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- @startuml
- ' Diagram on Decoupling for Coupling blog post
- skinparam handwritten true
- skinparam RectangleBackgroundColor white
- skinparam NoteBackgroundColor APPLICATION
- skinparam NoteBorderColor black
- caption \nDecoupling via Intermediary
- rectangle "Component 1" as cp1
- note right of cp1: "<i>I don't know who I'm talking to\n<i>past the intermediary</i>"
- rectangle "<i>Intermediary</i>" as im #Gold
- rectangle "Component 2" as cp2
- note right of cp2: "<i>I don't know who's talking to me\n<i>through the intermediary</i>"
- cp1 -[#black]down-> im
- im -[#black]down-> cp2
- @enduml