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SyuanYu 1 سال پیش
28فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه687 افزوده شده و 105 حذف شده
  1. 31 61
  2. 1 1
  3. 101 29
  4. 57 1
  5. 1 1
  6. 2 2
  7. 137 4
  8. 0 0
  9. 162 4
  10. 11 2
  11. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution/DM.jpg
  12. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution/Turnkey Solution-01.jpg
  13. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution/Turnkey Solution-03.jpg
  14. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution/Turnkey Solution-04.jpg
  15. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution/Turnkey Solution-05.jpg
  16. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution/Turnkey Solution-06.jpg
  17. 47 0
      webSite/content/main-news/Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution/index.md
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  20. 7 0
  21. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/警察廣播電台初次AI主播真人建模! 與ChoozMo合作AI影片/2023-05-16_182344.png
  22. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/警察廣播電台初次AI主播真人建模! 與ChoozMo合作AI影片/2023-05-16_182603.png
  23. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/警察廣播電台初次AI主播真人建模! 與ChoozMo合作AI影片/S__12525592.jpg
  24. BIN
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  25. BIN
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  26. BIN
      webSite/content/main-news/警察廣播電台初次AI主播真人建模! 與ChoozMo合作AI影片/chrome_sEmGA571Vm.png
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      webSite/content/main-news/警察廣播電台初次AI主播真人建模! 與ChoozMo合作AI影片/chrome_uBWOF2He0T.png
  28. 118 0
      webSite/content/main-news/警察廣播電台初次AI主播真人建模! 與ChoozMo合作AI影片/index.md

+ 31 - 61

@@ -1,77 +1,47 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang="{{ .Site.LanguageCode }}">
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+{{ partial "head.html" . }}
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+    {{ partial "nav.html" . }}
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+    {{ partial "breadcrumbs.html" . }}
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-                        {{ if or .Params.author .Params.date }}
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-                            {{ if .Params.author }}{{ i18n "authorBy" }} <a href="#">{{ .Params.author }}</a>{{ end }}
-                            {{ if and .Params.author .Params.date }} | {{ end }}
-                            {{ if .Params.date }}{{ .Date.Format .Site.Params.date_format }}{{ end }}
-                          </p>
-                        {{ end }}
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-                          {{ .Content }}
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-                        <div id="comments">
-                             template "_internal/disqus.html" . 
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+            {{ if or .Params.author .Params.date }}
+            <p class="text-muted text-uppercase mb-small text-right">
+              {{ if .Params.author }}{{ i18n "authorBy" }} <a href="#">{{ .Params.author }}</a>{{ end }}
+              {{ if and .Params.author .Params.date }} | {{ end }}
+              {{ if .Params.date }}{{ .Date.Format .Site.Params.date_format }}{{ end }}
+            </p>
+            {{ end }}
+            <div id="post-content">
+              {{ .Content }}
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+            {{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
+          </div>
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+    {{ partial "LP_components/Footer.html" . }}
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+  {{ partial "scripts.html" . }}
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
       {{ .Content }}
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             {{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Data.Pages "Type" "blog") }}
             {{ range $paginator.Pages }}
             <section class="post tag-post">
               <div class="row">
                 <div class="col-md-4">

