],'email':user_obj['email']
+ ,'video_num':video_num,'total_sec':total_sec,'left_sec':user_obj['left_time'],'invite_code':user_obj['invite_code']}
+ ,'video_info':video_info_list}
+ str_return = json.dumps(dic_return)
+ return str_return
+async def edit_profile(userModel : util.models.UserProfile ,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ print(token)
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ print(user_id)
+ user_obj = next(iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"')))
+ user_obj['email'] = userModel.email
+ db['users'].update(user_obj,['id'])
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+# login & register page
+@app.get("/login", response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def get_login_and_register_page(request: Request):
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("login.html", {"request": request})
+async def login_for_access_token(request: Request, form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends(), Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+ db_check()
+ user = authenticate_user(form_data.username, form_data.password)
+ if not user:
+ raise HTTPException(
+ status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+ detail="Incorrect username or password",
+ headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
+ )
+ access_token_expires = timedelta(days=ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_DAYS)
+ access_token = create_access_token(
+ data={"sub": user.username}, expires_delta=access_token_expires
+ )
+ table = db['users']
+ user.token = access_token
+ table.update(dict(user), ['username'])
+ expires = timedelta(days=ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_DAYS)
+ access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(subject=user.username, expires_time=expires)
+ refresh_token = Authorize.create_refresh_token(subject=user.username, expires_time =expires)
+ Authorize.set_access_cookies(access_token)
+ Authorize.set_refresh_cookies(refresh_token)
+ #return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request, "msg": 'Login'})
+ if util.user.email_veri_pass(form_data.username):
+ return {"access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer",'veri':'ok'}
+ else:
+ veri_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM register_veri_code where user_id ="'+str(user.id)+'"'))
+ mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 : https://video.choozmo.com/verify_email.html?code='+veri_obj['code'], user.email)
+ return {"access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer",'veri':'fail'}
+async def access_token(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends(), Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+ user = authenticate_user(form_data.username, form_data.password)
+ if not user:
+ raise HTTPException(
+ status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+ detail="Incorrect username or password",
+ headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
+ )
+ access_token_expires = timedelta(days=ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_DAYS)
+ access_token = create_access_token(
+ data={"sub": user.username}, expires_delta=access_token_expires
+ )
+ return {"access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer"}
+async def register_old(request: Request):
+ db_check()
+ user = util.models.User(**await request.form())
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username ="'+str(user.username)+'"'))
+ if user_obj == None:
+ id = user_register(user)
+ result = util.user.add_to_basic_role(id)
+ print(result)
+ if type(id) is int:
+ code = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ db['register_veri_code'].insert({'code':code,'user_id':id})
+ mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 : https://video.choozmo.com/verify_email.html?code='+code, user.email)
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Register success! Please login at previous page','zh':'註冊成功! 請回到上頁登入帳號'}}
+ else :
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'error','zh':'error'}}
+ #return templates.TemplateResponse("make_video.html", {"request": request, "success": True},status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND)
+ #return templates.TemplateResponse("login.html", {'request': request,"success": True}, status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND)
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':user.username+' is duplicated user name try another','zh':user.username+'重複,請更改'}}
+async def register(request: util.models.register_req):
+ db_check()
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username ="'+str(request.username)+'"'))
+ if user_obj == None:
+ id = user_register(request)
+ udata = dict(id=id, left_time=60)
+ db['users'].update(udata, ['id'])
+ result = util.user.add_to_basic_role(id)
+ print(result)
+ if type(id) is int:
+ code = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ db['register_veri_code'].insert({'code':code,'user_id':id})
+ try:
+ mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 : https://video.choozmo.com/verify_email.html?code='+code, request.email)
