@@ -0,0 +1,1635 @@
+ * http://suyati.github.io/line-control
+ * LineControl 1.1.0
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Suyati Technologies
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+(function( $ ){
+ var editorObj;
+ var methods = {
+ saveSelection: function() {
+ //Function to save the text selection range from the editor
+ $(this).data('editor').focus();
+ if (window.getSelection) {
+ sel = window.getSelection();
+ if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
+ $(this).data('currentRange', sel.getRangeAt(0));
+ }
+ } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
+ $(this).data('currentRange',document.selection.createRange());
+ }
+ else
+ $(this).data('currentRange', null);
+ },
+ restoreSelection: function(text,mode) {
+ //Function to restore the text selection range from the editor
+ var node;
+ typeof text !== 'undefined' ? text : false;
+ typeof mode !== 'undefined' ? mode : "";
+ var range = $(this).data('currentRange');
+ if (range) {
+ if (window.getSelection) {
+ if(text){
+ range.deleteContents();
+ if(mode=="html")
+ {
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.innerHTML = text;
+ var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode;
+ while ( (node = el.firstChild) ) {
+ lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ range.insertNode(frag);
+ }
+ else
+ range.insertNode( document.createTextNode(text) );
+ }
+ sel = window.getSelection();
+ sel.removeAllRanges();
+ sel.addRange(range);
+ }
+ else if (document.selection && range.select) {
+ range.select();
+ if(text)
+ {
+ if(mode=="html")
+ range.pasteHTML(text);
+ else
+ range.text = text;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ restoreIESelection:function() {
+ //Function to restore the text selection range from the editor in IE
+ var range = $(this).data('currentRange');
+ if (range) {
+ if (window.getSelection) {
+ sel = window.getSelection();
+ sel.removeAllRanges();
+ sel.addRange(range);
+ } else if (document.selection && range.select) {
+ range.select();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ insertTextAtSelection:function(text,mode) {
+ var sel, range, node ;
+ typeof mode !== 'undefined' ? mode : "";
+ if (window.getSelection) {
+ sel = window.getSelection();
+ if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
+ range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
+ range.deleteContents();
+ var textNode = document.createTextNode(text);
+ if(mode=="html")
+ {
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.innerHTML = text;
+ var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode;
+ while ( (node = el.firstChild) ) {
+ lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ range.insertNode(frag);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ range.insertNode(textNode);
+ range.selectNode(textNode);
+ }
+ sel.removeAllRanges();
+ range = range.cloneRange();
+ range.collapse(false);
+ sel.addRange(range);
+ }
+ } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
+ range = document.selection.createRange();
+ range.pasteHTML(text);
+ range.select();
+ }
+ },
+ imageWidget: function(){
+ //Class for Widget Handling the upload of Files
+ var _idSuffix = this.attr("id");
+ var row = $('<div/>',{
+ "class":"row"
+ }).append($('<div/>',{
+ id :"imgErrMsg_" + _idSuffix
+ }));
+ var container = $('<div/>',{'class':"tabbable tabs-left"});
+ var navTabs = $('<ul/>',
+ { class: "nav nav-tabs"
+ }).append($('<li/>',
+ { class:"active"
+ }).append($('<a/>',{
+ "href":"#uploadImageBar_" + _idSuffix,
+ "data-toggle":"tab"
+ }).html("From Computer")
+ )).append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{
+ "href":"#imageFromLinkBar_" + _idSuffix,
+ "data-toggle":"tab"
+ }).html("From URL")));
+ var tabContent = $("<div/>", {class:"tab-content"});
+ var uploadImageBar = $("<div/>",{
+ id: "uploadImageBar_" + _idSuffix,
+ class: "tab-pane active"
+ });
+ handleFileSelect = function(evt) {
+ var files = evt.target.files; // FileList object
+ var output = [];
+ for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) {
+ //Loop thorugh all the files
+ if(!f.type.match('image.*') || !f.name.match(/(?:gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/)){ //Process only Images
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["imgErrMsg_" + _idSuffix,"Invalid file type"]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = (function(imageFile){
+ return function(e){
+ //Render Thumnails
+ var li = $('<li/>',{class:"col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3"});
+ var a = $('<a/>',{
+ href:"javascript:void(0)",
+ class:"thumbnail"
+ });
+ var image = $('<img/>',{
+ src:e.target.result,
+ title:escape(imageFile.name)
+ }).appendTo(a).click(function(){
+ $('#imageList_' + _idSuffix).data('current', $(this).attr('src'));
+ });
+ li.append(a).appendTo($('#imageList_' + _idSuffix));
+ }
+ })(f);
+ reader.readAsDataURL(f);
+ }
+ }
+ var chooseFromLocal = $('<input/>',{
+ type: "file",
+ class:"inline-form-control",
+ multiple: "multiple"
+ });
+ chooseFromLocal.on('change', handleFileSelect);
+ uploadImageBar.append(chooseFromLocal);
+ var imageFromLinkBar = $("<div/>",{
+ id: "imageFromLinkBar_" + _idSuffix,
+ class: "tab-pane"
+ });
+ var getImageURL = $("<div/>", {class:"input-group"});
+ var imageURL = $('<input/>',{
+ type: "url",
+ class:'form-control',
+ id:"imageURL_" + _idSuffix,
+ placeholder: "Enter URL"
+ }).appendTo(getImageURL);
+ var getURL = $("<button/>",{
+ class:"btn btn-success",
+ type:"button"
+ }).html("Go!").click(function(){
+ var url = $('#imageURL_' + _idSuffix).val();
+ if(url ==''){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["imgErrMsg_" + _idSuffix,"Please enter image url"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ var li = $('<li/>',{class:"span6 col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3"});
+ var a = $('<a/>',{
+ href:"javascript:void(0)",
+ class:"thumbnail"
+ });
+ var image = $('<img/>',{
+ src:url,
+ }).error(function(){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["imgErrMsg_" + _idSuffix,"Invalid image url"]);
+ return false;
+ }).load( function() { $(this).appendTo(a).click(function(){
+ $('#imageList_' + _idSuffix).data('current', $(this).attr('src'));
+ });
+ li.append(a).appendTo($('#imageList_' + _idSuffix));
+ });
+ }).appendTo($("<span/>", {class:"input-group-btn form-control-button-right"}).appendTo(getImageURL));
+ imageFromLinkBar.append(getImageURL);
+ tabContent.append(uploadImageBar).append(imageFromLinkBar);
+ container.append(navTabs).append(tabContent);
+ var imageListContainer = $("<div/>",{'class': 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12'});
+ var imageList = $('<ul/>',{"class":"thumbnails padding-top list-unstyled",
+ "id": 'imageList_' + _idSuffix
+ }).appendTo(imageListContainer);
+ row.append(container).append(imageListContainer);
+ return row;
+ },
+ tableWidget: function(mode){
+ //Function to generate the table input form
+ var idExtn = "_" + $(this).attr("id");
+ if (typeof mode!=='undefined') {
