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+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+title= "2021 Has Been the Year of the NFT"
+date = "2022-01-19T16:04:55+08:00"
+tags = ["NFT"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["NFT"]
+banner = "/imgs/nftword.jpg"
+2022年元旦,加密貨幣圈出現了驚天動地的大消息,亞洲流行音樂天王周杰倫旗下潮牌PHANTACi選在這一天與平台Ezek共同推出NFT(非同質化代幣)「Phanta Bear」(幻想熊)。周杰倫的潮牌「PHANTACi」與Ezek聯名推出名叫「Phanta Bear」的NFT,全球限量1萬個,周董和愛妻昆凌搶先收到一幅「心血結晶」,馬上po在IG Story,開心寫著:「哥收到的第一個特別禮物」。周杰倫收到的是一隻穿著以他生日「18」為背號球衣的小熊,頂著黑人頭,雙眼呈星星狀,熊熊右手拿籃球、左手扣籃,極有周董特色。雖然這一萬隻NFT必須用虛擬貨幣「以太幣」(ETH)才能交易,一隻起價高達0.26顆以太幣(當時價值約2.8萬元新台幣),但只花了40分鐘就完售,短短7天更在全球最大的NFT交易平台OpenSea總榜登上全球第一名,超越去年以來的長期霸主「無聊猿遊艇俱樂部」(Bored Ape Yacht Club, BAYC)。NFT Phanta Bear更在4小時後於二級市場價格翻倍,最高轉手價為1.1以太幣,單計一個NFT差價已比原創者賺得更多。不要陷入懷疑,進入虛擬年代,就連 Lego 也比起黃金更保值,NFT比勞力士更貴是常識吧?
+Phanta Bear從0.26顆以太幣出發,短短7天就奪下世界冠軍,但虛擬世界的回檔也很現實,6天後,從均價7.87顆以太幣跌到3.82顆以太幣,震幅高達51%,加上幣圈價格大跌,讓媒體屢以「被割韭菜」來形容新進入市場的持有者。 
+余文樂分享自己曾以不足 1 枚以太幣入手多個 BAYC 收藏,更送了許多給朋友,但不足 3 個月時間,BAYC NFT 已升值至最少14枚以太幣,可見比較著名的初代NFT BAYC 和 CyptoPunks 市價十分高。CyptoPunks更在2021 10大成交價排行榜佔一半席位,與Beeple不相伯仲。
+「MonkeyKingdom」的創作理念説來有趣,因為這NFT是以孫悟空作創作藍本,悟空為了不被唐三藏收服而使出「悟空72變」,於是便一次分出了2,222個32×32像素的分身,不過最後也逃離不了唐三藏的手掌心,被困在Solana區塊鏈。除了完成度高,加上説得通加有趣的創作念頭加上Vision外,Monkey Kingdom 讓亞洲群有強烈的歸屬感,畢竟孫悟空是亞洲僅有的神話。

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+title= "NFT Marketing "
+date = "2022-01-19T16:04:55+08:00"
+tags = ["NFT"]
+type = "blog"
+categories = ["NFT"]
+banner = "/imgs/nftword.jpg"
+### AMA
+What is AMA exactly? The concept gained popularity on Reddit under the brands AMA or ASK ME ANYTHING, which are trademarks owned by Reddit, and was later adopted by mainstream social networks as a way to transparently engage with an audience; promote new features, updates, and products; and connect with users in real time.  Since then, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have integrated features that make ask me experiences more accessible than ever.
+Conduct AMA sessions to start NFT marketing. To actively engage with the community on different digital platforms, you should also hold regular AMA sessions.
+Large Telegram chats and YouTube channels are the top preferred mediums to conduct AMA sessions. You can also offer rewards to community members for participating in the community.
+Before conducting, promoting your AMA session is indispensable. It can generate enough interest. Treating the session as an event is a great way to create buzz and attention to make sure people are aware of the event and ensure you get questions.  AMA is an excellent opportunity to gauge what your audience wants to see from you and ideas for new content.
+### NFT X Influencer
+Crypto and NFT influencers can actively affect the worth of a cryptocurrency in a single post or piece of content. Research here indicates that nearly every buyer prefers to make their purchase on the advice of a trusted influencer instead of an advertisement. According to the stats, videos are the better approach to engaging fans. They are fun, accessible and provide essential information for consumers. The best way to market anything is through video content. The main reason video has proven successful in the industry is because they are interactive and make information understandable. The best example of successful usage of videos for marketing is YouTube.
