{{ $title_plain := .Title | markdownify | plainify }} {{ $title_plain }} {{ $keywords := .Site.Params.defaultKeywords | default (slice "" | first 0) }} {{ if isset .Params "tags" }}{{ range .Params.tags }}{{ $keywords = $keywords | append . }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if isset .Params "keywords" }}{{ range .Params.keywords }}{{ $keywords = $keywords | append . }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if gt (len $keywords) 0 }} {{ end }} {{ $description_plain := default .Site.Params.defaultDescription .Description | markdownify | plainify }} {{ hugo.Generator }} {{ with .Site.Params.style }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ ` ` | safeHTML }} {{ $is_blog := and (eq .Type "blog") (eq .Kind "page") }} {{ $has_image := isset .Params "banner" }} {{ $image := cond $has_image .Params.banner (.Site.Params.default_sharing_image | default "img/sharing-default.png") }} {{ $is_valid_image := print "static/" $image | fileExists }} {{ if $is_valid_image }} {{ $image_ext := path.Ext $image }} {{ with .Params.banner_alt }} {{ end }} {{ $image_local := printf "/static/%s" $image}} {{ with (imageConfig $image_local) }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Lastmod }} {{ end }} {{ if $is_blog }} {{ with .Param "facebook_site" }} {{ end }} {{ with .Param "facebook_author" }} {{ end }} {{ with .Params.categories }} {{ end }} {{ range .Params.tags }} {{ end }} {{ if gt .ExpiryDate .PublishDate }} {{ end }} {{ with .PublishDate }} {{ end }} {{ with .Lastmod }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Param "twitter_site" }} {{ end }} {{ if $is_valid_image }} {{ end }} {{ with .Param "twitter_author" }} {{ end }}