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$('#intro, #intro .item').css({ width: screenWidth, height: screenHeight }) } function utils () { /* tooltips */ $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() /* click on the box activates the radio */ $('#checkout').on('click', '.box.shipping-method, .box.payment-method', function () { var radio = $(this).find(':radio') radio.prop('checked', true) }) /* click on the box activates the link in it */ $('.box.clickable').on('click', function () { window.location = $(this).find('a').attr('href') }) /* external links in new window */ $('.external').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault() window.open($(this).attr('href')) }) /* animated scrolling */ $('.scroll-to, .scroll-to-top').click(function (event) { var fullUrl = this.href var parts = fullUrl.split('#') if (parts.length > 1) { scrollTo(fullUrl) event.preventDefault() } }) function scrollTo (fullUrl) { var parts = fullUrl.split('#') var trgt = parts[1] var targetOffset = $('#' + trgt).offset() var targetTop = targetOffset.top - 100 if (targetTop < 0) { targetTop = 0 } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: targetTop }, 1000) } } /* product detail gallery */ function productDetailGallery (confDetailSwitch) { $('.thumb:first').addClass('active') var timer = setInterval(autoSwitch, confDetailSwitch) $('.thumb').click(function (e) { switchImage($(this)) clearInterval(timer) timer = setInterval(autoSwitch, confDetailSwitch) e.preventDefault() }) $('#mainImage').hover(function () { clearInterval(timer) }, function () { timer = setInterval(autoSwitch, confDetailSwitch) }) function autoSwitch () { var nextThumb = $('.thumb.active').closest('div').next('div').find('.thumb') if (nextThumb.length === 0) { nextThumb = $('.thumb:first') } switchImage(nextThumb) } function switchImage (thumb) { $('.thumb').removeClass('active') var bigUrl = thumb.attr('href') thumb.addClass('active') $('#mainImage img').attr('src', bigUrl) } } /* product detail sizes */ function productDetailSizes () { $('.sizes a').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault() $('.sizes a').removeClass('active') $('.size-input').prop('checked', false) $(this).addClass('active') $(this).next('input').prop('checked', true) }) } $.fn.alignElementsSameHeight = function () { $('.same-height-row').each(function () { var maxHeight = 0 var children = $(this).find('.same-height') children.height('auto') if ($(window).width() > 768) { children.each(function () { if ($(this).innerHeight() > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).innerHeight() } }) children.innerHeight(maxHeight) } maxHeight = 0 children = $(this).find('.same-height-always') children.height('auto') children.each(function () { if ($(this).height() > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).innerHeight() } }) children.innerHeight(maxHeight) }) } var windowWidth $(function () { windowWidth = $(window).width() $(this).alignElementsSameHeight() pictureZoom() }) $(window).resize(function () { var newWindowWidth = $(window).width() if (windowWidth !== newWindowWidth) { setTimeout(function () { 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