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Register success! Please check your mailbox to verify your email','zh':'註冊成功! 請至信箱收取驗證信'}}
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Invalid email address','zh':'無法寄送認證信!'}}
+ else :
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'error','zh':'error'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':user_obj['username']+' is duplicated user name try another','zh':user_obj['username']+'重複,請更改'}}
+async def register_by_invite(request: util.models.register_invite_req):
+ db_check()
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username ="'+str(request.username)+'"'))
+ if user_obj == None:
+ invcode = request.invite_code
+ sha = hashlib.sha256()
+ sha.update(str(time.time()).replace('.','').encode())
+ request.invite_code = sha.hexdigest()
+ id = user_register(request)
+ result = util.user.add_to_basic_role(id)
+ udata = dict(id=id, left_time=60)
+ db['users'].update(udata, ['id'])
+ if type(id) is int:
+ code = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ db['register_veri_code'].insert({'code':code,'user_id':id})
+ try:
+ mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 : https://video.choozmo.com/verify_email.html?code='+code, request.email)
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Invalid email address','zh':'無法寄送認證信!'}}
+ util.user.add_time_by_invite(invcode)
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Register success! Please login at previous page','zh':'註冊成功! 請回到上頁登入帳號'}}
+ else :
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'error','zh':'error'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':user_obj['username']+' is duplicated user name try another','zh':user_obj['username']+'重複,請更改'}}
+def logout(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+ Authorize.jwt_required()
+ Authorize.unset_jwt_cookies()
+ return {"msg": "ok"}
+def logout(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+ time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ db['jwt_black_list'].insert({'token':token,'datetime':time_stamp})
+ return {"msg": "ok"}
+async def get_role(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ user_id = util.user.get_user_id(token)
+ roles = util.user.get_user_role(user_id)
+ return roles
+async def get_role(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ return user_id
+async def get_role(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ user_id = util.user.get_user_id(token)
+ avatar_info = util.user.get_avatar_by_role(user_id)
+ return avatar_info
+async def verify_email(code):
+ db_check()
+ veri_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM register_veri_code where code ="'+str(code)+'"'))
+ if veri_obj != None:
+ db['register_veri_code'].delete(code=code)
+ return {"msg": "ok"}
+async def reset_pwd_page():
+ return FileResponse('static/reset_pwd_email.html')
+async def reset_pwd_page():
+ return FileResponse('static/reset_pwd.html')
+async def send_reset_pwd(user_id,email):
+ db_check()
+ code = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ db['reset_pw_code'].insert({'code':code,'user_id':user_id,'email':email})
+ msg = '請至點擊網址以重設密碼 : https://www.choozmo.com:8887/reset_pwd_page 通行碼為 '+ code
+ print(msg)
+ msg =msg.encode(encoding='utf-8')
+ print(msg)
+ print(type(user_id))
+ if int(user_id) != -1:
+ print('print at first place')
+ print(user_id)
+ user_dict = next(iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"')))
+ else:
+ user_id = util.user.get_id_by_email(email)
+ print(user_id)
+ user_dict = next(iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"')))
+ mailer.send(msg, user_dict['email'])
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+async def reset_password(req :util.models.reset_pwd):
+ db_check()
+ print(req.code)
+ veri_obj = next(iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM reset_pw_code where code ="'+str(req.code)+'"')))
+ print(veri_obj['user_id'])
+ user_id = util.user.get_id_by_email(veri_obj['email'])
+ print(user_id)
+ db.query('UPDATE users SET password = '+'"'+get_password_hash(req.password)+'" where id ='+str(user_id))
+ if veri_obj != None:
+ db['reset_pw_code'].delete(code=req.code)
+ return {"msg": "ok"}
+async def avatar():
+ return FileResponse('static/gen_avatar.html')
+async def swapFace(req:util.models.swap_req):
+ if 'http' not in req.imgurl:
+ req.imgurl= 'http://'+req.imgurl
+ try:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(req.imgurl, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_avatar, args=(name_hash,req.imgurl))
+ x.start()
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+async def create_upload_file(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
+ img_name = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ try:
+ if file.content_type=='video/mp4':
+ async with aiofiles.open(img_upload_folder+img_name+'.mp4', 'wb') as out_file:
+ content = await file.read()
+ await out_file.write(content)
+ return {"msg": resource_server+tmp_img_sub_folder+img_name+'.mp4'}
+ else:
+ contents = await file.read()
+ image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(contents))
