Jared 2 years ago

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+title = "竹北SEO公司 | 集仕多 | ChoozMo"
+date = "2022-06-12T00:39:46+02:00"
+tags = ["seo"]
+categories = ["seo"]
+banner = "https://i.imgur.com/sYF31pa.jpg"
+# 竹北SEO公司 - 集仕多
+## 什麼是 SEO 公司? 他們都在做什麼?
+作為大多數企業主,您可能聽說過 SEO 可以為大多數企業提供的好處。 您可能了解在線發展業務的重要性。
+考慮到所有這些,您可能仍然想知道,如果您目前沒有積極尋求 SEO 流量,您是否真的可以從 SEO 中受益。 那麼,什麼是SEO公司?
+搜索引擎優化是相當複雜的。 瀏覽 SEO 機構也可能會讓人感到困惑,因為您無法區分好機構和壞機構。 隨著所有的炒作,很明顯大多數企業主過去都遇到過許多 SEO 機構。
+讓我用這個小圖概括一下 SEO 公司的工作:
+![SEO Company Benefits](https://sh1ftdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/SEO.png)
+## SEO公司的好處
+*   什麼是SEO公司?
+*   什麼是SEO服務?
+*   讓 SEO 公司幫助您的真正好處是什麼?
+*   選擇 SEO 機構時應該注意什麼?
+## SEO公司提供什麼?
+搜索引擎優化公司提供的服務可以幫助您優化搜索引擎結果,從而幫助您提高在線知名度。 **搜索引擎優化** 是關於更改您的網站、其設計、創建和優化您的內容以及生成鏈接以確保您出現在搜索引擎結果中。
+您的網站和內容越優化,Google 等搜索引擎就越有可能在您嘗試出現的搜索引擎結果(與您的業務相關的關鍵字或短語)的首頁上對您的網站進行排名。
+與 SEO 機構合作而不是在內部找人的最大好處之一是他們有為像您這樣的公司產生結果的經驗。 **搜索引擎優化專家** (並非所有人)知道什麼有效,什麼無效,可以讓您的品牌出現在谷歌、必應或雅虎等搜索引擎中。
+大多數 SEO 機構都有一個 SEO 專家團隊,他們擁有廣泛的綜合經驗。 這種結合的經驗可能非常有價值,因為他們確切地知道如何有效地產生結果。
+## SEO機構通常提供廣泛的服務,這裡有一些:
+*   網站審核
+*   量身定制的SEO策略
+*   網站速度優化
+*   內容營銷創作
+總之,他們可以幫助您創建正確的 SEO 策略,然後為您實施。 最好的 SEO 機構將不斷與您合作以產生結果。 他們會將您的業務視為自己的業務,這意味著他們將非常專注於您的業務。
+SEO 機構的目標是根據您的目標產生最佳結果。 您的目標可能是產生可觀的投資回報或獲得盡可能多的知名度。 搜索引擎優化團隊將在那裡看到您的目標。
+他們怎麼能取得這樣的成績? 這是他們做出正確決定的所有經驗的綜合工作,以及始終想方設法改進和了解哪些方法有效而哪些方法無效的不懈態度。
+至少,這是我們在 **ChoozMo 集仕多** 的態度,因為我們希望您從我們與您的合作中獲得盡可能多的收益!
+## 與 SEO 公司合作的真正好處是什麼?
+與 SEO 公司合作對您的業務有很多好處,因為搜索引擎是在線訪問量最大的網站之一,這意味著您可以獲得很多知名度。 以下是 SEO 公司可以提供幫助的三種最知名的方式:
+### #1 – 改善您的搜索引擎結果
+在提高您的網站在 Google 等搜索引擎上的排名時,一家可靠的 SEO 公司將是您最好的盟友。 憑藉當前的知識、策略和工具,SEO 公司將能夠優化您的網站以增加其在搜索引擎上的權威。
+搜索引擎優化機構的第一步是進行關鍵字研究。 SEO 過程的這一階段非常重要,因為定位正確的關鍵字可以吸引正確的受眾訪問您的網站。
+在此階段之後,他們還將優化您的網站架構,讓搜索引擎抓取您的網站結果。 這意味著搜索引擎將能夠看到您網站上的頁面。
+您的 [SEO](https://auq.io/service/seo/) 公司將能夠找到您的網站設計和內容需要哪些修改,以幫助您的搜索引擎排名並幫助您有效地實現這些機會。
+### #2 – 吸引正確的目標受眾
+搜索引擎優化公司的目標不是為您帶來任何知名度,他們希望定位高意圖關鍵字。 高意向關鍵字是您的目標受眾可能搜索的關鍵字,這表明他們對您的公司所提供的產品真正感興趣。
+![SEO company results](https://sh1ftdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Screen-Shot-2020-06-11-at-11.32.30-AM.png)
+例如,如果在 ChoozMo,我們針對“Facebook 廣告代理”而不是“Facebook 性感視頻”進行排名,那麼我們更有可能從第一個關鍵字產生潛在客戶和銷售量,而不是第二個關鍵字。 這就是我們所說的高意向關鍵字,即與您的產品和服務保持一致以帶來相關流量的關鍵字。
+此外,當您通過相關關鍵字搜索為您的網站帶來更多流量時,您更有可能產生銷售和潛在客戶。 您可以通過低意向關鍵字獲得 10,000 名訪問者,並通過高意向關鍵字從 100 名訪問者中賺取更多收入。
+據 **[Moz](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/10/30/the-value-of-search-results-rankings/#112b7b2944d3)** 稱,Google 的首頁捕獲了 71% 的搜索流量點擊,據報導近年來高達 92%。 谷歌非常擅長向人們展示他們正在尋找的東西。 換句話說,如果您將您的內容與人們的意圖相匹配,您將獲得大量優質流量。
+### #3 – 可追踪的測量結果
+雖然高意向關鍵詞的排名是 SEO 的精髓,但了解結果的來源也很重要。 這就是我們如何能夠優化和更多地關注某些關鍵字的方式。 搜索引擎優化很容易跟踪,它可以真正幫助您隨著時間的推移而改進。
+無論 SEO 公司過去做了什麼,您的新 SEO 代理機構都可以幫助您產生強大的結果。 事實上,您可以要求您的 SEO 公司每月向您發送一份關於您的排名改善情況、您排名的詞等等的報告!
+通過向您的 SEO 公司詢問有關您的 SEO 活動的月度分析報告,您可以更好地了解 SEO 服務如何為您的業務提供價值。
+要求您的 SEO 公司向您提供此類信息很重要,因為它提供了結果的細分。 這使您可以控制是否為您的品牌產生令人滿意的結果。 您可能會發現流量、關鍵字排名、流量來源、產生的收入等等。
+## 什麼是搜索引擎優化服務?
+搜索引擎優化服務非常廣泛,但它們代表了優化網站頁面及其反向鏈接以提高搜索引擎排名的過程。 SEO 公司為其客戶提供此類服務,以在搜索引擎結果頁面 (SERP) 的第一頁上排名,以便為其產品和服務的相關關鍵字產生流量。
+在此類 SEO 服務中,不僅包括更改您網站上某些內容的策略,還包括為您執行此操作,以幫助您在所需關鍵字中排名更高。
+了解什麼是 SEO 公司以及與之合作的好處,讓我們更具體地談談他們提供的服務。 SEO專家做什麼的?
+搜索引擎優化專家的工作是分析您的網站排名和您的競爭對手之一,以找到您應該排名的相關關鍵字。 然後,它們會幫助您進行必要的修改,以使您從這些關鍵字的搜索中產生流量。 完全掌握他們所做工作的最佳方式是了解他們通常提供的服務。
+### #1 – 網站分析和審計
+大多數 SEO 公司將通過審核您的網站和當前的 SEO 排名開始與您的公司合作。 這包括:
+*   查看您網站的架構以確保它出現在搜索引擎中
+*   找出您的網站針對哪些關鍵字排名
+*   分析網站的速度
+*   以及更多
+這有助於 SEO 公司確定您當前網站排名的低掛果實。 那些唾手可得的果實可能是弱點,也可能是強項。
+例如,也許您的網站速度非常慢,那麼他們可以將您的弱點轉化為優勢。 另一方面,您已經可以為理想的高意圖關鍵字排名很好,他們可以在他們的 SEO 策略中利用這一點。
+搜索引擎優化審計和分析的最後一步是查看你的競爭對手在搜索引擎優化方面是誰以及他們的策略是什麼。 這將使他們很好地了解他們可以快速做些什麼來讓你達到標準並最終獲得比他們更好的結果。
+此階段還可以幫助您的 [SEO 公司](https://www.digitalauthority.me/locations/las-vegas-nv/seo-agency/) 了解您的目標受眾是誰以及他們在搜索什麼。 在 SEO 策略中,這將使您的 SEO 公司在未來獲得大量相關的關鍵字和內容創意。
+總之,通過更好地了解您的業務及其競爭對手的 SEO 排名,您的 SEO 公司將能夠創建強大且防大流行的 SEO 遊戲計劃和策略。
+### #2 – SEO 遊戲計劃和策略
+在完成我們在ChoozMo所稱的強大的深入分析後,您的 SEO 公司已準備好根據您的需求和目標制定 SEO 遊戲計劃和策略。 分析和審計使我們很好地了解了要針對哪些關鍵字以及您的目標市場是誰。
+一個好的 SEO 策略可以在根據您的 SEO 活動目標提供強大的結果方面產生巨大的不同。 每家公司都是不同的,這就是為什麼擁有完全適合您的業務類型的 SEO 目標很重要的原因。
+例如,像 ChoozMo 這樣的 SEO 機構可以以產生潛在客戶為目標,而電子商務品牌可能希望直接在其網站上產生銷售。
+您的 SEO 遊戲計劃和策略不僅包括您的長期目標,還應該包括將用於將您的業務從當前位置帶到可能位置的策略。
+一句忠告,如果你的SEO公司不能用簡單的語言解釋他們的策略是什麼,那可能是因為他們不夠合格。 完全理解 SEO 概念意味著您應該能夠讓任何人理解不同的概念。
+擁有一家能夠很好地解釋他們正在做什麼的 SEO 公司對於確保您了解正在發生的事情非常重要。 這通常是一個紅色標誌,因為您想感覺自己正在與該機構合作。 你不想感到被遺忘在黑暗中。
+### #3 – SEO 工具安裝
+![SEO dashboard](https://sh1ftdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Screen-Shot-2020-06-11-at-1.55.14-PM.png)
+當談到 SEO 工具時,不乏它們。 有一百多種不同的工具可以做類似的事情。 根據您的 SEO 遊戲計劃和策略,您的 SEO 公司應該引導您朝著正確的方向使用最佳工具來實現您的目標。
+*   關鍵詞排名
+*   反向鏈接分析
+*   自然流量
+*   損壞的 URL 報告
+*   以及更多
+這些工具將允許您的 SEO 公司確保他們的 SEO 努力帶來預期的結果。 他們還將確保他們不會錯過任何有趣的機會,以通過低垂的果實產生更多的結果。
+它對您也非常有價值,因為您將能夠跟踪結果並查看相關見解以與您的 SEO 公司合作。 您越熱心幫助我們,我們就越能幫助您!
+當涉及到基於您的 SEO 目標的數百種可用工具時,一家強大且經驗豐富的 SEO 公司將引導您朝著正確的方向前進。 最常用的 SEO 工具是 **[SEMrush](https://www.semrush.com/)** 、 **[AHref](https://ahrefs.com/)** 和 **[Serpstat](https://serpstat.com/)** 。
+使用正確的工具集,您的 SEO 策略將很容易執行,您的 SEO 活動將得到有效優化!
+### #4 – 初始 SEO 設置
+在設置了正確的 SEO 工具之後,是時候進行初始 SEO 設置了。 這是您的 SEO 公司將開始執行 SEO 遊戲計劃和策略的地方,這樣您就可以開始在您的 SEO 活動中看到直接結果。
+初始設置通常是為了解決您網站在 SEO 方面的主要問題。 一般來說,在 ChoozMo ,我們發現這些是我們採取的最常見的頁面優化操作:
+*   如果可能的話,盡量減少你的代碼
+*   優化您的網站圖片
+*   確保您的網站 [適合移動設備](https://www.zentoshop.com/blog/tag/mobile/)
+*   正確設置您的網站架構
+*   確保您的網站已連接到 Google Analytics 和 Google Search Console
+*   為您的 SEO 活動找到他們最初想要關注的實際關鍵字
+當涉及到站外 SEO 策略時,由於我們對它們的控制較少,因此您的 SEO 公司可能會在稍後開展這項工作。 頁外搜索引擎優化主要包括讓其他具有高權限的網站鏈接回您自己的網站。 像這樣的搜索引擎是因為它表明您的網站是權威的。
+您的 SEO 公司至少應該提供想法和建議來改進您的頁外 SEO 策略,例如策略。 您的 SEO 公司還可以提供行動計劃,以確保您的 SEO 策略的這一部分得到解決。
+### #5 – 不斷的 SEO 優化和工作
+一切就緒後,就該開始觀察結果並繼續優化了。 這可以說是這項工作中最重要的部分,最初的設置很重要,但它的結果是讓 SEO 專家大放​​異彩。
+此外,重要的是要記住,谷歌等搜索引擎會不斷更新算法。 身邊有一位 SEO 專家可以幫助您確保您不斷適應 SEO 世界的變化。
+算法更新可能對企業產生很小但也很大的影響,這就是為什麼不斷調整策略以適應正在發生的事情至關重要的原因。 這將使您的企業能夠遵守最新的 SEO 更新。
+您的 SEO 公司將不斷努力確保您的網站在搜索引擎中保持可見,因為 SEO 是動態的世界。 儘管它是一個非常可靠的流量來源,但人們的搜索會隨著時間的推移而變化,並且不斷調整您的策略會對您的結果產生巨大影響。
+以下是您在與 SEO 公司合作時可能需要繼續關注的服務列表:
+*   不斷的關鍵詞研究
+*   內容營銷服務
+*   鏈接建設
+*   不斷的網站優化
+*   根據最新的算法更新更改您的策略
+### 您應該與哪家 SEO 公司合作?
+這是個大問題。 並非所有的 SEO 公司都很好,更不用說很棒了。 許多代理機構選擇了簡單的道路,只專注於完成合同而沒有交付成果。 在ChoozMo,我們經常挑選那些沒有被其他SEO公司善待的公司來恢復他們對SEO公司的信心。
+花時間與您的 SEO 專家交談,嘗試更清楚地了解他們的工作以及他們想要採取的策略,這一點很重要。 你知道的越多,你做決定的能力就越好。 關注該機構過去的結果很重要,但更關注您的 SEO 專家的可信度。
+例如,我們的一位客戶曾與一家機構合作,該機構使用大量垃圾網站提供指向我們客戶網站的反向鏈接。 這確實損害了他們的搜索引擎優化,我們不得不花費數小時刪除所有這些反向鏈接,以便他們再次看到他們的排名表現。
+您可能想知道,但是如果我選擇了錯誤的機構,結果卻比我剛開始時最差,我該如何選擇一家好的機構呢? 這是個好問題。
+好的 SEO 公司在為他們或他們的客戶之前已經產生了結果。 如果一個機構正在做他們自己的搜索引擎優化,那麼這是一個很好的跡象,他們知道他們在說什麼。
+以下是選擇合適的 SEO 公司時要考慮的要點列表:
+*   **量身定制的計劃:** 擁有一個計劃從中挑選的 SEO 機構是行不通的。 每個企業都是不同的,每個目標都是不同的,關鍵是要有一家 SEO 公司來傾聽您的需求並提出適合您自己需求的計劃。 這也很重要,因為它表明該機構已經花時間進行研究,了解您的業務和目標受眾。
+*   **生成的結果:** 如果有問題的 SEO 公司有推薦、案例研究,請務必查看它們。 您可以在 Clutch 甚至 Google My Business 上找到此類評論。
+*   **內部團隊:** 您應該確保您的 SEO 公司擁有整個內部團隊。 許多機構通常將他們的工作外包給獨立承包商以節省資金,但有可能損害他們的工作質量。 在 ChoozMo,我們根據人才而非成本僱傭員工。
+*   **意見:** 這很有趣,但可以說,優秀的 SEO 專家對您向他們提出的任何 SEO 主題都有意見。 如果您談論最新的 Google 算法更新,而您的專家無法表達它如何影響他的策略,那麼您可能找錯人了。
+當然,這只是選擇合適的 SEO 公司的起點。 這也是一個信任問題,以及你與正在交談的人的關係如何。 業務關係可以持續很長時間,這就是為什麼選擇合適的 SEO 專家來幫助您實現目標應該做得很好。
+如果您的 SEO 公司在您詢問時沒有花時間向您解釋他們所做的事情,那麼現在可能是尋找另一個專注於使您的公司與您合作的 SEO 機構的好時機。
+## SEO可以產生更多收入嗎?
+搜索引擎優化是一項了不起的投資,因為從長遠來看它會有所改善。 您可能需要幾個月的時間才能開始看到結果,但在此之後,如果您與合適的 SEO 機構合作,您的結果很可能會上升。
+關鍵是聘請合適的 SEO 機構,讓您感覺自己在團隊中工作。 他們花時間與您討論他們的策略,並歡迎您最終看到的任何內容。
+## 來自 ChoozMo 的 SEO 常見問題解答
+我決定列出一些我們在 ChoozMo 上遇到的常見問題,以防您需要更簡短的信息:
+一家 SEO 公司將搜索引擎優化 (SEO) 作為一項服務提供給企業。 SEO 是關於修改您的網站、其內容和生成反向鏈接,以幫助您在理想的 Google 搜索中排名。 隨著您的 SEO 公司的運作,您將開始出現在搜索引擎頁面結果 (SERP) 上,這應該可以幫助您獲得更多結果。
+**2\. 我應該聘請 SEO 機構嗎?**
+是的,搜索引擎優化機構可以幫助您節省時間和金錢,為您的公司創造更多收入,而不是自己做。 重要的是要記住,每個企業都有不同的 SEO 需求和目標,機構可以有效地適應您的業務。
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+搜索引擎優化公司通常會為他們的客戶提供強大的結果,但同樣,有些機構並不像任何業務那樣真正好。 這完全取決於您的目標和您最終僱用的 SEO 公司。 SEO 是一個充滿活力的世界,我們在 ChoozMo 不斷追隨它為我們的客戶提供結果。
+**4\. SEO 服務的成本是多少?**
+SEO 服務定價因您的計劃中包含的內容而有很大差異。 它的起價為 500 美元,最高可達數千美元。 要記住的最重要的部分是,搜索引擎優化合同應該至少一年才能產生良好的結果,因為它是一個連續的過程。 如果您需要我們的報價,請隨時索取建議書!

