config.toml 8.1 KB

  1. baseurl = ""
  2. title = "AI Spokesgirl | 台灣第一個AI合成主播 | 集仕多"
  3. theme = "AI_Video_LP"
  4. themesDir = "../.."
  5. languageCode = "zh-tw"
  6. # Site language. Available translations in the theme's `/i18n` directory.
  7. defaultContentLanguage = "en"
  8. # Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname
  9. disqusShortname = "devcows"
  10. # Enable Google Analytics by entering your tracking code
  11. googleAnalytics = "UA-153100602-5"
  12. publishDir = "/var/www/html"
  13. summaryLength = 70
  14. [taxonomies]
  15. category = "categories"
  16. tag = "tags"
  17. # Define the number of posts per page
  18. paginate = 4
  19. [outputs]
  20. home = ["HTML"]
  21. page = ["HTML"]
  22. [menu]
  23. # Main menu
  24. [[menu.main]]
  25. identifier="home"
  26. name = "服務"
  27. url = ""
  28. weight = 1
  29. [[menu.main]]
  30. identifier="ad-operation"
  31. name = "AI 廣告投放"
  32. url = "/ad-operation/dm/"
  33. weight = 1
  34. parent = "home"
  35. [[menu.main]]
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  37. name = "大數據分析"
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  39. weight = 2
  40. parent = "home"
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  45. weight = 3
  46. parent = "home"
  47. [[menu.main]]
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  49. name = "企業系統研發委外"
  50. url = "/research/dm/"
  51. weight = 4
  52. parent = "home"
  53. [[menu.main]]
  54. identifier="seo-search"
  55. name = "SEO 搜尋排名優化"
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  57. weight = 5
  58. parent = "home"
  59. [[menu.main]]
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  61. name = "影片製作服務"
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  63. weight = 6
  64. parent = "home"
  65. [[menu.main]]
  66. identifier="seo"
  67. name = "新聞 AI 主播媒體聯播網"
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  69. weight = 7
  70. parent = "home"
  71. [[menu.main]]
  72. identifier="blog-traffic"
  73. name = "創業家專案"
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  75. weight = 8
  76. parent = "home"
  77. [[menu.main]]
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  81. weight = 9
  82. parent = "home"
  83. [[menu.main]]
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  85. name = "YouTube 影片觀看方案"
  86. url = "/youtube-views/dm/"
  87. weight = 10
  88. parent = "home"
  89. [[menu.main]]
  90. identifier="youtube-views-zh"
  91. name = "網紅加速器"
  92. url = "/youtube-views-zh/dm/"
  93. weight = 11
  94. parent = "home"
  95. [[menu.main]]
  96. identifier="blog"
  97. name = "部落格"
  98. url = "/tags/vtuber/"
  99. weight = 3
  100. [[menu.main]]
  101. identifier="合作夥伴"
  102. name = "合作夥伴"
  103. url = "/collaboration/info/"
  104. weight = 4
  105. [[menu.main]]
  106. identifier="聯絡我們"
  107. name = "聯絡我們"
  108. url = "/contact/service/"
  109. weight = 5
  110. [[menu.main]]
  111. identifier="關於我們"
  112. name = "關於我們"
  113. url = "/aboutus/info/"
  114. weight = 6
  115. # Top bar social links menu
  116. [[menu.topbar]]
  117. weight = 1
  118. name = "GitHub"
  119. url = ""
  120. pre = "<i class='fab fa-2x fa-github'></i>"
  121. [[menu.topbar]]
  122. weight = 2
  123. name = "Facebook"
  124. url = ""
  125. pre = "<i class='fab fa-2x fa-facebook'></i>"
  126. [[menu.topbar]]
  127. weight = 3
  128. name = "Twitter"
  129. url = ""
  130. pre = "<i class='fab fa-2x fa-twitter'></i>"
  131. [[menu.topbar]]
  132. weight = 4
  133. name = "Email"
  134. url = ""
  135. pre = "<i class='fas fa-2x fa-envelope'></i>"
  136. [params]
  137. viewMorePostLink = "/blog/"
  138. author = "DevCows"
  139. defaultKeywords = ["devows", "hugo", "go"]
  140. mainSections = ["blog"]
  141. defaultDescription = "Site template made by devcows using hugo"
  142. # Social media
  143. facebook_site = "" # the Facebook handle of your site ('')
  144. twitter_site = "GoHugoIO" # the Twitter handle of your site (without the '@')
  145. default_sharing_image = "img/sharing-default.png"
  146. # Google Maps widget: If `googleMapsApiKey` is not set, no key will be passed to Google (which likely results in a broken map widget).
