+++ title= "Storytelling Tips For New Launched Product" date = "2021-08-12T00:04:55+08:00" tags = ["marketing"] type = "blog" categories = ["marketing"] banner = "https://i.imgur.com/4E0WDLT.png" +++
Stories are a universal language that everyone can understand.
Stories abstract concepts and simplify complex messages. Since new launched product is new to consumer, telling real-life stories about describing exactly how this new product benefits users can be understand effectively. Besides, stories bring people together. Despite of our different language, religion, political preferences, or ethnicity, stories connect us through the way we feel and respond to them. Stories always inspire and motivate by tapping into people’s emotions and baring both the good and bad and eventually drive action. There are a few components that make for a great #storytelling experience for new launched product. Good stories are #Entertaining, #Educational, #Universal, #Organized, #Memorable.
There are three components that make up a good story.