_index.en.md 3.0 KB

title: "Data Analysis" subtitle: "Customized and complete analysis project would help you make the best decision."

meta description

description: "Customized and complete analysis project would help you make the best decision" draft: false

service: enable : true service_item:

# service item loop
- title : "Rich Experiences in Customized Data Analysis Projects"
  - "images/data_analysis.webp"
  content : "Our team is acquainted with uperb machine learning and deep learning technologies and has rich experience in data analysis projects, including beauty industry applications, advertising agency operations, election campaign analysis, public opinion analysis, and financial applications. Clients cooperating with the team members include Lion Travel Corporation, Sinyi Realty, Yung ching Reaklty, Les Enphants, etc."
    enable : false
    label : "Check it out"
    link : "#"
    enable : false
    link : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR6yoAO9zZQ"
- title : "SEO Microscope"
  - "images/seo-1.webp"
  - "images/seo-2.webp"
  - "images/seo-3.webp"
  - "images/seo-4.webp"
  content : "Observing your SEO state comprehensively help you find out the optimization strategy for your company and to get in touch with prospective customers.<p><i class='ti-angle-right'></i>Find out core keyword groups</p><p><i class='ti-angle-right'></i>Keywords suggestion for better strategy on SEO</p>"
    enable : false
    label : "Check it out"
    link : "#"
- title : "Find Out Prospective Customers"
  - "images/customer_analysis.webp"
  content : "According to the analysis of competitors, target customers and social condition, we can detect your prospective customers and advertise with high precision"
    enable : false
    label : "Check it out"
    link : "#"
- title : "Data Drives Decision Making"
  - "images/data_analysis_1.webp"
  content : "With superb machine learning and deep learning technologies, mine the secrets behind the data, and assist you in making decisions"
    enable : false
    label : "Check it out"
    link : "#"
- title : "View Results on Customized Dashboard"
  - "images/google_data_studio.webp"
  content : "Integrate Google Search Console and Google Analytics in Data Studio dashboard, allowing you to easily browse performance"
    enable : false
    label : "Check it out"
    link : "#"
    #enable : true
    #link : "https://www.youtube.com/embed/U_Iyc5wH1EA?autoplay=1"

call_to_action: enable : false title : "Need a larger plan?" image : "images/cta.svg" content : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur." button:

enable : true
label : "Contact Us"
link : "contact"