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+title = "hololive Vtuber ID組Airani Iofifteen確診COVID-19"
+date = "2021-07-23T10:15:39+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## hololive Vtuber ID組Airani Iofifteen確診COVID-19
+ ![img](] 
+2021年7月22日 星期四 上午11:38:04 [台北標準時間]
+知名 Vtuber 品牌 hololive 母公司 Cover 今日在推特發出公告,旗下 hololive ID (印尼組)成員 Airani Iofifteen (Iofi)確診 COVID-19。
+依據 Cover 公告,Iofi 日前感到身體不適,並於 21 日 PCR 陽性確診,目前無嚴重症狀,在當地醫療機構指示下在自家休養,這段時間也會暫停直播。Cover 也提到,Iofi 沒有同公司的密切接觸者,同時也會加強同社人員的相關防疫政策。
+印尼為全球人口第四多的國家,為目前全球疫情重災區,依據中央社報導,21 日單日新增 3 萬 3772 起確診,1383 人染疫死亡,創單日紀錄新高;全國累計確診來到近 300 萬例,累計死亡約 7 萬 7000 人。
+ ## hololive「角卷綿芽」獲YT百萬訂閱,元氣滿滿的生草食材Vtuber
+ ![img](] 
+2021年7月18日 星期日 上午1:46:43 [台北標準時間]
+hololive 所屬 Vtuber「角卷綿芽」(角巻わため|Tsunomaki Watame)於昨(17)晚達成 YouTube 100 萬訂閱,為 Vtuber 界第 23 人,hololive 第 21 人。
+就在昨晚百萬歌回耐久直播,角卷綿芽頻道一口氣增加數千人訂閱,順利達成 YouTube 百萬訂閱,也是繼桐生可可後第二位達成此成就的四期生,而再過不久,同屬四期生的天音彼方也即將達成百萬訂閱。
+隸屬於 hololive 日本四期生的角卷綿芽,是一位有著軟綿聲線、初期以清楚路線活躍的 Vtuber,因為人設形象是一隻吟遊詩人一邊旅行的綿羊,因此後來漸漸變成 hololive Vtuber 聯動時的「食材」,其有趣的天然反應與玩梗的才華同樣受到海外粉絲的喜愛。
+接下來最接近百萬線的 Vtuber 是同屬 hololive 的「天音彼方」(98.3 萬),以及即將滿 90 萬訂閱的五期生「獅白牡丹」。
+ ## hololive Vtuber「大空昴」獲YT百萬訂閱,鴨鴨迷因席捲海外
+ ![img](] 
+2021年7月2日 星期五 下午3:47:00 [台北標準時間]
+hololive 所屬二期生 Vtuber 大空昴(大空スバル)於今(2)日在 YouTube 達成 100 萬訂閱,為 Vtuber 界第 21 人,hololive 第 19 人,而今天剛好也是她的生日。
+大空昴在 2018 年 7 月中旬出道,口頭禪是「ShubaShuba」,和一般在直播界轉戰或有經驗的 Vtuber 不同,她是少數以無經驗「素人」的身份出道。
+根據過去直播本人自述,大空昴因為老家遭逢祝融之災,因此與姐姐出來找工作,因緣既會加入了 hololive 而成為了一名 Vtuber。
+大空昴最廣為人知的便是她能發出宛如「唐老鴨」或「孫悟空」獨特的嗓音,這項特色甚至受到海外粉絲瘋狂喜愛,還在 Reddit 及 YouTube 衍生許多創作。
+雖然遊戲實力不算高強,但大空昴與其他 Vtuber 聯動總能帶來強大的戲劇效果,而她最喜歡的遊戲則是《香腸傳說》。
+在大空昴達成百萬後,下一位最接近百萬線的則是同為二期生的百鬼綾目(百鬼あやめ),目前訂閱數已突破 98 萬。
+ ## hololive Vtuber百鬼綾目突破YT百萬訂閱,「摸余」可愛就是正義
+ ![img](] 
+2021年7月8日 星期四 上午10:49:07 [台北標準時間]
+hololive 所屬 Vtuber 百鬼綾目於今(8)日達成 100 萬訂閱,為 Vtuber 界第 22 人,hololive 第 20 人。
+百鬼綾目於 2018 年 9 月 3 日出道,設定上是魔界學校所屬的鬼娘,常放出鬼火來惡作劇,但實際上是學生會長。自稱是相當有古風的「余」,粉絲稱為百鬼組,百鬼本人對粉絲的稱呼則是「人類大人」。