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+title = "This virtual artist just inked a major record deal in China. A sign of the future?"
+date = "2021-07-30T10:49:06+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## This virtual artist just inked a major record deal in China. A sign of the future?
+ ![img](https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/files/2021/07/Ha-Jiang-4-scaled.jpg)] 
+Virtual artists are still something of a novelty, but they’re nothing new.
+The most famous virtual artist in the West – as in, an AI-generated performer – is perhaps Lil Miquela, with her 3 million Instagram followers and hundreds of thousands of monthly listeners on Spotify.
+There’s also FN Meka, the “robot rapper” MBW wrote about in April (who now has nearly 10 million followers on TikTok), plus the League Of Legends K-pop band, K/DA – voiced by humans, but fronted by avatars.
+We’ve never before seen a virtual artist sign a deal with a major record label, however… until now.
+That major record label is Whet Records – Warner Music Group‘s pan-Asian dance label in China, which was founded in April and is already expanding fast.
+To date, Whet has very much centered itself in the human realm, with standout signings including star Chinese DJ, Lizzy Wang.
+This week, Whet has unveiled six new signings from a mix of different backgrounds. They include dance music pioneer Mickey Zhang, and one of southeast Asia’s top DJs, 22Bullets.
+Yet this latest crop of signings also includes an artist who only exists online.
+Ha Jiang is what’s known locally as a “virtual idol” – a huge deal in Asia, particularly in China and Japan, where they’ve amassed significant fan bases.
+“Virtual idols” talk about their lives, their relationships, what they get up to, the things that interest them. And some have started to build careers as influencers and fashion models.
+Ha Jiang is the first to bag a record deal with a major label. So is signing her, alongside five human artists, a gimmick or the start of a meaningful trend?
+MBW caught up with Jon Serbin, the CEO of Warner Music Greater China and Head of Whet Records to find out…
+Before we talk about ‘viRtual idols’, what sort of artists do you more typically look to add to the Whet roster?
+We’re looking for original artists, who we can help cut through the noise, and connect to a massive fanbase.
+Look at Mickey Zhang, the man is a true pioneer of dance music in Asia, who has blended Western and local sounds to create music that’s inspired generations of artists and producers. Or YUAN, who has combined traditional Chinese instruments with dance beats to create a unique sound, and Yuen Yuen, who deliver their art in multi-media formats. Or Gigi Lee, who has combined her music skills with her keen sense of fashion to become a key influence influencer in Greater China.
+How significant are ‘virtual idols’ in Asia?
+‘Virtual idols’ are already a huge phenomenon in China, as well as other parts of Asia. They’re attracting big following on social media, particularly Gen-Z fans. People become really engaged with the idols’ daily lives, much like they are with real film stars or models.
+Thus far, the idols have mainly had careers in fashion, taking part in virtual cat walks, and wearing the latest designs. The Japanese model Imma, who has about 350,000 Instagram followers, posts about art, film and culture. It’s really a mix of virtual and real. She appears in posts with human celebrities and ‘friends’ and talks about things like moving into a new home. Many of the posts are quite life-like, others are more surreal.
+“As with any form of fame, there are stars that cross over into music. ‘Virtual idols’ won’t be any different.” Jon Serbin, Warner Music Greater China / Whet Records
+As with any form of fame, there are stars that cross over into music. ‘Virtual idols’ won’t be any different. We see a lot of overlap between the followers of Chinese pop stars and the fans of ‘virtual idols’, so they’re already appealing to the same audience.
+One thing that’s difficult for some people to understand is that it’s typical not to talk about the teams behind these idols. The idols are always talked about as real personalities.
+Who is the ‘virtual idol’ that you are signing?
+Our first ‘virtual idol’ signing is Ha Jiang , who already has more than 100,000 followers in China.
+Essentially, she’s a social influencer, known for her sense of style and fashion. The city of Shanghai even hired her to promote safe driving!
+“We’re going to pair her with some amazing songwriters and producers and make some impactful music that will introduce her to a whole new audience.”
+A move into music is a natural next step. Her image is all about positivity and good vibes and her style is perfect for the dance genre.
+There’s a deep connection between Ha Jiang and her growing and very passionate fan-base. We’re going to pair her with some amazing songwriters and producers and make some impactful music that will introduce her to a whole new audience.
+How ground-breaking is it for Warner/Whet to sign a ‘virtual idol’ to a record deal?
+We’re leading a new trend here. Our deal with Ha Jiang is the first deal like this for a major record company in Asia. And it isn’t a novelty deal to us – we’re seeing this as the start of a proper campaign.
+Perhaps she’ll even do a duet with one of her Whet label mates – she has the ability to open up new avenues for them.
+I’m certain we’ll see many more deals between ‘virtual idols’ and labels around the world.
+Why are you choosing an idol in the dance genre?
+Dance is a very universal genre, and there’s often very strong visuals and graphics associated with the music. In this genre, Ha Jiang has the potential to find fans across Asia and even travel the world.
+Dance music has also always been forward-thinking about technology. It’s openness to innovation and eagerness to embrace the next big thing makes it a perfect launching pad.
+It’s clear you’re not turning your back on human stars, but what impact do you expect virtual artists to have in the Chinese market in future?
+As you know, we just announced the signing of six incredible artists. We’ve got ambitious plans to step-up our signings across Greater China, and invest even more heavily in the phenomenal talent in genres from dance to hip-hop.
+And it’s important to say that our projects for ‘virtual idols’ will create opportunities for humans too. We’ll be working with great songwriters, engineers and producers to help create their music.
+“it’s important to say that our projects for ‘virtual idols’ will create opportunities for humans too. We’ll be working with great songwriters, engineers and producers to help create their music.”
+Overall, we think ‘virtual idols’ will help fuel the expansion of the Chinese music market.
+They’ll be a dynamic addition to our roster and another way for music to compete in the attention economy.
+Is this a trend you see going worldwide?
+Yes. We’re already seeing ‘virtual idols’ in markets such as Japan and Korea, and even the US.
+China is pioneering the scene because of the huge size of its market and fans’ keenness to adopt new technologies. Remember, Greater China was also the market that led the way on live streaming gigs, long before the Covid pandemic saw them gain traction in the rest of the world.
+Do you think the way the pandemic has driven our behaviour – how comfortable we are with virtual meetings, virtual concerts etc – has accelerated the commercial potential of virtual idols/artists?
+The impact of Covid-19, and the way we shifted to more digital interaction, certainly accelerated the rise of ‘virtual idols’.
+Fans like the fact that idols are very relatable, but also can do very unusual, kind of magical things.
+“During the pandemic, while everyone else is in lock-down, there are no real limits for idols. There’s a very creative escapism going on.”
+During the pandemic, while everyone else is in lock-down, there are no real limits for idols. There’s a very creative escapism going on.