+ idExtn = "_" + editorObj.attr("id") + "_Edt";
+ }
+ var tblCntr = $('<div/>',{ //Outer Container Div
+ class:"row-fluid"
+ }).append($('<div/>',{ //Err Message Div
+ id :"tblErrMsg"+idExtn
+ })).append($('<form/>',{ //Form
+ id:"tblForm"+idExtn
+ }).append($('<div/>',{ //Inner Container Div
+ class:"row"
+ }).append($('<div/>',{ //Left input Container Div
+ id :"tblInputsLeft"+idExtn,
+ class:"col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6"
+ }).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblRows"+idExtn, text:"Rows"}
+ )).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"tblRows"+idExtn,
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-width",
+ value:2
+ })).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblColumns"+idExtn, text:"Columns"}
+ )).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"tblColumns"+idExtn,
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-width",
+ value:2
+ })).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblWidth"+idExtn, text:"Width"}
+ )).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"tblWidth"+idExtn,
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-width",
+ value:400
+ })).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblHeight"+idExtn, text:"Height"}
+ )).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"tblHeight"+idExtn,
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-width",
+ }))
+ ).append($('<div/>',{ //Right input Container Div
+ id :"tblInputsRight"+idExtn,
+ class:"col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6"
+ }).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblAlign"+idExtn, text:"Alignment"}
+ )).append($('<select/>',{ id:"tblAlign"+idExtn, class:"form-control form-control-width"}
+ ).append($('<option/>',{ text:"Choose", value:""}
+ )).append($('<option/>',{ text:"Left", value:"left"}
+ )).append($('<option/>',{ text:"Center", value:"center"}
+ )).append($('<option/>',{ text:"Right", value:"right"}))
+ ).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblBorder"+idExtn, text:"Border size"}
+ )).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"tblBorder"+idExtn,
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-width",
+ value:1
+ })).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblCellspacing"+idExtn, text:"Cell spacing"}
+ )).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"tblCellspacing"+idExtn,
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-width",
+ value:1
+ })).append($('<label/>',{ for:"tblCellpadding"+idExtn, text:"Cell padding"}
+ )).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"tblCellpadding"+idExtn,
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-width",
+ value:1
+ }))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ return tblCntr;
+ },
+ imageAttributeWidget: function(){
+ var edtTablecntr=$('<div/>',{
+ class:"row-fluid"}
+ ).append($('<div/>',{ //Err Message Div
+ id :"imageErrMsg"
+ })).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"imgAlt",
+ type:"text",
+ class:"form-control form-control-link ",
+ placeholder:"Alt Text",
+ })).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"imgTarget",
+ class:"form-control form-control-link ",
+ type:"text",
+ placeholder:"Link Target"
+ })).append($('<input/>',{
+ id:"imgHidden",
+ type:"hidden"
+ }))
+ return edtTablecntr;
+ },
+ getHTMLTable: function(tblRows,tblColumns,attributes){
+ //Function to generate html table. Supplied arguments: tablerows-no.of rows, no.of columns, table attributes.
+ var tableElement = $('<table/>',{ class:"table" });
+ for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++){
+ if(attributes[i].value!=''){
+ if(attributes[i].attribute=="width" || attributes[i].attribute=="height")
+ tableElement.css(attributes[i].attribute,attributes[i].value);
+ else
+ tableElement.attr(attributes[i].attribute,attributes[i].value);
+ }
+ }
+ for(var i=1; i<=tblRows; i++){
+ var tblRow = $('<tr/>');
+ for(var j=1; j<=tblColumns; j++){
+ var tblColumn = $('<td/>').html(' ');
+ tblColumn.appendTo(tblRow);
+ }
+ tblRow.appendTo(tableElement);
+ }
+ return tableElement;
+ },
+ init : function( options )
+ {
+ if ($(this).attr("id") === undefined || $(this).attr("id") === "") {
+ $(this).attr("id", Date.now());
+ }
+ var fonts = { "Sans serif" : "arial,helvetica,sans-serif",
+ "Serif" : "times new roman,serif",
+ "Wide" : "arial black,sans-serif",
+ "Narrow" : "arial narrow,sans-serif",
+ "Comic Sans MS": "comic sans ms,sans-serif",
+ "Courier New" : "courier new,monospace",
+ "Garamond" : "garamond,serif",
+ "Georgia" : "georgia,serif",
+ "Tahoma" : "tahoma,sans-serif",
+ "Trebuchet MS" : "trebuchet ms,sans-serif",
+ "Verdana" : "verdana,sans-serif"};
+ var styles = { "Heading 1":"<h1>",
+ "Heading 2":"<h2>",
+ "Heading 3":"<h3>",
+ "Heading 4":"<h4>",
+ "Heading 5":"<h5>",
+ "Heading 6":"<h6>",
+ "Paragraph":"<p>" };
+ var fontsizes = { "Small" :"2",
+ "Normal":"3",
+ "Medium":"4",
+ "Large" :"5",
+ "Huge" :"6" };
+ var colors = [ { name: 'Black', hex: '#000000' },
+ { name: 'MediumBlack', hex: '#444444' },
+ { name: 'LightBlack', hex: '#666666' },
+ { name: 'DimBlack', hex: '#999999' },
+ { name: 'Gray', hex: '#CCCCCC' },
+ { name: 'DimGray', hex: '#EEEEEE' },
+ { name: 'LightGray', hex: '#F3F3F3' },
+ { name: 'White', hex: '#FFFFFF' },
+ { name: 'libreak', hex: null },
+ { name: 'Red', hex: '#FF0000' },
+ { name: 'Orange', hex: '#FF9900' },
+ { name: 'Yellow', hex: '#FFFF00' },
+ { name: 'Lime', hex: '#00FF00' },
+ { name: 'Cyan', hex: '#00FFFF' },
+ { name: 'Blue', hex: '#0000FF' },
+ { name: 'BlueViolet', hex: '#8A2BE2' },
+ { name: 'Magenta', hex: '#FF00FF' },
+ { name: 'libreak', hex: null },
+ { name: 'LightPink', hex: '#FFB6C1'},
+ { name: 'Bisque', hex: '#FCE5CD'},
+ { name: 'BlanchedAlmond', hex: '#FFF2CC'},
+ { name: 'LightLime', hex: '#D9EAD3'},
+ { name: 'LightCyan', hex: '#D0E0E3'},
+ { name: 'AliceBlue', hex: '#CFE2F3'},
+ { name: 'Lavender', hex: '#D9D2E9'},
+ { name: 'Thistle', hex: '#EAD1DC'},
+ { name: 'LightCoral', hex: '#EA9999' },
+ { name: 'Wheat', hex: '#F9CB9C' },
+ { name: 'NavajoWhite', hex: '#FFE599' },
+ { name: 'DarkSeaGreen', hex: '#B6D7A8' },
+ { name: 'LightBlue', hex: '#A2C4C9' },
+ { name: 'SkyBlue', hex: '#9FC5E8' },
+ { name: 'LightPurple', hex: '#B4A7D6' },
+ { name: 'PaleVioletRed', hex: '#D5A6BD' },
+ { name: 'IndianRed', hex: '#E06666' },
+ { name: 'LightSandyBrown', hex: '#F6B26B' },
+ { name: 'Khaki', hex: '#FFD966' },
+ { name: 'YellowGreen', hex: '#93C47D' },
+ { name: 'CadetBlue', hex: '#76A5AF' },
+ { name: 'DeepSkyBlue', hex: '#6FA8DC' },
+ { name: 'MediumPurple', hex: '#8E7CC3' },
+ { name: 'MediumVioletRed', hex: '#C27BA0' },
+ { name: 'Crimson', hex: '#CC0000' },
+ { name: 'SandyBrown', hex: '#E69138' },
+ { name: 'Gold', hex: '#F1C232' },
+ { name: 'MediumSeaGreen', hex: '#6AA84F' },
+ { name: 'Teal', hex: '#45818E' },
+ { name: 'SteelBlue', hex: '#3D85C6' },
+ { name: 'SlateBlue', hex: '#674EA7' },
+ { name: 'VioletRed', hex: '#A64D79' },
+ { name: 'Brown', hex: '#990000' },