+ image= image.convert("RGB")
+ image.save(img_upload_folder+img_name+'.jpg')
+ return {"msg": resource_server+tmp_img_sub_folder+img_name+'.jpg'}
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'file cant be prossessed','zh':'檔案無法使用'}}
+async def upload_pttx(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
+ try:
+ if "#" in file.filename:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol"#" is not allowed in file name','zh':'檔案無法使用檔名不能含有"#"符號'}}
+ else:
+ pttx_name = file.filename.replace('.pptx','#')+str(time.time()).replace('.','')+'.pptx'
+ with open(pttx_dest+pttx_name, "wb+") as file_object:
+ file_object.write(file.file.read())
+ return {"msg": resource_server+pttx_sub_folder+pttx_name}
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'file cant be prossessed','zh':'檔案無法使用'}}
+async def make_anchor_video_gSlide(req:util.models.gSlide_req,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ if req.url_type == 0:
+ name, text_content, image_urls = gSlide.parse_slide_url(req.slide_url,eng=False)
+ else :
+ filename = req.slide_url.replace(resource_server+pttx_sub_folder,resource_folder+pttx_sub_folder)
+ name, text_content, image_urls = gSlide.parse_pttx_url(filename,img_upload_folder,resource_server+tmp_img_sub_folder,eng=False)
+ if len(image_urls) != len(text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in image_urls[idx]:
+ image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+image_urls[idx]
+ mulitLang, hasError = Check_text_content(text_content)
+ if hasError is not False :
+ return hasError
+ imgError = Check_image_url(image_urls)
+ if imgError is not False :
+ return imgError
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ proto_req = util.models.request_normal()
+ proto_req.text_content = text_content
+ proto_req.name = name
+ proto_req.image_urls = image_urls
+ proto_req.avatar = req.avatar
+ proto_req.multiLang = req.multiLang
+ video_id = save_history(proto_req,name_hash,user_id)
+ freeTrial = 0
+ if 6 in util.user.get_user_role_list(user_id):
+ freeTrial = 1
+ print(freeTrial)
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue, args=(name_hash,name, text_content, image_urls,int(req.avatar),req.multiLang,video_id,user_id,freeTrial))
+ x.start()
+ return {"msg":"ok"}
+async def make_anchor_video_long(req:util.models.request,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ left_tag = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('{', req.text_content[0])]
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(left_tag):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ if req.multiLang==0:
+ for txt in req.text_content:
+ if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
+ print('語言錯誤')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'English is not allowed in subtitles','zh':'輸入字串不能包含英文字!'}}
+ if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
+ print('包含非法符號')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash,user_id)
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_long_queue, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,int(req.avatar),req.multiLang,video_id,user_id))
+ x.start()
+ returnMsg = ''
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ returnMsg = {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ returnMsg = {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return returnMsg
+async def make_anchor_video(req:util.models.request,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(req.text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ if req.multiLang==0:
+ for txt in req.text_content:
+ if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
+ print('語言錯誤')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'English is not allowed in subtitles','zh':'輸入字串不能包含英文字!'}}
+ if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
+ print('包含非法符號')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash,user_id)
+ freeTrial = 0
+ if 6 in util.user.get_user_role_list(user_id):
+ freeTrial = 1
+ print(freeTrial)
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,int(req.avatar),req.multiLang,video_id,user_id,freeTrial))
+ x.start()
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+#not auth
+async def make_anchor_video_noAuth(req:util.models.request):
+ db_check()
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(req.text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ if req.multiLang==0:
+ for txt in req.text_content:
+ if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
+ print('語言錯誤')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'English is not allowed in subtitles','zh':'輸入字串不能包含英文字!'}}
+ if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
+ print('包含非法符號')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash,user_id)
+ freeTrial = 0
+ if 6 in util.user.get_user_role_list(user_id):
+ freeTrial = 1
+ print(freeTrial)
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,int(req.avatar),req.multiLang,video_id,user_id,freeTrial))
+ x.start()
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+@app.post("/make_anchor_video_noAuth2" , response_class=JSONResponse)
+async def make_anchor_video_noAuth2(req:util.models.request):