+But we don’t think they’ll disappear as the pandemic recedes. There’s a place for them alongside human artists, just like live streaming will continue to complement in-person gigs.Music Business Worldwide
+ ## K-POP歌手でありバーチャルなウサギ、APOKIとは?本人らが語る
+ ![img](https://www.cinra.net/uploads/img/column/202107-apoki_gtmnmcl_l_full.jpg)] 
+音楽だけでなく、多様なカルチャーやトレンドを取り入れ、進化し続けるK-POPシーンに、ユニークな存在が現れた。2021年2月にデビューしたバーチャルK-POPアーティスト、APOKIだ。 K-POPアーティストにとって「コンセプト」「世界観」と「ファンとのコミュニケーション」は重要な要素だが、APOKIは「宇宙のどこかに住むウサギ」として地球のファンと交流する。見た目はガールズグループにいそうなすらりとした体型に、海外のアニメキャラのようなキュートな顔つき。歌って踊る姿は生身の存在のようにナチュラルで不思議な存在感を見せる。 日本でもキズナアイをはじめとするさまざまなVTuberたちが人気を集めているが、バーチャル文化とK-POP文化の双方を股に掛けるAPOKIとは一体どのように生まれ、どんな展望を持って活動しているのか? 今回はAPOKIを生んだ韓国のスタートアップ企業・Afun Interactiveの代表DKクォン氏へのインタビューと、APOKI本人へのメールインタビューを交え、K-POPシーンに現れた新たな表現の可能性を探る。
+近年の「Unreal Engine」をはじめとするゲーミングエンジン(ゲームの開発に用いられるソフトウェア)の発達は、リアルタイムで人間の演者の動作を読み取って動く「バーチャルアーティスト」の存在を可能にした。いまやK-POPの精密で激しいダンスでさえも、3DCGの美麗なアバターに難なく踊らせることができる。
+APOKIによるBLACKPINK“Forever Young”ダンスカバー
+これまでK-POP楽曲のカバーのみで活動してきたAPOKIだが、今年2月についにオリジナル楽曲“GET IT OUT”でデビューを果たした。6月には2曲目となる“Coming Back”をリリースし、まさにこれからの展開が注目されるタイミングだ。K-POPファンにもバーチャル文化のファンにもAPOKIの魅力を知ってもらえるよう、その活動の背景について簡単に解説していきたい。
+とはいえ、原理は同じでも実際の「バーチャル」のあり方や活動の形式は実に多種多様で、ここではとてもその全体像を紹介しきれない。日本のVTuberのキズナアイ、海外のゲーム実況プラットフォームで活動するバーチャルストリーマーのCodeMiko、バーチャルインフルエンサーのimmaやLil Miquelaなど、代表的な例をいくつかチェックするだけでも、そのあり方の幅広さは理解してもらえるはずだ。
+もちろん、APOKIの制作チームの人選や本人のパフォーマンススタイルは、「バーチャルK-POPアーティスト」と名乗るだけあって完全にK-POPのマナーを踏まえている。たとえば作曲はBTSやTWICEをはじめ、数々のK-POPグループに楽曲を提供しているメラニー・フォンタナ。振付はK/DAも手がけるNARIA(韓国の有名ダンススタジオ・PREPIX STUDIO所属)。そしてMVのディレクターはNCT DREAMやテミン(SHINee)のMVも手がけるJinooya Makes(Jay Parkによる音楽事務所・AOMG所属)と、K-POP的な文脈で豪華な布陣だと言える。
+またオリジナル楽曲のリリース後は、テレビ局Mnet主催のリレーダンス企画に参加したり、ライブパフォーマンスシリーズ「It’s LIVE」でバンドとのコラボを披露したり、公募のカバーダンスコンテストを開催したりと、K-POPアーティストらしい活動を行っているのも事実だ。
+“GET IT OUT“のリレーダンス映像。リレーダンスはK-POPアイドルらが曲にあわせて順番にダンスを披露していく、Mnetのチャンネル「M2」の恒例企画
+そこから実に2週間ほど宇宙船の室内だけを映し続けるライブ配信が続き、コメント欄に残されたファンは時折発されるモールス信号を解読しながらAPOKIの帰還を待った。そして2021年1月13日にようやくAPOKIが月面に着陸する動画がアップロードされ、後日オリジナル楽曲の制作とデビューが発表された。これらの大がかりな演出の世界観をそのまま引き継ぐように、デビュー曲の“GET IT OUT”のMVにはさまざまなSF映画のオマージュが散りばめられている。
+こうした独自路線をとっているのは、APOKIをサポートするプロジェクトチームが既存の芸能事務所ではないからなのかもしれない。2016年設立のAfun Interactiveは、リアルタイムレンダリング技術を基盤に3DCGコンテンツの制作を手がけてきた新進気鋭のテック・スタートアップだ。2019年より突如としてAPOKIのプロジェクトがスタートしたように見えるが、なぜスタートアップ企業がいきなり(バーチャルとはいえ)アーティストマネジメントに乗り出したのかはわからない。また、なぜあれだけ本格的なK-POP楽曲やMVを制作できているのかも不明だ。
+今回はその謎を少しでも明らかにするべく、Afun InteractiveのDKクォン代表とAPOKI本人にそれぞれインタビューを行った。ここからはその内容をお届けする(なおAPOKIはメールインタビュー、DKクォン代表はオンラインインタビューとなっている)。
+ ## Virtual influencers: how digital popstars conquered the masses
+ ![img](https://article.domusweb.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/hp-lil-miquela-cgi-influencers-trend-1-1.png)] 
+In the Hugo Award-winning, highly acclaimed science fiction novel The Dark Forest (2008), Chinese writer Liu Cixin pictures the protagonist, astronomer Luo Ji, imagining his soul mate. Luo Ji begins by constructing her face, “her favourite foods, the colour and style of every dress in her wardrobe, the decorations on her mobile phone”. He finds himself spying on her as a child chasing a balloon that flies away, walking in the rain, looking at the ceiling on her first night at college. Until one day, suddenly, while they are in the library, she looks up and smiles at him. Was it Luo Ji who “asked her” to do it? Or as his human partner will ask him before she leaves, “she’s alive, isn’t she?”
+The love story between us human beings and the non-existent, absent and perfect beings created by our minds is an ancient story, made of sighs, which takes on new tones as we move from writing to 3D modelling and from printed books to social media. In the very same months in which Liu Cixin was writing The Dark Forest, another ideal girl was born in Japan, who would revolutionize the history of transmedia marketing, surpassing the expectations of her own creators and becoming a sort of collective dream or participatory design of a virtual idol: Hatsune Miku.
+ ## 5 Elements of Building an Effective Virtual Influencer Campaign
+ ![img](https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Jaime-Laguan-AdobeStock_303550779_bw.jpg)] 
+Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of Rolling Stone editors or publishers.
+What do you think of when you hear the term “virtual being”? Admittedly, this very well could be your first time hearing the phrase. Does it conjure memories of Max Headroom, that time the internet was bewildered by the Instagram influencer, Lil Miquela, or Travis Scott’s in-game Fortnite concert?
+Virtual beings are an evolving phenomenon comprised of digitally-based characters that are capable of creating experiences through interaction with their terrestrial counterparts, often giving artificial intelligence a face. These avatars have applications in categories ranging from video games to beauty.
+Overseas in Japan, virtual influencers have already made a name for themselves, however, the methodology is somewhat different. Virtual influencers like J-pop sensation, Liam Nikuro and the pink-haired Imma exist as a live-action body with a 3D head imposed over the character’s true likeness. Imma has done major activations with brands like Porsche and Diesel Art Gallery.
+Not long after Lil Miquela provided a proof of concept for the space and how successful it could be with her now 3 million followers on Instagram, former fashion photographer Cameron-James Wilson developed the first virtual supermodel named Shudu.
+I believe we’re just scratching the surface of the use cases for virtual beings. Imagine virtual beings of the hottest musicians hosting listening parties for their new albums sitting next to you while you listen via augmented reality. Imagine interacting via avatar with your favorite athletes in the locker room before a game.
+With the world still in the throes of a pandemic and the increasing commodification of digital goods as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) making headlines with high-dollar transactions, the conditions are ripe for:
+1. A more accessible way for brands to build influencer relationships.
+2. New ways for influencers to connect with their audience.
+3. Highly customizable experiences.
+4. Enhanced scalability.
+The applications and customizations are endless, which is why venture funds have poured over $300 million into virtual being-related companies. But I haven’t quite explained how that applies to your business yet.
+The Rolling Stone Culture Council is an invitation-only community for Influencers, Innovators and Creatives. Do I qualify?
+Here’s What Happened When We Tried It
+Recently, my agency ran two sets of influencers side by side in an experimental campaign for a virtual veterinary service, Airvet. The goal was to see which set of influencers would garner more engagement, the traditional or the virtual beings from Genies, with its 3D avatars (which expanded with avatar wearable NFTs). Our teams pit a set of celebrity virtual being influencers up against a set of pet influencers (for obvious reasons).
+We hammered out a number of criteria to choose our influencer groups. The most important indicators were if they were either a pet owner or operated a pet account with a reach that met our threshold and various audience metrics, which helped us determine their fit for the campaign. We developed digital content in the form of images, videos and animations that we ran side by side in organic social media, paid media and app campaigns.
+After one month of running both influencer campaigns, the virtual vet service garnered over half a million total impressions, increasing the average daily visitors to its website by nearly four times. It’s difficult to make a 1-to-1 comparison between these two cohorts, but we can draw a few conclusions from running these campaigns side by side. The raw numbers show the efficiency and efficacy of working with influencers and virtual influencers to boost brand awareness and user engagement.
+Based on my experience with a virtual influencer campaign, there are some important and essential factors brand and marketing leaders need to consider when creating such a campaign.
+1. Even though the influencer is a virtual being, they have a personal brand. In a medium where activations have never been more customizable, authenticity is still key.
+2. Consider the audience you’re trying to reach. Virtual influencers can produce highly engaging campaigns comparable (and sometimes even surpassing) traditional influencer relationships.
+3. Digital influencers can create interest and brand awareness for top-of-funnel campaigns. Use benchmarks from traditional influencer campaigns you’ve run to test the efficacy of your brand.
+4. Build a narrative. Whether it’s subtle or in your face, you have the opportunity to tell a story in a unique way (your way) and you should take advantage of that.
