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+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+title = "如何運用ai撰寫文本?"
+date = "2021-07-18T00:21:34+08:00"
+tags = ["video marketing", "text to video"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["marketing"]
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+## 如何運用ai撰寫文本?
+該網站名為TalkToTransformer.com,由加拿大工程師Adam King創建。King 製作了該網站,但底層技術來自研究實驗室 OpenAI。今年早些時候,OpenAI推出了其新的 AI 語言系統GPT-2,而 TalkToTransformer 是同一技術的精簡版,可訪問版本,過去只有選定的科學家和記者可以訪問。(名稱“transformer”指的是GPT-2 和其他系統使用的神經網絡類型。)
+### 什麼是OpenAI?
+2019年初,由埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 共同創立的初創公司OpenAI宣布,它已經創建了一個用於自然語言處理的神經網絡,稱為 GPT-2。OpenAI 最初選擇不公開發布文本生成器,有些人將其視為宣傳噱頭,而另一些人則將其視為機器人末日即將來臨的跡象。由於該工具可以生成足夠逼真的文本,以至於在某些情況下很難與人類書寫區分開來,因此其創建者擔心 GPT-2 可能會被用作壞演員製造大量假新聞或宣傳的簡便方法。
+儘管存在潛在風險,但 OpenAI 上月底宣布 GPT-2 的繼任者已經完成。它被稱為——你猜對了——GPT-3。
+一個由OpenAI發表的論文預打印服務器上的arXiv研究人員介紹GPT-3為175十億參數的自回歸語言模型。1750億很多;為了比較,2019 年 11 月發布的 GPT-2最終版本有 15 億個參數。微軟的圖靈自然語言生成模型於 2 月份為私人演示發布,有 170 億個參數。
+“參數”是指機器學習模型根據其訓練數據定義的屬性。那麼 OpenAI 是如何從其中的 15 億增加到 1750 億的呢?與您根據 GPT-3 的龐大規模所猜測的相反,其背後的技術並不比同類工具先進,並且不包含新的訓練方法或架構;它的創建者只是將輸入數據的數量擴大了一個數量級。
+數據來自Common Crawl,這是一個非盈利組織,每個月都會掃描開放的網絡並從數十億的 HTML 頁面下載內容,然後以特殊格式提供用於大規模數據挖掘。2017 年,平均每月“抓取”產生超過 30 億個網頁。Common Crawl 自 2011 年以來一直在這樣做,並且擁有超過 40 種不同語言的 PB 級數據。OpenAI 團隊應用了一些過濾技術來提高數據的整體質量,包括添加像維基百科這樣的精選數據集。
+GPT 代表生成式預訓練變壓器。“transformer”部分指的是谷歌在2017年推出的一種神經網絡架構。與按順序查看單詞並根據單詞在句子中的位置做出決定不同,採用這種設計的文本或語音生成器可以同時對句子中所有單詞之間的關係進行建模。每個單詞都有一個“注意力分數”,作為它的權重並輸入到更大的網絡中。從本質上講,這是一種複雜的說法,該模型正在權衡給定單詞在另一個單詞之前或之後的可能性,以及該可能性根據句子中其他單詞的變化程度。
+通過在一個巨大的數據集中找到單詞之間的關係和模式,該算法最終從自己的推理中學習,這就是所謂的無監督機器學習。而且它不以文字結尾——GPT-3 還可以弄清楚概念之間是如何關聯的,並辨別上下文。
+我們正在發布一個 API,用於訪問 OpenAI 開發的新 AI 模型。與大多數為一個用例設計的人工智能係統不同,今天的 API 提供了一個通用的“文本輸入、文本輸出”界面,允許用戶在幾乎任何英語語言任務上嘗試它。您現在可以請求訪問權限,以便將 API 集成到您的產品中、開發全新的應用程序或幫助我們探索該技術的優勢和局限性。
+給定任何文本提示,API 將返回一個文本完成,嘗試匹配您提供的模式。你可以通過向它展示你希望它做什麼的幾個例子來“編程”它;它的成功通常取決於任務的複雜程度。該 API 還允許您通過對您提供的示例的數據集(小或大)進行訓練,或通過從用戶或標記者提供的人工反饋中學習來磨練特定任務的性能。
