From: To: Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 14:16:07 Subject: Google Analytics/Adwords account linking confirmation Body: Hello, A new AdWords Link Group ("6173104035") was created by This links the "surveycake zzmk2 (UA-161839360-1)" property of the Google Analytics account "zzsurveycake (UA-161839360)" to the following Google AdWords account: (617-310-4035) See this Link Group in Google Analytics: During the linking process, selected 1 Analytics account view into which AdWords data will be imported. You can edit the AdWords linking settings via these instructions: Once an AdWords account has been linked to an Analytics property, AdWords data begins to appear in your Analytics reports from that date forward. Data from before the date of linking will not appear in your Analytics reports. It may take up to 24 hours for data to appear in your reports. If there is still no data after this time frame, please refer to this article for possible reasons and how to fix missing data issues: Please be also advised that there are a number of reasons why AdWords and Analytics may report different numbers of clicks and sessions. Learn more: Sincerely, The Google Analytics Team This message was sent from a notification-only email address that does not accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.