window 0 0 1045 487 pyTranscriber - v1.5 - 07/12/2020 10 10 141 34 Select file(s) false 200 290 341 34 Transcribe Audio / Generate Subtitles 20 340 1021 23 0 170 350 871 41 550 290 241 34 Open Output Folder 10 180 141 34 Output Location 160 180 861 32 true 160 10 871 161 &List of files to generate transcribe audio / generate subtitles Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop false false 10 30 851 121 10 50 141 34 Remove file(s) 30 350 131 41 470 390 108 36 Cancel 10 220 291 32 Open output files automatically true 200 250 591 34 Audio Language: QComboBox::AdjustToContents 0 0 1045 34 Abo&ut &License &DONATIONS &About pyTranscriber