+我們設計的 API 既簡單易用,又足夠靈活,可以提高機器學習團隊的工作效率。事實上,我們的許多團隊現在都在使用 API,以便他們可以專注於機器學習研究而不是分佈式系統問題。今天,API 運行具有[GPT-3](https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14165)系列權重的模型,並在許多速度和吞吐量方面進行了改進。機器學習發展非常迅速,我們不斷升級我們的技術,以便我們的用戶保持最新狀態。
+除了作為收入來源幫助我們支付成本以實現我們的使命之外,API 還促使我們更加關注通用 AI 技術——改進技術,使其可用,並考慮其在現實世界中的影響. 我們希望 API 將大大降低生產有益的人工智能產品的障礙,從而產生今天難以想像的工具和服務。
+該領域的進步速度意味著人工智能經常出現令人驚訝的新應用,無論是積極的還是消極的。我們將終止對明顯有害的用例的 API 訪問,例如騷擾、垃圾郵件、激進化或 astroturfing。但我們也知道我們無法預測這項技術的所有可能後果,因此我們今天以私人測試版而不是普遍可用性推出,構建工具以幫助用戶更好地控制我們的 API 返回的內容,並研究與安全相關的內容語言技術的各個方面(例如分析、減輕和乾預有害偏見)。我們將分享我們學到的知識,以便我們的用戶和更廣泛的社區能夠構建更多對人類有益的 AI 系統。
+如果您想了解 AI 語言生成,沒有比使用 TalkToTransformer 更好地了解其巨大潛力和嚴重局限性的方法了。
+## 運用ai撰寫文本的疑慮
+從好的方面來說,該模型非常靈活。它能夠識別各種各樣的輸入,從新聞文章和故事到歌詞、詩歌、食譜、代碼和 HTML。它甚至可以識別像_哈利波特_和_指環王_這樣的特許經營權中熟悉的角色。
+儘管如此,正如_The Verge_在我們[最初](https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/14/18224704/ai-machine-learning-language-models-read-write-openai-gpt2)對 GPT-2 的[報導](https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/14/18224704/ai-machine-learning-language-models-read-write-openai-gpt2)中所解釋的那樣,這個系統非常令人印象深刻。請記住:這是一種通過研究從網絡和其他來源抓取的龐大數據集來學習生成文本的單一算法。它通過在這些信息中尋找模式來學習,結果是一個令人驚訝的多才多藝的系統。
+在 GPT-2 的知識中找到差距可能並不難,但不可能知道你是否已經探索了它所能做的極限。
+在論文中,OpenAI 團隊指出,GPT-3 在翻譯、回答問題和進行閱讀理解類型的練習時表現良好,這些練習需要填補已刪除單詞的空白。他們還表示,該模型能夠進行“即時推理”,並生成了 200 到 500 字長的樣本新聞文章,這些文章很難與人寫的文章區分開來。
+作者承認 GPT-3 可能以多種方式被濫用,包括生成錯誤信息和垃圾郵件、網絡釣魚、濫用法律和政府程序,甚至偽造學術論文。不少高中生肯定會抓住機會讓人工智能寫他們的大學入學論文(但在這個工具的潛在誤用中,這是我們最不擔心的)。
+今年年初,《經濟學人》的一位編輯給了 GPT-2 一份關於2020 年即將到來的問題的清單。該算法預測了經濟動盪、“中國的重大變化”以及唐納德特朗普不會連任等。一旦我們輸入了 2020 年的所有文章,想像一下 GPT-3 對 2021 年的預測會有點可怕,結果證明 2020 年是歷史性的一年,而且非常糟糕。
+不過,就目前而言,OpenAI 之外的任何人都無法訪問 GPT-3。該公司尚未公佈該算法何時、如何或是否向公眾發布的任何細節。它可以分階段發生,類似於 GPT-2。但新版本的龐大尺寸帶來了更多的複雜性。根據喬·戴維森,在啟動時也從事自然語言處理的一個研究工程師“的計算資源需要實際使用GPT-3在現實世界中,使其非常不切實際的。”
+不過,與此同時,OpenAI 擁有一台由微軟為機器學習研究定制的全新超級計算機。這將更容易快速提升 GPT-3 的能力,甚至可能在不久的將來開始模型的下一次迭代。
+這些自然語言處理算法的功能有多強大?或許認為即使在互聯網上積累了多年的整個知識庫,也沒有任何模型能夠預測 2020 年會帶來什麼——但話又說回來,人類也不可能做到這一點,這既是一種安慰,也是一種不足。

+ 103 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+title = "How to Convert Your Slide Into Video?"
