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+ 25 - 0

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+title= "英語圏VTuber「がうる・ぐら」 キズナアイ抜きチャンネル登録者数世界1位に"
+date= "2021-07-27T00:33:53+08:00"
+tags = ["vtuber"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["AI"]
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+[ホロライブ]( "ホロライブ")English所属のバーチャルYouTuber([VTuber]( "VTuber"))・Gawr Gura (がうる・ぐら)さんのYouTubeチャンネル登録者数がVTuberとして1位となりました。 [【画像】伝説の世界からやって来た、英語圏向けの5人]( ユーザーローカルが公開しているVTuberランキングによれば、がうる・ぐらさんの登録者数は、これまで1位だった[キズナアイ]( "キズナアイ")(Kizuna AI)さんの296万人を追い抜き、297万人となった。
+がうる・ぐらさんは、VTuber事務所「ホロライブプロダクション」の英語圏向けグループ「ホロライブEnglish」に所属するVTuber。 サメの被りモノが目を引くこともあって、日本では「サメちゃん」の愛称で親しまれています。 2020年9月のデビューからわずか2ヶ月ほどでチャンネルの登録者数が100万人を突破。2020年の年間スーパーチャットの世界ランキングでは、実質3ヶ月ほどしかない活動期間のなかで約2,800万円と40位にランクインしました。 今年に入っても快進撃は止まらず、1月にはチャンネル登録者数が200万人を突破していました。
+キズナアイさんは、2016年12月1日より動画投稿をスタートした世界初のVTuber。そもそも「バーチャルYouTuber」という単語自体が、キズナアイさんが投稿した最初の動画にて自分のことをそう呼んだことで生まれたものです。 現在は一大ジャンルとなった「バーチャルYouTuber」の先駆者でありトップランナーとして、メディア出演なども含めて幅広く活動してきました。 今年1月にはアメリカの[ハリウッド]( "ハリウッド")4大エージェンシーの1つ・UTA(United Talent Agency)とパートナーシップ契約を締結。 3月から5月にかけて北米ツアー「Virtual US Tour」を開催し、ステージ上でアメリカ初のVTuber事務所・VShojoのNyatasha Nyannersさんとの共演も果たすなど、[パイオニア]( "パイオニア")として積極的に新しい領域に取り組み続けています。
+2021年7月1日(木)現在、キズナアイさんのメインチャンネルの登録者数が296万人。がうる・ぐらさんのチャンネルの登録者数が297万人となっており、単一のチャンネルの登録者数としては、がうる・ぐらさんが1位となりました。 なお、キズナアイさんには「A.I.Games」というゲーム実況のチャンネルも存在しており、そちらの登録者数も153万人となっています。 がうる・ぐらさんには現在サブチャンネルの類は存在していないため、総合の登録者数ではキズナアイさんが依然1位となります。

+ 159 - 0

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+title = "How To Insert Video In Google Slides?"
+date = "2021-07-27T00:21:34+08:00"
+tags = ["video marketing", "slides to video"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["marketing"]
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+Everyone knows that videos can add some extra spark on a web page. Did you also know that they can spice up your Google Slide presentation with video?
+No matter how well-designed and informative your presentation is, it is challenging to hold the viewers’ attention.
+Table of Contents
+*   Why Video?
+*   Choosing the Right Video
+*   Embed a YouTube Video in Google Slides
+*   Embed The Video By YouTube URL
+*   Embed Google Drive Videos in Google Slides
+*   Set Your Videos To Autoplay
+*   How To Cut & Edit An Embedded Video
+*   Be Prepared For Your Presentation
+Adding attention-grabbing elements, such as embedding a video in Google Slides, can make your slides more interesting, interactive, and engage your audience to keep them focused on your message.
+**Why Video?**
+Some of the many benefits of embedding video in a [Google Slides presentation]( include:
+*   It’s easy to do if you have access to an Internet connection
+*   Videos can elicit emotional responses and motivate viewers
+*   Gives the audience a change of pace
+*   Makes presenting easier by giving you a short break while the video is playing, especially with longer presentations
+**Choosing the Right Video**
+Don’t just randomly select a video and stick it on a slide. Select a video that is:
+*   Professional
+*   Relevant to the content of your presentation and adds value
+*   Not too long (should be between 30 and 60 seconds)
+Don’t overdo it. If you have too many videos or other multimedia effects, it will distract from your message and lose the attention-grabbing impact.
