@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import mysql.connector
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+import uvicorn
+import json
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+ "*"
+ CORSMiddleware,
+ allow_origins=origins,
+ allow_credentials=True,
+ allow_methods=["*"],
+ allow_headers=["*"],
+connobj = {
+ 'host': 'db.ptt.cx',
+ 'database': 'yodb',
+ 'user': 'choozmo',
+ 'password': 'pAssw0rd',
+ 'use_unicode': True,
+ 'charset': 'utf8',
+ 'collation': 'utf8_unicode_ci'
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+ with mysql.connector.connect(**connobj) as connection:
+ with connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor:
+ # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+ #cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+ cursor.execute(isql)
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+ with mysql.connector.connect(**connobj) as connection:
+ cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+ cursor.execute(isql)
+ #print(cursor.rowcount)
+ connection.commit()
+ return None
+def in_stock(inJson:str = ''):
+ jObj = json.loads(inJson)
+ if ExecuteQuery("select * from cc_stock where tNO = '"+jObj['ivuObjectNumber']+"' and tStatus = 'A' "):
+ return {"success":"0","msg":"本單號已入庫"}
+ else:
+ ExecuteCmd("insert into cc_stock select null,'"+jObj['ivuObjectNumber']+"','"+jObj['ivuNumber']+"','"+jObj['ivuStorehouse']+"','"+jObj['ivuArea']+"','A','XXX',CURRENT_TIME(),null")
+ ExecuteCmd("insert into cc_stock_transaction select null,'"+jObj['ivuObjectNumber']+"','I',CURRENT_TIME()")
+ return {"success":"1","msg":"入庫完成"}
+def out_stock(inJson:str = ''):
+ jObj = json.loads(inJson)
+ if not ExecuteQuery("select * from cc_stock where tNO = '"+jObj['ivuObjectNumber']+"' and tStatus = 'A' "):
+ return {"success":"0","msg":"本單號未入庫"}
+ else:
+ #ExecuteCmd("insert into cc_stock select null,'"+jObj['ivuObjectNumber']+"','"+jObj['ivuNumber']+"','"+jObj['ivuStorehouse']+"','"+jObj['ivuArea']+"','A','XXX',CURRENT_TIME(),null")
+ ExecuteCmd("update cc_stock set tStatus = 'O', tOutDtime = CURRENT_TIME() where tNO = '"+jObj['ivuObjectNumber']+"' and tStatus = 'A' ")
+ ExecuteCmd("insert into cc_stock_transaction select null,'"+jObj['ivuObjectNumber']+"','O',CURRENT_TIME()")
+ return {"success":"1","msg":"出庫完成"}
+def stock_list(inJson:str = ''):
+ jObj = json.loads(inJson)
+ sql = "select * from cc_stock where tStatus='A' "
+ if jObj['ivuStorehouse'] != "":
+ sql += " and tStock = '" + jObj['ivuStorehouse'] + "' "
+ if jObj['ivuArea'] != "":
+ sql += " and tSPos = '" + jObj['ivuArea'] + "' "
+ if jObj['ivuObjectNumber'] != "":
+ sql += " and tNo = '" + jObj['ivuObjectNumber'] + "' "
+ if jObj['tInDtime'] != "" and jObj['tOutDtime'] != "":
+ sql += " and tInDtime between '" + str(jObj['tInDtime']).replace("T"," ") + "' and '" + str(jObj['tOutDtime']).replace("T"," ") + "' "
+ sql += " order by tInDtime desc "
+ #print(sql)
+ return ExecuteQuery(sql)
+""" aa = pd.DataFrame(ExecuteQuery("select * from cc_stock"))
+if aa.empty:
+ print(aa)
+ExecuteCmd("insert into cc_stock_transaction select null,'','',CURRENT_TIME()") """
+""" if __name__ == "__main__":
+ uvicorn.run(app, host="localhost", port=8000) """