+Since the influencer marketing plays a significant role in the decentralized NFT community and is dispersed across the globe, getting familiar with them is a great start. Below are the top NFT influencers on YouTube.
+Gary Vaynerchuk
+He is one of the most iconic influencers of our generation and just launched his own NFT platform, VeeFriends. His YouTube channel talks about NFTs being the future of intellectual property rights and the creator economy.
+Max Maher
+Max’s videos are very well researched and he delivers them in a way that is easy to grasp for a beginner. We are excited to see how Max’s channel continues to shift more toward Cryptocurrency and NFTs as he seems passionate about the topic.
+The Wall Street Journal
+It covers Cryptocurrencies, the MetaVerse, Web3, and NFTs which are both informative and refreshing. The Wall Street Journal was founded in July of 1889 and has been a reliable and trusted source on all things business, finance, economics, and money.
+NFT Times
+The NFT Times is a great resource for those just getting started in the NFT space. You can expect topics like “How to PROMOTE & SELL NFT ART using Twitter” and “The #1 reason you can’t sell your NFTs.” What is excellent about the NFT Times is that they are focused solely on NFTs.
+### NFT Calendar
+NFT Calendar is the calendar on the market where the best NFT drops from various marketplaces are gathered in one place. This is a great source for NFT collectors who do not need to rush from one marketplace to another to discover the greatest releases. It allows releases of both well-known and fledgling artists who drop their collections or single pieces on various marketplaces and platforms. 
+It takes just a few minutes to add drops to the NFT Calendar. All you need to do is to fill in the form with the main details of your release:
+* the title of your NFT collection or artwork
+* details about the creator
+* description
+* the key visual of your drop
+* date and time of your drop
+* a marketplace where your NFT drops
+* the link to your release
+Once you submit your drop, it appears in the list after a quick review from our team. The submission is free!
+### Teaser & Featured Drops
+The teaser is to show what your NFT Project is about but, at the same time, to keep the intrigue. Such a way of advertising usually arouses the interest of potential collectors, makes them stay tuned for more details, and not miss the date of the release. It’s necessary to start preparing your audience for the release. Twitter, Instagram, Discord, Medium are the most popular platforms to showcase your drop. Tell what tools you used to create the pieces, the main idea behind the collection, your failures if there were any, etc.
+The featured drops promotion can be discussed directly with marketplaces. Based on observations, some of them have a separate web page with featured drops. KnownOrigin, for example, creates such a page every week with 4-5 featured drops and a countdown to the release. MakersPlace also creates a page with the description of the drop, images or teaser, and countdown. Nifty Gateway posts a schedule for the upcoming week on the website and Twitter. If your NFTs get to the featured drops, marketplaces also promote them on social media which is a great way to make your NFT known. 	Besides, by marketing your NFT project on social media, you grab the attention of not just collectors but other artists to collaborate with in the future.
+### Start a Thread on Reddit & Newsletter
+Such platforms as Reddit, Quora, and Bitcointalk are very helpful when you want to spread the word about your NFT Collection. More exposure is best strategy. You can start a thread asking, for example, “What emerging NFT artists do you recommend to keep an eye on?” Using another account, you can give links to your drop and tell about yourself as if on behalf of someone else and do not forget the key info like the title of your NFT collection or artwork. It is called crowd-marketing and is commonly used in advertising.
+You can also get involved in other discussions if you really have what to write. The more often your name appears across various channels, the sooner people will remember it.
+Most marketplaces, media, and other crypto platforms send newsletters several times per week. You can reach them out with a request to add your NFT release in the upcoming newsletter. In some platform, like NFT Calendar , they send newsletters with the best releases in the NFT space two times per week. Basically, they choose five NFT Collections and feature them in our newsletter three times a week. If you add your drop to calendar, first, and then actiely participate in our community to increase your chances of getting spotted and featured by editors. There are many marketing strategies. Try different types of promotion, choose those that work the best for you, and put them into practice.
+### Collaboration
+There are several NFT communities on Instagram and Twitter that offer some promotion options for NFT art. For example, in Instagram, they would create a post with all the details of the drop like the link to your release, the title of your NFT collection or artwork and description, featuring it on Instagram Stories, and can invite an artist for Instagram Live.
+When it comes to increasing awareness, collaborations with influencers are the first choice of marketing that pops up in mind. Most influencers have a loyal community who entrusts their recommendations and listens to their opinions. Research here indicates that nearly every buyer prefers to make their purchase on the advice of a trusted influencer instead of an advertisement. It’s most likely that an influencer will ask you for payment in crypto or reward in the form of a piece of NFT art.
+Partnering with influencers is a number one marketing strategy for many brands including NFT art.
+Besides, it’s a good idea to write an article about your NFT Collection and distribute it through the most popular themed media. Additionally, you can offer other formats of collaborations with media.  Medium is now preferred platform to create articles. You can use Medium and write a blog post with all the details about your drop.
+Last but not least, create a separate page about the drop on your website if have one. Having your website or blog, you can create a separate page dedicated to your drop. Add all the NFT pieces with descriptions, and, also, tell how, where, and when collectors can get them.
+### Email
+Artists can use email marketing to reach out to investors and their audience with insightful emails. To communicate something about your brand or sell your stuff, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to do so. It can help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it into your marketing automation efforts. It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy with lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships or keeping customers engaged between purchases through different types of marketing emails. For example, most marketing agencies rely on MailChimp or other email service for sending automatic emails to the target audience. Interested parties get curated messages based on their choices and preferences. Content creators can also utilize MailChimp for their NFT marketing strategy. They can select the designs, templates, content and share them with their intended audience. This process builds a strong and ideal userbase that remains updated on the creator’s activities.
+### SEO
+SEO services enable artists and content creators to rank high in places like Google and Bing. 
+By SEO, artists and content creators can increase their chances of these customers getting to artists. It means you should invest some time in conducting effective SEO. 
+They will get unpaid traffic from their target audience. Here, several NFT marketing company like blockchain app factory can assist in on-page optimizations and off-page optimization.
+Some activities you can engage in if you want to increase your NFT website visibility include:
+* Structuring your website for Google search 
+* Get your website published on online directories
+* Ensure Google and other search engines have verified your website domain as secure.
+* Ensure the content you create is of high quality and original
+* Have a blog section on your website and create more pages.
+* Ensure your article titles are more compelling for the target audience.
+* Conduct keyword research to help you create quality content to publish. 
+### Press Releases
+A press release is a written communication that reports specific but brief information about an event, circumstance, product launch, or other happening. It's typically tied to a business or organization and provided to media through a variety of means. Not only are press releases an effective tool for distributing content to the media and consumers, they can easily be syndicated creating an excellent opportunity to attract incoming links.
+Artists like digital artists and graphic designers can raise their credibility by regularly posting press releases on different media channels and websites. They can use various platforms to share the benefits and values of purchasing their NFT. The main purpose of all press releases is to promote something significant and specific This method is one of the common marketing strategies in the book, and there are several reasons why people keep coming back to it.
+Last but not least, successful publicity depends on sustained effort and honest.
+Press Releases Benefits
+✔️ Increase the credibility of your brand. Public relations publicity lends credibility to your company since the material is more honest and insightful.✔️ Attract your target audience.✔️ Give your customers something more.✔️ Create your brand’s image.
+### Giveaways
+Organizing an NFT Giveaway as part of an upcoming collection is a common strategy in the NFT community. You may give away NFT collectibles as well as tangible pieces of your work. Artists normally hold giveaways in this way: anybody who wishes to join must follow the artist on Instagram/Twitter, tag a friend in the comments, share the post on Instagram Stories or retweet, and so on. It creates additional excitement around your NFT Collection, giving you the ability to please your following fans while also being recognized by more people.
+For example, Twitter was dropping NFTs all day as mentioned in its bio description as the social media platform is offering free NFTs or non-fungible tokens in a giveaway campaign. The San Francisco-based company gave away 140 new NFTs in its first official foray into the digital assets that have grown in popularity since the beginning of the year. Twitter shared a series of tweets featuring a number of different images with the Twitter logo and a Tamagotchi virtual pet. The NFTs includes various renditions of the Twitter logo like Furry Twitter, Rare Form and Twitter Jggl. The social media platform shared a series of tweets featuring a number of different images with the Twitter logo and a Tamagotchi virtual pet. It posted seven different NFTs on Rarible, a third-party platform for buying and selling digital assets, and said it will give away 20 versions of each to interested users.
+### Discord
+Discord is a real-time chat network where gamers, influencers, and anybody with a community may interact. It gives you the power to create an invite-only home for your friends or community - a place where you can talk and hang out. We call these special places - servers. User can join or create servers for all kinds of communities, including NFT. The NFT industry is very similar to the gaming industry, for which Discord is very ideal. Moreover,  Discord is a great place to hold AMA session. Users can connect with other community members on dedicated channels and join multiple servers through unique invites. The server is made up of text channels and voice channels. Text channels are separate spaces for talking over text. They keep conversations organized and give everyone plenty of room to talk. Voice channels are where you can hang out over voice and video. There’s no calling or ringing required - just click on a voice channel to enter it. Friends in your server can see you’re in there, and pop in to talk.

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title = "The sandbox boost metaverse startup"
+date = "2021-09-30T13:39:46+02:00"
+tags = ["metaverse"]
+categories = ["metaverse"]
+banner = "https://img.chainnews.com/upload/cover/24d7b20ad76c5943a615c075a623cf19_pxGkAHe.png-large"
+Metaverse darling The Sandbox is launching a $50 million incubator program in partnership with venture accelerator Brinc, the company announced Wednesday.
+The program will invest up to $250,000 in 30–40 metaverse startups each year over a three-year period, according to a press release. Top performers of the program will also be awarded up to $150,000 in SAND and LAND token grants.
+“The Sandbox's metaverse accelerator is a major expansion of our ongoing commitment to support the next generation of metaverse entrepreneurs,” Sebastien Borget, co-founder of The Sandbox, said in a press release. “With imagination, ideas and hard work, startups from all over the world can realize their visions and drive societal impact by creating more opportunities for everyone.”
+The crypto crash continues on into Monday. Despite some positive signs from yesterday, which saw a rebound in many top tokens, investors saw fit to resume selling on Monday. As of 11:30 a.m. ET, top cryptocurrencies Cardano (CRYPTO:ADA), Chainlink (CRYPTO:LINK), and The Sandbox (CRYPTO:SAND) declined 6.5%, 6.2%, and 9.1%, respectively, over the past 24 hours.
+The cryptocurrency market is tumbling Tuesday, and The Sandbox (CRYPTO: SAND) is getting caught up in the pullback. As of 1:30 p.m. ET, the metaverse-focused token was down roughly 3.9% over the previous 24-hour period.
+The Sandbox now has a market capitalization of roughly $4 billion, which makes it the 40th largest cryptocurrency by valuation. Out of the top 40 cryptocurrencies, only six have posted any gains in the past day's trading -- and half of those are stablecoins designed to stay near the $1 price point.
+ The Sandbox LANDs are selling fast. And they’ve become the talk of the town in this new and exciting field of virtual real estate. The recent partnership with the American rapper Snoop Dogg and the sportswear company Adidas has only added fuel to the fire.
+ As you may know, there are a total of 166,464 LANDs in The Sandbox Metaverse. Out of it, 16,704 LANDs (10%) is held by The Sandbox to hold special events. And 25,920 LANDs (16%) is held in a reserve and distributed to partners, creators, and gamers as rewards. That means only 123,840 LANDs (74%) is available for users.
+ The size of one piece of LAND is 96 metres in width by 96 metres in length, making it a perfect square. You can also merge your 1×1 LANDs that are adjacent to each other to form an ESTATE. ESTATEs can be bought readily assembled as well. Typically, ESTATEs come in sizes of 3×3 (9 LANDs), 6×6 (36 LANDs), 12×12 (144 LANDs) and 24×24 (576 LANDs).

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+title = "Snoop Dogg NFT "
+date = "2021-09-30T13:39:46+02:00"
+tags = ["metaverse"]
+categories = ["metaverse"]
+banner = "https://img.chainnews.com/upload/cover/24d7b20ad76c5943a615c075a623cf19_pxGkAHe.png-large"
+Snoop Dogg is among the growing legion of celebrities that own non fungible tokens. He owns a full set from The Bored Ape Yacht Club collection. He also owns pieces from the Cryptopunks, Artblocks, and XCOPY range of NFTs.
+Over the week, the total cryptocurrency market cap has declined from $2.04 trillion to $1.63 trillion, a fall of nearly 20.1%.
+The D-O-Double-G revealed this week on Twitter that he has been collecting NFTs under the alias Cozomo de’ Medici.
+Cozomo popped onto the Twitter scene in August, regularly tweeting about the big sums he was spending on NFT collections and showing a nuanced understanding of the technology. The wallet associated with that name has an estimated $17 million in holdings, including nine CryptoPunks, some of the oldest and most desirable NFTs around.