  147. enableGoogleMaps = false
  148. googleMapsApiKey = "AIzaSyCFhtWLJcE30xOAjcbSFi-0fnoVmQZPb1Y"
  149. latitude = "-12.043333"
  150. longitude = "-77.028333"
  151. # Style options: default (light-blue), blue, green, marsala, pink, red, turquoise, violet
  152. style = "default"
  153. # Since this template is static, the contact form uses as a
  154. # proxy. The form makes a POST request to their servers to send the actual
  155. # email. Visitors can send up to a 50 emails each month for free.
  156. #
  157. # What you need to do for the setup?
  158. #
  159. # - register your account to
  160. # - login and create new form
  161. # - set your form's endpoint url under 'formspree_action' below
  162. # - upload the generated site to your server
  163. # - test a dummy email yourself
  164. # - you're done. Happy mailing!
  165. #
  166. # Enable the contact form by entering your endpoint url
  167. formspree_action = ""
  168. contact_form_ajax = false
  169. about_us = '<a href=""><img src="img/logo_choozmo.webp" class="footer-img"></a>'
  170. copyright = "Copyright (c) 2021, Choozmo; all rights reserved."
  171. # Format dates with Go's time formatting
  172. date_format = "January 2, 2006"
  173. logo = "img/Choozmo cloud logo.png"
  174. logo_small = "img/Choozmo cloud logo.png"
  175. address = """<p class="text-uppercase"><strong>集仕多股份有限公司</strong>
  176. <br>新竹縣竹北市復興二路229號9樓之9
  177. <br>聯絡電話:036670804
  178. <br>聯絡信箱
  179. </p>
  180. """
  181. languages = "en"
  182. languageName = "English"
  183. languageszh = "zh-tw"
  184. languageNamezh = "繁體中文"
  185. [permalinks]
  186. blog = "/blog/:filename/"
  187. # Enable or disable top bar with social icons
  188. [params.topbar]
  189. enable = false
  190. text = """<p class="hidden-sm hidden-xs">Contact us on +420 777 555 333 or</p>
  191. <p class="hidden-md hidden-lg"><a href="#" data-animate-hover="pulse"><i class="fas fa-phone"></i></a>
  192. <a href="#" data-animate-hover="pulse"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i></a>
  193. </p>
  194. """
  195. # Enable and disable widgets for the right sidebar
  196. [params.widgets]
  197. categories = true
  198. tags = true
  199. search = true
  200. [params.carousel]
  201. enable = true
  202. # All carousel items are defined in their own files. You can find example items
  203. # at 'exampleSite/data/carousel'.
  204. # For more informtion take a look at the README.
  205. [params.trends]
  206. enable = true
  207. [params.DM]
  208. enable = true
  209. [params.visualfeature]
  210. enable = false
  211. # All features are defined in their own files. You can find example items
  212. # at 'exampleSite/data/features'.
  213. # For more informtion take a look at the README.
  214. [params.features]
  215. enable = true
  216. # All features are defined in their own files. You can find example items
  217. # at 'exampleSite/data/features'.
  218. # For more informtion take a look at the README.
  219. [params.testimonials]
  220. enable = false
  221. # All testimonials are defined in their own files. You can find example items
  222. # at 'exampleSite/data/testimonials'.
  223. # For more informtion take a look at the README.
  224. title = "服務項目"
  225. subtitle = "我們替你傳遞價值,將值得說的,好好說得精采"
  226. [params.videoDemo]
  227. enable = true
  228. [params.videos]
  229. enable = true
  230. title = "Testimonials"
  231. subtitle = "We have worked w"
  232. [params.comparison]
  233. enable = true
  234. [params.see_more]
  235. enable = false
  236. icon = "far fa-file-alt"
  237. title = "Do you want to see more?"
  238. subtitle = "We have prepared for you more than 40 different HTML pages, including 5 variations of homepage."
  239. link_url = "#"
  240. link_text = "Check other homepages"
  241. [params.steps]
  242. enable = true
  243. [params.clients]
  244. enable = false
  245. # All clients are defined in their own files. You can find example items
  246. # at 'exampleSite/data/clients'.
  247. # For more informtion take a look at the README.
  248. title = "合作夥伴"
  249. subtitle = ""
  250. [params.recent_posts]
  251. enable = false
  252. title = "From our blog"
  253. subtitle = "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo."