@@ -2,55 +2,267 @@ const contentDiv = document.getElementById('editor_block');
const titleButton = document.getElementById('title_button');
const submitButton = document.getElementById('submit_button');
const contentApiUrl = `${PORTAL_SERVER}contents?url=${(JSON.parse(document.getElementById('url').textContent)).url}`
+aa = "";
+frontMatters = [];
+editorBlocks = [];
+//postData = { content: "", url: "" };
+var editor;
axios.get(contentApiUrl).then(({ data }) => {
+ //alert(JSON.stringify(data[0]['content']));
+ aa = data[0]['content'];
const content = _.get(data, '0.content', '');
- var blockArray = [{title: '', data: []}];
+ var blockArray = [{ title: '', data: [] }];
var blockCount = 0;
- const {frontMatters, preBlockArray} = parseMd(content);
- for (var blockData of preBlockArray) {
- blockCount = loadDataToBlock(blockArray, blockCount, blockData);
- }
- titleButton.onclick = function() {
- blockCount = loadDataToBlock(blockArray, blockCount);
+ blocks = parseMd(content);
+ editor_block = document.getElementById('editor_block');
+ //alert(blocks[0]['text']);
+ ul = document.createElement('ul');
+ ul.id = "sortable";
+ for (i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
+ li = document.createElement('li');
+ odiv = document.createElement('div');
+ odiv.style.border = 'inset 1px gray';
+ if (blocks[i]['type'] == "para") {
+ editorBlocks.push({ type: "paragraph", data: { text: blocks[i]['text'] } });
+ tmp = document.createElement('textarea');
+ tmp.style.border = 'outset 5px pink';
+ tmp.style.width = '100%';
+ tmp.value = blocks[i]['text'];
+ odiv.appendChild(tmp);
+ }
+ else if (blocks[i]['type'] == "br") {
+ editorBlocks.push({ type: "paragraph", data: { text: "" } });
+ tmp = document.createElement('br');
+ odiv.appendChild(tmp);
+ }
+ else if (blocks[i]['type'] == "img") {
+ ampimg = blocks[i]['text'];
+ //alert(ampimg.indexOf("width=\"",84));
+ //alert(ampimg.substr(ampimg.indexOf("alt=\"") + 5, ampimg.indexOf("\"", ampimg.indexOf("alt=\"") + 5) - ampimg.indexOf("alt=\"") - 5));
+ tmpsrc = BHOUSE_SERVER + JSON.parse(document.getElementById('url').textContent).url + '/' + ampimg.substr(ampimg.indexOf("src=\"") + 5, ampimg.indexOf(".webp") - ampimg.indexOf("src=\""));
+ //tmpsrc = ampimg.substr(ampimg.indexOf("src=\"") + 5, ampimg.indexOf(".webp") - ampimg.indexOf("src=\""));
+ editorBlocks.push({
+ type: "image", data: {
+ file: {
+ url: tmpsrc,
+ width: parseInt(ampimg.substr(ampimg.indexOf("width=\"") + 7, ampimg.indexOf("\"", ampimg.indexOf("width=\"") + 7) - ampimg.indexOf("width=\"") - 7)),
+ height: parseInt(ampimg.substr(ampimg.indexOf("height=\"") + 8, ampimg.indexOf("\"", ampimg.indexOf("height=\"") + 8) - ampimg.indexOf("height=\"") - 8)),
+ },
+ caption: ampimg.substr(ampimg.indexOf("alt=\"") + 5, ampimg.indexOf("\"", ampimg.indexOf("alt=\"") + 5) - ampimg.indexOf("alt=\"") - 5).toString(),
+ stretched: false,
+ withBorder: true,
+ withBackground: false,
+ }
+ });
+ //alert(ampimg.substr(ampimg.indexOf("height=\"") + 8, ampimg.indexOf("\"", ampimg.indexOf("height=\"") + 8) - ampimg.indexOf("height=\"") - 8));
+ img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.style.width = '100%';
+ img.src = tmpsrc;
+ odiv.appendChild(img);
+ }
+ else if (blocks[i]['type'] == "title") {
+ blocks[i]['text'] = blocks[i]['text'].replace("### **", "").replace("**", "")
+ editorBlocks.push({ type: "header", data: { text: blocks[i]['text'] } });
+ tmp = document.createElement('h3');
+ tmp.innerHTML = blocks[i]['text'];
+ odiv.appendChild(tmp);
+ }
+ else if (blocks[i]['type'] == "mt5") {
+ //alert('yo');
+ editorBlocks.push({ type: "delimiter", data: {} });
+ }
+ li.appendChild(odiv);
+ ul.appendChild(li);
+ editor_block.appendChild(ul);
+ $("#sortable").sortable();
+ $("#sortable").disableSelection();
+ $("#editor_block").css({ "display": "none" });
+ editor = new EditorJS({
+ readOnly: false,
+ holder: 'editorjs',
+ tools: {
+ header: {
+ class: Header,
+ config: {
+ placeholder: 'Header'
+ }
+ },
+ image: {
+ class: ImageTool,
+ config: {
+ endpoints: {
+ byFile: '/backstage/upload', // Your backend file uploader endpoint
