<footer id="footer">
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        {{ if isset .Site.Params "about_us" }}
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            <h4>{{ i18n "aboutUs" }}</h4>

            {{ .Site.Params.about_us | safeHTML }}
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            {{ if isset .Site.Params "recent_posts" }} {{ if .Site.Params.recent_posts.enable }}
            <h4>{{ i18n "recentPosts" }}</h4>

            <div class="blog-entries">
                {{ range first 3 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "in" .Site.Params.mainSections) }}
                <div class="item same-height-row clearfix">
                    <div class="image same-height-always">
                        <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">
                          {{ if isset .Params "banner" }}
                            <img src="{{ .Params.banner | relURL }}" class="img-responsive" alt="{{ .Title }}">
                          {{ else }}
                            <img src="{{ "img/placeholder.png" | relURL }}" class="img-responsive" alt="{{ .Title }}">
                          {{ end }}
                    <div class="name same-height-always">
                        <h5><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h5>
                {{ end }}

            <hr class="hidden-md hidden-lg">
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        {{ if isset .Site.Params "address" }}
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          <h4>{{ i18n "contactTitle" }}</h4>

            {{ .Site.Params.address | safeHTML }}

            <!-- <a href="/contact" class="btn btn-small btn-template-main">{{ i18n "contactGoTo" }}</a> -->

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<div id="copyright">
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            {{ if isset .Site.Params "copyright" }}
            <p class="pull-left">{{ .Site.Params.copyright | safeHTML }}</p>
            {{ end }}
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