+Now that you know why and how videos can help your presentation, let’s show you several ways to embed a video on a Google Slide.  
+**Embed a YouTube Video in Google Slides**
+As Google owns and integrates with YouTube, you can add a video without leaving your slide deck. 
+*   Start by going to the slide where you want to add the video.
+*   From the top bar navigation, click on **Insert** \> **Video**.
+*   In the popup window that opens, you will see three options:
+*   Search
+*   By URL
+*   Google Drive
+*   If you don’t have a specific video in mind, type a relevant keyword into the search window and hit return to find a video you want to use.
+*   View the results from the search window by clicking on the video play button. When you find one you like, click **Select** to insert it into the slide.
+*   Move the video around by clicking and dragging it to a place that makes sense and looks good on your slide. Resize it by grabbing one of the four corners around the video to maintain its aspect ratio.
+**Embed The Video By YouTube URL**
+*   If you know which YouTube video you want to use, select the **By URL** option when inserting a video. 
+*   Paste the YouTube video URL in the box and then click **Select.**
+**Embed Google Drive Videos in Google Slides**
+Some businesses block web access to YouTube. So, what can you do if you don’t have access to YouTube? Luckily, you can stream from Google Drive and still embed a video on one or multiple slides. If you already have a video on Google Drive,  it’s easy to add it to a slide. 
+*   Click on **Insert** \> **Video**. Select the **Google Drive** option. You will see the thumbnails of videos on your Drive.  
+*   Click on the one you want to use and then click on **Select** to embed it. If the video is on your computer, you can upload it to your Drive and then use it.
+*   To upload a video to Google Drive, navigate [to your drive]( and click on **New** \> **File upload** in the top left-hand corner. You must be logged into your Google account. Be sure it is the same account where you are creating your Slides.
+*   Locate the video file on your computer and double-click on it. If you have a lot of data on your Drive, you might have to refresh the page.
+*   The video will take a few seconds to process. When it is finished, you will see the thumbnail of the video.
+*   Go back to the slide where you want to add the video and click on **Insert** \> **Video** and choose **Google Drive**. The video you uploaded to your drive will be one of your options to select.
+*   Click on the video and click **Select** to insert it onto the slide. Resize and move it around until it is in the place where you want it.
+**Set Your Videos To Autoplay**
+When making a presentation in front of an audience, setting your embedded videos to autoplay will make for a smoother experience.
+This simple process works for videos added from a YouTube search, by URL, and from Google Drive.
+Click on the video on your slide and then on **Format Options** located above the video. From the panel that opens on the right side of your slide, click the carrot next to **Video playback** and tick off **Autoplay when presenting**.
+When you move to a slide with an embedded video, it will play automatically without having to click any buttons.
+**How To Cut & Edit An Embedded Video**
+Start by selecting the video you want to edit. Click **Format options** from the top toolbar. This will open the same side panel you saw when setting your video to autoplay.
+You can set the start and end time of the video. If it is a long video, you will want to trim it by adjusting the times accordingly.
+Other settings include:
+*   Muting the audio
+*   Adjusting the position
+*   Changing the size
+*   Locking the aspect ratio to keep video proportions
+*   Altering the position of the video
+Being able to trim a video is a useful feature. It is especially helpful if you only want to show a short clip from a longer video.
+Keep in mind that you can also change the size and position by clicking on the video, grabbing a corner to resize it, and dragging it around the slide to reposition it.
+The last editing option enables you to add a Drop shadow to your video. Choose the:
+*   Color
+*   Transparency
+*   Angle
+*   Distance
+*   Blur Radius
+**Be Prepared For Your Presentation**
+Practice your presentation before delivering it to a live audience. Know ahead of time which slides you have embedded videos on and be sure they make sense in the context of your message.
+Make sure the location where you will be presenting has an Internet connection and enough bandwidth to handle the videos.
+Add some pizzazz to your presentation by embedding videos directly into Google Slides for a smoother experience.

