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上傳檔案到 'AI_anchor2'

oak il y a 2 ans
5 fichiers modifiés avec 625 ajouts et 0 suppressions
  1. 39 0
  2. 509 0
  3. 11 0
  4. 44 0
  5. 22 0

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+FROM ubuntu:20.04
+RUN apt update
+RUN apt install -y software-properties-common
+RUN add-apt-repository -y ppa:openshot.developers/ppa
+RUN apt update
+RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install keyboard-configuration -y
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
+RUN apt-get upgrade -y
+RUN apt install ffmpeg -y
+RUN apt-get install python3-pip -y
+RUN apt install -y python3-openshot openshot-qt
+RUN apt-get install vim -y
+RUN pip3 install fastapi
+RUN pip3 install uvicorn[standard]
+RUN pip3 install numpy==1.19.2
+RUN pip3 install BeautifulSoup4
+RUN pip3 install Pillow
+RUN pip3 install pyttsx3
+RUN pip3 install zhtts
+RUN pip3 install rpyc
+RUN pip3 install websocket
+RUN pip3 install websocket-client
+RUN pip3 install dataset
+RUN pip3 install aiofiles
+RUN apt-get install python3-openshot -y
+#RUN apt-get install openshot-qt -y
+RUN apt install -y xvfb
+RUN pip3 install gtts
+RUN pip3 install ffmpy
+RUN pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client
+RUN pip3 install progressbar
+RUN pip3 install pysrt
+RUN apt install -y xvfb
+RUN pip3 install pandas
+RUN pip3 install opencv-contrib-python
+RUN pip3 install autosub
+RUN pip3 install autosub3
+RUN pip3 install openpyxl

+ 509 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+import openshot
+import re
+from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont
+import pandas as pd
+import os
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+# import moviepy.editor as mp
+import time
+import pysrt
+import shutil
+import rpyc
+import random
+import string
+import requests
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import zipfile
+import csv
+from datetime import datetime
+def cKey(r,g,b,fuzz):
+    col=openshot.Color()
+    return openshot.ChromaKey(col, openshot.Keyframe(fuzz))
+def video_writer_init(path):
+    w = openshot.FFmpegWriter(path)
+    w.SetAudioOptions(True, "aac", 44100, 2, openshot.LAYOUT_STEREO, 3000000)
+    w.SetVideoOptions(True, "libx264", openshot.Fraction(30000, 1000), 1280, 720,
+        openshot.Fraction(1, 1), False, False, 3000000)
+    return w
+def video_photo_clip(video=None,layer=None, position=None, end=None
+    ,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,location_x=0,location_y=0,ck=None,audio=True):
+    clip = openshot.Clip(video)
+    clip.Layer(layer)
+    clip.Position(position)
+    clip.End(end)
+    clip.scale_x=openshot.Keyframe(scale_x)
+    clip.scale_y=openshot.Keyframe(scale_y)
+    clip.location_x=openshot.Keyframe(location_x)
+    clip.location_y=openshot.Keyframe(location_y)
+    if ck!=None:
+        clip.AddEffect(ck)
+    if audio==True:
+        clip.has_audio=openshot.Keyframe(1)
+    else:
+        clip.has_audio=openshot.Keyframe(0)
+    return clip
+def trim_punctuation(s):
+    pat_block = u'[^\u4e00-\u9fff0-9a-zA-Z]+'
+    pattern = u'([0-9]+{0}[0-9]+)|{0}'.format(pat_block)
+    res = re.sub(pattern, lambda x: if else u" " ,s)
+    return res
+def randomString(stringLength=10):
+    letters = string.ascii_lowercase
+    return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(stringLength))
+def mp3_to_anchor(fname):
+    conn = rpyc.classic.connect("",18812)
+    fr=open(fname,'rb')
+    ropen =
+    randname=randomString(10)
+    finalname=randomString(10)
+    fw=ropen('/tmp/'+randname+'.mp4','wb')
+    fw.write(
+    fw.close()
+    ros = conn.modules.os
+    ros.system('/root/to_video/ '+randname+".mp4 "+finalname+".mp4")
+    return ''+finalname+'.mp4'