+ { name: 'Chocolate', hex: '#B45F06' },
+ { name: 'GoldenRod', hex: '#BF9000' },
+ { name: 'Green', hex: '#38761D' },
+ { name: 'SlateGray', hex: '#134F5C' },
+ { name: 'RoyalBlue', hex: '#0B5394' },
+ { name: 'Indigo', hex: '#351C75' },
+ { name: 'Maroon', hex: '#741B47' },
+ { name: 'DarkRed', hex: '#660000' },
+ { name: 'SaddleBrown', hex: '#783F04' },
+ { name: 'DarkGoldenRod', hex: '#7F6000' },
+ { name: 'DarkGreen', hex: '#274E13' },
+ { name: 'DarkSlateGray', hex: '#0C343D' },
+ { name: 'Navy', hex: '#073763' },
+ { name: 'MidnightBlue', hex: '#20124D' },
+ { name: 'DarkMaroon', hex: '#4C1130' } ];
+ var specialchars = [{ name:"Exclamation ", text:"!"},
+ { name:"At", text:"@"},
+ { name:"Hash", text:"#"},
+ { name:"Percentage", text:"%"},
+ { name:"Uppercase", text:"^"},
+ { name:"Ampersand", text:"&"},
+ { name:"Asterisk", text:"*"},
+ { name:"OpenBracket", text:"("},
+ { name:"CloseBracket", text:")"},
+ { name:"Underscore", text:"_"},
+ { name:"Hiphen", text:"-"},
+ { name:"Plus", text:"+"},
+ { name:"Equalto", text:"="},
+ { name:"OpenSquareBracket", text:"["},
+ { name:"CloseSquareBracket", text:"]"},
+ { name:"OpenCurly", text:"{"},
+ { name:"CloseCurly", text:"}"},
+ { name:"Pipe", text:"|"},
+ { name:"Colon", text:":"},
+ { name:"Semicolon", text:";"},
+ { name:"Single quote", text:"'"},
+ { name:"Double quote", text:"""},
+ { name:"Left single curly quote", text:"‘"},
+ { name:"right single curly quote", text:"’"},
+ { name:"Forward-slash", text:"/"},
+ { name:"Back-slash", text:"\"},
+ { name:"LessThan", text:"<"},
+ { name:"GreaterThan", text:">"},
+ { name:"QuestionMark", text:"?"},
+ { name:"Tilda", text:"~"},
+ { name:"Grave accent", text:"`"},
+ { name:"Micron", text:"µ"},
+ { name:"Paragraph sign", text:"¶"},
+ { name:"Plus/minus", text:"±"},
+ { name:"Trademark", text:"™"},
+ { name:"Copyright", text:"©"},
+ { name:"Registered", text:"®"},
+ { name:"Section", text:"§"},
+ { name:"right double angle quotes", text:"»"},
+ { name:"fraction one quarter", text:"¼"},
+ { name:"fraction one half", text:"½"},
+ { name:"fraction three quarters", text:"¾"},
+ { name:"Dollar", text:"$"},
+ { name:"Euro", text:"€"},
+ { name:"Pound", text:"£"},
+ { name:"Yen", text:"¥"},
+ { name:"Cent", text:"¢"},
+ { name:"IndianRupee", text:"₹"},];
+ var menuItems = { 'fonteffects': true,
+ 'texteffects': true,
+ 'aligneffects': true,
+ 'textformats':true,
+ 'actions' : true,
+ 'insertoptions' : true,
+ 'extraeffects' : true,
+ 'advancedoptions' : true,
+ 'screeneffects':true,
+ 'fonts' : { "select":true,
+ "default": "Font",
+ "tooltip": "Fonts",
+ "commandname": "fontName",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'styles' : { "select":true,
+ "default": "Formatting",
+ "tooltip": "Paragraph Format",
+ "commandname": "formatBlock",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'font_size': { "select":true,
+ "default": "Font size",
+ "tooltip": "Font Size",
+ "commandname":"fontSize",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'color' : { "text":"A",
+ "icon": "fa fa-font",
+ "tooltip": "Text/Background Color",
+ "commandname":null,
+ "custom":function(button){
+ var editor = $(this);
+ var flag = 0;
+ var paletteCntr = $('<div/>',{id:"paletteCntr",class:"activeColour", css :{"display":"none","width":"335px"}}).click(function(event){event.stopPropagation();});
+ var paletteDiv = $('<div/>',{id:"colorpellete"});
+ var palette = $('<ul />',{id:"color_ui"}).append($('<li />').css({"width":"145px","display":"Block","height":"25px"}).html('<div>Text Color</div>'));
+ var bgPalletteDiv = $('<div/>',{id:"bg_colorpellete"});
+ var bgPallette = $('<ul />',{id:"bgcolor_ui"}).append($('<li />').css({"width":"145px","display":"Block","height":"25px"}).html('<div>Background Color</div>'));
+ if(editor.data("colorBtn")){
+ flag = 1;
+ editor.data("colorBtn",null);
+ }
+ else
+ editor.data("colorBtn",1);
+ if(flag==0){
+ for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++){
+ if(colors[i].hex!=null){
+ palette.append($('<li />').css('background-color', colors[i].hex).mousedown(function(event){ event.preventDefault();}).click(function(){
+ var hexcolor = methods.rgbToHex.apply(this,[$(this).css('background-color')]);
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(this);
+ methods.setStyleWithCSS.apply(this);
+ document.execCommand('forecolor',false,hexcolor);
+ $('#paletteCntr').remove();
+ editor.data("colorBtn",null);
+ }));
+ bgPallette.append($('<li />').css('background-color', colors[i].hex).mousedown(function(event){ event.preventDefault();}).click(function(){
+ var hexcolor = methods.rgbToHex.apply(this,[$(this).css('background-color')]);
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(this);
+ methods.setStyleWithCSS.apply(this);
+ document.execCommand('backColor',false,hexcolor);
+ $('#paletteCntr').remove();
+ editor.data("colorBtn",null);
+ }));
+ }
+ else{
+ palette.append($('<li />').css({"width":"145px","display":"Block","height":"5px"}));
+ bgPallette.append($('<li />').css({"width":"145px","display":"Block","height":"5px"}));
+ }
+ }
+ palette.appendTo(paletteDiv);
+ bgPallette.appendTo(bgPalletteDiv);
+ paletteDiv.appendTo(paletteCntr);
+ bgPalletteDiv.appendTo(paletteCntr)
+ paletteCntr.insertAfter(button);
+ $('#paletteCntr').slideDown('slow');
+ }
+ else
+ $('#paletteCntr').remove();
+ }},
+ 'bold' : { "text": "B",
+ "icon": "fa fa-bold",
+ "tooltip": "Bold",
+ "commandname":"bold",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'italics' : { "text":"I",
+ "icon":"fa fa-italic",
+ "tooltip":"Italics",
+ "commandname":"italic",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'underline': { "text":"U",
+ "icon":"fa fa-underline",
+ "tooltip":"Underline",
+ "commandname":"underline",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'strikeout': { "text": "Strikeout",
+ "icon":"fa fa-strikethrough",
+ "tooltip": "Strike Through",
+ "commandname":"strikeThrough",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'ol' : { "text": "N",
+ "icon": "fa fa-list-ol",
+ "tooltip": "Insert/Remove Numbered List",
+ "commandname":"insertorderedlist",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'ul' : { "text": "Bullet",
+ "icon": "fa fa-list-ul",
+ "tooltip": "Insert/Remove Bulleted List",
+ "commandname":"insertunorderedlist",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'undo' : { "text": "undo",
+ "icon": "fa fa-undo",
+ "tooltip": "Undo",
+ "commandname":"undo",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'redo' : { "text": "redo",
+ "icon": "fa fa-repeat",
+ "tooltip": "Redo",
+ "commandname":"redo",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'l_align' : { "text": "leftalign",
+ "icon": "fa fa-align-left",
+ "tooltip": "Align Left",
+ "commandname":"justifyleft",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'r_align' : { "text": "rightalign",
+ "icon": "fa fa-align-right",
+ "tooltip": "Align Right",
+ "commandname":"justifyright",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'c_align' : { "text": "centeralign",
