baseurl = ""
title = "AI Spokesgirl | 台灣第一個AI合成主播"
theme = "AI_Video_LP"
themesDir = "../.."
languageCode = "zh-tw"
# Site language. Available translations in the theme's `/i18n` directory.
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname
disqusShortname = "devcows"
# Enable Google Analytics by entering your tracking code
googleAnalytics = "UA-153100602-5"
publishDir = "/var/www/html"
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
# Define the number of posts per page
paginate = 4
home = ["HTML"]
page = ["HTML"]
# Main menu
name = "首頁"
url = "/"
weight = 1
name = "特色"
url = "#sec-features"
weight = 2
name = "部落格"
url = "/tags/vtuber/"
weight = 3
name = "聯絡我們"
url = ""
weight = 4
# Top bar social links menu
weight = 1
name = "GitHub"
url = ""
pre = ""
weight = 2
name = "Facebook"
url = ""
pre = ""
weight = 3
name = "Twitter"
url = ""
pre = ""
weight = 4
name = "Email"
url = ""
pre = ""
viewMorePostLink = "/blog/"
author = "DevCows"
defaultKeywords = ["devows", "hugo", "go"]
mainSections = ["blog"]
defaultDescription = "Site template made by devcows using hugo"
# Social media
facebook_site = "" # the Facebook handle of your site ('')
twitter_site = "GoHugoIO" # the Twitter handle of your site (without the '@')
default_sharing_image = "img/sharing-default.png"
# Google Maps widget: If `googleMapsApiKey` is not set, no key will be passed to Google (which likely results in a broken map widget).
enableGoogleMaps = false
googleMapsApiKey = "AIzaSyCFhtWLJcE30xOAjcbSFi-0fnoVmQZPb1Y"
latitude = "-12.043333"
longitude = "-77.028333"
# Style options: default (light-blue), blue, green, marsala, pink, red, turquoise, violet
style = "default"
# Since this template is static, the contact form uses as a
# proxy. The form makes a POST request to their servers to send the actual
# email. Visitors can send up to a 50 emails each month for free.
# What you need to do for the setup?
# - register your account to
# - login and create new form
# - set your form's endpoint url under 'formspree_action' below
# - upload the generated site to your server
# - test a dummy email yourself
# - you're done. Happy mailing!
# Enable the contact form by entering your endpoint url
formspree_action = ""
contact_form_ajax = false
about_us = ''
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2021, Choozmo; all rights reserved."
# Format dates with Go's time formatting
date_format = "January 2, 2006"
logo = "img/Choozmo cloud logo.png"
logo_small = "img/Choozmo cloud logo.png"
address = """