This is an AMP page, to add image, you have to use amp-img shortcodes, the syntax is:
{{< amp-img width="width-value" height="height-value" layout="responsive" src="image-url" alt="image alt" >}}
Replace width-value
, height-value
, image alt
and image-url
by your image.
Note: Hugo is static-site-generator, to add image to your site, please follow this solution [SOlved] How to… insert image in my post?
In Front Matter section for each post, you should add title
and description
for SEO, example:
title: "Getting Started with AMP"
description: "Getting started with AMP. Implement these key steps to get up and running with AMP"
The title
is the H1 tag on HTML page, and <title>
in head section.
The description
is the meta tag for description <meta name="description" content="">
in head section.
I changed from icon font to SVG for website follow SVG symbol a Good Choice for Icons. Here's steps to add SVG icon to website.
Get SVG code (Eg: or or
<svg xmlns="" style="display: none;" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<symbol id="icon-rss" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M101.3 141.6v228.9h0.3 308.4 0.8V141.6H101.3zM375.7 167.8l-119.7 91.5 -119.6-91.5H375.7zM127.6 194.1l64.1 49.1 -64.1 64.1V194.1zM127.8 344.2l84.9-84.9 43.2 33.1 43-32.9 84.7 84.7L127.8 344.2 127.8 344.2zM384.4 307.8l-64.4-64.4 64.4-49.3V307.8z" />
Replace SVG symbol id
by yourself (above is icon-rss
Add this code into layouts/partials/svg-icons.html
Call icon name by SVG symbol id
at you define above follow this syntax:
<svg fill="currentColor"><use xlink:href="#icon-rss" /></svg>
Example for icon on layouts/partials/social.html
Use yarn to install and run script instead of npm
, some people got problem when using npm
(but not with yarn
yarn install
yarn watch
Take a look at exampleSite - config.toml, and replace config value by your own:
# Base config for your site
baseURL = "http://localhost:1313/" # Your domain
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Hugo LAMP" # Default site title
theme = "hugo-lamp"
googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X" # Google Analytics UA number
name = "Hugo"
weight = 1
identifier = "hugo"
url = "/hugo/"
name = "AMP Project"
weight = 2
identifier = "amp"
url = "/amp/"
name = "Tags"
weight = 3
identifier = "tags"
url = "/tags/"
For more details, take a look on official document for taxonomies
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
subtitle = "Light responsive AMP theme"
author = "Huy Nguyen" # Your name
logo = "/img/avatar.jpg" # Logo
description = "A light responsive Hugo AMP theme for blogger" # Meta description tag
paginate = 10
# SEO configs
seotitle = "Hugo Blog Title (SEO Version)" # Overwrite site title for SEO purpose
googleSiteVerification = "google_site_verification_code" # Google Webmaster
msValidate = "bing_site_verification_code" # Bing Webmaster
Currently only support Google Adsense as usual, maybe implement amp-auto-ads for future.
# Google Adsense
adsensePublisher = "ca-pub-XXX" # Required if you want to include Google Adsense
adsenseSlot = "XXX" # Required slot to display ads
adsenseSlotSticky = "XXX" # Enables sticky ads feature, value maybe the same with adsenseSlot, remove if you don't want display sticky ads
# Social networks
email = ""
github = "github_username"
twitter = "twitter_username"
linkedin = "linkedin_username"
facebook = "facebook_username"
google = "googleplus_id_number"
instagram = "instagram_username"
youtube = "youtube_username"
dribbble = "dribbble_username"
Social Networks & Connections