+#    conn.execute('import os')
+def download_mp4(url):
+    headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36'}
+    with open('input_self/AI_girl/ai_spokesgirl.mp4','wb') as f:
+        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True)
+        if r.status_code == 404:
+            return False
+        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
+            if chunk:
+                f.write(chunk)
+    return True
+def text_to_short_vedio_create(read_csv_use="導盲犬協會.csv",pwd_use="導盲犬協會影片素材2/",op="input_self/LOGO_OP_4.mp4",ed="input_self/LOGO_ED.mp4",bg="input_self/bg_finall_long.mp4",input_zip="input/"):
+    t = openshot.Timeline(1280, 720, openshot.Fraction(30000, 1000), 44100, 2, openshot.LAYOUT_STEREO)
+    t.Open()
+    files=os.listdir("input/")
+    print(files)
+    for i in files:
+        if i[-4:]==".zip":
+            input_zip="input/"+i
+            break
+    # try:
+    #     os.remove("./templates/index.html")
+    # except:
+    #     pass
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_zip, 'r') as zf:
+        for fn in zf.namelist():
+            right_fn = fn.encode('cp437').decode('big5')  # 將檔名正確編碼
+            check_p=right_fn.split("/")
+            if right_fn[-1]=="/" :
+                os.mkdir("input/"+right_fn[:-1])
+                pwd_use=right_fn
+                break
+            if len(check_p)==2:
+                os.mkdir("input/"+check_p[0])
+                pwd_use=check_p[0]+"/"
+                break
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_zip, 'r') as zf:
+        for fn in zf.namelist():
+            right_fn = fn.encode('cp437').decode('big5')  # 將檔名正確編碼
+            check_p=right_fn.split("/")
+            if right_fn[-1]=="/" :
+                continue
+            if right_fn[-4:]==".csv":
+                read_csv_use = right_fn
+            with open("input/"+right_fn, 'wb') as output_file:  # 建立並開啟新檔案
+                with, 'r') as origin_file:  # 開啟原檔案
+                    shutil.copyfileobj(origin_file, output_file)  # 將原檔案內容複製到新檔案
+    # 去背參數
+    # ck=cKey(0,254,0,270)
+    ck=cKey(0,255,0,320)
+    ck_anchor=None
+    #時間
+    time_= 0
+    csv_use=pd.read_csv("input/"+read_csv_use)
+    csv_use=csv_use.dropna(how='all')
+    csv_use.reset_index(inplace=True)
+    t1 = openshot.Timeline(1280, 720, openshot.Fraction(30000, 1000), 44100, 2, openshot.LAYOUT_STEREO)
+    t1.Open()
+    frames = 0
+    for i in range(len(csv_use)):
+    # for i in range(3):
+        pwd_=str(csv_use.loc[i,['音檔']].values[0])
+        locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)] = openshot.FFmpegReader("input/"+pwd_use+pwd_)
+        locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)].Open()
+        locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)+'clip'] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)],layer=3,scale_x=0,scale_y=0,
+                   location_x=0,location_y=0,position=time_, end=locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)].info.duration,ck=ck_anchor,audio=True)
+        t1.AddClip(locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)+'clip'])
+        locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)].Close()
+        time_+=locals()['anchor_music_t'+str(i)].info.duration
+    w = video_writer_init("input_self/AI_girl/%s.mp4"%('anchor_music_t'))
+    w.Open()
+    frames = int(*int(time_)
+    for n in range(frames):
+        f=t1.GetFrame(n)
+        w.WriteFrame(f)
+    w.Close()
+    t1.Close()
+    fname=mp3_to_anchor("input_self/AI_girl/%s.mp4"%('anchor_music_t'))
+    # print(fname)
+    time.sleep(300)
+    while True:
+        result = download_mp4(fname)
+        if result:
+            break
+        print('等待...')