+ "icon": "fa fa-align-center",
+ "tooltip": "Align Center",
+ "commandname":"justifycenter",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'justify' : { "text": "justify",
+ "icon": "fa fa-align-justify",
+ "tooltip": "Justify",
+ "commandname":"justifyfull",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'unlink' : { "text": "Unlink",
+ "icon": "fa fa-unlink",
+ "tooltip": "Unlink",
+ "commandname":"unlink",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'insert_link': { "modal": true,
+ "modalId": "InsertLink_" + $(this).attr("id"),
+ "icon":"fa fa-link",
+ "tooltip": "Insert Link",
+ "modalHeader": "Insert Hyperlink",
+ "modalBody": $('<div/>',{ class:"form-group"
+ }).append($('<div/>',{
+ id :"errMsg_" + $(this).attr("id")
+ })).append($('<input/>',{
+ type:"text",
+ id:"inputText_" + $(this).attr("id"),
+ class:"form-control form-control-link ",
+ placeholder:"Text to Display",
+ })).append($('<input/>',{
+ type:"text",
+ id:"inputUrl_" + $(this).attr("id"),
+ required:true,
+ class:"form-control form-control-link",
+ placeholder:"Enter URL"
+ })),
+ "beforeLoad":function(){
+ editorObj = this;
+ var _idSuffix = "_" + this.attr("id");
+ $('#inputText' + _idSuffix);
+ $('#inputUrl' + _idSuffix);
+ $(".alert").alert("close");
+ if($(editorObj).data('currentRange')!=''){
+ $('#inputText_' + _idSuffix).val($(editorObj).data('currentRange'));
+ }
+ },
+ "onSave":function(){
+ var urlPattern = /(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+([\w.,@?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&\/~+#-])?/;
+ var _idSuffix = "_" + editorObj.attr("id");
+ var targetText = $('#inputText' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var targetURL = $('#inputUrl' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var range = $(editorObj).data('currentRange');
+ if(targetURL ==''){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(editorObj,["errMsg","Please enter url"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!targetURL.match(urlPattern)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(editorObj,["errMsg","Enter valid url"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(range=='' && targetText==''){
+ targetText =targetURL;
+ }
+ if(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows NT.*Trident\//)){
+ var targetLink='<a href="'+targetURL+'" target="_blank">'+targetText+'</a>';
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(editorObj,[targetLink,'html']);
+ }
+ else{
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(editorObj, [targetText]);
+ document.execCommand('createLink',false,targetURL);
+ }
+ $(editorObj).data("editor").find('a[href="'+targetURL+'"]').each(function(){ $(this).attr("target", "_blank"); });
+ $(".alert").alert("close");
+ $("#InsertLink" + _idSuffix).modal("hide");
+ $(editorObj).data("editor").focus();
+ return false;
+ }},
+ 'insert_img' : { "modal": true,
+ "modalId": "InsertImage_" + $(this).attr("id"),
+ "icon":"fa fa-picture-o",
+ "tooltip": "Insert Image",
+ "modalHeader": "Insert Image",
+ "modalBody": methods.imageWidget.apply(this),
+ "beforeLoad":function(){
+ editorObj = this;
+ var _idSuffix = editorObj.attr("id");
+ $('#imageURL_' + _idSuffix).val("");
+ $("#uploadImageBar_" + _idSuffix + " :input").val("");
+ $('#imageList_' + _idSuffix).data('current',"");
+ },
+ "onSave": function(){
+ var _idSuffix = "_" + editorObj.attr("id");
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(this);
+ if($('#imageList' + _idSuffix).data('current')){
+ if(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows NT.*Trident\//)){
+ var imageStr = '<img src="'+$('#imageList' + _idSuffix).data('current')+'"/>'
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(this,[imageStr,'html'])
+ }
+ else{
+ document.execCommand('insertimage', false, $('#imageList' + _idSuffix).data('current'));
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["imgErrMsg" + _idSuffix,"Please select an image"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $("#InsertImage" + _idSuffix).modal("hide");
+ $(this).data("editor").focus();
+ }},
+ 'insert_table' : { "modal": true,
+ "modalId": "InsertTable_" + $(this).attr("id"),
+ "icon":"fa fa-table",
+ "tooltip": "Insert Table",
+ "modalHeader": "Insert Table",
+ "modalBody":methods.tableWidget.apply(this),
+ "beforeLoad":function(){
+ editorObj = this;
+ $('#tblForm_' + editorObj.attr("id")).each (function(){ this.reset(); });
+ },
+ "onSave": function(){
+ _idSuffix = "_" + editorObj.attr("id");
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(this);
+ var tblRows = $('#tblRows' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblColumns = $('#tblColumns' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblWidth = $('#tblWidth' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblHeight = $('#tblHeight' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblAlign = $('#tblAlign' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblBorder = $('#tblBorder' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblCellspacing = $('#tblCellspacing' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblCellpadding = $('#tblCellpadding' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var intReg = /^[0-9]+$/;
+ var cssReg = /^auto$|^[+-]?[0-9]+\.?([0-9]+)?(px|em|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)?$/ig;
+ var numReg = /^[0-9]+\.?([0-9])?$/;
+ if(!tblRows.match(intReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsg","Rows must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!tblColumns.match(intReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsg","Columns must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblWidth!="" && !tblWidth.match(cssReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsg","Please enter positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px,em,ex,%,in,cm,mm,pt,pc)"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblHeight!="" && !tblHeight.match(cssReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsg","Please enter positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px,em,ex,%,in,cm,mm,pt,pc)"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblBorder!="" && !tblBorder.match(numReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsg","Border size must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblCellspacing!="" && !tblCellspacing.match(numReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsg","Cell spacing must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblCellpadding!="" && !tblCellpadding.match(numReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsg","Cell padding must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ var htmlTableCntr = $('<div/>');
+ var tblAttributes = [
+ {attribute:"align",value:tblAlign},
+ {attribute:"border",value:tblBorder},
+ {attribute:"cellspacing",value:tblCellspacing},
+ {attribute:"cellpadding",value:tblCellpadding},
+ {attribute:"width",value:tblWidth},
+ {attribute:"height",value:tblHeight},
+ ];
