title = "Google June 2021 Core Update"
date = "2021-06-15T13:39:46+02:00"
tags = ["seo"]
categories = ["trends"]
banner = "https://d57439wlqx3vo.cloudfront.net/iblock/bc0/bc0f0fade6094e32d26afe9ee426bf47/a1d39b9944184055866844a5d88fdec3.png"

## Reason why we go for static website

The core update began rolling out on June 2, and there is expectation that the other update would be released in about one month after. Generally, based on history of update, Google would typically released a core algorithm update every few months per year.
As usual, google said that any core update can cause drops or gains for some content, but there's nothing wrong with pages that may perform less well in a core update. Because of the two-part nature of this release, it’s possible a very small slice of content might see changes in June that reverse in July. Typically, most of sites will not notice the update. However, SEOs who manage multiple sites will possibly see changes in the search result pages. This update will be rollout in global scale, impacting all languages and will take about two weeks to rollout.
These changes are meant to improve search performance and how systems assess content overall to ensuring support a wide range of publishers, creators and businesses, while providing searchers with the best information available.

[Google](https://blog.google/products/search/how-we-update-search-improve-results/) /
[Search Engine Land](https://searchengineland.com/google-june-2021-core-update-rolling-out-349121)