+5. Keep the limitations in mind. For now, virtual influencers primarily appear on screens, so they naturally don’t have real-world connections beyond user engagement. However, you can develop the virtual world around them.
+Virtual influencers have the potential to be a cost-effective alternative to working with IRL influencers, giving brands an opportunity to customize campaigns that leverage top-tier talent that most wouldn’t necessarily have had access to without spending big bucks. Keep these elements in mind when crafting a virtual influencer campaign to ensure you’re hitting on the market nuances.
+ ## Virtual Characters Are Hitting Spotify Charts – More on the Metaverse
+ ![img](https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/virtual-characters-in-the-metaverse-feat.jpeg)] 
+Virtual Characters Are Hitting Spotify Charts – More on the Metaverse
+Virtual characters are a growing trend in digital advertising, but they’re blowing up in the music industry, too.
+That’s because virtual models and characters don’t age, don’t find themselves with negative publicity, and don’t generate their own scandals. There’s also no restriction on their availability since multiple projects can be worked on simultaneously. Artificial characters can be any type of entertainer, from actor, fashion model, even K-pop acts.
+A report from the Korea Times illustrates just how popular virtual characters are becoming. “Business insiders claim that firms’ spending on digital human marketing will grow to 16.6 trillion won by next year,” the report reads. That’s around $14.4 billion dollars in an industry that is rapidly growing, not just in Asia.
+In March, girl group Eternity made their debut with the song “I’m Real.” The 11-member group look no different from other K-pop girl bands – but none of the members are real. They’re hyper-realistic virtual characters created with artificial intelligence.
+AI graphic company Pulse 9 brought the girl group to life. “Unlike human singers, AI members can freely express themselves and weigh in on diverse social issues because they are less vulnerable to malicious comments and criticisms,” CEO Park Ji-eun says. In other words – AI characters don’t give a crap when people are mean to them online.
+The Eternity group has its own universe hand-crafted by Park and her colleagues. The members of Eternity are aliens from a distant planet called Aian, who were dispatched to earth to interact with people to find solutions for its threatened planet. Pulse 9 held a public poll to find which faces fans would like to see in the group from 101 AI-generated faces. Viewers hand-selected the 11 members to create the new K-pop band.
+While Eternity may be the newest K-pop act to take virtual characters to the next level, it won’t be the first or the last. Kpop-focused labels like JYP, YG, and HYBE have invested in avatar app companies like Zepeto for creating virtual fan meetings and other content.
+Miquela Sousa is another virtual robot that works outside the K-pop scene. Lil Miquela has worked with fashion brands like Prada, Dior, and Calvin Klein. She released the single “Not Mine” in 2017, which hit #8 on the Spotify Top 50 charts. She also debuted her first music video, “Hard Feelings,” at the virtual Lollapalooza this year.
+These virtual characters with their metaverse-specific lore will only become more frequent as technology, and AI continues to intersect with personality-driven industries.

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+title = "Microsoft Teams now lets users translate slides in PowerPoint Live presentations"
+date = "2021-08-01T00:08:03+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## Microsoft Teams now lets users translate slides in PowerPoint Live presentations
+ ![img](https://www.onmsft.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Dell-2-Display-With-Microsoft-Teams.jpg)] 
+Microsoft announced new slide translation capabilities for PowerPoint Live presentations in Teams back in May. The company is now rolling out an update to the Teams desktop client which brings the slide translation functionality.
+As the name suggests, the Slide translate feature allows attendees to convert the slide show content in their own language while in private view. The slide translation option will only be available for participants if the presenter uses the PowerPoint Live option in a Microsoft Teams meeting. The feature is currently supported in nineteen languages, including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, and Hindi.
+To use this feature, users will need to click the (. . .) menu available at the button of the meeting window. Finally, select the Translate slides option and then choose any language from the list. Users can repeat the same process and then select the “Original option” to revert slideshow content to the default language.
+The PowerPoint slide translation capability could be particularly beneficial for multi-lingual meetings, and it will enable attendees to follow the presentation without interrupting the presenter. However, this feature is currently not available in the DoD environments, but we will keep an eye on the Microsoft 365 roadmap to let you know as soon as an update is available for users.
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+ ## Microsoft added these features to Microsoft Teams for Education in July 2021
+ ![img](https://mspoweruser.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/teams-for-education.png)] 
+This month (July 2021), Microsoft added several education focused features to Microsoft Teams. Educators can now create class teams based on the enrollment roster of their courses in Canvas. Also, teachers can now return an assignment for revision so students can make changes and submit it again for evaluation. Microsoft is also bringing redesigned assignments expeirence to mobile devices. You can find the full list of features below.
+1) Engage students with class teams from Canvas.
+a. Microsoft Teams classes in Canvas
+2) Make Assignments more engaging and fun…and easier for you, too!
+a. Group assignments – expected to be available early August
+b. Return an assignment for student revision – expected to be available early August
+c. Filter assignments by class – expected to be available early August
+d. Better assignments experience on mobile devices – expected to be available early August
+3) Encourage student expression and help make meetings more accessible and inclusive.
+a. Expanded emoji picker
+b. Spotlight multiple users during class or a meeting.
+4) Create engaging online and hybrid classes …and yes, there’s a virtual laser pointer
+a. Chat bubbles
+b. Annotation in PowerPoint Live
+c. Virtual laser pointer in PowerPoint Live
+d. Personal slide translation in PowerPoint Live
+5) Manage hybrid and remote classes Manage online and hybrid classes and help make them more secure
+a. Automatically record meetings.
+b. Lower all raised hands.
+c. Hard audio mute PSTN callers.
+d. Lock a class or meeting from additional attendees.
+6) Mobile experience improvements for meetings, files, chat, and more
+a. Immersive Reader on iOS and Android
+b. Access files offline on Android.
+c. Access Teams on Android tablets.
+d. Inline message translation in channels for iOS and Android.
+e. Include device audio when sharing iOS and Android.
+f. Updated Large gallery view on Teams mobile
+g. Suggested Replies in chats
+h. Walkie-talkie on iOS (public preview)
+i. Cortana on iOS and Android
+7) Easier deployment and policy management for IT Admins
+a. Education plan in Teams Advisor
+b. Education policy wizard update
+ ## Microsoft Teams to give users greater control over Microsoft Office
+ ![img](https://www.windowslatest.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Microsoft-Teams-Office-integration.jpg)] 
+Microsoft Team is a collaboration platform and Microsoft Office integration is one of the most important features. At the moment, if you’re working with files in Teams, opening files like document (Docx) and PowerPoint (ppt) is easy. You need to click on the file and it will automatically open in the browser.
+Microsoft Teams currently forces its own built-in Office viewer or web version of Office, but this will change soon on Windows and macOS. In the near future, you’ll be able to open the file in a browser, Teams desktop app or standalone Office apps. The upcoming Microsoft Teams update will allow users to set a default option for opening files via Teams.
+The option will be offered for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps. If you choose to open the file within Microsoft Teams’ Office viewer, the platform will automatically save changes to the original file, but this may not happen if you open the files in older Office desktop apps.
+As you can see in the above screenshot, you can change the default setting by heading to Settings > General. On the next screen, scroll down to the Files section and you will see a new dropmenu menu. Clicking on the dropdown menu will let you choose between these options:
+Teams: Office viewer will automatically within Teams client to help users view documents or presentations.
+Desktop app: Microsoft Teams will automatically open Office client on Windows or macOS.
+Browser: Microsoft Teams will automatically open documents in Office web, but users cannot make changes to the file.
+You can also click on the three dots option next to the shared file and directly change the default selection, as shown in the below screen.
+Or you can even manage the default Office integration from the “Files” section of Microsoft Teams.
+Microsoft Teams PowerPoint translation
+Microsoft Teams slide translation feature for PowerPoint Live presentation is now rolling out to users in the production channel. This feature was first announced in May and it’s now widely available for users.
+As the name suggests, Microsoft Teams will finally allow attendees to translate their slides on their own. The translation option will only be offered if the presentation is powered by the PowerPoint Live feature of Microsoft Teams. The company is planning to support nineteen languages, such as English, Spanish, German, French, Hindi, and Chinese.
+In addition to improved Office apps integration, Microsoft is also working on a new web-based Teams client for Windows 11 and Windows 10. Unlike the current Teams app, the new Teams 2.0 will offer better performance and fewer settings/controls, but it will be initially optimized for consumers.
+ ## Microsoft Teams Brings Automatic Translation for PowerPoint Slides
+ ![img](https://www.somagnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Microsoft-Teams-1.jpg)] 
+Microsoft Teams: The next update to Microsoft Teams will feature automatic translation of PowerPoint slides during conferences. The tool converts the content of a presentation to the user’s language into private views.
+The resource is available in 19 languages, including Portuguese, Arabic, German, Chinese, Spanish and English. However, the option can only be enabled if the presenter uses the PowerPoint Live option during the meeting on the platform.
+Using the Teams Slide Translation Feature
+To enable slide translation in Microsoft Teams, the user needs to click the menu (…) during the conference. Then, one must select the option “Translate Slides” and then choose one of the languages ​​from the list.