+ var htmlTable = methods.getHTMLTable.apply(this, [tblRows, tblColumns, tblAttributes]);
+ htmlTable.appendTo(htmlTableCntr);
+ if(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows NT.*Trident\//))
+ methods.restoreSelection.apply(this,[htmlTableCntr.html(),'html']);
+ else
+ document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, htmlTableCntr.html());
+ $("#InsertTable" + _idSuffix).modal("hide");
+ $(this).data("editor").focus();
+ }},
+ 'hr_line' : { "text": "HR",
+ "icon":"fa fa-minus",
+ "tooltip": "Horizontal Rule",
+ "commandname":"insertHorizontalRule",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'block_quote': { "text": "Block Quote",
+ "icon":"fa fa-quote-right",
+ "tooltip": "Block Quote",
+ "commandname":null,
+ "custom":function(){
+ methods.setStyleWithCSS.apply(this);
+ if(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows NT.*Trident\//)){
+ document.execCommand('indent', false, null);
+ }
+ else{
+ document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '<blockquote>');
+ }
+ }},
+ 'indent' : { "text": "Indent",
+ "icon":"fa fa-indent",
+ "tooltip": "Increase Indent",
+ "commandname":"indent",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'outdent' : { "text": "Outdent",
+ "icon":"fa fa-outdent",
+ "tooltip": "Decrease Indent",
+ "commandname":"outdent",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'print' : { "text": "Print",
+ "icon":"fa fa-print",
+ "tooltip": "Print",
+ "commandname":null,
+ "custom":function(){
+ oDoc = $(this).data("editor");
+ var oPrntWin = window.open("","_blank","width=450,height=470,left=400,top=100,menubar=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes");
+ oPrntWin.document.open();
+ oPrntWin.document.write("<!doctype html><html><head><title>Print</title></head><body onload=\"print();\">" + oDoc.html() + "</body></html>");
+ oPrntWin.document.close();
+ }},
+ 'rm_format' : { "text": "Remove format",
+ "icon":"fa fa-eraser",
+ "tooltip": "Remove Formatting",
+ "commandname":"removeformat",
+ "custom":null },
+ 'select_all': { "text": "Select all",
+ "icon":"fa fa-file-text",
+ "tooltip": "Select All",
+ "commandname":null,
+ "custom":function(){
+ document.execCommand("selectall", null, null);
+ }},
+ 'togglescreen':{ "text": "Toggle Screen",
+ "icon": "fa fa-arrows-alt",
+ "tooltip": "Toggle Screen",
+ "commandname":null,
+ "custom":function(button, parameters){
+ $(this).data("editor").parent().toggleClass('fullscreen');
+ var statusdBarHeight=0;
+ if($(this).data("statusBar").length)
+ {
+ statusdBarHeight = $(this).data("statusBar").height();
+ }
+ if($(this).data("editor").parent().hasClass('fullscreen'))
+ $(this).data("editor").css({"height":$(this).data("editor").parent().height()-($(this).data("menuBar").height()+statusdBarHeight)-13});
+ else
+ $(this).data("editor").css({"height":""});
+ }},
+ 'splchars' : { "text": "S",
+ "icon": "fa fa-asterisk",
+ "tooltip": "Insert Special Character",
+ "commandname":null,
+ "custom":function(button){
+ methods.restoreIESelection.apply(this);
+ var flag =0;
+ var splCharDiv = $('<div/>',{id:"specialchar", class:"specialCntr", css :{"display":"none"}}).click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation();});
+ var splCharUi = $('<ul />',{id:"special_ui"});
+ var editor_Content = this;
+ if($(this).data("editor").data("splcharsBtn")){
+ flag = 1;
+ $(this).data("editor").data("splcharsBtn", null);
+ }
+ else
+ $(this).data("editor").data("splcharsBtn", 1);
+ if(flag==0){
+ for (var i = 0; i < specialchars.length; i++){
+ splCharUi.append($('<li />').html(specialchars[i].text).attr('title',specialchars[i].name).mousedown(function(event){ event.preventDefault();}).click(function(event){
+ if(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows NT.*Trident\//)){
+ var specCharHtml = $(this).html();
+ methods.insertTextAtSelection.apply(this,[specCharHtml,'html']);
+ }
+ else{
+ document.execCommand('insertHTML',false,$(this).html());
+ }
+ $('#specialchar').remove();
+ $(editor_Content).data("editor").data("splcharsBtn", null);
+ }));
+ }
+ splCharUi.prependTo(splCharDiv);
+ splCharDiv.insertAfter(button)
+ $('#specialchar').slideDown('slow');
+ }
+ else
+ $('#specialchar').remove();
+ }},
+ 'source' : { "text": "Source",
+ "icon":"fa fa-code",
+ "tooltip": "Source",
+ "commandname":null,
+ "custom":function(button, params){ methods.getSource.apply(this, [button, params]) } },
+ "params": {"obj":null},
+ };
+ var menuGroups = {'texteffects' : ['bold', 'italics', 'underline', 'color'],
+ 'aligneffects': ['l_align','c_align', 'r_align', 'justify'],
+ 'textformats': ['indent', 'outdent', 'block_quote', 'ol', 'ul'],
+ 'fonteffects' : ['fonts', 'styles', 'font_size'],
+ 'actions' : ['undo', 'redo'],
+ 'insertoptions' : ['insert_link', 'unlink', 'insert_img', 'insert_table'],
+ 'extraeffects' : ['strikeout', 'hr_line', 'splchars'],
+ 'advancedoptions' : ['print', 'rm_format', 'select_all', 'source'],
+ 'screeneffects' : ['togglescreen']
+ };
+ var settings = $.extend({
+ 'texteffects':true,
+ 'aligneffects':true,
+ 'textformats':true,
+ 'fonteffects':true,
+ 'actions' : true,
+ 'insertoptions' : true,
+ 'extraeffects' : true,
+ 'advancedoptions' : true,
+ 'screeneffects':true,
+ 'bold': true,
+ 'italics': true,
+ 'underline':true,
+ 'ol':true,
+ 'ul':true,
+ 'undo':true,
+ 'redo':true,
+ 'l_align':true,
+ 'r_align':true,
+ 'c_align':true,
+ 'justify':true,
+ 'insert_link':true,
+ 'unlink':true,
+ 'insert_img':true,
+ 'hr_line':true,
+ 'block_quote':true,
+ 'source':true,
+ 'strikeout':true,
+ 'indent':true,
+ 'outdent':true,
+ 'fonts':fonts,
+ 'styles':styles,
+ 'print':true,
+ 'rm_format':true,
+ 'status_bar':true,
+ 'font_size':fontsizes,
+ 'color':colors,
+ 'splchars':specialchars,
+ 'insert_table':true,
+ 'select_all':true,
+ 'togglescreen':true
+ },options);
+ var containerDiv = $("<div/>",{ class : "row-fluid Editor-container" });
+ var $this = $(this).hide();
+ $this.after(containerDiv);
+ var menuBar = $( "<div/>",{ id : "menuBarDiv_" + $(this).attr("id"),
+ class : "row-fluid line-control-menu-bar"
+ }).prependTo(containerDiv);
+ var editor = $( "<div/>",{ class : "Editor-editor",
+ css : {overflow: "auto"},
+ contenteditable:"true"
+ }).appendTo(containerDiv);
+ var statusBar = $("<div/>", { id : "statusbar_" + $(this).attr("id"),
+ class: "row-fluid line-control-status-bar",
+ unselectable:"on",
+ }).appendTo(containerDiv);
+ $(this).data("menuBar", menuBar);
+ $(this).data("editor", editor);
+ $(this).data("statusBar", statusBar);
+ var editor_Content = this;
+ if(settings['status_bar']){
+ editor.keyup(function(event){
+ var wordCount = methods.getWordCount.apply(editor_Content);
+ var charCount = methods.getCharCount.apply(editor_Content);
+ $(editor_Content).data("statusBar").html('<div class="label">'+'Words : '+wordCount+'</div>');
+ $(editor_Content).data("statusBar").append('<div class="label">'+'Characters : '+charCount+'</div>');
+ });
+ }
+ for(var item in menuItems){
+ if(!settings[item] ){ //if the display is not set to true for the button in the settings.