+date = "2021-07-18T00:21:34+08:00"
+tags = ["video marketing", "text to slide"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["marketing"]
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+## PowerPoint Slide
+PowerPoint is by far the most popular presentation app, and it's easy to see why. There are many themes, layouts, and tools inside PowerPoint that help you build professional presentations quickly.
+Not everyone has PowerPoint installed on their device, though. When you want to share your PowerPoint file on YouTube or with a colleague who doesn't have PowerPoint, it's a great idea to convert PowerPoint presentations into video files.
+PowerPoint can export a video file that can be played in common apps like QuickTime, Windows Media Player, and VLC. Best of all, the exported video includes the same animations and transitions.
+You can export a PowerPoint file directly from PowerPoint—with no other tools or apps needed. Let's learn how.
+Want to present live on camera? You'll need a video conferencing setup with great lighting, the right camera, and other equipment. Check out our free course to learn how to achieve that:
+Why Make Your PowerPoint Into a Video ?
+PowerPoint isn't marketed as a video tool. There are many advanced video tools out there like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro X. With all of these options, you might be wondering why you would use PowerPoint to create a video file.
+Here are four great reasons to use PowerPoint to create video presentations:
+1.  The device you want to show your PowerPoint file on doesn't support PowerPoint files (think Smart TV's or handheld game consoles).  
+2.  You already have a finished PowerPoint presentation and don't have the time to recreate it from scratch in a video editor.
+3.  Your recipient doesn't have PowerPoint installed on their device, but can open it in a standard video player app.
+4.  You don't have the time to learn a new piece of video editing software to create a presentation video.
+How to Quickly Convert Your PowerPoint to Video (Watch & Learn)
+Let's walk through how to convert a PowerPoint (PPT) file into a video. In the quick, two minute screencast below, you can watch me cover the process step-by-step:
+Keep scrolling to see more tips for making videos with PowerPoint, including compression tips that weren't mentioned in the video.
+How to Export Your PowerPoint to Video
+Start off by opening your PowerPoint presentation. Exporting a PowerPoint presentation to a video file should be the last step of your process. This is because you'll need to convert the PowerPoint presentation to video each time you make changes.
+As I mentioned earlier, PowerPoint will export animations and transitions when you export the file as a video. 
+To begin the export, go to the File > Export > Create a Video menu option.
+From this menu, there are several key settings to choose before you export your finished video. The dropdown boxes on the right side control the **quality** and **timing** of your presentation.
+Here are the key choices you'll need to make before converting your PowerPoint to video:
+### 1\. Set PowerPoint Video Quality
+Choose a quality setting from the dropdown to find the sweet spot between file size and video quality.  
+The better the quality setting you choose, the larger the finished file will be. If you're going to upload the video online to a service like YouTube, it's fine to export at the highest quality and let them handle the compression.