+ db_check()
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(req.text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ if req.multiLang==0:
+ for txt in req.text_content:
+ if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
+ print('語言錯誤')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'English is not allowed in subtitles','zh':'輸入字串不能包含英文字!'}}
+ if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
+ print('包含非法符號')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash,-1)
+ freeTrial = 0
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,int(req.avatar),req.multiLang,video_id,-1,freeTrial))
+ x.start()
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+async def make_anchor_video_eng(req:util.models.request_eng,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(req.sub_titles) or len(req.sub_titles) != len(req.text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash, user_id)
+ freeTrial = 0
+ if 6 in util.user.get_user_role_list(user_id):
+ freeTrial = 1
+ print(freeTrial)
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue_eng, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,req.sub_titles,int(req.avatar),video_id,user_id,freeTrial))
+ x.start()
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return {"msg":"ok"}
+async def make_anchor_video_eng(req:util.models.request_eng):
+ db_check()
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(req.sub_titles) or len(req.sub_titles) != len(req.text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash, -1)
+ freeTrial = 1
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue_eng, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,req.sub_titles,int(req.avatar),video_id,-1,freeTrial))
+ x.start()
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return {"msg":"ok"}
+async def make_anchor_video_eng(req:util.models.request_eng):
+ db_check()
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(req.sub_titles) or len(req.sub_titles) != len(req.text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash, -1)
+ freeTrial = 1
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue_eng, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,req.sub_titles,int(req.avatar),video_id,-1,freeTrial))
+ x.start()
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return {"msg":"ok"}
+async def save_draft(req:util.models.video_draft,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for txt in req.text_content:
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot += txt+","
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = txt_content_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for iurl in req.image_urls:
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot += iurl+","
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = img_urls_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+ time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ if req.id==-1:
+ pk = db['draft'].insert({'title':req.title,'text_content':txt_content_seperate_by_dot,'image_urls':img_urls_seperate_by_dot
+ ,'user_id':user_id,'avatar':req.avatar,'multiLang':req.multiLang,'time_stamp':time_stamp})
+ else:
+ db['draft'].update({'id':req.id,'title':req.title,'text_content':txt_content_seperate_by_dot,'image_urls':img_urls_seperate_by_dot
+ ,'user_id':user_id,'avatar':req.avatar,'multiLang':req.multiLang,'time_stamp':time_stamp},['id'])
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+async def draft_list(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM draft WHERE user_id='+str(user_id)+' ORDER BY time_stamp DESC LIMIT 50'
+ logs = []
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ logs.append({'id':row['id'],'title':row['title'],'avatar':row['avatar'],'mulitLang':row['multiLang']
+ ,'text_content':row['text_content'].split(','),'image_urls':row['image_urls'].split(',')})
+ return logs
+async def del_draft(id_obj:util.models.id_obj,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM draft WHERE user_id="'+str(user_id)+'" and id ="'+str(id_obj.id)+'"'
+ if first(db.query(statement)) is not None:
+ db['draft'].delete(id=id_obj.id)
+ else:
+ return {'msg':'wrong id'}
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+async def history_input_old(request: Request, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
+ db_check()
+ Authorize.jwt_required()
+ current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_subject()
+ user_id = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username="' + current_user +'"'))['id']
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM history_input WHERE user_id="'+str(user_id)+'" ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 50'
+ logs = []
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ logs.append({'id':row['id'],'name':row['name'],'text_content':row['text_content'].split(','),'link':row['link'],'image_urls':row['image_urls'].split(',')})
+ return logs
+async def history_input(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
+ db_check()
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"'))
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM history_input WHERE user_id="'+str(user_id)+'" ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 50'
