+++ title = "VTuber N 子黑野明為Netflix熱愛動漫的員工" date = "2021-07-23T19:58:40+08:00" type = "blog" banner = "https://i.imgur.com/jdQb3ZH.jpg" +++ ## VTuber N 子黑野明為Netflix熱愛動漫的員工 ![img](https://sw.cool3c.com/user/29442/2021/cb2ee939-80c9-42d8-b007-ea68f62c55bc.jpg?fit=max&w=1400&q=80) 日本的 VTuber 文化正在全球大流行,而近期大幅強化日本跨界合作布局的Netflix也決定打造專屬的VTuber ,在近日公布名為N子的官方VTuber 擔任Netflix Anime大使, N子全名為 N子黑野明,設定為出身加州洛斯加托斯、現年24歲的羊人,其中也提到N子的中之人由Netflix熱愛動漫文化的員工擔任,主要以英文與日文兩種語言搭配12國字幕推廣Netflix的動畫作品。 N子的自我介紹短片中也提到她的主職是為世界各地的粉絲推薦動畫作品,並強調能把每部作品的魅力一點不漏的推薦給大家,而她的個人興趣是唱歌、跳舞與按摩,不過不太擅長書寫漢字,而且對恐怖元素完全沒轍,假日喜歡跟朋友外出遊玩;除了介紹作品外,未來也會挑戰與其他VTuber前輩合作,進行翻唱或是遊戲實況等企劃。 N子委由XENOTOON Inc.進行製作,由吹雪女士擔任平面插畫,立體建模師由糰子塔先生擔任;目前Netflix預計自4月30起每週五日本時間上午10點推出一集的"The N-ko Show"節目與粉絲交流,另外也預計不定期推出包括"N子的推薦動畫",還有介紹聲優與創作者的"N子聽到了!製作祕話"等節目。而5月1日上午10點將推出第一集的"N子推薦動畫",將介紹Netflix獨佔作品"天空侵犯"。 ![img](https://sw.cool3c.com/user/29442/2021/2fdf2111-53b6-4359-88b3-f68b9992e2f9.jpg?fit=max&w=1400&q=80) N子黑野明(N子・メイ・黒野)官方設定生日為1997年8月29日,沒錯,就是Netflix的創立日,今年24歲,身高162cm,靈感來自“羊之生命體”,雖然一副楚楚可憐的經典日系形象,不過卻是出生在美國加利福尼亞州洛斯蓋圖。 N子黑野明將由聲優「中之人」配音,除了介紹作品的魅力和製作內幕之外,還將進行唱歌和遊戲等方面的嘗試,也會與其他Vtuber聯動。 Vtuber N子黑野明目前預計以每週一次的形式,在Netflix動畫官方YouTube推出網路節目《The N-ko Show》。 初回預計將於東京時間4月30日上午10點開始。 另外新企劃《N子的動畫推薦》和《N子聽到的製作內幕》也將不定期公開。 其中《N子的動畫推薦》將在東京時間5月1日上午10點更新第一回,《N子聽到的製作內幕》第一回更新的時間,也將於近日發表。 ## Netflix’s official Vtuber is part sheep and promotes anime ![img](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/llh1lkCyE-_3I5Ogs6L9MVDT9aY=/0x43:2318x1257/fit-in/1200x630/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22476082/n_ko.png) Netflix has joined the Vtuber trend, unveiling a virtual streamer this week who will host a weekly show on the company’s YouTube channel to promote its original anime series. The character is named N-ko Mei Kurono, and Netflix describes her as the company’s “anime ambassador.” She also happens to be a “sheep-human lifeform.” Vtubers, or “virtual YouTubers,” are animated hosts who often vlog on YouTube or stream on Twitch. In general, these characters are operated by a single human, who will use motion capture software (and sometimes a motion-capture outfit) to transform themselves into a cartoony character on-screen. Some Vtubers have become hugely popular over the past year, including Projekt Melody and CodeMiko. Netflix is using the trend as a way to promote its growing interest in anime. The company said recently that it plans to launch 40 anime series in 2021, following a year in which “the amount of Anime watched” on its service doubled in the US. Netflix is about to debut a new anime from Flying Lotus; a new Sailor Moon movie is coming to the service in June; and a Terminator anime is now in the works. N-ko, the Vtuber, is played by a Netflix employee who works on their anime lineup. Though her primary purpose is promoting Netflix series, she’s also trying to fit in with the rest of the Vtuber community and become a figure viewers might want to watch for herself. “I love singing, dancing, and getting a massage,” N-ko says, “but I don’t like writing kanji or anything that contains elements of horror.” She plans to upload videos highlighting new shows, collaborate with other Vtubers, and maybe sing songs and do video game commentary, too. ## Meet N-ko, Netflix’s new anime ambassador who’s a sheep-human VTuber ![img](https://media.timeout.com/images/105769861/image.jpg) Virtual YouTuber N-ko is a sheep-human life form who loves anime. Yes, really. Let us unpack this for you To show you the ins and outs of Japanese anime, Netflix has created its first ever anime ambassador, N-ko Mei Kurono. N-ko isn’t your average anime enthusiast – she’s a VTuber (that’s ‘virtual YouTuber’, in case you’re wondering) voiced by a Netflix employee whose job involves liaising with international offices to improve the quality of anime content on the platform. In her first YouTube video, N-ko introduces herself as a sheep-human lifeform who was born in California on August 27 1997, which coincides with Netflix’s founding. Because she was raised in California, N-ko is bilingual and she even takes a moment halfway through the video to introduce herself in English. With a goal of expanding the anime community, N-ko promises to post weekly videos on the Netflix Anime YouTube channel to discuss the most exciting shows and movies the platform has to offer. Like other popular VTubers, N-ko says her content will include collaborations with other VTubers, song covers and game commentary. More intriguing is that she plans on sharing exclusive information about Netflix that only employees know. Anime fans are encouraged to interact with N-ko by commenting on the YouTube channel or tweeting questions to her with the #N_ko tag. N-ko’s next video will be a longer episode released on April 30 at 10am JST. ## Netflix joins Japan's virtual YouTuber boom ![img](https://cdn-japantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/np_file_84325-870x489.jpeg) Netflix has joined Japan’s booming virtual YouTuber — or VTuber — scene with the launch of an animated character to promote its growing anime streaming offering. N-ko, a “sheep-human lifeform,” is Netflix’s attempt to tap into the appeal of VTubers — characters animated by motion capture that have built a loyal audience on YouTube in Japan by singing, dancing and interacting with fans. The character is performed by a company employee and will introduce anime shows available on the streaming service, according to a recently uploaded video. Netflix and other streaming services hungry for content are turning to anime to secure local subscribers and exploit the global market for such shows that are seen by many in the industry as undercommercialized. Japanese anime and Korean dramas “play really well around the region as well as in-country and occasionally could be very, very global in their interest and desire,” Netflix Co-CEO Theodore Sarandos said on an earnings last month. Anime is among the industries boosted by spending during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the film adaptation of horror fantasy series “Demon Slayer” breaking domestic records and reporting a strong opening weekend in the United States last month.