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"trial_txt": "透過社群分享專屬連結,邀請好友註冊 AI Spokesgirl,凡是好友透過連結註冊成功,您可以免費獲得2分鐘製作額度。",
"share": "分享",
"close": "關閉",
- "video_long_title": "長影片範例"
+ "video_long_title": "長影片範例",
+ "index-usecases": "應用情境",
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+ "usecase_2": "教育培訓",
+ "usecase_3": "氣象播報",
+ "usecase_4": "新聞播報",
+ "usecase_5": "個人內容創作",
+ "usecase_6": "觀光導覽",
+ "usecase_7": "展覽導覽",
+ "usecase_8": "廣告行銷",
+ "hero_title": "製作影片 一鍵合成",
+ "hero_txt1": "輸入文字素材,即速產生影片,創作影片,不再需要錄影機、演員、麥克風繁雜器材。大幅省下時間、人力、器材成本。",
+ "Virtual_Anchor":"虛擬AI擬真主播",
+ "Virtual_Anchor_text":"匯集多種AI智能技術、能說各種國外語言、技術強大快速部屬、影片經濟效益大、無論內銷外銷、嘴型真實感。",
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+ "index-sec02-m":"static/img/index/组 29-m.webp",
var en = {
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"trial_txt": "Invite your friends to AI Spokesgirl and for each eligible one that signs up from your referral, we'll give you 2 more minutes free!",
"share": "Share:",
"close": "Close",
- "video_long_title": "Long Video Demo"
+ "video_long_title": "Long Video Demo",
+ "index-usecases": "Use Cases",
+ "usecase_1": "Product Walkthrough",
+ "usecase_2": "Learning & Development",
+ "usecase_3": "Weather Report",
+ "usecase_4": "News Report",
+ "usecase_5": "Personal Creation",
+ "usecase_6": "Sightseeing Guide",
+ "usecase_7": "Museum Guide",
+ "usecase_8": "Marketing",
+ "hero_title": "Create AI video at a click!",
+ "hero_txt1": "No more actors, cameras and microphones.Make a video by typing and clicking in 3 steps.AI Spokesgirl saves you time and money.",
+ "Virtual_Anchor": "Virtual Anchor",
+ "Virtual_Anchor_text":"Create video from text. make a video in 3 steps. produce in more than 20 languages. get video in minutes. a variety of avatars available.",
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+ "index-sec02-m":"static/img/index/Group 30.webp",
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