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+title = "YouTube Short短影片創作工具 台灣在內100多個國家地區使用"
+date = "2021-07-23T00:16:31+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## YouTube Short短影片創作工具 台灣在內100多個國家地區使用
+ ![img](] 
+去年宣布推出的YouTube Shorts短影片服務,Google宣布在全球超過100個國家地區推行此項服務相關創作工具,其中也包含台灣。
+在此之前,使用者已經可以透過YouTube平台觀看YouTube Shorts短影片服務,並且在全球地區累積超過65億每日觀看次數,此次更新主要是在全球超過100個國家地區開放使用YouTube Shorts短影片服務的創作工具,方便使用者將多組影片串接,並且可搭配音樂、控制播放速度快慢等,藉此創作不同風格短影片。
+而此次更新中,Google也在YouTube Shorts短影片服務增加以下功能,讓使用者更方便快速創作短影片內容:
+. 新增文字:在影片中的特定時間點新增文字
+. 自動新增字幕:在 Shorts 中自動新增字幕
+. 錄製時間最長達 60 秒:使用 Shorts 相機可錄製最多 60 秒的內容。
+. 加入手機圖庫中的短片:Shorts 相機錄製的內容中,可加入手機圖庫中的短片。
+. 濾鏡:可對 Shorts 影片使用基本的色彩校正功能,未來 YouTube 將推出更多濾鏡特效。
+同時,新增加可從其他創作者打造的YouTube Shorts短影片,或是現有的YouTube影片內容節錄音訊,藉此作為影判創作素材,例如為喜愛的笑話製作反應影片、親自嘗試其他創作者的最新食譜,或是重新演繹喜劇小品。若創作者不希望他人節錄重混自己的作品,亦可透過設定限制取用。
+另外,拓展YouTube Shorts短影片服務也意味Google藉由全新內容創造全新流量來源,並且也讓更多創作者有發展機會,日前已經宣布啟用YouTube Shorts短影片創作基金,預計在2021年至2022年期間向創作者提供1億美元的獎勵基金,另外更強調過去三年內已經針對YouTube平台創作者支付超過300億美元內容觀看收益。
+ ## Facebook 拿出 10 億美元搶流量 希望吸引更多創作者提供內容 #tiktok (163108)
+ ![img](] 
+ ## Facebook祭出10億美元 希望吸引更多創作者提供創作內容
+ ![img](] 
+Facebook執行長Mark Zuckberg透露,將投資10億美元資金鼓勵創作者透過Facebook平台創作內容。
+過去Facebook曾經為了對抗TikTok短影片熱潮,在2018年底時推出名為「Lasso」的短影片服務,但在去年7月時宣布關閉,而Twitter先前在2015年收購的Periscope,後來也不敵TikTok使用熱潮,在今年3月時結束服務,至於YouTube目前則是積極推動YouTube Short服務,希望能在YouTube影片內容家更多觀看選項。
+ ## How to make YouTube Shorts: A beginner's guide to YouTube's TikTok competitor
+ ![img](] 
+You can make YouTube Shorts by accessing the YouTube app on your phone and using the feature to record brief videos.
+YouTube Shorts is a new feature in beta testing that allows you to record video shorts up to 60 seconds in length.
+You can record in 15-second intervals with several tools to edit your videos.
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+YouTube is beta-testing its Shorts feature to create brief videos directly from the app as it hopes to compete with the likes of TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook and Instagram Stories.
+Using your smartphone's camera, you can record brief videos and upload them immediately. The default length is 15 seconds and you can add more time in the app, up to a minute.
+The YouTube Shorts feature is now available in more than 100 countries including the US and Canada. Users can find these specific videos by tapping Shorts at the bottom of the YouTube app, on the YouTube homepage, or on their channel page.
+Note: After you record your video, make sure to add the #shorts hashtag in the video's title or description to allow YouTube to recommend or promote your Shorts video.
+While these Shorts cannot currently be monetized from advertisements, they will affect your number of views and total playtime, and you can direct people to your monetized YouTube channel. YouTube also has a $100 million fund to support creators who help build the Shorts community.
+Requirements to make YouTube Shorts YouTube Shorts can be up to 60 seconds in length. A 60-second YouTube short can be several 15-second videos combined or one continuous video.
+The videos must be shot in a vertical orientation.
+The video can use audio from YouTube's library or other videos but only for up to 15 seconds.
+How to make YouTube Shorts
+1. If you don't already have the YouTube app on your device, download it for your Android or iPhone and sign in.
