+++ title = "賺進上億日圓!日本VTuber市場不斷擴大成新趨勢" date = "2021-07-24T00:24:54+08:00" type = "blog" banner = "https://i.imgur.com/jdQb3ZH.jpg" +++ ## 賺進上億日圓!日本VTuber市場不斷擴大成新趨勢 ] ## One Twitch viewer just donated $200k to a Vtuber streamer and they didn’t even react ] A Twitch viewer named TwoBreaths donated a whopping $200,000 to AeriytheNeko, a Vtuber who plays a ‘mute’ character that dances around on stream, and they didn’t even react. The VRChat section on Twitch is home to people from all walks of life, including a Vtuber named AeriytheNeko, who describes their animated character as “a mute kitty on the hunt for head pats.” It gets even more interesting in their Q&A section, in which they claim they aren’t mute in real life, but choose not to speak because they’re “well-trained.” Nevertheless, AeriytheNeko has proven to be a smash hit among their fans, including one very dedicated one named TwoBreaths, who has been gifting thousands of subs to the streamer over the past few weeks. Advertisement However, TwoBreaths’ dedication and support reached new heights when they donated an insane $200,000 while AeriytheNeko’s character was dancing live on stream. The first instance was a $100,000 donation, followed by four separate $25,000 donations. Naturally, being a self-described ‘mute’ VR character, AeriytheNeko didn’t react with any of the emotion we’ve seen from other ecstatic streamers who received staggering amounts of money. Instead, they giggled and kept on dancing, although they almost certainly would have been jumping up and down with joy behind the scenes. Twitch fan on Vtuber spending spree TwoBreaths’ series of insane donations to AeriytheNeko might be a new record on Twitch. But they’re not the only ones they’ve been doing. Advertisement TwoBreaths also donated $50,000 to MurderCrumpet, another popular Vtuber with more than 55,000 followers, in $10,000 installments. It might only be a quarter of the $200,000 donated to AeriytheNeko, but it’s still a lot of money! Are these huge Twitch donations even real? So, it’s fair to say that wherever TwoBreaths is getting the money from, there’s lots of it. However, there’s been some concern about the validity of the donations. Somebody posted the clip on Reddit, and in the discussion that ensued, one user pointed out that PayPal has a $60,000 limit on a single transaction. So how did the initial $100,000 donation go through? Still, you won’t hear the lucky recipients complaining, if it’s legit. As one user hilariously pointed out, perhaps Vtubing “is the future after all.” ## 1小時被斗內近千萬元!hololive崛起的VTuber奇蹟世代 ] 2020年9月20日 星期日 下午11:40:58 [台北標準時間] 歪力 隨著時代的進步,向來被視為次文化的「虛擬偶像」在近年來逐漸發光發熱,而如果你是稍有注意 VTuber 市場的朋友,你一定很難忽略自去年來開始崛起、並在海內外擁有龐大粉絲支持的一群 VTuber,例如湊阿庫婭、兔田佩克拉、白上吹雪、潤羽露西婭、以及桐生可可等名字,而她們全都來自同一家經紀公司,hololive production。 前一陣子,北美 SNS 社群開始傳起一隻可愛的鯊魚娘 VTuber 粉絲圖文創作,一開始我還不以為意,只是覺得鯊魚娘相當可愛。