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Please Provide an Image Link Corresponding to a Line as a Collocation", "sup_img_profile": "2. Support File Format:", "submit_to_wait": "3. After Clicking Submit, You Will Need To Wait For A Period Of Time For The Production Of The Video. Please Wait Patiently. You Can Check It At The Notification URL When The Production Is Completed.", "add_eng": "Allow English Lines:", "submit": "Submit", "privacy_term": "I Agree to privacy policy and terms of use.", "newHere": "New here?", "goRegister": "REGISTER", "pricing" : "Pricing", "errorEmail": "Please enter valid Email format.", "errorPsd": "Passwords must be at least 4 characters long.", "used": "Already Used", "left": "Left", "sec": "Sec", "username": "User Name", "password": "password", "resetPsd": "Reset Password", "details": "Details", "refill": "Refill", "Createsthtoday": "Create something today!", "date": "Date", "video_duration": "Duration", "slide_link": "SLIDE Link", "new_pwd": "New Password", "confirm_pwd": "Confirmation Code", "pricing_lan": "Language Options: Ch | Eng", "pricing_avatars": "Over 6 Avatars Available", "pricing_content": "You can upload: images, MP4, slides", "pricing_discount": "Special Discount", "pricing_checkout": "Check it out", "mins": "Minutes", "launch_special": "Launch special", "index_li1_1": "Support english & chinese content", "index_li1_2": "Caption included", "index_li2_1": "Free of portrait rights", "index_li2_2": "Natural facial expression", "index_li2_3": "Choose built-in avatars for your need", "index_li3_1": "Generate videos from text", "index_li3_2": "Upload images, video, slides as backgrounds", "index_action": "Want to make video faster? Sign up to start creating!", "follow_us": "Follow us", "contact_name": "Choozmo Inc.", "address": "Rm. 9, 9F., No. 229, Fuxing 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302052, Taiwan (R.O.C.)", "contact_tel": "Tel", "contact_mail": "Email", "draft_edit": "Edit", "drafts": "Drafts", "save_draft_btn": "Save as Draft", "upload_file": "Upload", "intro_img": "static/img/intro_en.png" }; function switchLanContent(val){ $('[set-lan]').each(function(){ var me = $(this); var a = me.attr('set-lan').split(':'); var p = a[0]; //文字放置位置 var m = a[1]; //文字標示 //用虎選擇語言後保存在cookie中,這裡讀取cooikes的語言版本 // var lan = getCookie('lan'); // console.log(lan); //選取語言文字 switch(val){ case 'zh': var t = zh[m]; break; case 'en': var t = en[m]; break; default: var t = zh[m]; } //所選語言沒有就換 if(t==undefined) t = en[m]; if(t==undefined) t = zh[m]; if(t==undefined) return true; //都沒有就跳出 //文字放置位置有(html,val等,可以自己添加) switch(p){ case 'html': me.html(t); break; case 'placeholder': me.attr('placeholder', t); console.log("placeholder"); case 'val': case 'value': me.val(t); break; case 'img': me.attr('src', t); break; default: me.html(t); } }); } changeLang(lang); function changeLang(val) { localStorage.setItem('lan', `${val}`); // setCookie('lan', val); switchLanContent(val); } // 4. 轉換 function changeLan(val) { var val = val.value; console.log(`val: ${val}`); localStorage.setItem('lan', `${val}`); // setCookie('lan', val); switchLanContent(val); } // js裡面的轉換 function get_lan(m) { //獲取文字 var lan = getCookie('lan'); //語言版本 //選取語言文字 switch(lan){ case 'zh': var t = zh[m]; break; case 'hk': var t = hk[m]; break; default: var t = en[m]; } //如果沒有找到就轉換其他語言 if(t==undefined) t = zh[m]; if(t==undefined) t = en[m]; if(t==undefined) t = hk[m]; if(t==undefined) t = m; //如果還是沒有就直接用標示 return t; }