+If you're sharing this video with a colleague via email or posting it on your own server, a smaller file size might be the right choice. Here are my recommendations for when to use each of the settings:
+*   **Presentation Quality.** When keeping the file size small is no object, use Presentation Quality. It will render a video that looks extremely close to your original presentation alongside a large file.
+*   **Internet Quality.** This is ideal if you want to upload quickly to a social service like Facebook or Twitter. Using Internet Quality is a good middle ground between file size and clarity.
+*   **Low Quality.** This is the right choice when you're trying to save space, such as when you'll attach a video to an email.
+Choose a quality setting from the dropdown option to make your selection.
+### 2\. Control PowerPoint Slide Timings
+Now, you need to set **timings,** the runtime for each slide in your video. There are two options for timings on the dropdown menu:
+1.  **Don't use Recorded Timings and Narrations.** Simply set a length of time for each slide to show in the video, such as 5 seconds each.  
+2.  **Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.** Setup specific lengths of time for each slide to show, and optionally record narrations for the video version. Basically, these two options let you choose between setting specific timings or using the same runtime for each slide.
+For this example, let's leave the option set to Don't Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. 
+When you choose this option, you'll need to set the **Seconds spent on each slide** option. This is how long each slide will show in the video version. The default is 5 seconds as you can see in the screenshot above.  
+### 3\. Create Your PowerPoint Video
+Finally, click on **Create Video.** PowerPoint will open up a **Save As** window, and you'll need to set a folder and filename for your finished video.
+You can also choose between an MPEG-4 video (.MP4 file) or Windows Media Video (.WMV) file when exporting, so choose the appropriate format if your device has any limitations. I typically leave this set to MP4.
+How to Record Timings in PowerPoint
+In the example above, we used the same amount of time spent on each slide (a flat 5 seconds in the example shown.) However, you can setup timings and narrations for your slide to customize how long each slide should show.
+To setup timings and narrations, choose **Record Timings and Narrations** from the timings dropdown.
+Then, a dropdown menu will appear. There are two options here:
+1.  **Slide and animation timings.** Leave this box checked to record the amount of time
+2.  **Narrations, ink, and laser pointer.** Leave this box checked if you want to record audio from your computer's default microphone.  
+Voiceovers are very helpful if you want to send a slide deck to a colleague and share your commentary while they watch the video. Once you press Start Recording, PowerPoint will go into a fullscreen view of your presentation. Leave each slide on screen for the length of time it should show in the video. 
+Basically, PowerPoint is recording a live version of your presentation. If you leave a slide on a screen for 10 seconds, it will appear for 10 seconds in the video version. You can use the arrow keys to advance the slides and change slides. When you reach the end of the presentation, PowerPoint will exit to the menu. Now, you can save your finished video presentation with your own timings and narrations. The finished video will use the same timings you used while rehearsing.
+Recap and Keep Learning More Slide
+Maybe you're converting your PowerPoint presentation to go online, or maybe you're trying to make it easy for a co-worker that doesn't have PowerPoint installed. Either way, there are plenty of reasons to convert a PowerPoint file to a video for easy watching.

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+title = "How to Add Text to Speech to Videos?"
+date = "2021-07-18T00:21:34+08:00"
+tags = ["video marketing", "text to video"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["marketing"]
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+## How to Add Text to Speech to Videos?
+The question isn’t whether or not to use video as a marketing tool—86 percent of businesses do, and 93 percent of marketers call the channel “important” to their overall strategy. The question is: How do you make your videos more engaging than your competitor’s?
+As anyone who’s ever tried to create an industry explainer video can tell you, narration—yes, the humble voiceover—is an indispensable tool for getting your messages across successfully. Used correctly, it can make your content that much more digestible than the competition’s.
+But don’t start shopping for mics just yet. Text-to-speech (TTS) technology allows you to create quick video voiceovers directly from your script. Keep reading to learn how to add text to speech to video content—and all the ways it enhances the final product.