然而,朋友知道我喜歡聽山下達郎的歌曲,於是丟了一個連結給我,讓我一下子成為了這隻鯊魚娘的追蹤者—Gawr Gura。 我曾問過那位朋友,為何長年如此痴迷於 VTuber 虛擬偶像,他反問我喜歡可愛的事物需要理由嗎?我反回不需要嗎?他再回需要嗎?我又回不需要嗎...(下略三千字)是的,喜歡就是喜歡,我自己也喜歡二次元就不方便說他了。 在幾年前,VTuber 大多還是人們眼中的小眾市場,競爭激烈且經濟規模難以發展,但我卻沒想到這隻可愛的鯊魚娘,能在北美出道第一支影片便有超過 10 萬追蹤訂閱,40 萬觀看點閱,而她第一隻開啟 Super Chat 的影片便獲得超過 60 萬新台幣的斗內金額。這樣的事,在以前 VTuber 剛問世的時代是根本想不到的。 然後,我才知道這對 hololive 旗下來說,這個紀錄還不是最高的。 hololive production 對一般族群來說,最早認識的 VTuber 大多是 2016 年「絆愛」時代開始,隨後日本多家公司便開始深入虛擬偶像社群的市場拓展,其中也包含「彩虹社」(にじさんじ)旗下推出的許多 VTuber,甚至是遊戲公司 Cygames 也有自己的虛擬歌手樂團。 而 hololive 是日本科技公司 COVER 所製作的虛擬 YouTuber 動態捕捉 App,該公司以「hololive production」為品牌,也在 2018 年開始展開 VTuber 經紀業務。 從最早出道的時乃空、蘿蔔子、櫻巫女、星街彗星等人開始在 YouTube 與中國 bilibili 活動,有意思的是,hololive 會為旗下偶像 YouTube 訂閱超過 10 萬人後製作 3D Live 動畫演出。 hololive production 公司的方針採招募有經驗的 VTuber,只要入選成為旗下 VTuber 即可獲得一台 iPhone XR 作為直播工具,而同年 6 月展開特別招募企劃,經過選拔推出了「hololive 一期生」等 6 位 VTuber。 雖然一期生夜空梅露、亞綺·羅森塔爾、赤井心、夏色祭、白上吹雪等人各具特色魅力,但 hololive 還在起步階段,隨後在 8~9 月推出二期生,12 月推出以遊戲實況為主打的「hololive Gamer」,不過在當時,hololive 在聲勢上還沒獲得真正成功。 一開始 hololive 旗下偶像初期不允許直接找社內 VTuber 進行實況合作,每人必須努力表現自己來維持人氣,直到 2019 年 7~8 月加入的三期生,以兔田佩克拉、潤羽露西婭、不知火芙蕾雅、白銀諾艾爾、寶鍾瑪琳等人活躍為中心,以各自獨具特色的人設 (或者說不甩人設) ,進一步同台實況合作,營造出「家庭感」的氛圍。 事實上,過去在 VTuber 界顯少會有這類多人 運動 合作實況,多半是自己單打獨鬥,然而三期生透過彼此合作,不但能在團體中展現個人魅力,也能互相拉抬人氣,更為 hololive 打下一定程度的粉絲基礎。 而這一切,便吸引到了一位在日本有一定人氣的 VTuber,她也就是後來的「桐生可可」,也是開頭前面我提到的,最高紀錄保持者。 桐生可可的傳說「早安可可」 桐生可可原本是在 YouTube 以個人名義經營的 VTuber(日語稱「個人勢」),她也是通過 hololive 選拔後所推出的四期生,基本的人設是化為人類姿態的龍,從異世界留學日本來學習語言,個性充滿正義感,對人類的文化抱有極大的興趣。 對喜歡 hololive 偶像們的粉絲來說,桐生可可最活躍的便是她建立的節目「早安可可」,她透過觀看前輩 VTuber 的紀錄,擷取有趣的話題分享給觀眾,讓更多人也間接地認識到 hololive 旗下許多偶像有趣的一面,也為她種下自己穩固的人氣。 最終,在 2020 年 2 月 8 日,桐生可可的頻道 Super Chat 收益獲得通過,當日被斗內約 878 萬元日幣,創下 44,000 人同時上線收看,同時讓訂閱數一舉衝到 18 萬以上,在日本 ACG 社群成為傳說,也帶動了 hololive 偶像們的人氣。 有趣的是,粉絲最津津樂道的便是桐生可可不買 Nintendo Switch 主機一事,也讓許多斗內的粉絲留言一句「Switch 代」,意即希望斗內的錢拿去買台 Switch,但桐生可可展現傲嬌骨氣堅持不從,甚至設定 SC 禁言「Switch代」的留言,不禁令人莞爾。 時至今日,桐生可可自 2019 年 12 月底出道至今,透過 YouTube Super Chat 獲得的斗內金額,根據第三方數據網站統計,已達到 2,800 萬新台幣,也是 hololive 目前最高紀錄。 當然,這不代表 hololive 只有桐生可可一枝獨秀,事實上,近期 hololive 旗下的偶像們,每天都能在 Super Chat 斗內排行榜前段半出現,幾乎每一期生都有各自穩固的人氣與粉絲支持。 當然,隨著 hololive 底下愈來愈多位偶像的推出,你免不了會好奇她們會不會有開台撞檔期的時候,而官方也已經想到,透過明確的時間表一字排開,讓粉絲能清楚鎖定自己想追的頻道。 沒錯,第一時間收看與看重播,對粉絲們而言是完全兩碼子的體驗,尤其是 hololive 的偶像們都相當樂於與觀眾互動,也培養出一票死忠的支持者。 在以前很難想像,你能同時間看到多位 VTuber 實況,同上觀看人數都是萬人起跳,而桐生可可的 3D 化直播更是有超過 10 萬人同時觀看的紀錄。 五期生的奇蹟世代,與遺憾 就這樣,在 2020 年 8 月至 9 月接連出道的 hololive 五期生,承繼了大量箱推粉絲(意指全員都喜歡)的期待,最先出道的雪花菈米與桃鈴音音,還未上傳第一支影片,YouTube 頻道便已獲得近 9 萬訂閱追蹤,而第三位出道的獅白牡丹與第五位尾丸波爾卡,都是未上傳影片便突破 10 萬訂閱。 然而,隨著 hololive 聲勢逐漸壯大,自然也帶來一些粉絲們之間的支持鬥爭,進而導致虛擬偶像的真實生活遭到放大鏡檢視,五期生魔乃阿蘿耶(魔乃アロエ)便因為個人私生活遭網友曝光後導致炎上,在壓力過大的情況下隱退,也讓許多粉絲感到遺憾。 其實這也並非 hololive 旗下第一次發生偶像隱退的事件,最早在 2018 年一期生便因為人見克麗絲(人見クリス)的炎上事件導致社群嘩然,可惜兩年後再度引發魔乃的炎上事件,也讓不少粉絲開始檢討 hololive 保護旗下藝人的措施不足。 從這方面來看,其實 VTuber 並非只是套用 Live2D 在鏡頭前與觀眾互動那麼簡單,許多人為了內容製作都在平時花費許多心力,哪怕是實況遊戲或是料理,鏡頭下的她們都必須付出不為人知的努力,才能長久經營個人的人氣。 