@@ -203,43 +203,79 @@ def receive(userid):
return {"userid": result['userid'], "address": result['address']}
# send handler
async def receive(userModel : models.TransactionNft):
+ # 從網頁上選定好商品,在選定好數量後輸入收方地址;將把該商品轉到收方,並存下交易記錄
+ # 從ownership找到該userid的擁有人,再把擁有人userid改為收方,並在trans留下記錄
# db connect
db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/arkcard?charset=utf8mb4')
- table = db['users']
- table2 = db['nft']
- table3 = db['nftdrops']
+ table1 = db['users']
+ table2 = db['ownership']
+ table3 = db['transactions']
- # input and find userid
- nftid = userModel.nftid
+ # find the userid from the selected nft
+ fromuser = userModel.fromuser
address = userModel.address
- result = table.find_one(useraddress=address)
- # first confirm if the user exist
- if not result:
+ result1 = table1.find_one(address=address)
+ result2 = table1.find_one(userid=fromuser)
+ # 例:
+ # {
+ # "fromuser": "a01",
+ # "address": "0x4cd0ea8b1bdb5ab9249d96ccf3d8a0d3ada2bc76",
+ # "dic": {"10":"2", "20":"3"}
+ # }
+ # 第一個為nftid, 第二個為amount,可以同時輸入多組nft給同一人
+ the_list = userModel.dic
+ fr_token = "from token"
+ _hash = "hash"
+ # confirm if the user exist
+ # 如果沒有這個接受者,回傳錯誤
+ if not result1:
- return {'msg': 'user address not found'}
+ return {'msg': 'user not found'}
+ # 確認發送方的nft夠不夠發放
- userid = result['userid']
- # update nft owner
- if table3.find_one(nftid=nftid):
- data = dict(nftid=nftid, userid=userid)
- table3.update(data, ['nftid'])
- db.close()
- elif table2.find_one(id=nftid):
- data = dict(id=nftid, userid=userid)
- table2.update(data, ['id'])
+ for nftid, amount in the_list.items():
+ print("nft: "+nftid+",數量:"+ amount)
+ # 直接針對取到的值去做確認數量和更新表單,最後再記錄
+ # 確認sender的總數
+ result3 = db.query('SELECT SUM(amount) AS total FROM arkcard.ownership WHERE userid="' + fromuser + '" AND nftid ="' + nftid + '";')
+ # 把總數撈出來,存到total
+ for row in result3:
+ rows = row
+ total = rows['total']
+ # 如果總數不夠,就報錯回傳
+ if total == None or total < int(amount):
+ db.close()
+ return {"messge: NFT not enough"}
+ # 總數夠,在ownership刪去數量,並再新增ownership一筆
+ else:
+ # 今天到這,需要找出怎麼扣除總數的方式,目前找到的總數,會更新到資料欄位,導致原本才100個的,會被更新成499個,因為全加到一個
+ # 找接收者的userid
+ to_user = result1['userid']
+ old_address = result2['address']
+ print(total)
+ new_amount = total - int(amount)
+ # 更新原user總數
+ result4 = db.query('DELETE FROM arkcard.ownership WHERE userid="' + fromuser + '" AND nftid ="' + nftid + '";')
+ result5 = db.query('UPDATE arkcard.ownership SET amount = amount - "' + amount + '" WHERE userid = "' + fromuser + '" AND nftid = "' + nftid + '" LIMIT 1;')
+ new_data1 = dict(userid=fromuser, address=old_address, nftid=nftid, amount=new_amount)
+ table2.insert(new_data1)
+ # 增加新user數量
+ new_data2 = dict(userid=to_user, address=address, nftid=nftid, amount=int(amount))
+ table2.insert(new_data2)
+ # 在transactions記錄from和to, 以及時間等等
+ now = dt.datetime.now()
+ trans_data = dict(to_token=address, time=now, amount=int(amount), userid=fromuser, from_token=fr_token, hash=_hash)
+ table3.insert(trans_data)
- else:
- db.close()
- return {'msg': 'nft not found'}
- return {'msg': 'OK'}
+ return {"messge: NFT 夠"}
# shop handler