+ 116 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+title= "The Vtuber takeover of 2020"
+date= "2021-07-27T00:33:53+08:00"
+tags = ["vtuber"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["AI"]
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+The Vtuber takeover of 2020
+3D anime girls are everywhere now — and they’re making big bucks
+By James Chen Nov 30, 2020, 3:39pm EST
+OnOn Sept. 18, 2020, the friendliest war ever conducted between Canadians and Americans commenced. And while not the most expensive war in total, the exuberance of its armaments left its primary target, a pink-haired digital goth girl, aghast.
+Calliope Mori was, at that point, a newly minted streamer who was enjoying an indie survival game called _Mad Father._ As she played, her chat suddenly started spiraling out of control. [An explosion of red banners overtook her chat](, denoting that her viewers were leaving her, at minimum, tips of $100 or more.
+Mori started panicking as the crimson notifications continued flooding her view. Each one came with a message from a fan, which she promised to read in full “even if it takes me six hours.” Over the course of half an hour, [at least $10,000 flooded in](, with the pace only increasing as viewers fought to one-up each other in their donations. The more Mori protested, the more people donated.
+Calliope Mori is, of course, not her real name. And the anime-style avatar she dons while rapping and drinking wine on stream is not what she really looks like. But the audience is real, and their money was withdrawn from actual banking and credit accounts. Vtubers have splashed down on the Western internet, and in 2020, [everybody’s feeling the waves](
+![Ami Yamato looks at the camera.]( YouTube/[Ami Yamato](
+Content creators using representational avatars is not, in itself, a particularly new phenomena, though the mutations in technology arguably are. The use of a virtual avatar was at one point prohibitively expensive, requiring industrial motion-capture setups, and professional teams of cinematographers and software engineers. But the same effect can now be achieved with a virtual reality setup and software suite that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars instead of _hundreds_ of thousands. You can now theoretically make a virtual avatar like Calliope Mori’s with something as simple as a smartphone app and laptop. By and large, developments in streaming and content creation software have brought the technology into the hands of individual content creators and smaller agencies.
+The first known instance of this phenomenon is largely credited to U.K. vlogger Ami Yamato, who launched [her YouTube channel]( in late 2011. But what’s now commonly considered a “Vtuber” has less in common with her Pixar-like 3D avatar, and more with the fully anime style Kizuna Ai, a virtual idol made by a Japanese production company that now boasts over 4 million YouTube subscribers.
+Since 2016, Kizuna Ai set many of the expectations and practices now expected of Vtubers, both deliberate and accidental. Deliberately: an anime-style avatar with a fictional backstory. In Kizuna’s case, she claims to be an artificial intelligence come to life. For much of her career, Kizuna kept her support staff and real-world actress a mystery, which helps sell the fantasy to the viewers who develop [parasocial relationships]( with her. This practice is now routinely emulated by her peers and successors in the space.
+Another principle also commonly practiced by Vtubers is more of an accident on Kizunai Ai’s part — and deeply tied to the politics of content creation and IP ownership. Her production company, Activ8, has attempted to broaden Kizuna Ai’s appeal in 2019 by bringing in more voice actresses (and tripling up on avatars) who “played” her — the closest parallel would be watching different actors take on the same theater role. These attempts to “clone” Kizuna AI were controversial, especially as rumors spread that the original voice actress [was let go in the process]( In the wake of the incident, not only was voice actress Nozomi Kasuga unmasked as the voice behind the project, the people involved in the first act launched [a whole new company](, with original character designer Eriko Matsumoto as its new CEO.
+Kizuna’s peers have since followed suit. Fellow Japanese Vtuber-specialized agencies Hololive and Nijisanji, representing dozens to over a hundred Vtuber content creators respectively, have opted to retire and “graduate” characters when their voice actors leave the company instead of replacing them wholesale. In practice, they’ve yielded the question of who “owns” the character to the fans. And fans have deep enough attachments to specific actors that it’s impossible to further monetize a character when the original human behind it leaves.
+![Kizuna AI smiles.]( YouTube/[Kizuna AI](
+In exchange for giving up unilateral control of the IP, however, they’ve gained unprecedented fan loyalty. Per [Playboard’s estimates](, eight of the top 10 YouTube tips earners since January 2020 are Vtubers — and five of them are under the Hololive umbrella. Two Hololive Vtubers have broken the million-dollar mark off tips alone: green-haired necromancer Uruha Rushia, and English-speaking dragon-girl Kiryu Coco.
