4.9 KB


Content Editing

Add image to article

This is an AMP page, to add image, you have to use amp-img shortcodes, the syntax is:

{{< amp-img width="width-value" height="height-value" layout="responsive" src="image-url" alt="image alt" >}}

Replace width-value, height-value, image alt and image-url by your image.

Note: Hugo is static-site-generator, to add image to your site, please follow this solution [SOlved] How to… insert image in my post?

Content config for SEO

In Front Matter section for each post, you should add title and description for SEO, example:

title: "Getting Started with AMP"
description: "Getting started with AMP. Implement these key steps to get up and running with AMP"

The title is the H1 tag on HTML page, and <title> in head section.

The description is the meta tag for description <meta name="description" content=""> in head section.

Add icon

I changed from icon font to SVG for website follow SVG symbol a Good Choice for Icons. Here's steps to add SVG icon to website.

  1. Get SVG code (Eg: or or

    <svg xmlns="" style="display: none;" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
    <symbol id="icon-rss" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    <path d="M101.3 141.6v228.9h0.3 308.4 0.8V141.6H101.3zM375.7 167.8l-119.7 91.5 -119.6-91.5H375.7zM127.6 194.1l64.1 49.1 -64.1 64.1V194.1zM127.8 344.2l84.9-84.9 43.2 33.1 43-32.9 84.7 84.7L127.8 344.2 127.8 344.2zM384.4 307.8l-64.4-64.4 64.4-49.3V307.8z" />

    Replace SVG symbol id by yourself (above is icon-rss)

  2. Add this code into layouts/partials/svg-icons.html

  3. Call icon name by SVG symbol id at you define above follow this syntax:

    <svg fill="currentColor"><use xlink:href="#icon-rss" /></svg>

    Example for icon on layouts/partials/social.html

    Customize Theme

    Use yarn to install and run script instead of npm, some people got problem when using npm (but not with yarn)

    1. Install packages by yarn install
    2. Run watch script to hot reload your change yarn watch

    Site Configuration

    Take a look at exampleSite - config.toml, and replace config value by your own:

    Site Info

    # Base config for your site
    baseURL = "http://localhost:1313/"      # Your domain
    languageCode = "en-us"
    title = "Hugo LAMP"                     # Default site title
    theme = "hugo-lamp"
    googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"       # Google Analytics UA number
  name = "Hugo"
  weight = 1
  identifier = "hugo"
  url = "/hugo/"
  name = "AMP Project"
  weight = 2
  identifier = "amp"
  url = "/amp/"
  name = "Tags"
  weight = 3
  identifier = "tags"
  url = "/tags/"


For more details, take a look on official document for taxonomies

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"


  subtitle = "Light responsive AMP theme"
  author = "Huy Nguyen"                     # Your name
  logo = "/img/avatar.jpg"                  # Logo
  description = "A light responsive Hugo AMP theme for blogger"          # Meta description tag
  paginate = 10

  # SEO configs
  seotitle = "Hugo Blog Title (SEO Version)"                  # Overwrite site title for SEO purpose
  googleSiteVerification = "google_site_verification_code"    # Google Webmaster
  msValidate = "bing_site_verification_code"                  # Bing Webmaster


Currently only support Google Adsense as usual, maybe implement amp-auto-ads for future.

  # Google Adsense
  adsensePublisher = "ca-pub-XXX"       # Required if you want to include Google Adsense
  adsenseSlot = "XXX"                   # Required slot to display ads
  adsenseSlotSticky = "XXX"             # Enables sticky ads feature, value maybe the same with adsenseSlot, remove if you don't want display sticky ads

Social Networks & Connections

  # Social networks
  email = ""
  github = "github_username"
  twitter = "twitter_username"
  linkedin = "linkedin_username"
  facebook = "facebook_username"
  google = "googleplus_id_number"
  instagram = "instagram_username"
  youtube = "youtube_username"
  dribbble = "dribbble_username"