+Snoop (real name Calvin Broadus Jr.) seems determined to keep the Cozomo alias as a separate identity. Shortly before unveiling himself on the Snoop Dogg feed, he told Cozomo’s 38,500 followers “Those who do not care, or simply prefer to not know the source of my vast fame and fortune, may simply not research. I will keep this account focused on NFTs, and not mention this again here.” He also noted in a separate Tweet that “many say they prefer to know me as Cozomo, and no one else”.
+NFTs are essentially a blockchain-based certificate of authenticity on a given work. They’re viewed by some as alternate investment vehicles, much like a piece of fine art or classic car would be. Only, in the case of NFTs, they’re digital and do not exist in the real world.
+The West Coast rapper’s first NFT collection dropped in March 2021 and shares memories from his younger years of life and unreleased songs and videos. A piece in the collection titled Death Row sold for $108,000.
+As if Black Girl Magic wasn’t already pumping through her veins, Montreal, Canada-based artist Lana Denina made over $300,000 selling her original NFT artwork.
+The Mona Lana Collection, Denina’s first collection that includes 500 unique portraits of women, sold out in a few short weeks. We can’t wait to see what Denina drops next.
+Four friends founded Bored Ape Yacht Club in April, and each Bored Ape NFT grants owners membership access that includes exclusive benefits. The group’s first collection contains 10,000 unique Mutant Ape NFTs.

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title = "Tokens Model"
+date = "2021-09-23T13:39:46+02:00"
+tags = ["defi"]
+categories = ["defi"]
+banner = "https://i.imgur.com/LfDzD8Z.png"
+### Inflationary Model
+An inflationary token model is one where new tokens are added to the market over time. This is best demonstrated from a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and ADA. Bitcoin issues 12.5 new Bitcoin every 10 minutes as a reward for mining the next block. Instead of going through a central bank, Bitcoin is run by many nodes that link to a blockchain network. The nodes will confirm transactions worldwide. The network is always open, and it can handle transfers of all sizes. ADA is the in-house token of the Cardano blockchain. Cardano uses a different approach for token production, as Cardano is a proof-of-stake cryptocurrency.
+This token model will continuously be printed over time, with no limit of tokens that can ever be created. There are variations on the inflationary token model, with some tokens limiting token creation yearly, and others going based on a set schedule in perpetuity. Outside of cryptocurrencies, almost all traditional fiat currencies operate on inflationary models. In the worst cases, this inflation can increase uncontrollably as the governing bodies of the currencies run themselves into massive debt and print more money to pay off their debts. Despite these dangers and cons, the gradual inflation of currencies can have some benefits. For example, many economists believe that the 2% inflation of the U.S. Dollar allows the reduction of people’s debt, the increase of wages, and an increase in general spending.
+### Deflationary model
+In this model, there is a set number of tokens to be created, with that limit never being adjusted upward. This creates a deflationary currency where even as demand increases, supply does not. A limited supply of tokens generates natural demand as the supply declines. It also completely eliminates the worry of inflation which plague fiat currencies. There are several advantages both investors and projects can derive from deflationary tokens. Deflationary model wishes to solve the issues with traditional finance like inflation. Here are some advantages of deflationary tokens : 
+Increase A Coin’s Value
+In the fundamental law of supply and demand, an increase in supply leads to a decrease in demand. Deflationary cryptocurrencies focus on reducing their supply in the market, increasing their scarcity, and heightening their demand. It is common knowledge that rarer things to get are more enticing than those which are readily available. In the long run, this will lead to an increment in the coin’s value.
+Generating Profits
+When a platform decides to buy back coins from holders. The whole process leading to the coin burning will profit those who choose to short their coins. At the end of the day, the expected results will be a boost in value after burning.
+Removing Extras from the Market
+Unsold tokens are harmful to the progress of a cryptocurrency. Deflationary mechanisms help a project to remove them from circulation instead of flooding the market. Furthermore, if there were coins distributed incorrectly, burning would be beneficial to reduce the mistake.
+### Duel-token model
+In the duel-token model, two distinct tokens are used on a single blockchain to create a better economic structure. Many tokens in this model opt to have one token function as a store-of-value which generates a secondary, utility token to fire actions on the blockchain network. This gives investors incentive to hold the store-of-value token as it generates returns in the form of the utility token. It separates financial incentive from utility. The example of this model is VeChain(VET/VTHO). VeChain is a distributed business ecosystem leveraging blockchain technology. It’s specifically designed to be used by both small and big businesses. VeChain’s public blockchain is called VeChainThor. The VeChainThor blockchain works similarly to other business-use blockchain platforms. VET (VeChain Token) is used for financial transactions on the VeChainThor blockchain and market speculation.