+How to Add Text to Speech to Videos (and Why You Should)
+Why use TTS when you could record narration yourself? Well, unless you’re a trained voice actor, it’s surprisingly difficult to create audio content that sounds anything but amateurish—and hiring a voice actor, plus studio time, is both expensive and time-consuming. Text-to-speech also has the advantage of being extremely flexible. If you need to update the content of your video, you can simply type out the new script and generate the audio from your own computer. That’s a lot faster—and infinitely more affordable—than tracking down your voice talent and booking another recording session.
+Text-to-speech production tools let you swap out video narration on the fly. Contact ReadSpeaker to learn more about turning those scripts into speech without the hassle.
+In addition to the ease of use and flexibility that TTS provides content creators, a TTS voiceover helps your content connect with broader audiences. Create a video with text to speech to:
+Make your video content more engaging. Viewers can’t absorb your message unless they’re paying attention. A blend of TTS spoken content and on-screen text gives viewers two ways to engage, drawing them in and conveying your ideas more effectively. Speech is more engaging than text for many consumers, and the combination of both will serve the broadest viewership possible—without anyone’s eyes glazing over. Clickable videos let viewers play TTS narration themselves, further improving engagement.
+Improve accessibility and usability. With TTS, you can add audio descriptions of your video’s content for people with vision impairments. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) recommend integrating these descriptions into the narration script. For a dramatic scene, WCAG suggests fitting visual descriptions into spaces in the main audio track of your video (and planning for those spaces if necessary). A TTS voiceover can also help viewers with dyslexia and other learning disabilities—and if someone has low literacy in your language, TTS is a powerful aid to comprehension.
+Emphasize your main points. Viewers pay attention to speech, especially if it’s used sparingly. Add TTS narration strategically to introduce new topics, hammer home your main point, and highlight the value of whatever you’re discussing. Introduce TTS narration at key points in your video, or create an interactive video experience by allowing users to click on-screen buttons to trigger speech.
+Localize your content with voiceovers in multiple languages. Text to speech won’t solve the translation challenge; you’ll still need to hire translators in all your markets. But with synthetic voices in more than 50 languages, ReadSpeaker TTS allows you to quickly generate audio files for each of these translations. That makes it faster and easier to localize your videos for audiences across the globe.
+**Text to Speech Video Integration in 6 Easy Steps**
+There are two schools of thought on when to introduce TTS into the video production process:
+*   **TTS first:** If you’re organizing your video entirely around TTS narration, generate the TTS content first, then edit to match. Similarly, if you can’t integrate your audio action descriptions into the narration, plan scenes with enough silences to add this accessibility feature later. That requires creating TTS files prior to shooting or assembling scenes.
+*   **TTS last:** Usually, adding TTS will be one of the last steps before launching your video. If you’re using voice to introduce a video course, emphasize a central idea, or provide a translation, don’t worry about TTS until you have at least a rough cut together.
+Regardless of when you add TTS to a video, follow these six steps to get the job done.
+### **1\. Write your script.**
+If you’re creating information-heavy content that has a lot of text on the screen, you might not have to write a word; instead, remove some of the on-screen text and add it to your voiceover script instead. That’ll give you more room for images _and_ create a more engaging experience. If you’re using TTS for emphasis, identify your key points and write them down. Whatever you have to say, you’ll need to write it down before converting it to speech.
+### **2\. Choose your TTS voice.**
+Choose a TTS voice like you would an actor: What tone, accent, or performance style best expresses your theme? [**Listen to a few of ReadSpeaker’s TTS voices here.**](https://www.readspeaker.ai/voice-demo/) To truly differentiate your brand, though, invest in a [bespoke branded voice.](https://www.readspeaker.ai/solutions/custom-text-to-speech-tts-voices/) The ReadSpeaker VoiceLab uses the latest AI technology to craft custom TTS voices, tailored to your brand traits. Use a unique branded voice to narrate your videos, smart speaker apps, digital assistants, interactive voice ads, and more: It’s like a brand logo for audio content.