+Donations alone don’t make them millionaires, of course. YouTube takes a steep cut of the proceeds, [commonly cited]( as 30% of Superchat and membership subscriptions, as does Hololive, though their cut isn’t publicly specified. But Hololive’s representation also includes sponsorship deals, merchandise lines, and everything else associated with the Japanese idol industry. The true scope behind the happy-go-lucky anime personalities we see is vast, and only growing larger as the English-speaking community catches up. Fans have taken to translating short 2-3 minute videos of their favorite Vtubers, which can often go viral on social media if not form the lifeblood of dedicated Vtubing accounts.
+As demand increases, companies have risen to meet the needs of western audiences.
+On Sept. 11, Hololive officially announced and launched its first all-English branch of streamers and content creators. The five-woman cast of Hololive Myth, represented by a phoenix, a grim reaper, a tentacled priestess to eldritch gods, an Atlantean shark-girl, and a time-traveling detective, immediately gained in excess of 150,000+ subscribers each. As of late October, shark-girl Gawr Gura made Hololive history as the first member of the agency to [break the million-subscriber mark]( on YouTube, and two of her Japanese colleagues have since followed in her wake.
+![VTuber Projekt Melody puts a finger in her mouth.]( Vshojo/Projekt Melody
+Hololive’s Western debut opened up the floodgates, showering its five newest stars with viewers and donations alike. But, arguably, their entrance into the market was conservatively timed, coming only after others did the work in proving a high degree of latent interest in the first place. And those who came before Hololive worked off a different playbook.
+Projekt Melody got her start in 2019 on Chaturbate as the first of her kind, [as noted by Vice]( back in February. That is, she was the first virtual adult performer, known for titillating her audience as a bonafide “cam girl.” Beyond wearing translucent club wear, Melody will sometimes allow her audience to control a Wi-Fi-enabled vibrator, at least when she’s on platforms that will allow it. That same month, Justin “Gunrun” Ignacio, formerly of and now with Japanese digital analytics company Giken, was enlisted to help bring her to a wider audience — but without the toys.
+Ignacio’s work eventually expanded to include Melody’s circle of friends and fellow Western Vtubers. Under his wing, these acts were able to rapidly develop big audiences. As it turned out, what makes Vtubers appealing to a Japanese fan base was also golden in the West, too.
+This is largely reflected in [Google’s trends history]( as well, with a notable uptick in Vtuber searches in February that escalated quickly from June onward. The sharpest spike, of course, is from September — which coincided with Hololive Myth’s launch.
+Indeed, Hololive’s rapidly rising tide seems to have lifted all boats. [Melody’s own (more safe-for-work) YouTube channel]( has in excess of 400,000 subscribers now, putting her ahead of other more conventional creators in the space.
+In fact, Melody’s success had the attention of her Eastern peers too — in particular that of Hololive’s foul-mouthed, English-fluent yakuza gangster dragon Kiryu Coco.
+“Coco and I actually have the most in common,” Melody said in an interview with Polygon. With an immense tongue-in-cheek glibness, she added, “For example, we’re \[both\] enthusiastic about the art of _nakadashi_, a unique form of Japanese painting.” Here, she was referring to the Japanese pornographic synonym for “creampie.” The two have gone on to collaborate together in dual livestreams, which she called a “huge compliment.”
+![Vshojo’s stable of VTubers]( Vshojo
+But then things changed. In our conversation, Melody said she stumbled across a video clip where Kiryu suddenly claimed she wasn’t “allowed” to discuss her friend anymore.
+Though Hololive’s stable of creators are nominally Japanese-style idols, with the singing, dancing, and coquettishly chaste conduct normally expected of one, their actual reputation as entertainers does not always match. Coco’s own repertoire of on-stream antics includes everything from Shakira-inspired twerking to sharing her body hair-removal sessions with her audience, complete with MS Paint scribbles to illustrate specific body parts.
+Between all of that and Coco’s immediate colleagues’ discussion of favorite hentai artists and other bawdy anecdotes, Melody seemed a natural collaboration. Yet, for a company where dirty jokes, screeching tantrums, and frank discussions of fetishes are as fundamental to their reputation as the more traditionally idol-like song-and-dance routines, collaborating with an actual porn actress apparently became a step too far.