hololive 海外也同樣受到矚目 除了日本市場外,hololive 今年的重心近期也轉往英語系的北美以及印尼,而最前面把我萌的不要不要的鯊魚娘,便是 9 月剛出道的 Gawr Gura,同期的還有 Mori Calliope、akanashi Kiara、Ninomae Ina'nis、Watson Amelia。 從人設來看,作為英語一期生的她們更加活潑且惡搞,像是 Mori 為死神的大弟子,因為現今醫療發達,死神無用武之地,於是打算當 VTuber 來收割他人靈魂。Ninomae 則是古神克蘇魯的祭司,是個觸手控,希望能透過 VTuber 來降低人類的 san 值。 至於你說海外斗內的人氣如何?就在上週末,粉毛死神 Mori 在 YouTube 上直播,因為 Super Chat 聊天室某位加拿大粉絲開始瘋狂斗內,讓美國粉絲見狀也不甘示弱展開斗內大競賽,直播畫面上 300 美元 500 加幣地不斷飛舞,讓 Mori 見狀嚇哭,還拜託粉絲們停手... 於是,那個晚上 Mori 便獲得超過 36 萬新台幣斗內,事實上她在第一次開啟 Super Chat 實況便獲得 78 萬新台幣的斗內,而連續三天的實況讓她總計獲得 144 萬新台幣斗內。 不管是真人偶像、地下偶像還是虛擬偶像,其實吸引粉絲的不僅只是華麗外表,其內在的表現同樣至關重要。不管是唱歌才藝、遊戲實力、運動健身或是料理達人,作為普通人而披上 VTuber 外表的她們,也一樣為追尋夢想而努力。 hololive 品牌的崛起或許是個巧合,但這群女孩們努力為所 hololive 帶來的經濟奇蹟,著實令人難以乎視。 i am losing my mind over this shark #GAWRGURA pic.twitter.com/Vkk5WU2sTP — kai puppy! • vtuber 💛 (@kaiipuppy) September 12, 2020 ## Oh really? Fanatic donated $200,000 to VTuber, but it was ignored ] Editorial: the games / Facebook social networking site / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / discord / Forums Twitch It has already proven to be a profitable business for many content creators, generating income through advertising, sponsorship, and of course donations from the public. However, it is likely that the famous operator AeriytheNeko He never imagined that he would make thousands of dollars in one day. For those who don’t know her, AeriytheNeko is a popular broadcaster and VTuber has nearly 6000 followers on Twitch, and has managed to make a name on the platform for playing a silent character, so in her broadcast we only see her dance and action. Other simple activities. In case you missed it: Streamer goes home after continuous hitting attacks Although not spoken, AeriytheNeko already has a very loyal following. Such is the case of user TwoBreaths, who in recent weeks has given up thousands of subscriptions among viewers of the streams. However, this die-hard fan went a step further when he decided to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to VTuber. Even $200,000 won’t make AeriytheNeko give up her silent role TwoBreaths started strong with a donation of $100,000, while shortly thereafter made 4 additional contributions of $25,000 each, for an impressive total of $200,000. Seeing the large amount donated to her, AeriytheNeko laughed and continued the dance session. We don’t know if TwoBreaths’ intention was to get the singer to give up her role as a silent character. In this case, your plan did not work. Of course, AeriytheNeko may have been very happy to receive this amount of money, but he did not show it on camera. If you want to know when to donate, you can do so by clicking this link. Are TwoBreaths donations real? However, the large amount of money donated by TwoBreaths managed to attract the attention of the community. One reddit user pointed out that PayPal’s limit is $60,000, so in theory, an initial donation of $100,000 doesn’t make sense. Also, this