+百鬼綾目早期會玩《Minecraft》,遊戲上擅長射擊遊戲,在今年《魔物獵人 崛起》推出前,多半以《APEX 英雄》為主要的遊戲。但百鬼綾目卻是 hololive 中開台頻率數一數二低的人,也被中文圈觀眾戲稱「摸余」。
+但也因為這莫名的魅力,讓百鬼綾目的成長同樣令人費解,以 90~99 萬的期間來說, 剛好碰上了百鬼綾目要搬家,這中間只開過一次會員限定台與上傳一首翻唱曲,沒有在自己的台進行過任何一般直播,但增長速度卻異常的穩定,讓他在 7 月 6 日的回歸台就超過 99 萬,登上百萬的瞬間也沒開台。
+皆下來最接近百萬線的 Vtuber 是同屬 hololive 的角卷棉芽(97.9 萬),以及緊追在後的天音彼方 (95.6 萬)。
+ ## hololive旗下VTuber湊阿庫婭&獅白牡丹加入電競大賽「Red Bull 5G」官方應援團
+ ![img](,630)] 
+受到全世界的喜愛,可以稱得上是能量飲料界王者的「 Red Bull 」(又名:紅牛),其事業版圖不僅限於食品飲料,還有舞蹈、即興饒舌、賽車、電玩遊戲等,參與主辦各種領域的活動,對各業界都有不小的貢獻。 就在2021年7月〜11月間Red Bull將舉辦5種類型各異遊戲的對戰活動「 Red Bull 5G 」! 並且,在2021年6月開始接任 Red Bull虛擬大使 的兩位,VTuber公司「hololive」旗下的「 湊あくあ 」「 獅白ぼたん 」將加入 官方應援團 !
+給日本電競界一對翅膀。「Red Bull 5G」是?
+Red Bull 5G PR TIMES
+「Red Bull 5G」是為了要給日本電競界一對翅膀,於2012年開始舉辦的電競活動。
+在SPORTS(スポーツ) / RACING(レーシング) / FIGHTING(ファイティング) / PUZZLE(パズル) / FREE(フリー)的5種類型中各選出與往年相異的1款遊戲,為各遊戲舉行預選與日本東西地區代表決定戰,獲勝的頂尖選手將分成東西2隊伍,展開激烈對戰。
+近年來遊戲一直被強調其“運動”與“職業”方面的可能性,不過官方希望可以透過此大賽大眾再次聚焦遊戲原本的“玩”與“樂趣”上。睽違5年的第6屆「Red Bull 5G」終於再次登場!

+ 109 - 0

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+title = "The latest Oculus Quest update lets you easily invite others to play"
+date = "2021-07-23T10:30:44+08:00"
+type = "blog"
+banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+ ## The latest Oculus Quest update lets you easily invite others to play
+ ![img](] 
+Oculus is rolling out its v31 software update to Quest and Quest 2 headsets starting today, and it’s filled with some nice quality-of-life improvements. The big one is it’ll be easier to invite friends and recent teammates who aren’t friends to play a game or experience an app together. When you’re in game or in app, pressing the Oculus button will pull up the universal menu as usual, but soon, more apps will show a new “Invite to App” button next to the “Resume” and “Quit” buttons. If friends accept your invite, you’ll be able to see them in the menu. This feature will roll out soon in games like Beat Saber, Blaston, Demeo, Echo VR, ForeVR Bowl, Hyper Dash, PokerStars VR, and Topgolf with Pro Putt.