+ if(settings[item] in menuGroups){
+ for(var each in menuGroups[item]){
+ settings[each] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(item in menuGroups){
+ var group = $("<div/>",{class:"btn-group"});
+ for(var index=0;index<menuGroups[item].length;index++){
+ var value = menuGroups[item][index];
+ if(settings[value]){
+ var menuItem = methods.createMenuItem.apply(this,[menuItems[value], settings[value], true]);
+ group.append(menuItem);
+ }
+ settings[value] = false;
+ }
+ menuBar.append(group);
+ }
+ else{
+ var menuItem = methods.createMenuItem.apply(this,[menuItems[item], settings[item],true]);
+ menuBar.append(menuItem);
+ }
+ }
+ //For contextmenu
+ $(document.body).mousedown(function(event) {
+ var target = $(event.target);
+ if (!target.parents().andSelf().is('#context-menu')) { // Clicked outside
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ }
+ if (!target.parents().andSelf().is('#specialchar') && (target.closest('a').html()!='<i class="fa fa-asterisk"></i>')) { //Clicked outside
+ if($("#specialchar").is(':visible'))
+ {
+ $(editor_Content).data("editor").data("splcharsBtn", null);
+ $('#specialchar').remove();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!target.parents().andSelf().is('#paletteCntr') && (target.closest('a').html()!='<i class="fa fa-font"></i>')) { //Clicked outside
+ if($("#paletteCntr").is(':visible'))
+ {
+ $(editor_Content).data("editor").data("colorBtn", null);
+ $('#paletteCntr').remove();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ editor.bind("contextmenu", function(e){
+ if($('#context-menu').length)
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ var cMenu = $('<div/>',{id:"context-menu"
+ }).css({position:"absolute", top:e.pageY, left: e.pageX, "z-index":9999
+ }).click(function(event){
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ var cMenuUl = $('<ul/>',{ class:"dropdown-menu on","role":"menu"});
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if($(e.target).is('a')){
+ methods.createOpenLinkContext.apply(this,[e,cMenuUl]);
+ methods.createLinkContext.apply(this,[e,cMenuUl]);
+ cMenuUl.appendTo(cMenu);
+ cMenu.appendTo('body');
+ }
+ else if($(e.target).is('td') || $(e.target).is("th")){
+ methods.createTableContext.apply(this,[e,cMenuUl]);
+ cMenuUl.appendTo(cMenu);
+ cMenu.appendTo('body');
+ }
+ else if($(e.target).is('img')){
+ methods.createImageContext.apply(this,[e,cMenuUl]);
+ cMenuUl.appendTo(cMenu);
+ cMenu.appendTo('body');
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ createLinkContext: function(event,cMenuUl){
+ var cMenuli = $('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{
+ id:"rem_link",
+ "href":"javascript:void(0)",
+ "text":"RemoveLink"
+ }).click(function(e){
+ return function(){
+ $(e.target).contents().unwrap();
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ }}(event)));
+ cMenuli.appendTo(cMenuUl);
+ },
+ createOpenLinkContext: function(event,cMenuUl){
+ var cMenulia = $('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{
+ id:"open_link",
+ "text":"OpenLink"
+ }).click(function(e){
+ return function(){
+ window.open(e.target.getAttribute('href'), '_blank');
+ }}(event)));
+ cMenulia.appendTo(cMenuUl);
+ },
+ createImageContext: function(event,cMenuUl){
+ var cModalId="imgAttribute";
+ var cModalHeader="Image Attributes";
+ var imgModalBody=methods.imageAttributeWidget.apply(this,["edit"]);
+ var onSave = function(){
+ var urlPattern = /(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+([\w.,@?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&\/~+#-])?/;
+ var imageAlt = $('#imgAlt').val();
+ var imageTarget = $('#imgTarget').val();
+ if(imageAlt==""){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["imageErrMsg","Please enter image alternative text"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(imageTarget!=""&& !imageTarget.match(urlPattern)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["imageErrMsg","Please enter valid url"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if($("#imgHidden").val()!=""){
+ var imgId = $("#imgHidden").val();
+ $("#"+imgId).attr('alt',imageAlt);
+ if(imageTarget!="")
+ {
+ if($("#wrap_"+imgId).length)
+ $("#wrap_"+imgId).attr("href",imageTarget);
+ else
+ $("#"+imgId).wrap($('<a/>',{ id:"wrap_"+imgId,href:imageTarget,target:"_blank"}));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($("#wrap_"+imgId).length)
+ $("#"+imgId).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ $("#imgAttribute").modal("hide");
+ editorObj.data("editor").focus();
+ };
+ methods.createModal.apply(this,[cModalId,cModalHeader, imgModalBody, onSave]);
+ var modalTrigger = $('<a/>',{ href:"#"+cModalId,
+ "text":"Image Attributes",
+ "data-toggle":"modal"
+ }).click( function(e){
+ return function(){
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ var stamp = (new Date).getTime();
+ $('#imgAlt').val($(e.target).closest("img").attr("alt"));
+ $('#imgTarget').val('');
+ if(typeof $(e.target).closest("img").attr("id")!=="undefined"){
+ var identifier = $(e.target).closest("img").attr("id");
+ $('#imgHidden').val(identifier);
+ if($('#wrap_'+identifier).length)
+ $('#imgTarget').val($('#wrap_'+identifier).attr("href"));
+ else
+ $('#imgTarget').val('');
+ }
+ else{
+ $(e.target).closest("img").attr("id","img_"+stamp)
+ $('#imgHidden').val("img_"+stamp);
+ }
+ }}(event));
+ cMenuUl.append($('<li/>').append(modalTrigger))
+ .append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{text:"Remove Image"}).click(
+ function(e) { return function(){
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ $(e.target).closest("img").remove();
+ }}(event))));
+ },
+ createTableContext: function(event,cMenuUl){
+ var _idSuffix = "_" + editorObj.attr("id") + "_Edt";
+ var modalId="editProperties_" + editorObj.attr("id");
+ $("#" + modalId).remove();
+ var modalHeader="Table Properties";
+ var tblModalBody= methods.tableWidget.apply(this,["edit"]);
+ var onSave = function(){
+ var tblWidthEdt = $('#tblWidth' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblHeightEdt = $('#tblHeight' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblBorderEdt = $('#tblBorder' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblAlignEdt = $('#tblAlign' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblCellspacingEdt = $('#tblCellspacing' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblCellpaddingEdt = $('#tblCellpadding' + _idSuffix).val();
+ var tblEdtCssReg = /^auto$|^[+-]?[0-9]+\.?([0-9]+)?(px|em|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)?$/ig;
+ var tblEdtNumReg = /^[0-9]+\.?([0-9])?$/;