is not the first time that TwoBreaths has given large amounts of money to VTuber. A little over a week ago, bigot Donated $10,000 to MuderCrumpet Live مباشر. Discover: League of Legends: This person spent $22,000 to play with a woman But tell us, what do you think of this strange situation? How much do you usually donate to your favorite broadcasting channels? Let’s read to you in the comments. You can read all the news from Twitch and their personalities if you click this link. Fountain ## YouTube’s most SuperChatted VTuber Kiryu Coco has “graduated” from Hololive ] Kiryu Coco, one of the most popular VTubers on the internet, has “graduated” from agency ‘Hololive’, officially marking the end of her avatar’s career and leaving her fans inconsolable. While the world is still warming up to YouTubers and social media stars breaking into mainstream media, yet another online sensation has sparked in their wake — ‘VTubers’. VTubers are, generally speaking, animated avatars controlled by motion-capture technology, which are run by real people who use them to stream or create content rather than showing their own faces. A slew of VTubers have risen to fame in the past decade, including the likes of Kizuna Ai, who largely pioneered the genre (which was, to be fair, initiated by none other than Hatsune Miku), but one of the most popular of these, at least in recent times, is Kiryu Coco. Advertisement Kiryu Coco isn’t the real name of the person running the famous avatar; instead, it’s the character’s name, who has amassed over one million subscribers and stands as YouTube’s most SuperChatted channel, raking in an estimated $2 million plus from Super Chats alone. Coco has also gained massive popularity with English-speaking audiences, as she speaks both English and Japanese, resulting in a huge influx of overseas fans viewing her content and taking an interest in the VTuber genre as a whole. Just a year and a half after starting her channel, Coco announced her “graduation” — meaning that she would no longer create content as Coco ever again. Advertisement “Graduating” isn’t exactly like retirement; taking the term from Japan’s idol craze, “graduating” technically means “aging out” of an industry and moving on to another step in one’s career. After announcing the news earlier this month, Coco went live with her very last broadcast on July 1 with a final segment of her satirical ‘Morning Coco’ news show. That’s not all; Coco and friends even went out with a bang with a full-on idol concert. Although it was a bittersweet ending, Coco’s final live stream saw over 500,000 concurrent viewers at one point and even raised around $164k from donations. Advertisement Where will Coco go next? No one knows for sure, but her absence has already created a huge void in an explosive industry that only grows bigger as the days go by.