+If you don’t want to corral the group within VR, an upcoming update to the Oculus app on iOS and Android will let you create a multiplayer session then and there. For supported games and apps, you’ll be able to whip up a link that can be shared with others to join the group. You can also choose how long the link will be active. Any major platform with a social component should have intuitive invite tools like these, and I’m glad to see that Oculus is making some progress here.
+Other features coming in v31 may or may not get as much use, depending on how you use your Quest headset, but are nevertheless important. With the update, the Browser app will also gain the ability to save and autofill passwords, secured with an unlock pattern. Both the unlock pattern and passwords are stored on device, Oculus says in its press release.
+Oculus is also adding send and read receipts to the Messenger app as well as reaction emoji — straight from Facebook. Admittedly, this should make it easier to respond to people instead of fumbling with the virtual keyboard.
+If you’re waiting for v31 to hit your headset, keep in mind that it may take a few weeks to arrive on yours.
+ ## Oculus Quest v31 Adds Experimental Passthrough API
+ ![img](] 
+Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is teasing that the upcoming v31 update for Oculus Quest “makes it easier to coordinate multiplayer games by sending friends pop-up invites, and gives developers access to Passthrough API Experimental to build and test mixed reality experiences.”
+The update is coming “soon” with Zuckerberg posting to Facebook that more details are on the way. Recently, Zuckerberg himself has been the first to tease upcoming features for Oculus Quest as the company builds toward a so-called “Oculus Quest Pro” headset to release sometime after 2021. Though Facebook might bump the entry level $299 Quest 2 to 128 GB of storage, Facebook isn’t expected to release a new VR headset in the near future. Instead, the company is focusing on near-constant software updates to the system running Quest 2 to improve the overall experience. Last year, Facebook confirmed it would release an application programming interface (API) that would essentially allow for the development of AR apps on Oculus Quest and gave early access to Spatial, a remote work solution.
+A blog post from Facebook details the multiplayer features alongside a new security settings panel that’s coming as well, but the post makes no mention of the passthrough API. Facebook rolls out new software updates for Quest over the course of weeks and even longer for some new or experimental features contained within those updates. An update last month for v30 added multitasking, for example, but we haven’t yet seen the feature on our Quest 2 headsets just yet.
+With multitasking, a larger and smarter guardian system, major new game releases planned like Resident Evil 4, new avatars, and the beginnings of AR apps, Facebook is laying the groundwork for its Quest 2 headset to be a much more compelling platform heading into the holiday gift-buying season in 2021.
+ ## Oculus Quest v31 July update makes it easier to chat and play with friends
+ ![img](] 
+We might be patiently waiting for Facebook to announce the Oculus Quest Pro, but they've apparently been pretty busy adding more features to the existing two Oculus Quest headsets every month. The Oculus Quest v31 July update is making it easier to invite friends to games, chat with your friends over Facebook Messenger, and log in to your favorite websites with saved passwords in the Oculus Browser.
+While you're playing one of the best Oculus Quest 2 games, you'll be able to more easily invite your friends to join a multiplayer session thanks to a dedicated invite button found when pressing the Oculus button on the right controller. This feature has to be supported by the game you're playing, but Oculus is making this functionality available to all developers in the v31 Oculus SDK. This new feature will be first available in Beat Saber, Blaston, Demeo, Echo VR, ForeVR Bowl, Hyper Dash, PokerStars VR, and Topgolf with Pro Putt.