+VTHO (VeThor Token) is the “energy token” that’s used to conduct transactions on VeChainThor. VET owners can generate VTHO for use on the VeChainThor blockchain. The other example is Ontology. Ontology is a next-gen network of public blockchains, and a distributed, trust-based collaboration platform. It supports the public chains of the applications that have been developed on it's framework, and collaboration with various protocol groups.
+### Deflationary model
+Some cryptocurrencies back their tokens to another asset. In this asset-backed model, users can derive the value from the token based on the value of the token’s underlying assets. The most well-known (and highly controversial) asset-backed token is Tether, which purports to be backed by the US Dollar. With the transparency, asset-backed tokens are able to create stable digital assets which remove volatility in cryptocurrencies. The example of this model is Tether (USDT). Tether is the first and most popular cryptocurrency stable-coin. Stablecoins mirror the value of a fiat currency by holding enough reserves to back the supply. USDT is tethered to the US dollar, with plans to anchor to other fiat currencies too. USDT is traded on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, including BitForex, OKEx, FCoin, Binance, Huobi, and OOOBTC. Trading pairs include BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, and more cryptocurrencies. It’s also regularly traded for fiat currencies. Another example of this model is Dai, which is an asset-backed, hard currency for the 21st century — the fully-decentralized stablecoin on Ethereum. Dai is an autonomous system of smart contracts specifically designed to respond to market dynamics ensures that this essential stability property is continuously maintained. No one can alter the core mechanics of Dai, making it a safe and predictable form of money. Each Dai is backed by some valuable asset held in the secure Maker smart contract platform. 

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+title = "Tokenomics 101"
+date = "2021-09-23T13:39:46+02:00"
+tags = ["defi"]
+categories = ["defi"]
+banner = "https://i.imgur.com/LfDzD8Z.png"
+Tokenomics takes what central banks use as monetary policy and apply it in blockchain networks. Blockchain technology enables projects to create micro-economies. To become self-sustaining, they need to figure out how tokens should work within their ecosystem. Tokenomics is the science of the token economy. It covers all aspects including coins’ creation, management, and sometimes removal from a network. Projects need to be able to distribute coins out to prospective users. There are several ways distribution can be achieved. The networks reward validators, or miners, with newly minted coins; others sell a portion of the token supply to prospective users in an ICO.
+Other tokens distribute to users via certain actions and behaviors. Augur for example, rewards people for verifying facts on its betting network. Besides, to keep price stability, projects ensure there are enough coins to match the levels of supply. This helps to create a stable price for the coin, which encourages people to use the tokens for what they’re designed for.
+The example of this is Ethereum, they are continually distributed by block rewards. The project sold approximately 7m Ether during its ICO back in 2014 to help kick-start mainstream adoption. There is currently no hard cap on Ether, meaning that the token supply can continue to grow as the network expands. However, how Ethereum’s tokenomics model will change as the network transitions to a PoS consensus system.
+Tokenomics define the role that the token plays in the ecosystem and how it accrues value. Tokenomics are necessary because public blockchains are open to everyone, including bad actors. Tokenomics align the behavior of each actor, strengthen the protocol and create trust ultimately. It does it with the help of crypto assets. Four different actors participate in all blockchain projects. They are the founders and the developers who build the project, the miners or validators that run the blockchain and provide security, the investors who provide the capital required to make the project and finally, the consumers as the ultimate users of the platform. 
+During initial allocation, any blockchain project needs time and resources to go live. To attract early investors, developers and other talents, tokens are often allocated in advance to this group. If the project goes live and the value of tokens increases, they get rewarded for their effort. The initial allocation of tokens among this group is an essential element for a project’s success. The percentage needs to be high enough to motivate the contributors but not too big to challenge the fundamental idea of decentralisation. Tokens allocated at an early stage are often subject to a vesting period. This is another incentive for early participants to continue supporting the projects in the initial years of its life until it creates a sustainable ecosystem of its own. 
+### The token distribution
+As soon as the allocation is decided, the distribution of tokens will start. The projects normally have employed a wide variety of strategies to distribute tokens at network genesis. We differentiate this between two phases, the genesis block and the subsequent blocks.
+The genesis block is the first block of a blockchain and plays an important role. It makes the initial distribution of tokens and must make it so that the blockchain becomes operable. This means that all ecosystem participants have to get tokens to create an economy and start it. The participants are the miners, the validators that provide the security and the users.  These allocations are generally determined by actions taken prior to network launch. To take an analogy, the genesis block is when monopoly players receive their first allocation of notes to start the game.
