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fix register

ming 3 years ago
2 changed files with 90 additions and 93 deletions
  1. 18 21
  2. 72 72

+ 18 - 21

@@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ async def register_old(request: Request):
     user = models.User(**await request.form())
     user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username ="'+str(user.username)+'"'))
     if user_obj == None:
-        user_register(user)
-        user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username ="'+str(request.username)+'"'))
-        veri_table = db['register_veri_code']
-        code = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
-        veri_table.insert({'code':code,'user_id':user_obj['id']})
-        mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 :'+code, user_obj['email'])
-        return '註冊成功! 請回到上頁登入帳號'
+        id = user_register(user)
+        if type(id) is int:
+            code = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+            db['register_veri_code'].insert({'code':code,'user_id':id})
+            mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 :'+code,
+            return '註冊成功! 請回到上頁登入帳號'
+        else :
+            return {'msg':'error'}
         #return templates.TemplateResponse("make_video.html", {"request": request, "success": True},status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND)
         #return templates.TemplateResponse("login.html", {'request': request,"success": True}, status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND)
@@ -225,19 +225,16 @@ async def register_old(request: Request):
 async def register(request: models.register_req):
     db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
     user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username ="'+str(request.username)+'"'))
     if user_obj == None:
-        if user_register(request):
-            print(request.username)
-            user_obj = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username ="'+request.username+'"'))
-            veri_table = db['register_veri_code']
+        id = user_register(user)
+        if type(id) is int:
             code = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
-            veri_table.insert({'code':code,'user_id':user_obj['id']})
-            mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 :'+code, user_obj['email'])
-            return {'msg':'ok'}
-        else:
-            return {'msg': '內部錯誤'}
+            db['register_veri_code'].insert({'code':code,'user_id':id})
+            mailer.register_verify('請至點擊網址驗證 :'+code,
+            return '註冊成功! 請回到上頁登入帳號'
+        else :
+            return {'msg':'error'}
         return {'msg':request.username+':使用者名稱重複,請更改'}
@@ -509,8 +506,8 @@ def user_register(user):
     db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
     table = db['users']
     user.password = get_password_hash(user.password)
-    table.insert(dict(user))
-    return True
+    id = table.insert(dict(user))
+    return id
 def get_password_hash(password):
     return pwd_context.hash(password)

+ 72 - 72

@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-class user_util():
-    def get_user_id(self, token):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        credentials_exception = HTTPException(
-            status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
-            detail="Could not validate credentials",
-            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
-        )
-        try:
-            payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM])
-            username: str = payload.get("sub")
-            if username is None:
-                raise credentials_exception
-            token_data = models.TokenData(username=username)
-        except JWTError:
+def get_user_id(token):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    credentials_exception = HTTPException(
+        status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+        detail="Could not validate credentials",
+        headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
+    )
+    try:
+        payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM])
+        username: str = payload.get("sub")
+        if username is None:
             raise credentials_exception
-        user = get_user(username=token_data.username)
-        if user is None:
-            raise credentials_exception
-        user_id = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username="' + user.username+'"'))['id']
-        return user_id
+        token_data = models.TokenData(username=username)
+    except JWTError:
+        raise credentials_exception
+    user = get_user(username=token_data.username)
+    if user is None:
+        raise credentials_exception
+    user_id = first(db.query('SELECT * FROM users where username="' + user.username+'"'))['id']
+    return user_id
+def check_user_exists( username):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    if int(next(iter(db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AI_anchor.users WHERE username = "'+username+'"')))['COUNT(*)']) > 0:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
-    def check_user_exists(self, username):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        if int(next(iter(db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AI_anchor.users WHERE username = "'+username+'"')))['COUNT(*)']) > 0:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
+def get_user( username: str):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    if not check_user_exists(username):  # if user don't exist
+        return False
+    user_dict = next(
+        iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM AI_anchor.users where username ="'+username+'"')))
+    user = models.User(**user_dict)
+    return user
+def user_register( user):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    table = db['users']
+    user.password = get_password_hash(user.password)
+    table.insert(dict(user))
-    def get_user(self, username: str):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        if not check_user_exists(username):  # if user don't exist
-            return False
-        user_dict = next(
-            iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM AI_anchor.users where username ="'+username+'"')))
-        user = models.User(**user_dict)
-        return user
-    def user_register(self, user):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        table = db['users']
-        user.password = get_password_hash(user.password)
-        table.insert(dict(user))
+def get_password_hash( password):
+    return pwd_context.hash(password)
+def verify_password( plain_password, hashed_password):
+    return pwd_context.verify(plain_password, hashed_password)
+def authenticate_user( username: str, password: str):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    if not check_user_exists(username):  # if user don't exist
+        return False
+    user_dict = next(iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM AI_anchor.users where username ="'+username+'"')))
+    user = models.User(**user_dict)
+    if not verify_password(password, user.password):
+        return False
+    return user
-    def get_password_hash(self, password):
-        return pwd_context.hash(password)
-    def verify_password(self, plain_password, hashed_password):
-        return pwd_context.verify(plain_password, hashed_password)
-    def authenticate_user(self, username: str, password: str):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        if not check_user_exists(username):  # if user don't exist
-            return False
-        user_dict = next(iter(db.query('SELECT * FROM AI_anchor.users where username ="'+username+'"')))
-        user = models.User(**user_dict)
-        if not verify_password(password, user.password):
-            return False
-        return user
+def get_roles( username):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    state = 'SELECT * FROM user_role '\
+    'INNER JOIN users on user_role.user_id='\
+    'INNER JOIN role on user_role.role_id = '\
+    'WHERE username=username'
+    role_list = []
+    for row in db.query(statement):
+        role_list.append({'id':row['role_id'],'name':row['name']})
+    return role_list
+def add_role( username,role_id):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    user_role_table = db['user_role']
+    user_role_table.insert({'user_id':,'role_id':role_id})
-    def get_roles(self, username):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        state = 'SELECT * FROM user_role '\
-        'INNER JOIN users on user_role.user_id='\
-        'INNER JOIN role on user_role.role_id = '\
-        'WHERE username=username'
-        role_list = []
-        for row in db.query(statement):
-            role_list.append({'id':row['role_id'],'name':row['name']})
-        return role_list
-    def add_role(self, username,role_id):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        user_role_table = db['user_role']
-        user_role_table.insert({'user_id':,'role_id':role_id})
+def get_user_id( username):
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
+    return str(first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history_input WHERE user_id ='+str(user_obj['id'])))['COUNT(*)'])
-    def get_user_id(self, username):
-        db = dataset.connect('mysql://')
-        return str(first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history_input WHERE user_id ='+str(user_obj['id'])))['COUNT(*)'])