+        time.sleep(60)
+    ck=cKey(0,255,0,320)
+    ck_anchor=None
+    #時間
+    time_= 0
+    csv_use=pd.read_csv("input/"+read_csv_use)
+    csv_use=csv_use.dropna(how='all')
+    csv_use.reset_index(inplace=True)
+    anchor_op = openshot.FFmpegReader(op)
+    anchor_op.Open()
+    anchor_clip_op = video_photo_clip(video=anchor_op,layer=2,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,
+            location_x=0,location_y=0,position=time_,,ck=ck_anchor,audio=True)
+    t.AddClip(anchor_clip_op)
+    anchor_op.Close()
+    start_time = time_
+    locals()['anchor_ad'] = openshot.FFmpegReader('input_self/AI_girl/ai_spokesgirl.mp4')
+    locals()['anchor_ad'].Open()
+    locals()['anchor_clip_ad'] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor_ad'],layer=6,scale_x=0.8,scale_y=0.8,
+       location_x=0.38,location_y=0.35,position=time_, end=locals()['anchor_ad'].info.duration,ck=ck,audio=False)
+    t.AddClip(locals()['anchor_clip_ad'])
+    locals()['anchor_ad'].Close()
+    for i in range(len(csv_use)):
+    # for i in range(3):
+        pwd_=str(csv_use.loc[i,['音檔']].values[0])
+        layer_choose = 4
+        locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)] = openshot.FFmpegReader("input/"+pwd_use+pwd_)
+        locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].Open()
+        locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)+'clip'] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)],layer=3,scale_x=0,scale_y=0,
+                   location_x=0,location_y=0,position=time_, end=locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].info.duration,ck=ck_anchor,audio=True)
+        t.AddClip(locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)+'clip'])
+        locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].Close()
+        if str(csv_use.loc[i,['是否要場景']].values[0])=="是":
+            scale_x_use = 0.59
+            scale_y_use = 0.59
+        else:
+            scale_x_use = 1
+            scale_y_use = 1
+            layer_choose =  7
+        choose=str(csv_use.loc[i,['素材']].values[0]).split(".")[-1]
+        pwd_p1=str(csv_use.loc[i,['素材']].values[0])
+        if choose == 'mp4':
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)] = openshot.FFmpegReader("input/"+pwd_use+pwd_p1)
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)].Open()
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)+'clip'] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor'+str(i)],layer=layer_choose,scale_x=scale_x_use,scale_y=scale_y_use,
+               location_x=-0.04,location_y=-0.04,position=time_, end=locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].info.duration,ck=ck_anchor,audio=False)
+            t.AddClip(locals()['anchor'+str(i)+'clip'])
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)].Close()
+            # if str(csv_use.loc[i,['是否要場景']].values[0])=="是":
+            #     locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)] = openshot.FFmpegReader(bg)
+            #     locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)].Open()
+            #     locals()['anchor_clip_bg'+str(i)] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)],layer=2,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,
+            #        location_x=0,location_y=0,position=time_, end=locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].info.duration,ck=ck,audio=False)
+            #     t.AddClip(locals()['anchor_clip_bg'+str(i)])
+            #     locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)].Close()
+        elif choose == 'jpg' or choose == 'png':
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)] = openshot.QtImageReader("input/"+pwd_use+pwd_p1)
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)].Open()
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)+'clip'] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor'+str(i)],layer=layer_choose,scale_x=scale_x_use,scale_y=scale_y_use,
+               location_x=-0.04,location_y=-0.04,position=time_, end=locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].info.duration,ck=ck_anchor,audio=False)
+            t.AddClip(locals()['anchor'+str(i)+'clip'])
+            locals()['anchor'+str(i)].Close()
+            # if str(csv_use.loc[i,['是否要場景']].values[0])=="是":
+            #     locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)] = openshot.FFmpegReader(bg)
+            #     locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)].Open()