+ if(tblWidthEdt!="" && !tblWidthEdt.match(tblEdtCssReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsgEdt","Please enter positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px,em,ex,%,in,cm,mm,pt,pc)"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblHeightEdt!="" && !tblHeightEdt.match(tblEdtCssReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsgEdt","Please enter positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px,em,ex,%,in,cm,mm,pt,pc)"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblBorderEdt!="" && !tblBorderEdt.match(tblEdtNumReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsgEdt","Border size must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblCellspacingEdt!="" && !tblCellspacingEdt.match(tblEdtNumReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsgEdt","Cell spacing must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tblCellpaddingEdt!="" && !tblCellpaddingEdt.match(tblEdtNumReg)){
+ methods.showMessage.apply(this,["tblErrMsgEdt","Cell padding must be a positive number"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $(event.target).closest('table').css('width',tblWidthEdt);
+ if(tblHeightEdt!="")
+ $(event.target).closest('table').css('height',tblHeightEdt);
+ $(event.target).closest('table').attr('align',tblAlignEdt);
+ $(event.target).closest('table').attr('border',tblBorderEdt);
+ $(event.target).closest('table').attr('cellspacing',tblCellspacingEdt);
+ $(event.target).closest('table').attr('cellpadding',tblCellpaddingEdt);
+ $("#" + modalId).modal("hide");
+ editorObj.data("editor").focus();
+ };
+ methods.createModal.apply(this,[modalId,modalHeader, tblModalBody, onSave]);
+ var modalTrigger = $('<a/>',{ href:"#"+modalId,
+ "text":"Table Properties",
+ "data-toggle":"modal"
+ }).click( function(e){ return function(){
+ var _idSuffix = "_" + editorObj.attr("id") + "_Edt";
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ $('#tblRows' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').prop('rows').length);
+ $('#tblColumns' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').find('tr')[0].cells.length);
+ $('#tblRows' + _idSuffix).attr('disabled','disabled');
+ $('#tblColumns' + _idSuffix).attr('disabled','disabled');
+ $('#tblWidth' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').get(0).style.width);
+ $('#tblHeight' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').get(0).style.height);
+ $('#tblAlign' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').attr("align"));
+ $('#tblBorder' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').attr("border"));
+ $('#tblCellspacing' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').attr("cellspacing"));
+ $('#tblCellpadding' + _idSuffix).val($(e.target).closest('table').attr("cellpadding"));
+ }}(event));
+ cMenuUl.append($('<li/>',{class:"dropdown-submenu",css:{display:"block"}})
+ .append($('<a/>',{"tabindex":"-1", href:"javascript:void(0)","text":"Row"}))
+ .append($('<ul/>',{class:"dropdown-menu"})
+ .append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{
+ id:"tbl_addrow",
+ "href":"javascript:void(0)",
+ "text":"Add Row"
+ }).click(function(e){
+ return function(){
+ $("#context-menu").remove();
+ var selectedRow = $(e.target).closest("tr");
+ var newRow = $("<tr/>");
+ selectedRow.children().each(function() {
+ var newColumn = $("<" + $(this).prop("nodeName") + "/>").html(" ");
+ newRow.append(newColumn);
+ });
+ selectedRow.after(newRow);
+ }
+ }(event))))
+ .append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{text:"Remove Row"}).click(
+ function(e) { return function(){
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ $(e.target).closest("tr").remove();
+ }}(event))))
+ )).append($('<li/>',{class:"dropdown-submenu",css:{display:"block"}})
+ .append($('<a/>',{"tabindex":"-1", href:"javascript:void(0)","text":"Column"}))
+ .append($('<ul/>',{class:"dropdown-menu"})
+ .append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{
+ id:"tbl_addcolumn",
+ "href":"javascript:void(0)",
+ "text":"Add Column",
+ }).click(function(e){
+ return function(){
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ var selectedCell = $(e.target);
+ var columnIndex = selectedCell.siblings().addBack().index(selectedCell);
+ selectedCell.closest("table").find("tr").each(function() {
+ var cellInSelectedColumn = $(this).children(":eq(" + columnIndex + ")");
+ var newCell = $("<" + cellInSelectedColumn.prop("nodeName") + "/>").html(" ");
+ cellInSelectedColumn.after(newCell);
+ });
+ }
+ }(event))))
+ .append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{text:"Remove Column"}).click(
+ function(e) { return function(){
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ var selectedCell = $(e.target);
+ var columnIndex = selectedCell.siblings().addBack().index(selectedCell);
+ selectedCell.closest("table").find("tr").each(function() {
+ $(this).children(":eq(" + columnIndex + ")").remove();
+ });
+ }}(event))))
+ ));
+ cMenuUl.append($('<li/>').append(modalTrigger))
+ .append($('<li/>',{class:"divider"}))
+ .append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>',{text:"Remove Table"}).click(
+ function(e){ return function(){
+ $('#context-menu').remove();
+ $(e.target).closest("table").remove();
+ }}(event))));
+ },
+ createModal: function(modalId, modalHeader, modalBody, onSave){
+ //Create a Modal for the button.
+ var modalTrigger = $('<a/>',{ href:"#"+modalId,
+ role:"button",
+ class:"btn btn-default",
+ "data-toggle":"modal"
+ });
+ var modalElement = $('<div/>',{ id: modalId,
+ class: "modal fade",
+ tabindex: "-1",
+ role: "dialog",
+ "aria-labelledby":"h3_"+modalId,
+ "aria-hidden":"true"
+ }).append($('<div>',{
+ class:"modal-dialog"
+ }).append($('<div>',{
+ class:"modal-content"
+ }).append($('<div>',{
+ class:"modal-header"
+ }).append($('<button/>',{
+ type:"button",
+ class:"close",
+ "data-dismiss":"modal",
+ "aria-hidden":"true"
+ }).html('x')
+ ).append($('<h3/>',{
+ id:"h3_"+modalId
+ }).html(modalHeader))
+ ).append($('<div>',{
+ class:"modal-body"
+ }).append(modalBody)
+ ).append($('<div>',{
+ class:"modal-footer"
+ }).append($('<button/>',{
+ type:"button",
+ class:"btn btn-default",
+ "data-dismiss":"modal",
+ "aria-hidden":"true"
+ }).html('Cancel')
+ ).append($('<button/>',{
+ type:"button",
+ class:"btn btn-success",
+ }).html('Done').mousedown(function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }).click(function(obj){return function(){onSave.apply(obj)}}(this)))
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ modalElement.appendTo("body");
+ return modalTrigger;
+ },
+ createMenuItem: function(itemSettings, options, returnElement){
+ //Function to perform multiple actions.supplied arguments: itemsettings-list of buttons and button options, options: options for select input, returnelement: boolean.
+ //1.Create Select Options using Bootstrap Dropdown.
