@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ tags = ["vtuber"]
type = "blog"
categories = ["AI"]
banner = "img/banners/banner-3.jpg"
+summary = "On Sept. 18, 2020, the friendliest war ever conducted between Canadians and Americans commenced. And while not the most expensive war in total, the exuberance of its armaments left its primary target, a pink-haired digital goth girl, aghast."
The Vtuber takeover of 2020
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ The Vtuber takeover of 2020
By James Chen Nov 30, 2020, 3:39pm EST
-OnOn Sept. 18, 2020, the friendliest war ever conducted between Canadians and Americans commenced. And while not the most expensive war in total, the exuberance of its armaments left its primary target, a pink-haired digital goth girl, aghast.
+On Sept. 18, 2020, the friendliest war ever conducted between Canadians and Americans commenced. And while not the most expensive war in total, the exuberance of its armaments left its primary target, a pink-haired digital goth girl, aghast.
Calliope Mori was, at that point, a newly minted streamer who was enjoying an indie survival game called _Mad Father._ As she played, her chat suddenly started spiraling out of control. [An explosion of red banners overtook her chat](https://youtu.be/7R6XWsdPom8?t=2256), denoting that her viewers were leaving her, at minimum, tips of $100 or more.