+ logs = []
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ logs.append({'id':row['id'],'name':row['name'],'avatar':row['avatar'],'text_content':row['text_content'].split(','),'link':row['link'],'image_urls':row['image_urls'].split(',')})
+ return logs
+async def history_input_noAuth():
+ db_check()
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM history_input ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 50'
+ logs = []
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ logs.append({'id':row['id'],'name':row['name'],'avatar':row['avatar'],'text_content':row['text_content'].split(','),'link':row['link'],'image_urls':row['image_urls'].split(',')})
+ return logs
+def get_config():
+ return util.models.Settings()
+def authjwt_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: AuthJWTException):
+ return JSONResponse(
+ status_code=exc.status_code,
+ content={"detail": exc.message}
+ )
+def get_user_id(token):
+ db_check()
+ credentials_exception = HTTPException(
+ status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+ detail="Could not validate credentials",
+ headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
+ )
+ try:
+ payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM])
+ username: str = payload.get("sub")
+ if username is None:
+ raise credentials_exception
+ token_data = util.models.TokenData(username=username)
+ except JWTError:
+ raise credentials_exception
+ user = get_user(username=token_data.username)
+ if user is None:
+ raise credentials_exception
+ user_id = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username="' + user.username+'"'))['id']
+ return user_id
+def check_user_exists(username):
+ db_check()
+ if int(next(iter(db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AI_anchor.users WHERE username = "'+username+'"')))['COUNT(*)']) > 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def get_user(username: str):
+ if not check_user_exists(username): # if user don't exist
+ return False
+ user_dict = next(
+ iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM AI_anchor.users where username ="'+username+'"')))
+ user = util.models.User(**user_dict)
+ return user
+def user_register(user):
+ db_check()
+ table = db['users']
+ user.password = get_password_hash(user.password)
+ id = table.insert(dict(user))
+ return id
+def get_password_hash(password):
+ return pwd_context.hash(password)
+def verify_password(plain_password, hashed_password):
+ return pwd_context.verify(plain_password, hashed_password)
+def authenticate_user(username: str, password: str):
+ db_check()
+ if not check_user_exists(username): # if user don't exist
+ return False
+ user_dict = next(iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM AI_anchor.users where username ="'+username+'"')))
+ user = util.models.User(**user_dict)
+ if not verify_password(password, user.password):
+ return False
+ return user
+def create_access_token(data: dict, expires_delta):
+ to_encode = data.copy()
+ expire = datetime.utcnow() + expires_delta
+ to_encode.update({"exp": expire})
+ encoded_jwt = jwt.encode(to_encode, SECRET_KEY, algorithm=ALGORITHM)
+ return encoded_jwt
+def save_history(req,name_hash,user_id):
+ db_check()
+ log_table = db['history_input']
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for txt in req.text_content:
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot += txt+","
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = txt_content_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for iurl in req.image_urls:
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot += iurl+","
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = img_urls_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+ time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ pk = log_table.insert({'name':req.name,'text_content':txt_content_seperate_by_dot,'image_urls':img_urls_seperate_by_dot
+ ,'user_id':user_id,'link':'www.choozmo.com:8168/'+video_sub_folder+name_hash+'.mp4','avatar':req.avatar,'timestamp':time_stamp})
+ return pk
+def get_url_type(url):
+ req = urllib.request.Request(url, method='HEAD', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
+ r = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+ contentType = r.getheader('Content-Type')
+ return contentType
+def notify_group(msg):
+ #'WekCRfnAirSiSxALiD6gcm0B56EejsoK89zFbIaiZQD' is ChoozmoTeam
+ glist=['7vilzohcyQMPLfAMRloUawiTV4vtusZhxv8Czo7AJX8','WekCRfnAirSiSxALiD6gcm0B56EejsoK89zFbIaiZQD','1dbtJHbWVbrooXmQqc4r8OyRWDryjD4TMJ6DiDsdgsX','HOB1kVNgIb81tTB4Ort1BfhVp9GFo6NlToMQg88vEhh']
+ for gid in glist:
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + gid,"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
+ r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params={"message": msg})
+def notify_choozmo(msg):
+ #'WekCRfnAirSiSxALiD6gcm0B56EejsoK89zFbIaiZQD' is ChoozmoTeam
+ glist = ['WekCRfnAirSiSxALiD6gcm0B56EejsoK89zFbIaiZQD']
+ for gid in glist:
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + gid,"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
