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+title = "英語圏VTuber「がうる・ぐら」 キズナアイ抜きチャンネル登録者数世界1位に("
+date = "2021-07-23T09:48:47+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## 英語圏VTuber「がうる・ぐら」 キズナアイ抜きチャンネル登録者数世界1位に(
+ ![img](] 
+ ## VTuber史上初の快挙 ホロライブEnの“サメちゃん”こと「Gawr Gura(がうる・ぐら)」、YouTube登録者300万人を突破|Real Sound|リアルサウンド テック
+ ![img](] 
+カバー株式会社は、同社が運営するVTuber事務所「ホロライブプロダクション」において、ホロライブEnglish所属のVTuber「Gawr Gura(がうる・ぐら)」のYouTubeチャンネル登録者数が300万人を突破したことを発表した。VTuberにおいてチャンネル登録者数が300万人を突破したのは、史上初の快挙となる。
+ホロライブEnglishは英語圏全般向けの女性VTuberグループで、Gawr Guraについても日本・海外の視聴者が多いことでも知られている。
+Gawr Gura(がうる・ぐら)
+キャラクターデザイン:甘城なつき @amsrntk3
+カバー株式会社は、VR/ARのテクノロジーを活用して、 世界で通用する新しいバーチャルタレントの文化を生み出すことをビジョンとした、コンテンツ×テクノロジー領域のスタートアップ。
+代表者:代表取締役社長CEO 谷郷 元昭
+ ## VTuber・森美声、小鳥遊キアラ、一伊那尓栖などがPOP UP PARADE化決定!ねんどろいど がうる・ぐら彩色見本も公開!
+ ![img](] 
+ ## 【海外】がうる・ぐらのオリ曲「REFLECT」の作曲家インタビューがインドネシアのメディアに掲載
+ ![img](] 
+ホロライブEnglishの「サメちゃん」ことがうる・ぐらさんのオリジナル曲「REFLECT」の作曲を手掛けたインドネシアの作曲家、Farhan Sarasinさんのインタビューが6月24日、インドネシアのアニメ・ゲーム系情報サイト「」に掲載されている。
+Intip ide-ide di balik lagu fenomenal tersebut di sini! — (@Duniaku_com) June 24, 2021 「驚異的な曲の背後にあるアイデアをここから覗いてみましょう!」
+Gawr Gura – “REFLECT”(作曲:Farhan Sarasin、作詞:Neko Hacker, Gawr Gura)
+その作曲を担当したFarhanさんは、同じプロダクション傘下の「ホロライブインドネシア」に向けて、2期生であるパヴォリア・レイネさんのオリジナル曲「Gate Open: START!」や、1周年記念全体曲「id:entity voices」を作曲してきた海外のホロライブ曲との縁の深いミュージシャンなのだ。
+"Gate Open: START!"
+This is the original song that was played during my debut!🎶
+Please listen to it lots!!💖💖
+Check the full song here🔽 #holoID — Pavolia Reine (レイネ)🦚@ホロライブID (@pavoliareine) December 6, 2020 Pavolia Reine – “Gate Open: START!”(作曲:Farhan Sarasin、作詞:Farhan Sarasin & Pavolia Reine)
+ちなみに楽器の要素だけでなく、ぐらさん自身が作詞に参加した歌詞(日本のトラックメイカーユニット「Neko Hacker」との共同)では「ギリシャ語」のフレーズも用いられていて印象的だ。
+動画内で字幕を設定すると、イントロ部分で「​Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος」、アウトロ部分で「Ουδέν κακόν αμιγές καλού」と歌われているのがわかる。それぞれ「泣きっ面に蜂。(日本語字幕)/One word brings anoter.(英語字幕)」、「悪の裏は善。(日本語字幕)/Nothing bad is without something good.(英語字幕)」という翻訳付きだ。
+(TEXT by 泉信行)
+・ホロライブEN・Mori Calliope、2nd EP「Your Mori.」が日米のiTunesヒップホップチャート1位を獲得
+・NIJISANJI ID、音楽プロジェクト「Virtual on Voyage」の詳細を発表 メンバー8名が3曲リリース
+・インドネシアのVTuber音楽に新たな波 「NIJISANJI ID」の音楽プロジェクト発足と「ホロライブID」1周年記念オリジナル曲のリリース
+・Gawr Gura「REFLECT」販売リンク
+・Farhan Sarasin(Twitter / YouTube)
+・がうる・ぐら(Twitter/ YouTube)
+・パヴォリア・レイネ(Twitter/ YouTube)
+・ホロライブインドネシア(Twitter/ YouTube)
+ ## 「サメちゃん」がうる・ぐら、デビュー10ヶ月でVTuber初の登録300万人の快挙
+ ![img](] 

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+title = "超音鼠將出道成為 Vtuber? SEGA 更計劃開設 Sonic 主題樂園 - - 遊戲動漫 - 電競遊戲"
+date = "2021-07-23T09:38:35+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## 超音鼠將出道成為 Vtuber? SEGA 更計劃開設 Sonic 主題樂園 - - 遊戲動漫 - 電競遊戲
+ ![img](] 
+ ## Sonic the Hedgehog is a Vtuber now
+ ![img](] 
+Sonic the Hedgehog is celebrating his 30th birthday in the most delightful of ways — by getting into Vtubing.
