_settings.ini 4.6 KB

  1. # FB Bots Settings
  2. # 說明
  3. # 1. 每個設定項目下面均有說明。
  4. # 2. 若有針對FB Bots的更新,由於設定檔案 (本檔案) 有可能會一起更新,請務必備份此檔案。
  5. # 3. 警告:請勿刪除以下任何設定項目,否則有可能程式無法正常運作!!
  6. #
  8. # 1. Explanations for each setting are given below the setting.
  9. # 2. If there are updates to FB Bots, PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF THIS SETTINGS FILE as the settings file may be updated.
  11. ########################################
  12. [DEFAULT]
  13. # 共用設定,於所有FB Bots下所有程式適用
  14. # GLOBAL SETTINGS, applies to all programs under FB Bots.
  15. enabled = 1
  16. # FB Bots的主鑰,設定數值:1為開啟,其餘數值為關閉
  17. # 注意:程式執行前請確認共用設定enabled項目以及該程式enabled項目的數值為1,否則該程式不會啟動
  18. # 警告:若本設定的數值為1之外,本機所有FB Bots下的程式均不會啟動。
  19. # [FB Bots MASTER KEY] Set this to 1 to enable the functioning of programs under FB Bots.
  20. # CAUTION: The value of "enabled" BOTH in the settings under DEFAULT and under the program's settings must be 1 in order for a program to be able to run.
  21. # WARNING: Any value other than 1 in this setting will disable ALL PROGRAMS under FB Bots in this server/station.
  22. userdatadir =
  23. # Google Chrome使用者目錄
  24. # User data directory. Please point to the user data directory of your Google Chrome installation.
  25. userlist = Profile 1
  26. # 使用的帳號,請以半角逗號 (,) 分隔
  27. # User list to use. Separate user names with a comma (,).
  28. serverid =
  29. # 機器編號
  30. # Server number identifier.
  31. ########################################
  33. # 處理好友邀請
  34. # Processes friend requests.
  35. enabled = 1
  36. # 本程式的金鑰,設定數值:1為開啟,其餘數值為關閉。在關閉的狀態中,當程式被呼叫時,程式不會啟動。
  37. # Set this to 1 to enable this function. Any other value will disable this function and this function will not run when called.
  38. action = 1
  39. # 動作設定,設定數值:1為接受好友邀請,2為拒絕好友邀請。
  40. # Set this to 1 to ACCEPT friend requests, or 2 to REJECT friend requests.
  41. maxrequests = 2
  42. # 每次執行最多可以按讚投稿數量,請輸入數值。
  43. # 注意:一個Facebook帳號僅可以收容5000位好友。
  44. # Maximum number of friend requests to accept. Insert a number.
  45. # ATTENTION: Facebook only allows a maximum of 5000 friends in a Facebook account at any given time.
  46. minimizewindow = 0
  47. # 開啟瀏覽器時直接縮小視窗,設定數值:1為開啟,其餘數值為關閉。
  48. # Set this to 1 to minimize window on browser launch. Any other value will not minimize the browser window.
  49. ########################################
  51. # 對Facebook投稿按讚
  52. # Likes Facebook posts.
  53. enabled = 1
  54. # 本程式的金鑰,設定數值:1為開啟,其餘數值為關閉。在關閉的狀態中,當程式被呼叫時,程式不會啟動。
  55. # Set this to 1 to enable this function. Any other value will disable this function and this function will not run when called.
  56. maxlikecount = 2
  57. # 每次執行最多可以按讚投稿數量,請輸入數值。
  58. # Maximum number of posts to like. Insert a number.
  59. minimizewindow = 0
  60. # 開啟瀏覽器時直接縮小視窗,設定數值:1為開啟,其餘數值為關閉。
  61. # Set this to 1 to minimize window on browser launch. Any other value will not minimize the browser window.
  62. ########################################
  64. # 觀看FB影片
  65. # Watches a Facebook video/live video.
  66. enabled = 1
  67. # 本程式的金鑰,設定數值:1為開啟,其餘數值為關閉。在關閉的狀態中,當程式被呼叫時,程式不會啟動。
  68. # Set this to 1 to enable this function. Any other value will disable this function and this function will not run when called.
  69. liveurl = https://www.facebook.com/bravotaipei/videos/2278118205677384/
  70. # 影片/直播影片連結 (可以是直播影片)
  71. # 注意:請提供Facebook影片的連結,其他網站的影片均無法使用本程式開啟。
  72. # URL of video/live video to watch.
  73. # ATTENTION: Please provide the URL to a Facebook video -- videos on other websites will NOT work!
  74. watchtime = 60
  75. # 觀看時間 (秒)
  76. # Time to watch video in seconds.
  77. minimizewindow = 0
  78. # 開啟瀏覽器時直接縮小視窗,設定數值:1為開啟,其餘數值為關閉。
  79. # Set this to 1 to minimize window on browser launch. Any other value will not minimize the browser window.