+If the user wants to see the content in the original language again, just follow the same procedure and select the Default option. Thus, he will continue watching the presentation in the presenter’s language.
+Certainly, the new Teams tool will be particularly useful in meetings with multilingual teams. As well, participants will be able to follow the contents without the need to interrupt the presenter.
+As per the Microsoft 365 update roadmap, the feature is being rolled out to users slowly. Therefore, some people will still not have immediate access to the slide translator.
+Facilitating communication between teams in Teams
+In May, Microsoft announced a package with several improvements aimed at communication between work teams. This includes live captions and transcription during meetings and new types of content views.
+Another example is the message translation tool added to the mobile version of the software. Previously, this same functionality was only available for computers.
+ ## CRN
+ ![img](https://www.crn.com/resources/0268-1205e990934d-d2f06dd56f7d-1000/satya-nadella-2021.jpg)] 
+CEO Satya Nadella kicked off Microsoft Inspire on Wednesday with a “big thank you” to the technology giant’s 400,000 partners, calling them “the core to who we are and what we do as a company.”
+“When it comes to our partners, we believe in two truths,” Nadella said during his keynote address of the technology and cloud computing provider’s partner conference. “First, we’re only successful if you are successful. That means creating new opportunity for you across every sector and every country. And second, we collectively are successful when the world around us is successful…Over the course of this pandemic, you’ve done the hard work to help the world use digital technology and get through one of the most challenging moments in modern history.”
+Nadella announced a reduction in fees for Microsoft’s commercial marketplace – AppSource for business solutions and Azure Marketplace for IT solutions – to 3 percent from an “industry-standard” 20 percent for every transactable application published.
+“This is our investment in your success, so you can invest more in your business and in your people,” Nadella told partners. “We want to be the best partner for our partners. What we are witnessing is a generational shift — not just in technology platforms, but in digital adoption curves. We have built the most trusted and comprehensive cloud to translate this structural change into opportunity for you as partners and maximize the value for our mutual customers.”
+Software and digital technologies represent the most malleable and infinite resource to drive growth for the world, Nadella said, and Microsoft partners are helping customers navigate the rapid change by reimagining how people sample products, processing billions of federal Paycheck Protection Program loans, helping businesses adjust their supply chains — even flying drones on Mars.
+“You have met every challenge and help others do the same,” Nadella said. “This partner ecosystem — all 400,000 of you — are projected to generate more than 10 million new jobs over the next four years alone. And for every $1 Microsoft generates, our partner ecosystem generates nearly $10 more. And, most importantly, the work we do together uplift the communities where we live and work.”
+Here’s a look at Nadella’s other biggest statements from his keynote at Microsoft Inspire 2021, which is being held virtually for the second consecutive year.

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+title = "人と間違えるほど自然な合成音声を高速で作成するツールをWellSaid Labsが開発"
+date = "2021-07-28T13:45:50+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## 人と間違えるほど自然な合成音声を高速で作成するツールをWellSaid Labsが開発
+ ![img](https://jp.techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/speech-thought-balloons.png?w=1024)] 
+ ## WellSaid Labs raises $10M to boost its synthetic voice business, fueled by AI
+ ![img](https://cdn.geekwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/image003.png)] 
+WellSaid Labs will have a lot more to say in the years ahead, thanks to $10 million in new investment that’ll be used to beef up the Seattle startup’s efforts to put a widening chorus of AI-generated synthetic voices to work.
+The Series A funding round — led by Fuse, an early-stage venture capital firm that counts Seattle Seahawks star linebacker Bobby Wagner among its partners — follows up on $2 million in seed funding that WellSaid raised in 2019 when it was spun out from Seattle’s Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
+One of the investors in that earlier seed round, Voyager Capital, contributed to the newly announced Series A funding. So did Qualcomm Ventures and Good Friends.
+WellSaid CEO Matt Hocking said the new funding will go toward growing the text-to-speech startup, which has a dozen employees.
+“We need to double down on the research that we’re putting to work, and the research that we’re doing here to continually improve our technology,” Hocking told GeekWire. “On top of that, there’s obviously hires to build out our product offering and serve more customers in more diverse and interesting ways. And then as well as that, we’re definitely focused on our sales team and building that up.”
+WellSaid Labs’ platform makes a wide assortment of natural-sounding synthetic voices available via its audio production platform, for use in applications ranging from in-house training materials to quick-hit social media videos.
+“We’re not trying to create better voices than humans,” Hocking said. “That’s not what we’re here for. A lot of content goes unvoiced, simply because of the quick turnaround that needs to happen, or it needs to be updated constantly, or it’s just an internal piece of content that doesn’t have a budget associated with it.”
+Those are situations in which WellSaid comes in handy. “It opens up opportunities to allow voice to be added to these productions where they wouldn’t usually have that alternative,” Hocking said.
+He declined to name customer names, but for what it’s worth, WellSaid’s website lists endorsements from Nokia, the University of California at San Francisco, Blue Sky eLearn and a Canadian food retailer called Sobeys.
+WellSaid offers more than a dozen text-to-speech avatars based on human voice patterns, ranging from the revved-up patter of a car salesman to no-nonsense recitations that sound as if they’re coming from a woman researcher. The company claims its software has achieved “human parity” for naturalness in short audio clips.
+But wait … there’s more: Customers can create their own “AI Voice Avatars” to spec, capturing the speaking style of a branded voice. Theoretically, WellSaid could bring Jeff Bezos into the studio and create a synthetic voice that makes it sound as if the former Amazon CEO is reading out a welcome message to new employees. (Realistically, if that need ever arose, Amazon would probably have its own voice synthesis team take on the job.)
+As time goes on, WellSaid aims to add to its repertoire and increase the fidelity of its synthetic voices. In the future, the company’s voices just might play speaking roles in video games, read scripts on computer-generated news programs, or engage in complex real-time interactions with consumers.
+All this raises deeper questions about WellSaid’s technology and its business model. First of all, what’s to stop somebody from synthesizing, say, President Joe Biden’s voice for malign purposes?
+“We obviously have a responsibility to ensure that our technology is being used in the right way for the right purposes,” Hocking said. “We create domain-specific voices based on a real voice. We would never go and just build a voice without someone’s consent.”
+And when it comes to the business model, how can WellSaid hope to compete with companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft, all of which have their own voice synthesis platforms?
+“We’re in competition with them because they do TTS [text-to-speech],” Hocking acknowledged. “But we’ve re-architected and reinvented what TTS is.”
+Hocking argued that WellSaid is well-placed to pursue new applications for text-to-speech technology. “We’ve been exposed to some of these other interesting use cases,” he explained. “The stuff that used to be only possible on a movie set five years ago is now possible in a different perspective today.”
+And from Hocking’s perspective, Seattle is the right place for pushing further out into the speech synthesis frontier.
+“The majority of our team is from Seattle,” he pointed out. “We all met here, and our preference is obviously to have people living in the area — not only because we feel as though there’s great talent here, but as well as that, it’s just a great place to build a business.”
+ ## Synthetic Speech Startup WellSaid Labs Raises $10M
+ ![img](https://voicebot.ai/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/wellsaid-labs.png)] 
+Synthetic Speech Startup WellSaid Labs Raises $10M
+Seattle-based synthetic speech technology startup WellSaid Labs has closed a $10 million Series A funding round led by FUSE. WellSaid offers brands and enterprise clients a text-to-speech platform performed by their choice of artificially generated voices and styles, a service in increasing demand as the synthetic voices improve.
+WellSaid Says
+WellSaid’s collection of voice avatars can read out scripts, performing monologues or multi-voice dialogues in whatever appropriate style, gender, and mood are appropriate. The AI can be taught to pronounce unusual or branded terms correctly, and the audio can be fine-tuned to add or eliminate pauses or even switch out voices. If none of WellSaid’s voices seem quite right, the startup works with the client to design and program a new one, requiring a recording of a few hours of the voice the client wants. Since the company began in 2018 at the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence as a research project, WellSaid has continually refined how human-like its artificial voices sound. WellSaid claimed their new funding round was oversubscribed, with participation from Voyager, Qualcomm Ventures, and GoodFriends.The money will expand the size of the team of about a dozen and fund more research and development for the technology underlying the platform. Most immediately, the startup is planning to upgrade the variety of texts it can service and shorten the time to create the voice.
+“We’ve added AI Voice to the toolkit of thousands of content creators and their teams,” WellSaid Labs CEO Matt Hocking said. “Our human-parity AI voice can be produced faster than real-time, and updated on-demand. Opening up new and exciting opportunities to ‘add voice’ where never before perceived possible. AI voice easily ensures every production can be created and updated efficiently at scale.”