+ ## Oculus Quest 3: Eight things we want to see from the next Oculus headset
+ ![img](] 
+We've heard mixed reports about when the Oculus Quest 3 will arrive. A supply chain analyst suggested the Quest 3 and PSVR 2 would arrive in 2022, and we know from a May interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that Oculus product teams are already "working on the next few generations of virtual reality and what Quest 3 and 4 are gonna look like." But we've also heard that Oculus' next headset could be an Oculus Quest Pro instead. VP of Facebook Reality Labs Andrew Bosworth said in an April Twitter Spaces discussion that "there isn't a Quest 3, there's only a Quest 2...Quest 2 is going to be in the market for a long while." The Quest 2 is genuinely great, but it isn't without flaws. We have a roadmap for how the next headset can do better. Considering the Oculus Quest 2 only just shipped in October 2020, less than a year ago, we may not see a "Quest 3" for some time. But you can be certain that Oculus will release some kind of Quest-branded upgrade headset, possibly next year. It certainly won't be a Rift S replacement; Oculus is all aboard the portable VR train, as it should be. VPN Deals: Lifetime license for $16, monthly plans at $1 & more Taking that into account, I chatted with the many Quest 2 owners working for Android Central and Windows Central, asking how they would improve on the design for Oculus's next headset. While we're all big fans of the console in general, we all had immediate ideas for improvements and pet peeves to resolve. So here is our list, arranged from most urgent needs to nice-to-have tweaks. 1. Longer-lasting battery life
+Source: Nick Sutrich / Android Central
+There's a reason why the Elite Strap with Battery frequently sells out or why people end up strapping battery packs to their Quest 2s. The headset only lasts about two to three hours from a full charge, which just isn't enough for any portable gaming device. Then you have to consider 90Hz mode or 120Hz Air Link mode; games running at max graphics can tax the Quest 2 battery more, further reducing its life. We know that a Quest 3 or Quest Pro will very likely get an upgraded CPU and that Oculus wouldn't want a massive battery that would make the headset too heavy. But they have to find a way to make it better. Especially if they're pushing the Quest 2's replacement as a productivity device; for context, in that same Twitter Spaces interview, Facebook consulting technical officer John Carmack said the following: We need to be a displacement device where we need to be something that somebody hard up for money decides I'm going to buy a VR headset instead of a Chromebook or instead of a tablet. And we need to do everything that those devices do. You know, we need to have similar app libraries. We need to be just as effective with keyboard and mouse. We need it to be something that you could put on your head and do the work that you need to do during a normal day. Well, a Chromebook or a tablet will last across a full 8 hours of work. For the next Quest to last that long, Oculus will need to either release an official USB-C magnetic charger so users can safely stay plugged in while they work, or to design the default strap with a built-in slot where the user can insert a swappable battery pack at any time. As for general VR gaming, a minimum of 3 hours should be the goal for the next headset. 2. Better lenses (and display)
+Source: Nick Sutrich / Android Central
+Compared to the original Oculus Quest's PenTile OLED display, the Quest 2 got a major visual boost with its RGB stripe LCD. The pixels per eye grew from 1440x1600 to 1832x1920, the refresh rate went from 72Hz max to 90Hz or 120Hz, and smaller details look better because the pixel patterns are more compact than before. Despite these improvements, the Quest 2 lenses and display aren't perfect. As an LCD, the display can't handle deep blacks as well as the Quest 1, which makes spooky games like Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners look more gray and foggy than they should. In addition, new Quest 2 owners immediately noticed high levels of god rays around text and objects because of the cheaper lenses used. And the Quest 2 field of view (FOV) didn't appear to improve on the original, remaining fairly narrow and flat. PS5 VR is getting a 4K display. Will the Quest Pro? In an ideal world, the Quest 3 would get an OLED display with RGB stripe rendering — so you get deeper blacks without a loss in detail — plus more pixels per eye and lenses with better FOV, both horizontally and vertically. But we'll have to see if that comes to pass. We've heard that the PSVR 2 could have a 4K display with 2000×2040 pixels per eye and that it'll get a much wider FOV than the original's 100º. Of course, given this headset will be constantly wired to the PS5, it's not fair to directly compare its visual performance with a mobile VR headset. That being said, VR gamers still will make the comparison and may gravitate towards a headset that immerses you in more beautiful worlds. 3. Oculus Touch controller upgrades