+ r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params={"message": msg})
+def Check_text_content(text_content):
+ mulitLang = 0
+ status = False
+ for txt in text_content:
+ if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
+ mulitLang = 1
+ if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
+ print('包含非法符號')
+ status = {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ return mulitLang, status
+def Check_image_url(image_urls):
+ status =False
+ for imgu in image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ status = {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ return status
+def gen_video_long_queue(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,avatar,multiLang,video_id,user_id):
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+ if name_hash == 'keepRunning':
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="longvideo"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
+ return
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0;')
+ print('start clear long video')
+ else:
+ time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for txt in text_content:
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot += txt+","
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = txt_content_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for iurl in image_urls:
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot += iurl+","
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = img_urls_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ db['video_queue'].insert({'name_hash':name_hash,'name':name,'text_content':txt_content_seperate_by_dot
+ ,'image_urls':img_urls_seperate_by_dot,'multiLang':multiLang,'video_type':'longvideo','avatar':avatar,'timestamp':time_stamp})
+ while True:
+ if first(db.query('SELECT * FROM video_queue_status'))['status'] == 1:#only one row in this table, which is the id 1 one
+ print('another process running, leave loop')#1 means already running
+ break
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="longvideo"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
+ print('all finish, leave loop')
+ break
+ top1 = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM video_queue where video_type="longvideo"'))
+ try:
+ # if True:
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 1;')
+ c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 8858)
+ c._config['sync_request_timeout'] = None
+ remote_svc = c.root
+ my_answer = remote_svc.call_video_gen(top1['name_hash'],top1['name'],top1['text_content'].split(','), top1['image_urls'].split(','),top1['multiLang'],top1['avatar']) # method call
+ shutil.copy(tmp_video_dir+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4',video_dest+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4')
+ os.remove(tmp_video_dir+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4')
+ vid_duration = VideoFileClip(video_dest+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4').duration
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"'))
+ line_token = user_obj['line_token'] # aa
+ left_time = user_obj['left_time']
+ email = user_obj['email']
+ print('left_time is '+str(left_time))
+ db.query('UPDATE history_input SET duration ='+str(vid_duration)+' WHERE id='+str(video_id)+';')
+ if left_time is None:
+ left_time = 5*60
+ if left_time < vid_duration:
+ msg = '您本月額度剩下'+str(left_time)+'秒,此部影片有'+str(vid_duration)+'秒, 若要繼續產生影片請至'+name_hash+' 加值'
+ print(msg)
+ msg =msg.encode(encoding='utf-8')
+ mailer.send_left_not_enough(msg, email)
+ #notify_line_user(msg, line_token)
+ notify_group(name+":帳號餘額不足,請至email查看詳細資訊")
+ else:
+ left_time = left_time - vid_duration
+ db.query('UPDATE users SET left_time ='+str(left_time)+' WHERE id='+str(user_id)+';')
+ notify_group(name+"的影片已經產生完成囉! www.choozmo.com:8168/"+video_sub_folder+name_hash+".mp4")
+ #notify_line_user(name+"的影片已經產生完成囉! www.choozmo.com:8168/"+video_sub_folder+name_hash+".mp4", line_token)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ print('video generation error')
+ notify_group('長影片錯誤-測試')
+ db['video_queue'].delete(id=top1['id'])
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0')
+ db.close()
+def gen_video_queue(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,avatar,multiLang,video_id,user_id,freeTrial):
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+ if name_hash == 'keepRunning':
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="short"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
+ return
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0;')
+ print('start clear short video')
+ else:
+ time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for txt in text_content:
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot += txt+","
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = txt_content_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for iurl in image_urls:
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot += iurl+","
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = img_urls_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ db['video_queue'].insert({'name_hash':name_hash,'name':name,'text_content':txt_content_seperate_by_dot