+### **3\. Enter your text into a TTS production tool.**
+With your script in hand, generating audio voice files is as simple as pasting text into a ReadSpeaker production tool . [SpeechMaker](https://www.readspeaker.com/solutions/speech-production/readspeaker-speechmaker/?__hstc=176835107.88ffcb831bb5a4c0a1ee37eee17b368a.1626745905149.1626745905149.1626745905149.1&__hssc=176835107.4.1626745905150&__hsfp=3014526102) is robust, cloud-based TTS creation software. For offline TTS generation, choose [SpeechMaker Desktop.](https://www.readspeaker.com/solutions/speech-production/readspeaker-speechmaker-desktop/?__hstc=176835107.88ffcb831bb5a4c0a1ee37eee17b368a.1626745905149.1626745905149.1626745905149.1&__hssc=176835107.4.1626745905150&__hsfp=3014526102) To add audio effects and further customize performance, try [SpeechMaker FX](https://www.readspeaker.ai/speechmakerfx-beta/), a TTS tool designed for gaming and entertainment. For all options, batch processing makes it easy to produce conversations between multiple TTS characters, or simply produce a whole video’s worth of short clips with a single upload.
+### **4\. Adjust pronunciation.**
+ReadSpeaker’s production tools give you full control over pronunciation and performance. An integrated SSML editor (it’s like HTML, but for TTS) allows you to change emphasis at the word level with a point-and-click interface. Add pauses for dramatic effect or to simulate the breaths of a human speaker. Adjust speed, pitch, and volume. A custom speech dictionary allows you to specify pronunciation for acronyms, industry jargon, proper nouns, or regionalisms.
+### **5\. Download completed files.**
+Once the script sounds just right, download audio files in the format of your choice—MP3s are usually fine for text-to-speech video applications, but ReadSpeaker supports uncompressed and lossless file formats, too.
+### **6\. Import audio files into your video production software.**
+The end result of the top four steps will be a handful of audio speech files, ready for your editing timeline. Simply upload them to the video editor of your choice, mix with the existing soundtrack, and your narration is ready to go—without recording a word. That’s all it takes to add text to speech to video content.

+ 75 - 0

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+title = "如何將文本轉影片?"
+date = "2021-07-18T00:21:34+08:00"
