@@ -18,28 +18,11 @@ from app import crud, models, schemas
from typing import Callable, List
from uuid import uuid4
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
+from datetime import datetime
-class ContextIncludedRoute(APIRoute):
- def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
- original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
- async def custom_route_handler(request: Request
- ,db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db)) -> Response:
- request_id = str(uuid4())
- response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
- if await request.body():
- print(await request.body())
- print(request.url)
- print(request.headers)
- response.headers["Request-ID"] = request_id
- return response
- return custom_route_handler
-router = APIRouter(route_class=ContextIncludedRoute)
+router = APIRouter()
# callback event
@@ -265,6 +248,7 @@ async def send(userModel: line.TransactionNft):
table = db['users']
table2 = db['nft']
table3 = db['nftdrops']
+ transaction_table = db['transaction']
# input and find userid
nftid = userModel.nftid
@@ -286,9 +270,10 @@ async def send(userModel: line.TransactionNft):
# push訊息
result3 = table2.find_one(id=nftid)
title = result3['title']
+ pre_own = result3['userid']
message = "您的NFT : " + title + ", 已劃轉成功!"
push_text(userid, message)
+ transaction_table.insert({'tfrom':pre_own,'to':userid,'nft':nftid,'transaction_at':datetime.now()})
elif table2.find_one(id=nftid):
result3 = table2.find_one(id=nftid)
@@ -299,6 +284,7 @@ async def send(userModel: line.TransactionNft):
# push訊息
+ transaction_table.insert({'tfrom':pre_own,'to':userid,'nft':nftid,'transaction_at':datetime.now()})
title = result3['title']
fr = "您的NFT : " + title + ", 已發送成功!"
to = "您的NFT : "+title+", 已收到!"
@@ -411,3 +397,28 @@ async def nftdrops(userModel: line.NftDrops):
message = "您已登記過活動了!"
push_text(userid, message)
return "已有資料"
+def transactions(userid,skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
+ # db connect
+ db = dataset.connect(
+ 'mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/arkcard?charset=utf8mb4'
+ )
+ sql = 'SELECT * FROM transaction ' \
+ 'WHERE tfrom="'+userid+'" limit '+str(skip)+', '+str(limit)
+ result = db.query(sql)
+ rows = {}
+ i = 0
+ for row in result:
+ rows[i] = row
+ i += 1
+ db.close()
+ return rows