+ 101 - 29

@@ -18,44 +18,104 @@
   {{ partial "navbar.html" . }}
   <main class="container news-content" style="overflow-x: hidden;">
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-      {{ range $paginator.Pages }}
-      {{ with .Params.categories }}
-      {{ range . }}
-     <li>
-      <button>
-        <a href="{{ "categories" | absURL}}/{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a>
-      </button>
-     </li>
-      {{ end }}
-      {{ end }}
-      {{ end }}
+      <li>
+        <button id="all">
+          <a href="/main-news/">所有訊息</a>
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+          <a href="/main-news/focus/">焦點訊息</a>
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+      <li>
+        <button id="serve">
+          <a href="/main-news/serve/">最新服務</a>
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-    {{ range $paginator.Pages }}
-    <div class="bhouse_news my-50 article-item">
-      <div class="likeSee__state pl-md-0 pr-md-0">
-        <div class="likeSee__state">
+    {{ if eq (relURL .URL) ("/main-news/focus/") }}
+    {{ $t := $.Site.GetPage "/main-news" }}
+    <ul class="list">
+      {{ range $index, $element := where $t.Pages "Params.categories" "焦點訊息" }}
+      {{ $t := $.Site.GetPage "/main-news" }}
+      <li>
+        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
+          <h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
+        </a>
+        <hr>
+        <section class="d-flex justify-content-between">
+          <p class="news-category">{{ .Params.categories }}</p>
+          <p>{{ .PublishDate.Format "2006-01-02" }}</p>
+        </section>
+        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="content">
+          <p>{{.Summary}}</p>
+        </a>
+        <div class="more-btn">
           <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
-            <h1 class="bhouse_title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
+            閱讀文章
-        <div class="likeSee__state__filter">
+      </li>
+      {{ end }}
+    </ul>
+    {{ end }}
+    {{ if eq (relURL .URL) ("/main-news/serve/") }}
+    {{ $t := $.Site.GetPage "/main-news" }}
+    <ul class="list">
+      {{ range $index, $element := where $t.Pages "Params.categories" "最新服務" }}
+      {{ $t := $.Site.GetPage "/main-news" }}
+      <li>
+        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
+          <h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
+        </a>
+        <hr>
+        <section class="d-flex justify-content-between">
+          <p class="news-category">{{ .Params.categories }}</p>
           <p>{{ .PublishDate.Format "2006-01-02" }}</p>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div class="bhouseweb_loc_sec mt-15">
-        <a style="color:#212529" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="description">
-          <div class="NewsDescription">
-            <p class="NewsDescription_p" style="letter-spacing: 1px;">{{.Summary}}</p>
-          </div>
+        </section>
+        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="content">
+          <p>{{.Summary}}</p>
-      </div>
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-    <hr class="bhouseweb_loc_line mt-30">
+        <div class="more-btn">
+          <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
+            閱讀文章
+          </a>
+        </div>
+      </li>
+      {{ end }}
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     {{ end }}
+    {{ $paginator := .Paginate .Data.Pages }}
+    <ul class="list">
+      {{ range $paginator.Pages }}
+      {{ $t := $.Site.GetPage "/main-news" }}
+      {{ if ne .Params.categories "url" }} <!-- 排除分類用的 content -->
+      <li>
+        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
+          <h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
+        </a>
+        <hr>
+        <section class="d-flex justify-content-between">
+          <p class="news-category">{{ .Params.categories }}</p>
+          <p>{{ .PublishDate.Format "2006-01-02" }}</p>
+        </section>
+        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="content">
+          <p>{{.Summary}}</p>
+        </a>
+        <div class="more-btn">
+          <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
+            閱讀文章
+          </a>
+        </div>
+      </li>
+      {{ end }}
+      {{ end }}
+    </ul>
   {{ partial "footer.html" . }}
@@ -68,6 +128,18 @@
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+  <script>
+    let pathname = window.location.pathname;
+    $('.news-content button').removeClass('active');
+    if (pathname.includes('focus')) {
+      $('.news-content #focus').addClass('active');
+    } else if (pathname.includes('serve')) {
+      $('.news-content #serve').addClass('active');
+    } else {
+      $('.news-content #all').addClass('active');
+    }
+  </script>

+ 57 - 1

@@ -1 +1,57 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+              {{ if or .Params.author .Params.date }}
+              <p>
+                {{ if .Params.author }}{{ i18n "authorBy" }} <a href="#">{{ .Params.author }}</a>{{ end }}
+                {{ if and .Params.author .Params.date }} | {{ end }}
+                {{ if .Params.date }}{{ .Date.Format .Site.Params.date_format }}{{ end }}
+              </p>
+              {{ end }}
+              <div>
+                {{ .Content | safeHTML }}
+              </div>
+              <a href="/main-news/" class="list-link">< 回到列表</a>
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+            {{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       <div class="swiper-slide">
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           <!-- <img src="/imgs/home/banner01_mb.webp" alt="Choozmo in 2023CES" class="d-block d-md-none p-4"> -->

+ 2 - 2

@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
               <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="/collaboration/river-cam/">康河智庫管理顧問有限公司</a></li>
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+ 137 - 4

@@ -4030,6 +4030,9 @@
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تفاوت فایلی نمایش داده نمی شود زیرا این فایل بسیار بزرگ است
+ 0 - 0

+ 162 - 4

@@ -4345,6 +4345,8 @@
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     .wrapper {
       position: relative;
       background-image: url("/imgs/home/banner-01.jpg");
@@ -4370,6 +4372,9 @@
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+ 11 - 2