+On Thursday, Sonic’s official Japanese Twitter account posted a video of a Vtuber model that brings a 3D version of the classic character to life. In the video, we see Sonic talking and smiling, as he says, “Hey guys!” at the start of the video. The gimmick is part of an ongoing celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
+Vtubers (short for virtual YouTuber) are content creators who stream using a 3D model in lieu of their actual face. Vtubers take a variety of forms, from 3D anime girls to cute otters; there’s really no limit to what you can be, so it follows that would now include a lovable blue hedgehog.
+The Sonic in the video is voiced by Jun’ichi Kanemaru, who has been the Japanese-language voice of Sonic in video games since 1998’s Sonic Adventure, as well as in movies and TV show, like Ralph Breaks the Internet and Sonic Boom. Kanemaru’s participation in the stream makes it seem like this will be a special event, rather than a regular thing where Sonic becomes a bona fide streamer.
+Sega has already thrown a wide variety of programming at fans since the 30th anniversary celebration kicked off this week. There will be an interactive livestream where viewers can control a modified version of the original Sonic the Hedgehog game via chat and do things like create platforms in the game, and on Wednesday, fans were treated to a symphonic performance of classic songs from the games.
+Beyond events, Sega is commemorating the anniversary with a new game projects like a Sonic Colors remaster, a retro collection that includes Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and Sonic and friends’ debut in Minecraft. Next year, there will be a new 3D Sonic game and a new animated series coming to Netflix.
+ ## Sonic the Hedgehog Is Officially a VTuber
+ ![img](] 
+Rumors circulated this week that suggested the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog character would be turned into a VTuber, and sooner than expected, those rumors have come to fruition. The official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account from Japan posted a video on Thursday showing Sonic in a different sort of animated style which confirmed the VTuber suspicions. The latest job for Sonic is part of Sega’s ongoing 30-year anniversary celebrations for the character.
+The video shown below was shared by the Japanese Sonic account on Thursday following the bulk of the 30-year anniversary events that have been going on for some time now. Sonic shared a message with fans with the official account thanking all those who participated in the many Sonic events planned around the anniversary.
+Since there’d already been talks of Sonic taking on the VTuber job before, it’s likely this won’t be the last of this version of Sonic that we’ll see. More Sonic VTuber appearances will probably happen in the future around other events and announcements that need to be made. This particular video wasn’t widely shared by other regional Sonic accounts on Twitter, so it looks like you’ll have to keep an eye on the Japanese account for more of this version of Sonic, for now.
+While the Sonic announcements took different forms throughout the past couple of weeks, some of the biggest announcements came from video game reveals. Those reveals included Sonic Origins, Sonic Colors: Ultimate, and finally, a new Sonic the Hedgehog game in the works. That new game might be called “Sonic Rangers,” but that remains to be seen, for now. All that we know about it is that it’s being developed by the core Sonic Team that works on new Sonic games, and from the looks of it, it appears to be a different sort of Sonic game than players might be used to.
+We’ve already seen more gameplay reveals from some of these projects since they were announced, so expect to see gameplay and more insights in the future as we get closer to the games’ releases.
+ ## Vtuber 桐生可可粉絲買兩恆星命名權!作爲承載感激的畢業禮物 - - 網絡生活 - 網絡熱話
+ ![img](] 
+ ## Sega might be turning Sonic the Hedgehog into a VTuber
+ ![img](] 
+There are also some details about the next game and a potential Sonic theme park.
+Kazuyuki Hoshino, one of the lead designers and current art director for Sega and Sonic the Hedgehog, has seemingly revealed that the blue blur is going to make his debut as a VTuber in the future.
+VTubers, a digital YouTuber or a creator who uses a digital avatar of some kind to take the place of a normal webcam, have exploded in popularity over the last year, especially in Western media markets. And it appears that Sega is going to play on that popularity as it continues to celebrate Sonic’s 30th anniversary.
+This news comes from known Japanese publication insider ryokutya2098, who tends to post early information from Famitsu and Weekly Shonen/V Jump. These details are also dropping ahead of the Sonic 30th Anniversary column that will be hosted on Famitsu next month and released on June 24.
+Related: What is a VTuber?
+In the column, Hoshino reportedly says Sonic is “being converted to a VTuber and is being prepared for a new project.” This is being done to coincide with a new distribution program and “because there has never been real-time communication with Sonic.”
+Ryokutya’s early details show that Sonic’s VP of product development Takashi Iizuka will speak a bit about the new title from the franchise being developed for 2022. Hoshino mentioned that the team wants to open a Sonic theme park in the future, too.