+ //2.Create modal dialog using bootstrap options
+ //3.Create menubar buttons binded with corresponding event actions
+ typeof returnElement !== 'undefined' ? returnElement : false;
+ if(itemSettings["select"]){
+ var menuWrapElement = $("<div/>", {class:"btn-group"});
+ var menuElement = $("<ul/>", {class:"dropdown-menu"});
+ menuWrapElement.append($('<a/>',{
+ class:"btn btn-default dropdown-toggle",
+ "data-toggle":"dropdown",
+ "href":"javascript:void(0)",
+ "title":itemSettings["tooltip"]
+ }).html(itemSettings["default"]).append($("<span/>",{class:"caret"})).mousedown(function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }));
+ $.each(options,function(i,v){
+ var option = $('<li/>')
+ $("<a/>",{
+ tabindex : "-1",
+ href : "javascript:void(0)"
+ }).html(i).appendTo(option);
+ option.click(function(){
+ $(this).parent().parent().data("value", v);
+ $(this).parent().parent().trigger("change")
+ });
+ menuElement.append(option);
+ });
+ var action = "change";
+ }
+ else if(itemSettings["modal"]){
+ var menuWrapElement = methods.createModal.apply(this,[itemSettings["modalId"], itemSettings["modalHeader"], itemSettings["modalBody"], itemSettings["onSave"]]);
+ var menuElement = $("<i/>");
+ if(itemSettings["icon"])
+ menuElement.addClass(itemSettings["icon"]);
+ else
+ menuElement.html(itemSettings["text"]);
+ menuWrapElement.append(menuElement);
+ menuWrapElement.mousedown(function(obj, methods, beforeLoad){
+ return function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ methods.saveSelection.apply(obj);
+ if(beforeLoad){
+ beforeLoad.apply(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ }(this, methods,itemSettings["beforeLoad"]));
+ menuWrapElement.attr('title', itemSettings['tooltip']);
+ return menuWrapElement;
+ }
+ else{
+ var menuWrapElement = $("<a/>",{href:'javascript:void(0)', class:'btn btn-default'});
+ var menuElement = $("<i/>");
+ if(itemSettings["icon"])
+ menuElement.addClass(itemSettings["icon"]);
+ else
+ menuElement.html(itemSettings["text"]);
+ var action = "click";
+ }
+ if(itemSettings["custom"]){
+ menuWrapElement.bind(action, (function(obj, params){
+ return function(){
+ methods.saveSelection.apply(obj);
+ itemSettings["custom"].apply(obj, [$(this), params]);
+ }
+ })(this, itemSettings['params']));
+ }
+ else{
+ menuWrapElement.data("commandName", itemSettings["commandname"]);
+ menuWrapElement.data("editor", $(this).data("editor"));
+ menuWrapElement.bind(action, function(){ methods.setTextFormat.apply(this) });
+ }
+ menuWrapElement.attr('title', itemSettings['tooltip']);
+ menuWrapElement.css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ menuWrapElement.append(menuElement);
+ if(returnElement)
+ return menuWrapElement;
+ $(this).data("menuBar").append(menuWrapElement);
+ },
+ setTextFormat: function(){
+ //Function to run the text formatting options using execCommand.
+ methods.setStyleWithCSS.apply(this);
+ document.execCommand($(this).data("commandName"), false, $(this).data("value") || null);
+ $(this).data("editor").focus();
+ return false;
+ },
+ getSource: function(button, params){
+ //Function to show the html source code to the editor and toggle the text display.
+ var flag = 0;
+ if(button.data('state')){
+ flag = 1;
+ button.data('state', null);
+ }
+ else
+ button.data('state', 1);
+ $(this).data("source-mode", !flag);
+ var editor = $(this).data('editor');
+ var content;
+ if(flag==0){ //Convert text to HTML
+ content = document.createTextNode(editor.html());
+ editor.empty();
+ editor.attr('contenteditable', false);
+ preElement = $("<pre/>",{
+ contenteditable: true
+ });
+ preElement.append(content);
+ editor.append(preElement);
+ button.parent().siblings().hide();
+ button.siblings().hide();
+ }
+ else{
+ var html = editor.children().first().text();
+ editor.html(html);
+ editor.attr('contenteditable', true);
+ button.parent().siblings().show();
+ button.siblings().show();
+ }
+ },
+ countWords: function(node){
+ //Function to count the number of words recursively as the text grows in the editor.
+ var count = 0;
+ var textNodes = node.contents().filter(function() {
+ return (this.nodeType == 3);
+ });
+ for(var index=0;index<textNodes.length;index++){
+ text = textNodes[index].textContent;
+ text = text.replace(/[^-\w\s]/gi, ' ');
+ text = $.trim(text);
+ count = count + text.split(/\s+/).length;
+ }
+ var childNodes = node.children().each(function(){
+ count = count + methods.countWords.apply(this, [$(this)]);
+ });
+ return count
+ },
+ countChars: function(node){
+ //Function to count the number of characters recursively as the text grows in the editor.
+ var count = 0;
+ var textNodes = node.contents().filter(function() {
+ return (this.nodeType == 3);
+ });
+ for(var index=0;index<textNodes.length;index++){
+ text = textNodes[index].textContent;
+ count = count + text.length;
+ }
+ var childNodes = node.children().each(function(){
+ count = count + methods.countChars.apply(this, [$(this)]);
+ });
+ return count;
+ },
+ getWordCount: function(){
+ //Function to return the word count of the text in the editor
+ return methods.countWords.apply(this, [$(this).data("editor")]);
+ },
+ getCharCount: function(){
+ //Function to return the character count of the text in the editor
+ return methods.countChars.apply(this, [$(this).data("editor")]);
+ },
+ rgbToHex: function(rgb){
+ //Function to convert the rgb color codes into hexadecimal code
+ rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
+ return "#" +
+ ("0" + parseInt(rgb[1],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
+ ("0" + parseInt(rgb[2],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
+ ("0" + parseInt(rgb[3],10).toString(16)).slice(-2);
+ },
+ showMessage: function(target,message){
+ //Function to show the error message. Supplied arguments:target-div id, message-message text to be displayed.
+ var errorDiv=$('<div/>',{ class:"alert alert-danger" }
+ ).append($('<button/>',{
+ type:"button",
+ class:"close",
+ "data-dismiss":"alert",
+ html:"x"
+ })).append($('<span/>').html(message));
+ errorDiv.appendTo($('#'+target));
+ setTimeout(function() { $('.alert').alert('close'); }, 3000);
+ },
+ getText: function(){
+ //Function to get the source code.
+ if(!$(this).data("source-mode"))
+ return $(this).data("editor").html();
+ else
+ return $(this).data("editor").children().first().text();
+ },
+ setText: function(text){
+ //Function to set the source code
+ if(!$(this).data("source-mode"))
+ $(this).data("editor").html(text);
+ else
+ $(this).data("editor").children().first().text(text);
+ },
+ setStyleWithCSS:function(){
+ if(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i)){ //for IE10
+ try {
+ Editor.execCommand("styleWithCSS", 0, false);
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ Editor.execCommand("useCSS", 0, true);
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ Editor.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, true);
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ $.fn.Editor = function( method ){
+ if ( methods[method] ) {
+ return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
+ } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
+ return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
+ } else {
+ $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.Editor' );
+ }
+ };
+})( jQuery );