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+title = "Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution"
+date = "2023-05-16T00:21:34+08:00"
+tags = ["Virtual Production Studio"]
+categories = "最新服務"
+banner = ""
+{{< youtube KFlCPaghoXI >}}
+We are ChoozMo, and we produce virtual production studio turnkey solutions.
+About 5/6 of the world's internet traffic is videos, such as YouTube, Netflix, and TikTok, and over 72% of consumers prefer videos than text. According to Google, the amount of webpages outweigh the number of videos by 30 times, and creating videos is way slower than creating web pages -- it's not just the content that is demanding; making videos can cost up to USD 10,000 per minute, and take up to 2 months to complete. In addition, there is no simple way to make videos by itself.
+As GPU becomes more powerful, demand for GPU has increased.
+Video production is basically too much work: from the filming location, crew, and all the work that has to be done before, during, and after filming, and even the cost! We can help slash the cost required to make videos by 50% or more.
+Video production costs an arm and a leg, and recently there are not enough talents in digital transformation to do that. We can tackle that with our AI Spokesperson Cloud Solution which allows users to create multimedia content quickly and without the cost burden, and a Turnkey Solution which gives users all they need to help in digital transformation.
+Therefore, we are offering a Virtual Production Studio Turnkey Solution, powered by our very own AI Spokesperson which allows you to freely, easily, and quickly create videos. This solution includes the AI Spokesperson technology itself, all required equipment to run it, and we will help with setup, training and technical support.
+AI Spokesperson basically runs on Generative AI and deep learning,
+and we are a SaaS-based cloud service which relies on the power of GPU to process everything, from speech and movement generation, to putting the finished video together.
+There are multiple presenter and video layouts that can be chosen, and users can get their completed video in 3-5 minutes after they uploaded their materials.
+We have built AI Spokesperson in a way which greatly simplifies the video making process – unlike traditional video making where users will have to go through a complicated process from planning and talent recruitment to filming and editing, with AI Spokesperson, users can simply upload their script, images, and videos, which will be processed to create a video.
+AI Spokesperson has have a wide range of usage scenarios, from product introductions, tutorials, to even guides.
+If compared with other products such as Synthesia, what makes AI Spokesperson stand out is that we support hand gestures and emotional expressions, real voice output, output up to 4K which allows videos to be shown in various displays, and it can also support 22 languages.
+Partners can increase their earnings using our Turnkey Solution through revenue from generated videos, custom avatar creation, as well as SaaS fees from customers. The only things that partners have to shell out are for setup and maintenance of the Turnkey Solution, training associated with it, and technical support of the Turnkey Solution. This will be a win-win solution for both us and partners.
+When it comes to how we are going to earn from the Turnkey Solution, we will earn USD 50,000 from every Turnkey Solution installation and licensing, plus an additional USD 6,000 in training and maintenance from every partner every year. This will form a major portion of our revenue, and we will still earn from direct SaaS sales and avatar creation as well.
+Our goal is to amplify our revenue every year, from around USD 730,000 this year to USD 1.67 million by 2025.
+We are a multinational team with expertise in deep learning, and we are the only company in Taiwan accredited for its capabilities in AI applications for virtual idols.
+ChoozMo aims to help businesses create multinational, multi-language, localized content, and achieve glocalization.
+ChoozMo was founded on August 2020, and we have the chance to step on the AI stage ahead of time.
+<!-- 電腦版 -->
+<img src="DM.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-none d-md-block">
+<!-- 手機版 -->
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-01.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-03.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-04.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-05.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">
+<img src="Turnkey Solution-06.jpg" alt="Turnkey Solution|Virtual Production Studio|AI Spokesperson|choozmo|AI主播|AI|AI建模|虛擬主播|人工智慧|客製化主播|最新服務|英文AI主播|AI 虛擬主播|生成式 AI技術|Facelandmark|deeplearning" class="d-block d-md-none">

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+title = "main-news"
+date = "2021-11-29T12:00:05+08:00"
+layout = "main-news"

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+title = "focus"
+date = "2021-11-29T12:00:05+08:00"
+layout = "main-news"
+url = "/main-news/focus/"
+categories = "url"

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+title = "serve"
+date = "2021-11-29T12:00:05+08:00"
+layout = "main-news"
+url = "/main-news/serve/"
+categories = "url"