+Synthetic Value
+As synthetic voices improve, companies offering variations on the tech have mushroomed to service advertising, movies, video games, and other verticals. Plenty of startups like Lovo, Resemble AI, and Supertone are raising funding rounds and partnering with celebrities to market synthetic voices, Other examples of the advances in the field include how Replica Studios created a desktop app to speed up integrating synthetic speech into films and video games and the way digital voice interface creator ReadSpeaker is augmenting SoundHound’s Houndify voice AI platform to sound more lifelike. The advances in synthetic speech technology mean even free, limited tools can produce impressive results like this fan-made trailer for Skryim voiced solely by AI.
+Follow @voicebotai Follow @erichschwartz
+ ## AI voice actors sound more human than ever—and they’re ready to hire
+ ![img](https://wp.technologyreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/AIAudioActor-2.jpg?resize=1200,600)] 
+The company blog post drips with the enthusiasm of a ’90s US infomercial. WellSaid Labs describes what clients can expect from its “eight new digital voice actors!” Tobin is “energetic and insightful.” Paige is “poised and expressive.” Ava is “polished, self-assured, and professional.”
+Each one is based on a real voice actor, whose likeness (with consent) has been preserved using AI. Companies can now license these voices to say whatever they need. They simply feed some text into the voice engine, and out will spool a crisp audio clip of a natural-sounding performance.
+WellSaid Labs, a Seattle-based startup that spun out of the research nonprofit Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence, is the latest firm offering AI voices to clients. For now, it specializes in voices for corporate e-learning videos. Other startups make voices for digital assistants, call center operators, and even video-game characters.
+Not too long ago, such deepfake voices had something of a lousy reputation for their use in scam calls and internet trickery. But their improving quality has since piqued the interest of a growing number of companies. Recent breakthroughs in deep learning have made it possible to replicate many of the subtleties of human speech. These voices pause and breathe in all the right places. They can change their style or emotion. You can spot the trick if they speak for too long, but in short audio clips, some have become indistinguishable from humans.
+AI voices are also cheap, scalable, and easy to work with. Unlike a recording of a human voice actor, synthetic voices can also update their script in real time, opening up new opportunities to personalize advertising.
+But the rise of hyperrealistic fake voices isn’t consequence-free. Human voice actors, in particular, have been left to wonder what this means for their livelihoods.
+How to fake a voice
+Synthetic voices have been around for a while. But the old ones, including the voices of the original Siri and Alexa, simply glued together words and sounds to achieve a clunky, robotic effect. Getting them to sound any more natural was a laborious manual task.
+Deep learning changed that. Voice developers no longer needed to dictate the exact pacing, pronunciation, or intonation of the generated speech. Instead, they could feed a few hours of audio into an algorithm and have the algorithm learn those patterns on its own.
+“If I’m Pizza Hut, I certainly can’t sound like Domino’s, and I certainly can’t sound like Papa John’s.” Rupal Patel, founder and CEO of VocaliD
+Over the years, researchers have used this basic idea to build voice engines that are more and more sophisticated. The one WellSaid Labs constructed, for example, uses two primary deep-learning models. The first predicts, from a passage of text, the broad strokes of what a speaker will sound like—including accent, pitch, and timbre. The second fills in the details, including breaths and the way the voice resonates in its environment.
+Making a convincing synthetic voice takes more than just pressing a button, however. Part of what makes a human voice so human is its inconsistency, expressiveness, and ability to deliver the same lines in completely different styles, depending on the context.
+Capturing these nuances involves finding the right voice actors to supply the appropriate training data and fine-tune the deep-learning models. WellSaid says the process requires at least an hour or two of audio and a few weeks of labor to develop a realistic-sounding synthetic replica.
+AI voices have grown particularly popular among brands looking to maintain a consistent sound in millions of interactions with customers. With the ubiquity of smart speakers today, and the rise of automated customer service agents as well as digital assistants embedded in cars and smart devices, brands may need to produce upwards of a hundred hours of audio a month. But they also no longer want to use the generic voices offered by traditional text-to-speech technology—a trend that accelerated during the pandemic as more and more customers skipped in-store interactions to engage with companies virtually.
+“If I’m Pizza Hut, I certainly can’t sound like Domino’s, and I certainly can’t sound like Papa John’s,” says Rupal Patel, a professor at Northeastern University and the founder and CEO of VocaliD, which promises to build custom voices that match a company’s brand identity. “These brands have thought about their colors. They’ve thought about their fonts. Now they’ve got to start thinking about the way their voice sounds as well.”
+Whereas companies used to have to hire different voice actors for different markets—the Northeast versus Southern US, or France versus Mexico—some voice AI firms can manipulate the accent or switch the language of a single voice in different ways. This opens up the possibility of adapting ads on streaming platforms depending on who is listening, changing not just the characteristics of the voice but also the words being spoken. A beer ad could tell a listener to stop by a different pub depending on whether it’s playing in New York or Toronto, for example. Resemble.ai, which designs voices for ads and smart assistants, says it’s already working with clients to launch such personalized audio ads on Spotify and Pandora.
+The gaming and entertainment industries are also seeing the benefits. Sonantic, a firm that specializes in emotive voices that can laugh and cry or whisper and shout, works with video-game makers and animation studios to supply the voice-overs for their characters. Many of its clients use the synthesized voices only in pre-production and switch to real voice actors for the final production. But Sonantic says a few have started using them throughout the process, perhaps for characters with fewer lines. Resemble.ai and others have also worked with film and TV shows to patch up actors’ performances when words get garbled or mispronounced.
+ ## WellSaid Labs Raises $10 M in Series A Round
+ ![img](https://www.cioreview.com/image/fevicon/newcio.favicon?v=2)] 
+Well Said Labs intends to use the funding to further AI and product development, scale go-to-market operations, and expand the workforce.
+FREMONT, CA: Well Said Labs, the artificial intelligence text-to-speech technology company, recently announced a 10 million dollars Series A round led by FUSE, with participation from previous investor Voyager, along with Qualcomm Ventures LLC, and Good Friends. Given the historic year-over-year revenue increase and great client demand, the Series A was oversubscribed with VC interest. Well Said Labs intends to use the funding to further AI and product development, scale go-to-market operations, and expand the workforce.
+“We have added AI Voice to the toolkit of thousands of content creators and their teams,” said Matt Hocking, CEO, Well Said Labs. “Our human-parity AI voice can be produced faster than real-time, and updated on-demand. Opening up new and exciting opportunities to ‘add voice’ where never before perceived possible. AI voice easily ensures every production can be created and updated efficiently at scale.”
+Well Said Labs empowers content creators and product teams to create engaging voice content for infinite use-cases in streaming services, radio, programmatic advertising, digital marketing, and corporate training content, with a mission to offer businesses and brands the highest quality Text-to-Speech (TTS) service imaginable.
+“Plain and simple, Well Said is the future of content creation for voice,” said Cameron Borumand, General Partner at FUSE. “This is why thousands of customers love using the product daily with off-the-charts bottom-up adoption. Matt and Michael have assembled a world-class team and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part of the Well Said journey.”
+Well Said Labs have redesigned TTS to address the most difficult content development challenges businesses face and provide an easier approach for content creators—big or small—to create all of their desired material in one consistent voice that represents their brand. The Voice Avatar library from Well Said Labs gives anyone access to various read styles and tones that can be utilized in the performances. Brands may also develop their own AI Voice Avatars to their specifications, capturing the likeness, style, and distinctiveness of the voice required to deliver their messages in the most effective way possible.
+“Content creators or product experience designers were previously faced with difficult tradeoffs between quality and scalability when using TTS tools or human voiceover. Well Said’s incredible voices, which are accessible through a studio application or a scalable API, removes the need to choose whether you want natural, lifelike speech or infinitely scalable and easily editable voice content. Well Said provides both and delivers it however your team would like to consume it,” said James Newell, Partner at Voyager Capital. “Creative teams have found it to be extremely useful when they need to produce multiple pieces of high-quality content in a consistent voice in hours instead of weeks.”
+In the field of AI, creating natural-sounding speech from text is a “grand challenge” that has been a research aim for decades. Well Said Labs has consistently researched and made remarkable advancements in the quality, speed, and reliability of neural text-to-speech systems during the last three years. TTS from Well Said Labs was the first to reach human parity for naturalness across numerous voices on short audio snippets in June 2020.
+“Recent developments in TTS technology using generative AI have enabled synthetic voices to sound very human-like, finding exciting new applications for voice including e-learning, advertising and news readers,” said Carlos Kokron, Vice President at Qualcomm Technologies Inc. and Managing Director at Qualcomm Ventures Americas. “Well Said Labs provides an industry leading product that generates highly accurate human-like voices. We look forward to working with Well Said Labs to help fuel the creator economy with human-parity AI voices across mobile and IoT.”
+Creating natural-sounding speech from text is considered a “grand challenge” in the field of AI and has been a research goal for decades. Over the last three years, Well Said Labs has consistently researched and developed tremendous breakthroughs in neural text-to-speech systems’ quality, speed, and reliability. In June 2020, Well Said Labs’ TTS became the first to achieve human parity for naturalness on short audio clips across multiple voices.
+“WellSaid’s team has applied deep technical expertise to build a platform that enables easy creation and editing of incredibly lifelike audio,” said Dave Gilboa of Good Friends and co-CEO War by Parker. “We see meaningful growth potential in the use of high-quality audio in giving brands the ability to communicate with customers and creators the ability to engage with audiences.”