+tags = ["video marketing", "text to video"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["marketing"]
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+### 1| [lumen5](https://lumen5.com/)
+**關於:**這是一個人工智能視頻創作平台,讓任何沒有培訓或經驗的人都可以在幾分鐘內輕鬆創建引人入勝的視頻內容。該產品主要分為三類。社區類別是免費的,將為您提供 480p 分辨率,包括標準庫和流行主題。Pro 類別將花費您每月 49 美元,這將為您提供 720p 的分辨率以及其他功能。商業類別專為希望講述其品牌故事的企業而設計,每月收費 149 美元,具有 1080p 分辨率和各種其他功能。
+*   輸入文章鏈接將其轉換為視頻,自然語言處理 (NLP) 算法將自動為您創建故事板。
+*   使用計算機視覺技術,系統將找到與您的內容相關的視覺和音頻。
+*   設置您的品牌資料一次即可添加每個視頻,包括號召性用語以推動轉化。
+*   您的團隊管理員可以輕鬆訪問儀表板以觀看和批准視頻。
+### 2| [Gliacloud](https://www.gliacloud.com/en/)
+**關於:**台灣初創公司 GliaCloud 於 2015 年推出,旨在提供數據分析和機器學習方面的解決方案和應用程序,是 David Chen 的創意。GliaCloud 的產品 GliaStudio 使用人工智能技術自動創建文本文章的視頻摘要。
+*   只需粘貼內容 URL 或上傳文件,GliaCloud 的自然語言算法會遍歷內容以查找主要主題和關鍵字,然後生成帶有部分和亮點的視頻腳本。
+*   然後,基於生成的視頻腳本,[AI](https://www.analyticsindiamag.com/how-quodeck-is-gamifying-corporate-e-learning-with-ai-based-tools/)引擎將搜索和編輯相應的圖像和剪輯。
+*   更容易創建不同的版本進行測試並在社交媒體上獲得更好的參與度。
+### 3| [Wochit](https://www.wochit.com/)
+**關於:**這個平台具有超級直觀的方法,適用於任何具有任何水平的視頻創作經驗或技能的講故事者,可以在所有社交和數字平台上製作和分享他們的故事。該[平台](https://www.analyticsindiamag.com/suresh-prabhu-how-data-is-used-algorithms-written/)的核心是 Wochit 的 Predictive Video Creation 平台,該[平台](https://www.analyticsindiamag.com/suresh-prabhu-how-data-is-used-algorithms-written/)旨在搶先並滿足每個視頻創作者和團隊的需求,為他們提供創作高影響力視頻所需的一切。
+*   計劃用新的和流行的故事創意啟動您的創作過程,以幫助您實現每一個目標。
+*   選擇最相關的授權資產、圖形和音樂曲目與畫外音藝術家一起選擇您自己的品牌內容來講述您的故事
+*   創建高級編輯功能和自動化工具的終極組合,以更快的方式擴展您的創建過程並製作功能強大的視頻。
+*   通過敏捷的基於雲的平台和智能 Slack 集成,與簡化內部工作流程和審批流程進行協作。標記團隊從任何地方創建、編輯、重新調整用途、批准和分發。
+*   通過 CMS、OVP 和社交媒體集成,可以輕鬆發布您的故事,並確保以您選擇的每個平台的最佳格式向每位觀眾順利交付。
+### 4| [Wibbitz](https://www.wibbitz.com/)
+**關於:**該平台由 Zohar Dayan 和 Yotam Cohen 於 2011 年創建,是特拉維夫和紐約的第一個自動視頻創建平台,可自動將文本轉換為短視頻。文本片段覆蓋 B 卷素材,用戶可以使用易於使用的編輯工具進行一些調整。該平台基本上有兩種計劃,標準計劃和自定義計劃。標準計劃每月收費 500 美元,而定制計劃包括標準計劃中的所有內容以及各種其他功能。
+*   要開始在該平台上工作,請先請求演示,然後提供商會聯繫您安排時間帶您了解該平台。
+*   根據您選擇的計劃,您將通過動手培訓課程或自助遊學習繩索。
+*   用於將任何故事或文章轉換為針對觀眾參與進行優化的簡短視頻的模板。
+*   無需任何專業編輯技能即可剪切、裁剪、縮放和修剪每個部分,您還可以通過請求專業畫外音或輕鬆上傳自己的聲音來添加自己的聲音。
+*   您可以保存默認顏色、字體、徽標和保險槓,以創建一致的成品。
+### 5| [Vedia](https://www.vedia.ai/)
+**關於:**這個人工智能視頻製作器使用戶能夠立即從文本中創建具有專業外觀的視頻。此外,該平台不僅可以將文本轉換為視頻,還可以藉助自動視頻創建將 URL 和數據轉換為視頻。Vedia 通過生成旁白、採購媒體和組裝場景,將您的想法轉化為視頻,讓您免於數小時的沮喪。
+*   分析:人工智能首先掃描和分析您的數據、文本、鏈接、博客或提要,以確定主要思想。
+*   可視化:經過分析,找到相關的媒體資產,放到視頻時間軸上,生成語音解說。
+*   定制:最後,您需要做的就是查看和發布視頻。您還可以使用提供的拖放視頻製作器對其進行自定義以保持品牌形象。