import fastapi import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() from linebot.models import ( MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage, FollowEvent, TemplateSendMessage, ButtonsTemplate, URITemplateAction, ) import dataset import requests import json import qrcode from random import randrange from app.schemas import line from app.core.config import settings import datetime as dt from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, Request, Response, Body,Depends from fastapi.routing import APIRoute from app.api import deps from app import crud, models, schemas from typing import Callable, List from uuid import uuid4 from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from datetime import datetime import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() router = APIRouter() # callback event"/callback") async def callback(request: fastapi.Request): signature = request.headers['X-Line-Signature'] body = await request.body() settings.handler.handle(body.decode('utf-8'), signature) return 'OK' # follow event @settings.handler.add(FollowEvent) def handle_follow(event): # get user id when follow real_user_id = event.source.user_id # db connect and search db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) table = db['users'] result1 = table.find_one(userid=real_user_id) # 都存在db的話 if result1: db.close() settings.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TextSendMessage(text='很高興再見到您!')) # 建立全新使用者 else: # create user account api url = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic bmZ0OmMxOTEzOWMzYjM3YjdjZWU3ZmY3OTFiZGU3NzdjZWNl' } # setup for temp use (unique id) rand_num = str(randrange(99999)) user_id = event.source.user_id + rand_num data = 'uid=' + user_id r =, headers=headers, data=data) # extract the account address dict_str = json.loads(r.text) user_account = dict_str['account'] user_address = user_account['address'] # generate qr code from user id qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, box_size=10, border=5) qr.add_data(user_address) qr.make(fit=True) img_qr = qr.make_image(fill='black', back_color='white') filename = "/var/www/ArkCard-Linebot/ArkCard-web/qrcode/" + \ real_user_id + '.png' # add to db data = dict(userid=real_user_id, useraddress=user_address) table.insert(data) db.close() settings.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TextSendMessage(text='歡迎加入好友')) # message handler @settings.handler.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage) def message(event): if '我要發送' in event.message.text: button_template_message = ButtonsTemplate( title=' ', text='點擊並打開收藏的NFT,可以選擇想要發送的NFT給對方!', actions=[ URITemplateAction( label='打開發送頁', uri='' + event.source.user_id)]) settings.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TemplateSendMessage( alt_text="Receive", template=button_template_message)) elif '我要接收' in event.message.text: button_template_message = ButtonsTemplate( title=' ', text='點擊並打開接收頁面,即可分享接收地址給對方!', actions=[ URITemplateAction( label='打開接收頁', uri='' + event.source.user_id)]) settings.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TemplateSendMessage( alt_text="Receive", template=button_template_message)) elif 'NFT商店' in event.message.text: button_template_message = ButtonsTemplate( title=' ', text='點擊並打開NFT商品頁,就可以購買您所想要的NFT商品哦!', actions=[ URITemplateAction( label='打開NFT商品頁', uri='' + event.source.user_id)]) settings.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TemplateSendMessage( alt_text="Receive", template=button_template_message)) elif 'NFT收藏' in event.message.text: button_template_message = ButtonsTemplate( title=' ', text='點擊並打開收藏的NFT,可以查看收到的NFT!', actions=[ URITemplateAction( label='打開收藏頁', uri='' + event.source.user_id), ]) settings.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TemplateSendMessage( alt_text="Receive", template=button_template_message)) else: button_template_message = ButtonsTemplate( title=' ', text='更多的服務內容,歡迎請上我們的官網!', actions=[ URITemplateAction( label='ArkCard的官網', uri='')]) settings.