+In a rare instance of Hololive management actually saying no to an idea publicly, their collab was quashed.
+“It made me sad,” Melody reflected. “But I understand.”
+It wasn’t Melody’s first conflict with the taboo nature of virtual sex work. The stigma made finding artists and coders willing to work with her difficult at times. In fact, the coder who is responsible for her 3D model has opted to stay anonymous because of her reputation. An agency like Hololive, meanwhile, can only achieve mainstream partnerships with big brands, like [Nissin Corporation-owned Curry Meshi](, because they stay within marketable margins.
+Yet these restrictions are mostly a matter of platform, not performance. As Melody notes, YouTube isn’t her “native” platform, and having the occasional video demonetized isn’t as discouraging for her as it would be for a Hololive performer — who nonetheless still regularly wrestle with YouTube’s content-sensitivity algorithms.
+Much of Hololive’s more chronic woes revolve around having Vtuber models that show cleavage or are costumed in revealing swimsuits, triggering YouTube’s content-sensitivity filters. Their creators’ ASMR-related content seems [especially prone to automated takedowns]( for what appear to be similar reasons. But their biggest issue this year was a [basic matter of copyright and IP permissions](, causing a mass archiving of their members’ videos as they renegotiated right-to-stream contracts with game publishers.
+But despite these hurdles, Melody’s peers in the Western space say that having a digital avatar actually gives them more freedom overall, not less.
+![VTuber Nyanners looks at the camera.]( Nyanners/Vshojo
+Veteran YouTuber Nyanners has been, for a lack of a better descriptor, [shitposting]( for nigh on a decade now, but has only recently moved to using a virtual avatar herself. And in doing so, she has found both more confidence in her role as a creator and a much bigger audience.
+“Using an avatar in this way creates a clear-cut separation between my life as a content creator and my personal life as a human behind the avatar,” said Nyanners. “Although it’s less of a mask and more of an extension of myself, and it weirdly feels kind of freeing. I can open up about things and express myself in ways that would otherwise feel uncomfortable.”
+It also widened the gates, so to speak, as noted by fellow Vtuber Silvervale. “Many people are interested in streaming and take inspiration from the streamers they watch,” Silvervale says, “but are uncomfortable using a webcam for a variety of reasons.”
+And even veteran streamers like [Pokimane]( and [Lilypichu]( have recently shown off virtual representatives as well. Silvervale says, “these IRL streamers embracing a new way to create content and feel more comfortable can really inspire those who felt they couldn’t chase their dream of streaming before.”
+#### [Why Pokimane’s Vtubing Twitch stream has everyone talking](
+Of course, having high-profile creators move toward Vtubing inevitably means toes are trodden on, especially for those wary of “outsiders” to the community. From a content creator’s perspective, the weight of their real-world presence at least means that some of the benefits commonly associated with Vtubers are lost in the transition.
+“Some people I know have had issues where safety has been a concern,” said Melody. “Stalking, harassment, and even doxxing is not uncommon for content creators. I’ve heard many Vtubers express how relieved they are that they can express themselves as freely as they like, and don’t have to worry about these \[real-life\] dangers to the same extent.”
+But a mask of any kind only affords so much protection. Vtubers, particularly famous ones, still get personally identified and are still the subject of gossip and scrutiny. And for particularly famous ones, harassment campaigns can take on an international scope — most notably and recently [from the Chinese audience](, where the mention of Taiwan in a discussion about viewership stats can trigger a massively disproportionate communal response in the form of [an ongoing harassment campaign](, leading to the eventual disbanding of Hololive’s Chinese branch.
+But the Vtuber community as a whole, especially outside the context of geopolitics, is notably resistant to encroachment on their performers’ personal identities. That is, when it comes to information beyond which the creators have volunteered. Keeping the kayfabe up can definitively be said to be a communal value for their audience, as much as it would be with the wrestling community. And even for streamers with known identities, the allure of the mystery beckons.
+“Safety aside, having a virtual avatar is helpful,” said Melody. “You might want to be an online entertainer, like a streamer, which is great. But you also might worry about your appearance, since getting made-up every day can be a chore. Having the ability to slip into a virtual avatar is very convenient.
+“Also, it’s not usually a discussed topic, but a virtual persona is helpful when you have physical limitations, because it takes stress off the body.”