+In the subsequent blocks, token inflation is going to start. While inflation sounds negative, it is a great way to reward active participants and distribute more tokens in the economy. The more valuable the tokens, the more incentivised are miners and validators, reinforcing the blockchain. As in the real economy, money inflation does not harm as long as it is corresponding to economic growth. As the economy grows with the number of participants and transactions, the tokens must follow suit to maintain a balance between circulating supply and demand.
+### The token inflation
+Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. Inflation is typically a broad measure, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country. But it can also be more narrowly calculated—for certain goods, such as food, drink and service.
+As for token, inflation sounds negative, but it is a way to reward active participants and distribute further tokens in the economy. As the economy grows with the number of transactions, the tokens have to follow suit to maintain a delicate balance between circulating supply and demand. There are a few different types of token economic models, Ethereum (ETH) which is Inflationary (model) token will lead to inflation between supply and demand. The inflationary model or an inflationary token will continuously be printed over time, with no limit of tokens that can ever be created. There are variations on the inflationary token model, with some tokens limiting token creation yearly, and others going based on a set schedule in perpetuity. This model most closely resembles fiat currencies, however, because code and a decentralized community dictate the token model and not a centralized entity, it is more efficient and transparent. Therefore, because of resemblance to fiat currency, there are less questions around the viability of this model since it has been shown to (mostly) work with fiat currencies.

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+title = "Tokens Intro"
+date = "2021-09-23T13:39:46+02:00"
+tags = ["defi"]
+categories = ["defi"]
+banner = "https://i.imgur.com/LfDzD8Z.png"
+### Shiba Inu
+Shiba Inu was the most popular crypto in 2021 with 43 million more views than Bitcoin.
+Shiba Inu is a decentralized meme token that evolved into a vibrant ecosystem, which also aspires to be an Ethereum-based alternative to Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular memecoin. Unlike Bitcoin, which is designed to be scarce, SHIB is intentionally abundant — with a total supply of one quadrillion. Because SHIB is issued as an Ethereum token, it’s compatible with the vast Ethereum ecosystem. Advantages include compatibility with Ethereum wallets like Coinbase Wallet or Metamask, availability on decentralized exchanges like UniSwap, the potential for SHIB to be incorporated into ETH-based DeFi applications like lending and savings products and NFT marketplaces. At first day of this year, developers of Shiba Inu (SHIB) have announced the first iteration of Doggy DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization aimed at handing control over the project's ShibaSwap DEX to the meme coin's community. The announcement doesn't appear to have moved the needle on SHIB's price, which has increased by a modest 1.7% over the past day, but is down 11.3% over the past seven days as a result of the crypto market's post-Christmas slump. The Shiba Inu has also entered the NFT space with Shiboshis, a collection of 10,000 NFTs themed after their pet Shiba Inu. The decentralized program uses the Ethereum network that allows NFTs to be auctioned, substituting a third party for smart contracts for transactions.
+![Shiba Inu](https://thecoinshark.net/uploads/750x500/2021/06/shiba-inu-expects-growth-under-one-important-conditio.jpg)
+### Chainlink(LINK)
+Chainlink is a cryptocurrency aiming to incentivize a global network of computers to provide reliable, real-world data to smart contracts running on top of blockchains. Chainlink is the biggest Oracle data provider to different blockchain applications in NFT and decentralised finance (DeFi). Chainlink is described as a decentralized oracle service and is the first platform of its kind. The Chainlink solution takes the smart contract functionality first introduced by the launch of Ethereum back in 2015 and aims to bring it to the rest of the world. By creating a decentralized oracle network that uses smart contracts to verify oracle integrity, order match, and aggregate results, Chainlink ensures that all off-chain data brought on-chain is valid. According to a recently published report, the previous year was a record year for Chainlink on many levels. The most popular oracle network (oracles) has already surpassed more than 1,000 integrations.
+### Dai
+Dai is a stable, decentralized currency that does not discriminate. It is a stablecoin linked to the value of the U.S. dollar. To maintain its price stability, DAI’s value is regulated by MakerDAO, its decentralized governance community. DAI can also be bought directly using fiat money like the U.S. dollar on most regulated crypto exchanges. Stablecoins are a distinct subset of cryptocurrencies that strive to minimize the volatility usually associated with cryptos. Stablecoins also provide the expected crypto benefits of secure transactions, instant transfers anywhere in the world, lower fees and speedy settlements.