+ ,'image_urls':img_urls_seperate_by_dot,'multiLang':multiLang,'video_type':'short','avatar':avatar,'timestamp':time_stamp,'freeTrial':freeTrial})
+ while True:
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+ if first(db.query('SELECT * FROM video_queue_status'))['status'] == 1:#only one row in this table, which is the id 1 one
+ print('another process running, leave loop')#1 means already running
+ break
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="short"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
+ print('all finish, leave loop')
+ break
+ try:
+ db.close()
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+ top1 = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM video_queue where video_type="short"'))
+ print(top1)
+ print(top1['name_hash'])
+ # if True:
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 1;')
+ c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 8858)
+ c._config['sync_request_timeout'] = None
+ remote_svc = c.root
+ my_answer = remote_svc.call_video(top1['name_hash'],top1['name'],top1['text_content'].split(','), top1['image_urls'].split(','),top1['multiLang'],top1['avatar'],top1['freeTrial']) # method call
+ shutil.copy(tmp_video_dir+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4',video_dest+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4')
+ os.remove(tmp_video_dir+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4')
+ vid_duration = VideoFileClip(video_dest+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4').duration
+ line_token=''
+ left_time=10000
+ email=''
+ if user_id!=-1:
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"'))
+ line_token = user_obj['line_token'] # aa
+ left_time = user_obj['left_time']
+ email = user_obj['email']
+ print('left_time is '+str(left_time))
+ db.query('UPDATE history_input SET duration ='+str(vid_duration)+' WHERE id='+str(video_id)+';')
+ if left_time is None:
+ left_time = 5*60
+ if left_time < vid_duration and freeTrial!=1:
+ msg = '您本月額度剩下'+str(left_time)+'秒,此部影片有'+str(vid_duration)+'秒, 若要繼續產生影片請至'+name_hash+' 加值'
+ print(msg)
+ msg =msg.encode(encoding='utf-8')
+ mailer.send_left_not_enough(msg, email)
+ notify_group(msg)
+ #notify_line_user(msg, line_token)
+ else:
+ left_time = left_time - vid_duration
+ if user_id != -1:
+ db.query('UPDATE users SET left_time ='+str(left_time)+' WHERE id='+str(user_id)+';')
+ notify_group(top1['name']+"的影片已經產生完成囉! www.choozmo.com:8168/"+video_sub_folder+top1['name_hash']+".mp4")
+ #notify_line_user(name+"的影片已經產生完成囉! www.choozmo.com:8168/"+video_sub_folder+name_hash+".mp4", line_token)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ print('video generation error')
+ notify_group('影片錯誤')
+ db['video_queue'].delete(id=top1['id'])
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0')
+ db.close()
+ db.close()
+def gen_video_queue_eng(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,sub_titles,avatar,video_id,user_id,freeTrial):
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+ if name_hash == 'keepRunning':
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="eng"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
+ return
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0;')
+ print('start clear eng video')
+ else:
+ time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for txt in text_content:
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot += txt+","
+ txt_content_seperate_by_dot = txt_content_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for iurl in image_urls:
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot += iurl+","
+ img_urls_seperate_by_dot = img_urls_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ subtitles_seperate_by_dot = ''
+ for sub in sub_titles:
+ subtitles_seperate_by_dot += sub+","
+ subtitles_seperate_by_dot = subtitles_seperate_by_dot[:-1]
+ db['video_queue'].insert({'name_hash':name_hash,'name':name,'text_content':txt_content_seperate_by_dot
+ ,'image_urls':img_urls_seperate_by_dot,'subtitles':subtitles_seperate_by_dot,'video_type':'eng','avatar':avatar,'timestamp':time_stamp,'freeTrial':freeTrial})
+ while True:
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+ if first(db.query('SELECT * FROM video_queue_status'))['status'] == 1:#only one row in this table, which is the id 1 one
+ print('another process running, leave loop')#1 means already running
+ break
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="eng"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
+ print('all finish, leave loop')
+ break
+ try:
+ db.close()
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+ top1 = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM video_queue where video_type="eng"'))
+ print(top1)
+ print(top1['name_hash'])
+ # if True:
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 1;')
+ c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 8858)
+ c._config['sync_request_timeout'] = None
+ remote_svc = c.root
+ my_answer = remote_svc.call_video_eng(top1['name_hash'],top1['name'],top1['text_content'].split(','), top1['image_urls'].split(','),top1['subtitles'].split(','),top1['avatar'],top1['freeTrial']) # method call