+            #     locals()['anchor_clip_bg'+str(i)] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)],layer=2,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,
+            #        location_x=0,location_y=0,position=time_, end=locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].info.duration,ck=ck,audio=False)
+            #     t.AddClip(locals()['anchor_clip_bg'+str(i)])
+            #     locals()['anchor_bg'+str(i)].Close()
+        time_+=locals()['anchor_music'+str(i)].info.duration
+    locals()['anchor_bg'] = openshot.FFmpegReader(bg)
+    locals()['anchor_bg'].Open()
+    locals()['anchor_clip_bg'] = video_photo_clip(video=locals()['anchor_bg'],layer=2,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,
+       location_x=0,location_y=0,position=start_time, end=time_-start_time,ck=ck,audio=False)
+    t.AddClip(locals()['anchor_clip_bg'])
+    locals()['anchor_bg'].Close()
+    anchor_ed = openshot.FFmpegReader(ed)
+    anchor_ed.Open()
+    anchor_clip_ed = video_photo_clip(video=anchor_ed,layer=2,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,
+            location_x=0,location_y=0,position=time_,,ck=ck_anchor,audio=True)
+    t.AddClip(anchor_clip_ed)
+    anchor_ed.Close()
+    w = video_writer_init("input_self/tmp1/test.mp4")
+    w.Open()
+    frames = int(*int(time_)
+    for n in range(frames):
+        f=t.GetFrame(n)
+        w.WriteFrame(f)
+    t.Close()
+    w.Close()
+    shutil.rmtree('input')
+    os.mkdir('input')
+    shutil.rmtree('input_self/AI_girl')
+    os.mkdir('input_self/AI_girl')
+def txt2image(content, save_target,lang='zh',size=26,fon="input_self/font/DFT_B7.ttc"):
+    unicode_text = trim_punctuation(content)
+    font = ''
+    if lang=='zh':
+        font = ImageFont.truetype(font=fon, size=size)
+    else :
+        font = ImageFont.truetype(font="input_self/font/arial.ttf", size=size)
+    W, H = (1280,500)
+    canvas ='RGB', (W, H), "#00FF00")
+    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(canvas)
+    text= content
+    if "\n" in text:
+        w, h = draw.textsize(text.split("\n")[0],font = font)
+        #draw.text(((W-w)/2,0), text[0:18],'black', font)
+        text_border(draw,(W-w)/2,0,text.split("\n")[0],font,'black','white')
+        w, h = draw.textsize(text.split("\n")[1],font = font)
+        #draw.text(((W-w)/2,h+2), text[18:],'black', font)
+        text_border(draw,(W-w)/2,h+2,text.split("\n")[1],font,'black','white')
+    else:
+        w, h = draw.textsize(content,font = font)
+        #draw.text(((W-w)/2,0), text,'black', font)
+        text_border(draw,(W-w)/2,0,text,font,'black','white')
+, "PNG")
+def text_border(draw,x,y,text,font,shadowcolor,fillcolor):
+    draw.text((x-1, y), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x+1, y), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x, y-1), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x, y+1), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x-1, y+1), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x+1, y-1), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x-1, y-1), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x+1, y+1), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    # thicker border
+    draw.text((x-2, y-2), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x+2, y-2), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x-2, y+2), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    draw.text((x+2, y+2), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
+    # now draw the text over it
+    draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill=fillcolor)
+def srt_to_csv(srt_file):
+    subs =
+    csv_file = srt_file.split('.')[0] + ".csv"
+    with open(csv_file, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
+        # 建立 CSV 檔寫入器
+        writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
+        for context in subs:
+            writer.writerow([context.index, context.start,context.end, context.text])
+    return csv_file
+def csv_to_text(csv_file,text_font):
+    text_form = []
+    with open(csv_file, newline='') as csvfile:
+        # 讀取 CSV 檔案內容
+        rows = csv.reader(csvfile)
+        # 以迴圈輸出每一列
+        for row in rows:
+            start = datetime.strptime(row[1], "%H:%M:%S,%f")
+            end = datetime.strptime(row[2], "%H:%M:%S,%f") - datetime.strptime(row[1], "%H:%M:%S,%f")
+            end_timeStamp=end.seconds+0.000001*end.microseconds
+            start_timeStamp=start.minute*60+start.second+ 0.000001*start.microsecond
+            text_form.append({'text':row[3],'start':start_timeStamp,'end':end_timeStamp,'size':36,'font':text_font})