+Well Said Studio removes the complications that standard text-to-speech technologies present to creatives, making voiceover production, updating, and publishing cost-effective and simple. Well Said Labs’ core AI engine is accessible to product developers via real-time APIs, allowing them to power digital experiences with a dependable and scalable speech infrastructure.

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+title = "英語圏向けVTuberグループ「ホロライブEnglish」、『Project: HOPE』所属のVSinger「IRyS(アイリス)」が待望のデビュー!"
+date = "2021-07-28T13:47:14+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## 英語圏向けVTuberグループ「ホロライブEnglish」、『Project: HOPE』所属のVSinger「IRyS(アイリス)」が待望のデビュー!
+ ![img](https://prtimes.jp/i/30268/455/ogp/d30268-455-6efc517f53a400d90b15-0.png)] 
+ ## 「ホロライブEN」に初の追加メンバー「IRyS」の加入が決定
+ ![img](https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/list/1336/455/image01.jpg)] 
+カバーは、VTuberグループ「ホロライブ English」に新たなメンバーがIRyS(アイリス)さんが加入することを発表し、デビューPVを公開した。デビュー配信は、日本時間7月11日10時を予定しており、先んじてTwitterアカウント(@irys_en)とYouTubeチャンネルを開設している。
+【【デビューPV】希望は此処に在りて【ホロライブEnglish VSinger】】
+【【Debut PV】Hope is present【hololive English VSinger】】
+「ホロライブ English」(略称:ホロライブEN)は、カバーが運営する「ホロライブプロダクション」内の英語圏向けVTuberグループ。2020年9月のグループ発足以来、初期メンバーの5人が所属タレントとして活動を継続しており、2021年5月に所属メンバー全員がYouTubeの登録者数100万人を突破した。最も登録者数の多いGawr Gura(がうるぐら)さんは7月5日付けの発表で登録者数300万人を越え、VTuberとしては最多の登録者数記録を更新している。
+1期生以降で「ホロライブEN」への新規メンバー加入は初めて。IRySさんが6人目の所属タレントとなる。国内向けのグループ「ホロライブ」では、加入時期によって1期生、2期生などとタレントをユニット分けしているが、「ホロライブEN」ではN期生の区分けを行なわないことが発表されており、IRySさんは新ジェネレーション「Project: HOPE」に分けられる。VSingerと銘打ってのデビューとなり、音楽活動に注力する方針となるようだ。キャラクターデザインはsupercellのredjuice氏(@shiru)。
+IRyS(アイリス) プロフィール紹介 遥か太古、かの楽園に希望をもたらした悪魔と天使のハーフ、「ネフィリム」とも呼ばれている、IRyS。本名を□□アイリス。絶望にまみれた現世は彼女を2回目の目覚めへと誘った(いざなった)。そして彼女は希望を世間に届けたいと再び歌に想いを乗せる。基本はハーフ状態を保っているが、種族としてはまだ幼いため、感情や「他の要素」によってどちらかに傾く可能性がある。それによって容姿も少し変わるらしい。彼女は2回目の目覚めより以前のことはあまり語りたがらない。それは彼女は「希望の化身」ゆえに前向きな姿勢を示しているのか、それともーー。 「人々の助けになるのは未来ではない。未来は自分の手で作るもの。
+ ## 【ホロライブEN】VSinger“IRyS(アイリス)”が待望のデビュー。記念すべき最初の配信は7月11日10時に実施!
+ ![img](https://www.famitsu.com/images/000/226/218/z_60e505680bccf.jpg)] 
+カバーは、英語圏向けのVTuberグループ“ホロライブEnglish”内に新ジェネレーション“Project: HOPE”を設立し、VSinger“IRyS(アイリス)”が所属メンバーとしてデビューすることを明らかにした。日本語版の特別動画も公開された。
+英語圏向けVTuberグループ「ホロライブEnglish」、『Project: HOPE』所属のVSinger「IRyS(アイリス)」が待望のデビュー!
+カバー株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:谷郷元昭)は、当社が運営する「ホロライブプロダクション」において、英語圏向けのVTuberグループ「ホロライブEnglish」内に新ジェネレーション『Project: HOPE』を設立し、VSinger「IRyS」が所属メンバーとしてデビューすることをお知らせいたします。
+英語圏向けのVTuberグループ「ホロライブEnglish」は、本日、新ジェネレーション『Project: HOPE』を設立いたしました。こちらの『Project: HOPE』に、VSinger「IRyS」が所属メンバーとしてデビューすることをお知らせいたします。
+【デビューPV】希望は此処に在りて【ホロライブEnglish VSinger】日本語版
+【デビューPV】希望は此処に在りて【ホロライブEnglish VSinger】英語版
+IRyS(アイリス) プロフィール紹介
+YouTube デビュー配信予定日(日本時間)
+ ## ホロライブEnglishの新人VSinger・IRyS、デビューEP「
+ ![img](https://asset.panora.tokyo/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/11120557/image-22.png)] 
+11日、ホロライブEnglishのVSinger IRyS(アイリス)のデビュー配信が行われ、IRySのデビューEP「||:Caesura of Despair 」のリリースを発表した。
+明日7月12日0時に各音楽配信サイトよりリリースされる。EPにはbuzzG、TAKAHIRO MORIMOTO、Tom-H@ckらが手がけたIRySのオリジナル曲「Caesura of Despair」「diorama」「HERE COMES HOPE」の3曲と、DJ’TEKINA//SOMETHIG a.k.a Yuyoyuppeによる「Caesura of Despair」アレンジの計4作が収録される。
+Caesura of Despair Lyrics: buzzG Composer: buzzG Arranger: Coch
+HERE COMES HOPE Lyrics: hotaru Composer: Tom-H@ck Arranger: RINZO
+Caesura of Despair (attacca ver.) Lyrics: buzzG Composer: buzzG Arranger: DJ’TEKINA//SOMETHIG a.k.a Yuyoyuppe
+IRySはホロライブEnglishの新グループ「Project: HOPE」のメンバーとして7月7日にTwitterで活動開始。今回はじめてのライブ配信を行った。配信後の現在YouTubeのチャンネル登録数は30万人を越えている。
+配信内では以下の「Caesura of Despair」のMVも流された。またEPリリースに合わせてのプレビュー映像のプレミア公開も準備されている。
+・||:Caesura of Despair
+ ## 週間VTuberランキング☆7月11日号☆ ホロライブEN・IRySが初登場1位
+ ![img](https://asset.panora.tokyo/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/21201919/vtuberranking_saisei.jpg)] 
+本日0時からは、デビューEP「||:Caesura of Despair 」のリリースを開始し、表題曲でもあるオリジナル曲「Caesura of Despair」のアニメーションMVを公開しました(関連記事)。
+先日、VTuber史上初めてYouTubeチャンネル登録者数300万人を突破したGawr Guraさんをはじめ、新しく加入したIRySさん以外の5名は全員が100万登録以上を記録しているホロライブEnglish。その注目度の高さがうかがえる出来事です。
+再生数:403372 投稿日:2021/7/11
+19位:【モンストスタジアム】モンスト × にじさんじ ベストコンビグランプリ!【にじさんじ】
+再生数:409413 投稿日:2021/7/11
+再生数:439057 投稿日:2021/7/10
+再生数:451326 投稿日:2021/7/11
+再生数:462883 投稿日:2021/7/7
+15位:SPARKS – Takanashi Kiara (Official Music Video)
+Takanashi Kiara(たかなしきあら)
+再生数:504485 投稿日:2021/7/7
+再生数:539352 投稿日:2021/7/10
+13位:[NIGHT DELIVERY] shark in the box
+Gawr Gura(がうるぐら サメちゃん)
+再生数:545642 投稿日:2021/7/6
+12位:【100万人記念に】みこちがやってきたぞっ – アカリがやってきたぞっ / Covered by さくらみこ【歌ってみた】
+再生数:552815 投稿日:2021/7/5
+再生数:553019 投稿日:2021/7/11
+10位:【漢の企画】第一回にじさんじローションカーリング選手権 1st ROUND
+再生数:612046 投稿日:2021/7/9
+再生数:670089 投稿日:2021/7/8
+8位:【 Apex 】プラチナに行く【 ランク 】
+再生数:680742 投稿日:2021/7/5
+再生数:686902 投稿日:2021/7/7
+再生数:690860 投稿日:2021/7/5
+5位:【Debut PV】Hope is present【hololive English VSinger】
+Hololive English
+再生数:729999 投稿日:2021/7/7
+再生数:735711 投稿日:2021/7/8
+3位:【#大空警察】第2回大空警察しゅばあああああああああああああ/OOZORA POLICE【逮捕しゅば!!!】
+再生数:754042 投稿日:2021/7/9
+再生数:793126 投稿日:2021/7/6
+1位:【DEBUT STREAM】Hope has descended! #irysdebutstream
+再生数:992161 投稿日:2021/7/11