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TemplateSendMessage( alt_text="Receive", template=button_template_message))"/push/") def push_text(user, message): settings.line_bot_api.push_message( user, TextSendMessage(text=message) ) # nft collection api @router.get("/collection/{userid}") def collection(userid): # db connect db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) table3 = db['nftdrops'] table2 = db['nft'] nftdrops = {} nft = {} nfts_all = {} i = 0 j = 0 if not table3.find_one(userid=userid) and not table2.find_one(userid=userid): db.close() return "error: user don't have any nft" else: results1 = table3.find(userid=userid) for item in results1: nft_id = item['nftid'] nftdrops[i] = table2.find_one(id=nft_id) i += 1 results2 = table2.find(userid=userid) for item in results2: nft[j] = item j += 1 nfts_all[0] = nftdrops nfts_all[1] = nft return nfts_all db.close() # receive handler @router.get("/receive/{userid}") def receive(userid): # db connect db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) table = db['users'] table.find_one(userid=userid) if not table.find_one(userid=userid): db.close() return "ERROR: User Not Found" else: result = table.find_one(userid=userid) return { "userid": result['userid'], "useraddress": result['useraddress'] } db.close() # send handler"/send") async def send(userModel: line.TransactionNft): # db connect db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) table = db['users'] table2 = db['nft'] table3 = db['nftdrops'] transaction_table = db['transaction'] # input and find userid nftid = userModel.nftid address = userModel.address result = table.find_one(useraddress=address) # first confirm if the user exist if not result: db.close() return {'msg': 'user address not found'} else: userid = result['userid'] # update nft owner if table3.find_one(nftid=nftid): data = dict(nftid=nftid, userid=userid) table3.update(data, ['nftid']) # push訊息 result3 = table2.find_one(id=nftid) title = result3['title'] pre_own = result3['userid'] message = "您的NFT : " + title + ", 已劃轉成功!" push_text(userid, message) transaction_table.insert({'tfrom':pre_own,'to':userid,'nft':nftid,'transaction_at'}) db.close() elif table2.find_one(id=nftid): result3 = table2.find_one(id=nftid) pre_own = result3['userid'] data = dict(id=nftid, userid=userid) table2.update(data, ['id']) # push訊息 try: transaction_table.insert({'tfrom':pre_own,'to':userid,'nft':nftid,'transaction_at'}) title = result3['title'] fr = "您的NFT : " + title + ", 已發送成功!" to = "您的NFT : "+title+", 已收到!" push_text(userid, to) push_text(pre_own, fr) except: return "找不到原使用者" db.close() else: # push訊息 message = "交易失敗!如果有疑問,請洽網站的服務信箱!" push_text(userid, message) db.close() return {'msg': 'nft not found'} return {'msg': 'OK'} # shop handler @router.get("/shop/{userid}") def shop(userid): # db connect db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(title), id, imgurl, userid FROM arkcard.nft ' \ 'WHERE id<1001 and userid IS NULL GROUP BY title LIMIT 5' result = db.query(sql) rows = {} i = 0 for row in result: rows[i] = row i += 1 return rows db.close()"/buy") async def buy(userModel: line.BuyNft): # db connect db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) table2 = db['nft'] # input nftid = userModel.nftid userid = userModel.userid if not table2.find_one(id=nftid): db.close() # push訊息 message = "購買失敗!如果有疑問,請洽網站的服務信箱!" push_text(userid, message) return "該NFT商品不存在!如果有疑問,請洽網站的服務信箱!" else: user_obj = table2.find_one(id=nftid) user_obj['userid'] = userid table2.update(dict(user_obj), ['id']) # push訊息 result3 = table2.find_one(id=nftid) title = result3['title'] message = "您的NFT : " + title + ", 已購買成功!" push_text(userid, message) db.close() return "您已購買成功!""/event") async def nftdrops(userModel: line.NftDrops): # db connect db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) table3 = db['nftdrops'] # input對應 eventid = '1' nftid = '1001' nftid2 = '1002' userid = userModel.userid email = now = # 如果userid不在db, 寫入到一個空值nft if not table3.find_one(userid=userid): # 新增資料 table3.insert( dict( eventid=eventid, nftid=nftid, userid=userid, email=email, time=now )) table3.insert( dict( eventid=eventid, nftid=nftid2, userid=userid, email=email, time=now )) db.close() # push訊息 message = "已為您登記活動!" push_text(userid, message) return "新增成功" # 如果userid存在,回傳通知 else: db.close() # push訊息 message = "您已登記過活動了!" push_text(userid, message) return "已有資料" @router.get("/transactions") def transactions(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100): # db connect db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://' ) sql = 'SELECT * FROM transaction ' \ 'limit '+str(skip)+', '+str(limit)+'' nft_table = db['nft'] result = db.query(sql) rows = [] for row in result: nft_item = nft_table.find_one(id=row['nft']) row['nft'] = nft_item['title'] rows.append(row) db.close() return rows