+    return text_form
+def text_to_short_vedio(mp4_file ,sound_file,output_filename,text_font):
+    t = openshot.Timeline(1280, 720, openshot.Fraction(30000, 1000), 44100, 2, openshot.LAYOUT_STEREO)
+    t.Open()
+    # 去背參數
+    ck = cKey(0, 254, 0, 270)
+    ck_anchor = cKey(0, 255, 0, 320)
+    anchor = openshot.FFmpegReader(mp4_file)
+    anchor.Open()
+    anchor_clip = video_photo_clip(video=anchor,layer=2,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,
+            location_x=0,location_y=0,position=0,,audio=True)
+    t.AddClip(anchor_clip)
+    anchor.Close()
+    number = 0
+    sound_srt_file = ""
+    #音檔自動產生srt(逐字稿)
+    if ".srt" in sound_file:
+        sound_srt_file = sound_file
+    elif not sound_file is None:
+        cmd = "autosub -S zh-TW -D zh-TW " + sound_file
+        os.system(cmd)
+        sound_srt_file = sound_file.split('.')[0] + ".srt"
+    csv_file = srt_to_csv(sound_srt_file)
+    text_form = csv_to_text(csv_file,text_font)
+    print(sound_srt_file)
+    #開啟srt檔
+    try:
+        # subs =
+        # text_form = []
+        # for context in subs:
+        #     #print(context.start.minutes*60+context.start.seconds+ 0.001*context.start.milliseconds)
+        #     end = context.end-context.start
+        #     end_timeStamp=(end.minutes*60+end.seconds+ 0.001*end.milliseconds)
+        #     start_timeStamp=(context.start.minutes*60+context.start.seconds+ 0.001*context.start.milliseconds)
+        #     text_form.append({'text':context.text,'start':start_timeStamp,'end':end_timeStamp,'size':36,'font':text_font})
+        number = 0
+        for text_tmp in text_form:
+            file_name = "input_self/tmp/save_target_" + str(number) + ".png"
+            txt2image(text_tmp['text'], file_name,lang='zh',size = text_tmp['size'],fon = text_tmp['font'])
+            exec('text_anchor_{} = openshot.QtImageReader("input_self/tmp/save_target_{}.png")'.format(number,number))
+            exec('text_anchor_{}.Open()'.format(number))
+            exec('text_anchor_{}.Open()'.format(number))
+            exec('text_anchor_clip_{} = video_photo_clip(video=text_anchor_{},layer=4,scale_x=1,scale_y=1,\
+                    location_x=0,location_y=0.67,position=text_tmp["start"], end=text_tmp["end"],ck=ck_anchor,audio=True)'.format(number,number))
+            exec('t.AddClip(text_anchor_clip_{})'.format(number))
+            exec('text_anchor_{}.Close()'.format(number))
+            number = number+1
+    except:
+        print("無法開啟srt檔案(字幕產生失敗)")
+    w = video_writer_init(output_filename)
+    w.Open()
+    frames = int(*int(
+    for n in range(frames):
+        f=t.GetFrame(n)
+        w.WriteFrame(f)
+    t.Close()
+    w.Close()
+    #刪除暫存檔案
+    shutil.rmtree('input_self/tmp')
+    os.mkdir('input_self/tmp')
+    shutil.rmtree('input_self/tmp1')
+    os.mkdir('input_self/tmp1')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	# text_to_short_vedio_create()
+	text_to_short_vedio(mp4_file = "input_self/tmp1/test.mp4",sound_file ='input_self/tmp1/test.mp4',
+        output_filename="output/demo.mp4",text_font ="input_self/font/DFT_R7.ttc")

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+1. docker建立
+	(1)build和run
+		docker  build -t [想取tag名稱] .
+		docker run -it -v [本地資料夾]:[docker資料夾] [想取tag名稱]
+	EX:
+		docker build -t ai_anchor .
+		docker run -it -v C:/Users/oak/Desktop/AI_anchor:/app ai_anchor

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+他的祖先啊他的爸爸媽媽,全部都是導盲犬他才有機會可以成為導盲犬喔",ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q1_11.mp4,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q1_11.mp4,否
+退休之後會找適合他的收養家庭",C0050.mp4,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q1_12.mp4,否
+那這段時間大概會訓練到牠2歲到3歲,他畢業了之後,就會安排適合他",ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q2_1.mp4,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q2_1.mp4,否
+那工作完成他們還會在他們適合的退休年齡",C0049.mp4,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q2_2.mp4,否
+如果你們家合適的話也可以,申請我們的寄養家庭",ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q3.mp4,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q3.mp4,否
+我們台灣導盲犬協會帶週末不定期會有義賣活動,義賣宣導活動,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q4_1.mp4,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q4_1.mp4,否
+也歡迎大家可以來我們的臉書上看我們的活動資訊,導盲犬協會FB.jpg,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q4_2.mp4,否
+那如果有興趣從我們的活動義工的話留言給我們,或是寫email來給我們,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q4_3.mp4,ChoozMo 公益頻道專訪-導盲犬協會v2_Q4_3.mp4,否

+ 22 - 0

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