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+title = "警察廣播電台初次AI主播真人建模! 與ChoozMo合作AI影片"
+date = "2023-05-16T00:21:34+08:00"
+layout = "main-news"
+tags = ["AI主播"]
+categories = "焦點訊息"
+banner = ""
+隨著 COVID-19 疫情迎來解封,全新數位產業生態正快速成形中, 因應 AI 技術不斷發展及改良,如今全球越來越多的智能形象運用在 播報上,「AI 主播」為人工智慧在媒體產業應用的一種新形態,是集科技、人文及藝術融合的產物。 近半年來 ChatGPT 掀起的生成式 AI 熱潮,帶給受眾群不同的觀感和體驗。 
+## 以生成式 AI 技術應用為主軸
+透過廣播主持人的專業性帶動結 合 AI 虛擬主播,營造出有讓人為之一亮的節目型態
+也是亞洲首位將廣播節目結合 AI 擬真影像,展現台灣廣播跨界與科技的軟實力
+## AI主播是廣播人的助手,並非取代主持人工作
+藉虛擬實境直播互動延伸廣播的限制,並賦予 AI 虛擬角色的多變來報導內容,一反過去對於 AI 機器人冷冰冰的印象。
+同時為符合新南向政策,增加「多國語系翻譯」,以觸及更多聽眾及觀眾,拓展潛在的族群。加入 「手語版本」,提供手語翻譯,期盼讓身障者一起享受節目,達到無障礙的共融社會!
+手語版【新聞播報 就愛NEW新聞】2023全國歌仔戲比賽
+{{< youtube so6GrZlU-ls >}}
+## 雙 AI 主播的呈現為世界首例
+{{< youtube pIt8g4jPggc >}}
+{{< youtube 7jTyzenud8o >}}
+{{< youtube QfmlSYbvNsg >}}
+## 多國語言AI主播
+1. 將語音資料與 AI 人物技術模組整合,模擬講話內容與嘴型變化。
+2. 文字轉語音(TTS)採用深度學習的 End-to-End FastSpeech 最新技術 (架構圖示意如下),對比過往 TTS 模型,推論速度快速,在擬真程度 上表現極佳,在效率上遠高於過往人工合成模型。
+{{< youtube xJa3rXU9LZs >}}
+{{< youtube Gyox2OrK700 >}}
+{{< youtube pptDMzk0NJI >}}
+{{< youtube j5CzdSu67Ow >}}
+{{< youtube FK7InhjoCos >}}
+{{< youtube icYXKUsC_lw >}}
+臺灣是一個自由、開放、包容多元的國家, 以上影片的AI 主播隨著國度不同而更換臉孔,並讓身上的服飾 換裝,打進國外市場。
+例如:身穿穆斯林包巾的虛擬女主播說著流利 的印尼語,服裝上就很符合印尼的國情特色,整體效果出色又新潮, 營造出強烈共鳴性,就連說其它外語也不是問題,實現一源多用。 
+## 台灣AI主播
+{{< youtube LtAePZyzpZ4 >}}
+{{< youtube FccEdouST5Q >}}
+{{< youtube sQRGg-r4awY >}}
+{{< youtube VcLjdyJl_-4 >}}
+深植本土在地,才能放眼國際,播報影片皆納入臺語、客語及原住民(阿美族語) 彙集成「臺灣在地語系」播放清單。此舉使臺灣 AI 主播發展空間更 有彈性。另外在新聞的選材上,特別著墨在本土文化,將歌仔戲發揚 光大推廣至全世界,好讓更多的國際人士能夠感受臺灣之美。
+而本次 AI 主播的語音,在國語、閩南語、客語、原住民(阿美族語) 重新運用真人聲音 1:1 錄製,由主持人 Lucas 攜手臺內長官、記者, 及歌手事先錄製聲音完成,發揮各自語言專長,將聲音表情融入其中 再由系統搭配虛擬人臉合成產出,取代坊間 AI 機器人的讀稿發音, 藉別具特色的不同人聲,賦予 AI 靈魂。 
+## 角色介紹
+<!-- ![image](2023-05-16_182603.png) -->
+由ChoozMo 進行真人建模 → 變身為可以講多國語言的AI主播
+## AI主播技術
+ ChoozMo「AI 主播」主要運用深度神經網路、深度學習、Deep Fake 技術,透過虛擬人技術的支持下,藉由人臉的關鍵特色偵測、 人臉特徵擷取、臉部重構、唇語辨別、情感及表情分析等等先進科技 合成 AI 主播,並結合圖像及語音等資料庫建立模型,並且將模型的 訓練精準化,生成與真人高度相似的虛擬分身,進而合成 AI 主播。
+ 由 AI 合成的主播能將所輸入的中英文文稿自動生成相對應之影片, 在播報過程中,AI 主播的音頻、表情以及唇語嘴型可保持自然一致, AI 主播完全展現出與真人主播無差異的資訊傳達效果。 透過電腦視覺及 Deep Learning 技術,擷取臉部的 Facelandmark, 將語音檔的說話聲音,對應到嘴型變化,並將其套用於虛擬主播形象 讓 AI 能隨著不同內容而變換嘴型。
+## 客製化AI主播建模流程圖 
+## 警廣建模花絮照

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