+Stablecoins such as DAI can do this because they are backed by a reserve currency or other underlying asset. As the number of crypto uses rises, the demand for this cryptocurrency will continue to grow. It has minimal fluctuations, and hence the value for crypto investment is guaranteed. It is an ideal cryptocurrency for generating revenue and storing value. On Thursday Dai (DAI) gets a neutral rating from InvestorsObserver. The Stablecoins asset is down 0.05% to $0.9999826334 while the broader crypto market is up 3.39%. Last week, Dai has earned a Neutral rating on the InvestorsObserver Sentiment Score. The Sentiment Score measures the performance of Dai over the past five days by volume and price movement. The Sentiment Score provides a quick, short-term look at the crypto’s recent performance.
+### Uniswap(UNI)
+Uniswap is a decentralized crypto exchange that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The Uniswap platform was built in 2018 on top of the Ethereum blockchain, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency project by market capitalization, which makes it compatible with all ERC-20 tokens and infrastructure such as wallet services like MetaMask and MyEtherWallet.  Traders can exchange Ethereum tokens on Uniswap without having to trust anyone with their funds. Anyone can lend their crypto to special reserves called liquidity pools. There is no order book or any centralized party required to make trades. According to CoinGecko, Uniswap is currently the largest DEX globally, with a 24-hour trade volume of $2.74 billion. The protocol is implemented as a set of persistent, non-upgradable smart contracts; designed to prioritize censorship resistance, security, self-custody, and to function without any trusted intermediaries who may selectively restrict access. On 20, January, PulseX (PLSX), a Uniswap Fork With PLSX Liquidity Provider Incentivization and Exchange. On Sunday, Hayden Adams, CEO and founder of Uniswap (UNI), claimed that his JP Morgan Chase bank accounts were shut down with no explanation. Adams stated that the incident was personal in nature as he knew "many individuals and companies who have been similarly targeted simply for working in the crypto industry."
+### Polkadot(DOT)
+Polkadot blockchain is a next-generation blockchain protocol designed for combining a whole network of purpose-specific blockchains. It aims to overcome a problem in the current blockchain landscape which is hundreds of blockchains exist in isolation and have little ability to communicate. The interesting highlight about Polkadot is that it allows operation of the blockchains together with the desired scalability. Since Polkadot enables the transfer of any type of data across any type of blockchain, it could open up the possibilities for various real-world use cases. Besides, Polkadot combines the functionalities of different specialized blockchains for creating new opportunities for the arrival of new decentralized marketplaces. Polkadot raised about $140 million by selling its DOT token in a 2017 ICO. There are three main uses for the DOT token apart from basic financial transactions: governance, staking, and bonding. Polkadot token holders have complete control over the protocol. DOT also has ability to add new parachains by tying up DOT. The DOT will be locked during their bonding period and will be released back to the account that bonded them after the duration of the bond has elapsed and the parachain is removed. In a new announcement, Binance says it’s listing Acala (ACA), an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform and Polkadot (DOT) parachain. The world’s largest crypto exchange has listed a new altcoin project in the Polkadot ecosystem.
+### Basic Attention Token (BAT)
+Most of these ad revenues go to Google, attributing for over 70% of global digital advertising revenue. The BAT token is a native cryptocurrency issued by Brave Inc. The BAT token will help rebuild the digital advertising industry by rewarding users’ attention to ads and distributing the majority of ad income to content creators.
+The BAT is an ERC20 utility token. It connects advertisers, publishers and users with their blockchain-based digital advertising and service platform. On the website, advertisers can publish their ads by locking BAT tokens in the Smart Contracts. 
+Users that view the ads will gain the locked tokens. Afterwards, based on the number of users, the content creators will also be given a portion of the tokens. By removing the middleman, the BAT ecosystem will provide content creators with a higher ad fee. Furthermore the platform provides compensation for users for their attention with tokens and a general lower cost for advertisers. The ICO of BAT token was issued on May 31 2017 and one billion BAT tokens were sold for 156,250 ETH at the time. The system grants 40 BAT tokens to users when they download the Brave browser from the user growth pool to encourage usage. As the crypto crash currently, BAT token dropped to $0.70. Finally, after reaching this new YTD low, the coin reached $0.8, which is where it sits right now.
+![Basic Attention Token (BAT)](https://image.binance.vision/uploads/984ba6d9ce9a4c9b93f62f21d237f00f.png)