@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+title = "Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution"
+date = "2023-05-16T00:21:34+08:00"
+tags = ["Virtual Production Studio"]
+categories = "最新服務"
+banner = ""
+{{< youtube KFlCPaghoXI >}}
+We are ChoozMo, and we produce virtual production studio turnkey solutions.
+About 5/6 of the world's internet traffic is videos, such as YouTube, Netflix, and TikTok, and over 72% of consumers prefer videos than text. According to Google, the amount of webpages outweigh the number of videos by 30 times, and creating videos is way slower than creating web pages -- it's not just the content that is demanding; making videos can cost up to USD 10,000 per minute, and take up to 2 months to complete. In addition, there is no simple way to make videos by itself.
+As GPU becomes more powerful, demand for GPU has increased.
+Video production is basically too much work: from the filming location, crew, and all the work that has to be done before, during, and after filming, and even the cost! We can help slash the cost required to make videos by 50% or more.
+Video production costs an arm and a leg, and recently there are not enough talents in digital transformation to do that. We can tackle that with our AI Spokesperson Cloud Solution which allows users to create multimedia content quickly and without the cost burden, and a Turnkey Solution which gives users all they need to help in digital transformation.
+Therefore, we are offering a Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution, powered by our very own AI Spokesperson which allows you to freely, easily, and quickly create videos. This solution includes the AI Spokesperson technology itself, all required equipment to run it, and we will help with setup, training and technical support.
+AI Spokesperson basically runs on Generative AI and deep learning,
+and we are a SaaS-based cloud service which relies on the power of GPU to process everything, from speech and movement generation, to putting the finished video together.
+There are multiple presenter and video layouts that can be chosen, and users can get their completed video in 3-5 minutes after they uploaded their materials.
+We have built AI Spokesperson in a way which greatly simplifies the video making process – unlike traditional video making where users will have to go through a complicated process from planning and talent recruitment to filming and editing, with AI Spokesperson, users can simply upload their script, images, and videos, which will be processed to create a video.
+AI Spokesperson has have a wide range of usage scenarios, from product introductions, tutorials, to even guides.
+If compared with other products such as Synthesia, what makes AI Spokesperson stand out is that we support hand gestures and emotional expressions, real voice output, output up to 4K which allows videos to be shown in various displays, and it can also support 22 languages.
+Partners can increase their earnings using our Turnkey Solution through revenue from generated videos, custom avatar creation, as well as SaaS fees from customers. The only things that partners have to shell out are for setup and maintenance of the Turnkey Solution, training associated with it, and technical support of the Turnkey Solution. This will be a win-win solution for both us and partners.
+When it comes to how we are going to earn from the Turnkey Solution, we will earn USD 50,000 from every Turnkey Solution installation and licensing, plus an additional USD 6,000 in training and maintenance from every partner every year. This will form a major portion of our revenue, and we will still earn from direct SaaS sales and avatar creation as well.
+Our goal is to amplify our revenue every year, from around USD 730,000 this year to USD 1.67 million by 2025.
+We are a multinational team with expertise in deep learning, and we are the only company in Taiwan accredited for its capabilities in AI applications for virtual idols.
+ChoozMo aims to help businesses create multinational, multi-language, localized content, and achieve glocalization.
+ChoozMo was founded on August 2020, and we have the chance to step on the AI stage ahead of time.
+<!-- 電腦版 -->
+<img src="DM.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-none d-md-block">
+<!-- 手機版 -->
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-01.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-03.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-04.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-05.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-06.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">