@@ -1,11 +1,31 @@
-title = "Metaverse and NFT"
-date = "2021-09-30T13:39:46+02:00"
+title = "Metaverse AI and NFT"
+date = "2024-05-06T02:39:46+02:00"
tags = ["metaverse"]
categories = ["metaverse"]
banner = "https://img.chainnews.com/upload/cover/24d7b20ad76c5943a615c075a623cf19_pxGkAHe.png-large"
+** Metaverse AI: Crafting Tomorrow’s Virtual Realities Today
+The metaverse is an interconnected ecosystem of devices, physical spaces, social media platforms, and digitally created environments. It is a rapidly expanding digital landscape that is transforming the way we interact, work, and socialize. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the metaverse.
+In the metaverse, AI goes beyond generative AI, which focuses on creating and generating content. AI in the metaverse involves managing and running the entire ecosystem effectively. It leverages AI Ops to make the underlying infrastructure manageable and helps manage the storage and transmission of data.
+AI in the metaverse has various functions:
+* Producing and managing content
+* Supporting synthetic media for immersive experiences
+* Organizing the environment by providing real-time correlations, prescriptive and predictive insights, and efficient resource allocation
+* Breaking down cultural and language barriers by providing translation applications and enabling users with hearing and seeing impairments to participate
+However, AI in the metaverse also poses challenges that need to be addressed:
+* Privacy and security concerns
+* Regulation
+* Synthetic humans
+* Cyberattacks
+* Harassment and bullying
**What is happening with the metaverse? Why is it blowing up?**
The idea of the metaverse rode on the wave that NFTs sparked, at least since March and the big Beeple incident. But I think Mark Zuckerberg's announcement had some major implications for this space as well.
@@ -27,4 +47,10 @@ Even if you can’t make a fortune selling virtual products right now, you can i
Not only are these audiences large, but they’re likely divergent in important ways from your traditional brand audience. Companies are using NFTs and virtual products to reach younger audiences. Two-thirds of Fortnite players are 24 years old and younger. Roblox’s user base is even younger, with two-thirds of players under 16.
-Luxury brands in particular find value in allowing virtual users to purchase virtual versions of their expensive products long before they might be able to do so in the “real” world.
+Luxury brands in particular find value in allowing virtual users to purchase virtual versions of their expensive products long before they might be able to do so in the “real” world.
+* [AI記者](https://ai.choozmo.com/ai-copywriter/dm/)
+* [AI客服](https://ai.choozmo.com/ai-customer/info/)
+* [AI主持人](https://ai.choozmo.com/virtual-host-solution/)