+The new PSVR 2 controllers Source: PlayStation The new PSVR 2 controllers
+Continuing the unfair, premature Quest 3 vs. PSVR 2 comparison, we know that Sony's new VR controllers — which adapted the halo tracking design from the Oculus Touch controllers — will use the same Adaptive Triggers and improved haptics found in the DualSense controller. So, in theory, developers can make different objects vibrate differently against your fingers as you play, improving immersion. We can also predict from PSVR patents that Sony's new headset could place cameras all around the headset, including on the back. This could eliminate common VR controller dead zones behind the player or above their head. We're actually big fans of how the Oculus Touch controllers work. They're ergonomic, can track individual fingers, have solid-feeling buttons, and other have major improvements on the Quest 1 controllers. But you can often see your in-game controllers lag or jump forward when tracking fails, and fitness games will often say you're not properly performing moves. Better Quest 3 or Quest Pro headset cameras with faster refresh rates could go a long way towards improving that. And we certainly wouldn't say no to improved haptics. 4. Improved hand tracking, plus new tracked data
+Source: Nick Sutrich / Android Central
+The Oculus Quest 2 added hand tracking has been around since the original Quest and just got a 60Hz upgrade on the Quest 2. But to be honest, the best hand-tracking games on the Oculus Quest aren't a great showcase for the tech. A few incorporate hand tracking as a backup to Touch controllers, while the apps that rely on it fully are better described as "demos" rather than full games. Facebook could add face and eye-tracking to the Oculus Quest Pro, making your avatar more lifelike in battlefields or chatrooms. If the Quest Pro adds more headset cameras or improves the quality of its inside-out cameras, that could make your hands less janky and unpredictable as "controllers" and make game developers more likely to support a hand-tracking mode in games. While the above upgrade hasn't been confirmed, we heard straight from Zuckerberg during his CNET interview that a Quest Pro could add face and eye-tracking in order to convey your expressions better and match your mouth to your voice on an in-game avatar. Of course, knowing how much Facebook wants to make Oculus headsets a social tool for hanging out with friends virtually, it shouldn't surprise you that they want to turn their sensors inward. 5. Fix the IPD slider and range
+Source: Nick Sutrich / Android Central
+Alongside the reduced battery life, the other frustrating downgrade from the Quest 1 to the Quest 2 is the interpupillary distance (IPD) slider. Unlike the Quest 1, which let you set any IPD from 58mm to 72mm, the Quest 2 IPD slider has just three settings: 58mm–61mm, 62mm-66mm, and 66mm-70mm. Unless you fall right in the center of those ranges, you may not be fully comfortable with any one setting; and anyone above 70mm has to accept playing Quest 2 games a bit cross-eyed. Oculus should use its Quest Pro eye-tracking tech to improve our IPD adjustments. A new Quest headset could add more presets with more exact ranges, which would help players stay in VR longer without developing headaches. And this new headset should extend its IPD maximum to support gamers with wider eyes. We'll also point out that if Oculus truly adds face and eye-tracking to its headset, we'd love it if the company leveraged this tech to check your eye placement in relation to the lenses and inform you if your IPD distance appears to be too narrow or too wide. We don't know how difficult this would be to implement, but it would certainly prevent us from doubting whether or not the setting we chose is right or not. 6. Add Bluetooth support for headphones and smartwatches
+Source: Android Central
+Despite running on mobile hardware, the Oculus Quest 2 can't handle connecting to Bluetooth devices. You know, like every smartphone with a Snapdragon chipset does on the regular? That prevents us from connecting the best wireless earbuds and ridding ourselves of dangling wires; likewise, it stops us from connecting our favorite fitness trackers and seeing in-app how many calories we burned during a FitXR workout. We should also return to Facebook's plan to design the Oculus Quest Pro for a workday, with the same apps as a Chromebook. For that to work, you'll need to connect a keyboard and mouse to the headset that you can see and use via passthrough tech. Again, Bluetooth seems like a necessary and natural addition. 7. Slot in some expandable storage
+Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners (above) measures more than 8GB in size, not counting the DLC. Source: Nick Sutrich / Android Central Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners (above) measures more than 8GB in size, not counting the DLC.
