@@ -415,10 +415,10 @@ async def create_upload_file(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
async def upload_pttx(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
- if "_" in file.filename:
- return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol"_" is not allowed in file name','zh':'檔案無法使用檔名不能含有"_"符號'}}
+ if "#" in file.filename:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol"#" is not allowed in file name','zh':'檔案無法使用檔名不能含有"#"符號'}}
- pttx_name = file.filename+'_'+str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ pttx_name = file.filename.replace('.pptx','#')+str(time.time()).replace('.','')+'.pptx'
with open(pttx_dest+pttx_name, "wb+") as file_object:
return {"msg": resource_server+pttx_sub_folder+pttx_name}
@@ -426,7 +426,6 @@ async def upload_pttx(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
return {'msg':{'eng':'file cant be prossessed','zh':'檔案無法使用'}}
async def make_anchor_video_gSlide(req:util.models.gSlide_req,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
if req.url_type == 0:
@@ -434,29 +433,23 @@ async def make_anchor_video_gSlide(req:util.models.gSlide_req,token: str = Depen
else :
filename = req.slide_url.replace(resource_server+pttx_sub_folder,resource_folder+pttx_sub_folder)
name, text_content, image_urls = gSlide.parse_pttx_url(filename,img_upload_folder,resource_server+tmp_img_sub_folder,eng=False)
if len(image_urls) != len(text_content):
return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
for idx in range(len(image_urls)):
if 'http' not in image_urls[idx]:
image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+image_urls[idx]
- if req.multiLang==0:
- for txt in text_content:
- if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
- print('語言錯誤')
- return {'msg':{'eng':'English is not allowed in subtitles','zh':'輸入字串不能包含英文字!'}}
- if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
- print('包含非法符號')
- return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ mulitLang, hasError = Check_text_content(text_content)
+ if hasError is not False :
+ return hasError
+ imgError = Check_image_url(image_urls)
+ if imgError is not False :
+ return imgError
name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
- for imgu in image_urls:
- try:
- if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
- r=requests.get(imgu)
- else:
- im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
- im= im.convert("RGB")
- except:
- return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
user_id = get_user_id(token)
proto_req = util.models.request_normal()
proto_req.text_content = text_content
@@ -508,7 +501,6 @@ async def make_anchor_video_long(req:util.models.request,token: str = Depends(oa
returnMsg = {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
return returnMsg
async def make_anchor_video(req:util.models.request,token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
@@ -540,6 +532,43 @@ async def make_anchor_video(req:util.models.request,token: str = Depends(oauth2_
x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,int(req.avatar),req.multiLang,video_id,user_id))
+ if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
+ else:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'Processing video requires a few minutes, please wait for notification','zh':'影片處理需要數分鐘,請等待通知'}}
+ return {'msg':'ok'}
+#not auth
+async def make_anchor_video_noAuth(req:util.models.request):
+ db_check()
+ if len(req.image_urls) != len(req.text_content):
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'number of subtitles and images(videos) should be the same','zh':'副標題數量、圖片(影片)數量以及台詞數量必須一致'}}
+ for idx in range(len(req.image_urls)):
+ if 'http' not in req.image_urls[idx]:
+ req.image_urls[idx] = 'http://'+req.image_urls[idx]
+ if req.multiLang==0:
+ for txt in req.text_content:
+ if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
+ print('語言錯誤')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'English is not allowed in subtitles','zh':'輸入字串不能包含英文字!'}}
+ if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
+ print('包含非法符號')
+ return {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ name_hash = str(time.time()).replace('.','')
+ for imgu in req.image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ return {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ user_id = get_user_id(token)
+ video_id = save_history(req,name_hash,user_id)
+ x = threading.Thread(target=gen_video_queue, args=(name_hash,req.name, req.text_content, req.image_urls,int(req.avatar),req.multiLang,video_id,user_id))
+ x.start()
if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue'))['COUNT(1)'] >= 3:
return {'msg':{'eng':'There are many videos have been processing, please wait.','zh':'目前有多部影片處理中,煩請耐心等候'}}
@@ -654,6 +683,15 @@ async def history_input(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
return logs
+async def history_input_noAuth():
+ db_check()
+ statement = 'SELECT * FROM history_input ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 50'
+ logs = []
+ for row in db.query(statement):
+ logs.append({'id':row['id'],'name':row['name'],'avatar':row['avatar'],'text_content':row['text_content'].split(','),'link':row['link'],'image_urls':row['image_urls'].split(',')})
+ return logs
@@ -763,9 +801,40 @@ def notify_group(msg):
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + gid,"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params={"message": msg})
+def notify_choozmo(msg):
+ #'WekCRfnAirSiSxALiD6gcm0B56EejsoK89zFbIaiZQD' is ChoozmoTeam
+ glist = ['WekCRfnAirSiSxALiD6gcm0B56EejsoK89zFbIaiZQD']
+ for gid in glist:
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + gid,"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
+ r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params={"message": msg})
+def Check_text_content(text_content):
+ mulitLang = 0
+ status = False
+ for txt in text_content:
+ if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', txt) !=None:
+ mulitLang = 1
+ if re.search(',', txt) !=None:
+ print('包含非法符號')
+ status = {'msg':{'eng':'symbol "," is not allowede','zh':'輸入不能含有","符號'}}
+ return mulitLang, status
+def Check_image_url(image_urls):
+ status =False
+ for imgu in image_urls:
+ try:
+ if get_url_type(imgu) =='video/mp4':
+ r=requests.get(imgu)
+ else:
+ im = Image.open(requests.get(imgu, stream=True).raw)
+ im= im.convert("RGB")
+ except:
+ status = {'msg':{'eng':req.imgurl+'cant be proccessed','zh':"無法辨別圖片網址"+req.imgurl}}
+ return status
def gen_video_long_queue(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,avatar,multiLang,video_id,user_id):
- db_check()
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
if name_hash == 'keepRunning':
if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="longvideo"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
@@ -829,9 +898,10 @@ def gen_video_long_queue(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,avatar,multiLan
db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0')
+ db.close()
def gen_video_queue(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,avatar,multiLang,video_id,user_id):
- db_check()
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
if name_hash == 'keepRunning':
if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="short"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
@@ -895,9 +965,10 @@ def gen_video_queue(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,avatar,multiLang,vid
db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0')
+ db.close()
def gen_video_queue_eng(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,sub_titles,avatar,video_id):
- db_check()
+ db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')
if name_hash == 'keepRunning':
if first(db.query('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM video_queue where video_type="eng"'))['COUNT(1)'] == 0:
@@ -941,6 +1012,7 @@ def gen_video_queue_eng(name_hash,name,text_content, image_urls,sub_titles,avata
db.query('UPDATE video_queue_status SET status = 0')
+ db.close()
def gen_avatar(name_hash, imgurl):
@@ -1029,7 +1101,7 @@ def call_speech(text,speaker):
- notify_group("speech at www.choozmo.com:8168/speech/"+text+".wav")
+ notify_choozmo("speech at www.choozmo.com:8168/speech/"+text+".wav")
def verify_jwt_token(token):
@@ -1042,7 +1114,8 @@ def verify_jwt_token(token):
return 'please login again'
def db_check():
global db
- db.close()
+ if db!=None:
+ db.close()
db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/AI_anchor?charset=utf8mb4')