+ shutil.copy(tmp_video_dir+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4',video_dest+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4')
+ os.remove(tmp_video_dir+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4')
+ vid_duration = VideoFileClip(video_dest+top1['name_hash']+'.mp4').duration
+ line_token=''
+ left_time=10000
+ email=''
+ if user_id!=-1:
+ user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where id ="'+str(user_id)+'"'))
+ line_token = user_obj['line_token'] # aa
+ left_time = user_obj['left_time']
+ email = user_obj['email']
+ print('left_time is '+str(left_time))
+ db.query('UPDATE history_input SET duration ='+str(vid_duration)+' WHERE id='+str(video_id)+';')
+ if left_time is None:
+ left_time = 5*60
+ if left_time < vid_duration and freeTrial!=1:
+ msg = '您本月額度剩下'+str(left_time)+'秒,此部影片有'+str(vid_duration)+'秒, 若要繼續產生影片請至'+name_hash+' 加值'
+ print(msg)
+ msg =msg.encode(encoding='utf-8')
+ mailer.send_left_not_enough(msg, email)
+ notify_group(msg)
+ #notify_line_user(msg, line_token)
+ else:
+ left_time = left_time - vid_duration
+ if user_id != -1:
+ db.query('UPDATE users SET left_time ='+str(left_time)+' WHERE id='+str(user_id)+';')
+ notify_group(top1['name']+"的影片(ENG)已經產生完成囉! www.choozmo.com:8168/"+video_sub_folder+top1['name_hash']+".mp4")
+ #notify_line_user(name+"的影片已經產生完成囉! www.choozmo.com:8168/"+video_sub_folder+name_hash+".mp4", line_token)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ print('video generation error')
+ notify_group('影片錯誤')
+ db['video_queue'].delete(id=top1['id'])
+ db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0')
+ db.close()
+ db.close()
+def gen_avatar(name_hash, imgurl):
+ db_check()
+ db['avatar_queue'].insert({'name_hash':name_hash,'imgurl':imgurl})
+ while True:
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM avatar_service_status'#only one row in this table, which is the id 1 one
+ status = -1
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ status = row['status']
+ if status == 1:
+ print('leave process loop')
+ break
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM avatar_queue'
+ works = []
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ works.append({'id':row['id'],'name_hash':row['name_hash'],'imgurl':row['imgurl']})
+ if len(works)==0:
+ print('leave process loop')
+ break
+ try:
+ statement = 'UPDATE avatar_service_status SET status = 1 WHERE id=1;'
+ db.query(statement)
+ name_hash = works[0]['name_hash']
+ imgurl = works[0]['imgurl']
+ c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 8868)
+ c._config['sync_request_timeout'] = None
+ remote_svc = c.root
+ my_answer = remote_svc.call_avatar(name_hash,imgurl) # method call
+ shutil.copy(tmp_avatar_dir+name_hash+'.mp4',avatar_dest+name_hash+'.mp4')
+ os.remove(tmp_avatar_dir+name_hash+'.mp4')
+ except:
+ print('gen error')
+ notify_group('無法辨識人臉')
+ db['avatar_queue'].delete(id=works[0]['id'])
+ statement = 'UPDATE avatar_service_status SET status = 0 WHERE id=1;' #only one row in this table, which id 1 one
+ db.query(statement)
+def call_voice(text):
+ c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 8858)
+ c._config['sync_request_timeout'] = None
+ remote_svc = c.root
+ my_answer = remote_svc.make_speech(text) # method call
+ src_path = '/home/ming/AI_Anchor/OpenshotService/speech.mp3'
+ shutil.copy(src_path,'/home/ming/speech.mp3')
+ os.remove(src_path)
+class text_in(BaseModel):
+ text: str
+async def make_voice(in_text:text_in):
+ x = threading.Thread(target=call_voice, args=(in_text.text,))
+ x.start()
+async def make_voice(req:util.models.speech_req):
+ call_speech(req.text,req.speaker)
+ return {'msg':'wait please'}
+def call_speech(text,speaker):
+ conn = rpyc.classic.connect("",8838)
+ ros = conn.modules.os
+ ros.system('docker exec -it mingc_tts bash gen_speech.sh '+text+' '+speaker)
+ while True:
+ print('waiting...')
+ if ros.path.exists('/home/ming/workspace/TTS_fs2/fast_speech2_ming024/output/result/AISHELL3/'+text+'.wav'):
+ break
+ time.sleep(5)
+ print('waiting...')
+ fr=conn.builtins.open('/home/ming/workspace/TTS_fs2/fast_speech2_ming024/output/result/AISHELL3/'+text+'.wav','rb')
+ fw=open(text+'.wav','wb')
+ while True:
+ b=fr.read(1024)
+ if b:
+ fw.write(b)
+ else:
+ break
+ fr.close()
+ fw.close()
+ shutil.copy(text+'.wav',speech_dest+text+'.wav')
+ os.remove(text+'.wav')
+ notify_choozmo("speech at www.choozmo.com:8168/speech/"+text+".wav")
+def verify_jwt_token(token):
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jwt_black_list where token="'+token+'"'))['COUNT(*)'] == 0:
+ return 'ok'
+ else:
+ return 'please login again'
+def db_check():
+ global db
+ if db!=None:
+ db.close()
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
+def clear_video_queue():
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue_eng, args=('keepRunning','', '', '','','','',-1,0))
+ x.start()
+ x2 = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue, args=('keepRunning','', '', '','','','',-1,0))
+ x2.start()
+ x3 = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_long_queue, args=('keepRunning','', '', '','','','',''))
+ x3.start()