+2. Tap the Create button, which is the plus symbol in the bottom-center.
+Tap the "Create" button at the bottom of your YouTube app. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider
+3. In the pop-up, tap Create a Short, which has a camera icon next to it.
+Select "Create a Short." Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider
+4. If this is your first time using this option, your device will ask for permission to allow YouTube to use the camera and microphone.
+5. Once approved, you land in the YouTube Shorts recording page.
+6. YouTube shorts recording length defaults to 15 seconds. By tapping on the number "15" above the record button, you can change it to 60 seconds.
+Tapping on the number above record allows you to change your recording time from 15 to 60 seconds. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider
+7. Tap the Speed icon of a speedometer on the right to speed up or slow down the recording.
+8. You can also set a time for the camera to start without you by pushing Timer, just below Speed.
+9. Finally, Filters allows you to apply various visual filters to your recording. Some Android users may be missing this function.
+10. Once ready, hit the Record button. Tapping it again will stop the recording; then tap again to record the next segment in the same video.
+Tapping the "Record" button starts and stops your recording. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider
+11. Tapping the Undo button at the bottom, represented by a left-facing arrow, will delete the last segment but not the whole video. The Redo button, represented by a right-facing arrow, will return that segment to the video.
+12. When you're done recording, tap the check mark in the bottom right to preview your video and add music, text, and filters. When done, tap Next.
+Once you've tapped the "done" checkmark, you can continue enhancing your video. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider
+13. Finally, add a title and adjust sharing settings. Add the #shorts hashtag to the title to ensure it can be seen or promoted with YouTube's other Shorts videos.
+Create a title, adjust your sharing settings, and upload the Short. Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider
+14. Tap Upload and it will be added to your YouTube.
+ ## YouTube Taps into the Popularity of BTS to Boost its New 'Shorts' Option
+ ![img](] 
+After rolling out the next stage of its TikTok-esque 'Shorts' feature last week, which sees the beta version of the option now available in all regions, and making Shorts available to all US users last month, YouTube is now looking to take Shorts to the next level, as it seeks to fend off rising competition from TikTok on the short-form video front.
+Today, YouTube has announced its first exclusive Shorts dance challenge, which will be tied into the launch of the new track by K-pop sensation BTS.
+As per YouTube:
+"Starting this Friday, anyone from across the globe can create a 15-second YouTube Short right from the YouTube mobile app, replicating the core dance moves from the “Permission to Dance” music video. The dance moves for this challenge are the “International Sign” gestures that the septet was seen doing in the music video, bearing the meaning “Joy,” “Dance” and “Peace”.
+Between July 23rd and August 14th, YouTube is inviting BTS fans to post their own version of the dance moves to Shorts, with BTS then selecting some of their favorite Shorts to be included in an official compilation video. Users need to include the hashtags #PermissiontoDance and #Shorts for their creations to be considered.
+Linking into BTS is a smart move by YouTube as it seeks to raise awareness of Shorts, and boost adoption with younger users.
+Over the past 12 months, BTS' videos have seen over 10 billion views on the platform, as the band continues to gain momentum, while BTS is also one of the top 5 most-viewed artists on YouTube this year.
+"With 54 million subscribers on its Official Artist Channel, they are the third most-subscribed artist on YouTube. BTS has joined YouTube's coveted billion views club on three different occasions with its hits DNA, Boy With Luv, and most recently Dynamite."
+That popularity will no doubt see more people giving this Shorts tie-in a shot, and if they subsequently have a good experience, and gain traction with their Shorts clips, that could help YouTube boost Shorts adoption, and steal some audience away from TikTok.
+Which is a rising area of concern for both YouTube and Facebook collectively. TikTok has remained at the top of the app download charts for 18 months straight, and its traction with younger audiences has it well-positioned to become a key app for social media connection moving forward.
+Which will see it become a bigger consideration for marketers, stealing ad dollars away from the incumbents, while also, potentially, making it a more important app in the lives of more users moving forward.
+We all know what happened when the youth switched from MySpace to Facebook, and Facebook is keen to avoid becoming past-tense, which is why both platforms are pushing to combat TikTok's rise in any way that they can.
+YouTube's connection with BTS may be the best idea yet on this front, and while it likely won't see Shorts steal a heap of TikTok's thunder, it will increase awareness of the tool, and give it a better shot at winning out.
+And if YouTube can also highlight its reach and monetization benefits to creators, that could end up delivering a bigger blow to TikTok, in the longer term.