+We recently heard that Oculus could release a 128GB Oculus Quest 2 that replaces the current 64GB Oculus Quest 2 and sells for the same price. It makes sense, given that Oculus Quest 2 games have blown up in size in the past year to take advantage of its more powerful chipset. It's why we often recommend that people weighing the 64GB Quest 2 versus the 256GB upgrade should choose the larger model. We certainly hope that the Oculus Quest 3 or Quest Pro will start with 128GB as a baseline. But the best way to ensure new headset owners get the storage they need is to offer a microSD card slot, the same way that many of the best Android phones do. That way, gamers can wait to buy more storage until they really need it rather than pay upfront for storage they end up not needing. It's also important to note that the Oculus Quest Pro as a "productivity device" will need more storage for non-gaming files. That makes an expansion slot all the more important to push this headset as a serious piece of hardware. 8. A faster Snapdragon processor
+Source: Qualcomm
+The Snapdragon XR2 is no slouch. It's designed for powerful graphical performance to each eye while also running the Quest 2's tracking cameras simultaneously. But if the Quest 3 or Quest Pro will add more cameras, or close the graphical gap between it and PC VR headsets, then it will need a Snapdragon XR3 that improves performance without burning through the battery too quickly. Just as the Quest 2 can play the best Oculus Quest 2 games with an "enhanced mode" active, we can hope its successor will enhance them even further. What do you want to see in an Oculus Quest 3?
+ ## Is Facebook Upping Oculus Quest 2's Base Storage To 128GB?
+ ![img](] 
+Facebook may soon increase the Oculus Quest 2 base model storage from 64GB to 128GB.
+At the time of this writing two models of Quest 2 are sold: 64 GB ($299) and 256 GB ($399). The original Oculus Quest was available in 64 GB & 128 GB.
+The 64 GB Quest 2 isn’t currently available for purchase in the United States on either Amazon or Facebook’s own website.
+On July 8, photos appearing to show a 128GB box were shared anonymously on imgur.
+Multiple reddit users claiming to be retail workers say they’ve seen the same box in inventory. Similar reports also happened just before the launch of Oculus Go & Oculus Quest.
+Screenshot of retailer LDLC
+GAMERGEN spotted French electronics retailer LDLC briefly listing a 128 GB model this month. While the listing was quickly removed, it’s still viewable on Internet Archive. Notably, the price is the same as the current 64 GB model (349 Euro).
+This week, a Quest 2 ad in a Shonen Jump Plus manga apparently showed “128GB / 256GB” – though the reference seems to have been removed.
+Apparent screenshot of Shonen Jump Plus manga
+Unlike other portable consoles such as Nintendo Switch, Oculus headsets don’t have an SD card slot. Reaching the internal storage limit means you’ll need to uninstall some games to make room.
+Most Quest games are around 1 GB in size, but major titles like Sniper Elite VR, Onward, and Larcenauts clock in around 3 GB. The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – our #1 pick on Quest – requires more than 8 GB, while Myst VR requires almost 10 GB.
+Resident Evil 4 VR is slated to be the first major mobile VR title not coming to the original Quest. We don’t yet know the file size, but the Switch port is 12 GB. Facebook has promised ‘really big, deep’ games for the future, partnering with Ubisoft for Assassin’s Creed & Splinter Cell titles. 64 GB storage could soon be insufficient for avid gamers – a doubling to 128 GB could drive more software sales benefitting consumers, developers and Facebook alike.
+Facebook declined to comment.

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