+ byUrl: '/backstage/getimage', // Your endpoint that provides uploading by Url
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ delimiter: Delimiter
+ }
+ ,
+ data: { blocks: editorBlocks }
+ ,
+ /*
+ data: {
+ blocks: [
+ {
+ type: "header",
+ data: {
+ text: "Editor.js",
+ level: 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "header",
+ data: {
+ text: "Key features",
+ level: 3
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "header",
+ data: {
+ text: "What does it mean «block-styled editor»",
+ level: 3
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'paragraph',
+ data: {
+ text: `There are dozens of <a href="https://github.com/editor-js">ready-to-use Blocks</a> and the <a href="https://editorjs.io/creating-a-block-tool">simple API</a> for creation any Block you need. For example, you can implement Blocks for Tweets, Instagram posts, surveys and polls, CTA-buttons and even games.`
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'delimiter',
+ data: {}
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'image',
+ data: {
+ url: 'http://localhost:1313/img/logo2.png',
+ caption: '',
+ stretched: false,
+ withBorder: true,
+ withBackground: false,
+ }
+ },
+ ]
+ },*/
+ onReady: function () {
+ //saveButton.click();
+ },
+ onChange: function (api, block) {
+ console.log('something changed', block);
+ }
+ });
+ /* for (var blockData of preBlockArray) {
+ blockCount = loadDataToBlock(blockArray, blockCount, blockData);
+ }
+ titleButton.onclick = function () {
+ blockCount = loadDataToBlock(blockArray, blockCount);
+ } */
+submitButton.onclick = function () {
+ editor.save().then((outputData) => {
+ console.log('Article data: ', outputData);
- submitButton.onclick = function() {
var mdContent = '';
for (var frontMatter of frontMatters) {
mdContent += frontMatter + '\n';
- for (var idx=0; idx<blockArray.length; idx++) {
- if (_.get(blockArray[idx], 'title', '').includes('敘述')) {
- mdContent += `\n<!-- ### **${_.get(blockArray[idx], 'title', '')}**-->\n`
- } else {
- mdContent += `\n### **${_.get(blockArray[idx], 'title', '')}**\n`
+ for (i = 0; i < outputData.blocks.length; i++) {
+ //alert(block.type);
+ block = outputData.blocks[i];
+ if (block.type == "header") {
+ mdContent += '\n### **' + block.data.text + '**\n';
+ }
+ else if (block.type == "paragraph") {
+ mdContent += '\n' + block.data.text + '\n';
+ }
+ else if (block.type == "image") {
+ mdContent += '\n<amp-img\n alt="' + block.data.caption
+ + '"\n src="' + block.data.file.url.replace(BHOUSE_SERVER + JSON.parse(document.getElementById('url').textContent).url + '/', '')
+ + '"\n height="' + block.data.file.height
+ + '"\n width="' + block.data.file.width
+ + '"\n layout="responsive">\n</amp-img>\n';
- for (var data of _.get(blockArray[idx], 'data', [])) {
- if (_.get(_.keys(data), 0) === 'description') {
- if (_.get(data, 'description.text', '').includes('\n')) {
- for (const line of _.get(data, 'description.text', '').split('\n')) {
- mdContent += `\n${line} `;
- }
- } else {
- mdContent += `\n${_.get(data, 'description.text', '')}`;
+ else if (block.type == "delimiter") {
+ mdContent += '\n{{% chuz-div class="mt-5" %}}\n';
+ }
+ }
+ //alert(mdContent);
+ postData = {
+ content: mdContent,
+ url: (JSON.parse(document.getElementById('url').textContent)).url
+ };
+ axios.post(contentApiUrl, json = postData);
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ console.log('Saving failed: ', error)
+ });
+ var mdContent = '';
+ for (var frontMatter of frontMatters) {
+ mdContent += frontMatter + '\n';
+ }
+ //alert(bb);
+ /* for(var eBlock in outputData.blocks)
+ {
+ alert(eBlock.type);
+ } */
+ for (var idx = 0; idx < blockArray.length; idx++) {
+ if (_.get(blockArray[idx], 'title', '').includes('敘述')) {
+ mdContent += `\n<!-- ### **${_.get(blockArray[idx], 'title', '')}**-->\n`
+ } else {
+ mdContent += `\n### **${_.get(blockArray[idx], 'title', '')}**\n`
+ }
+ for (var data of _.get(blockArray[idx], 'data', [])) {
+ if (_.get(_.keys(data), 0) === 'description') {
+ if (_.get(data, 'description.text', '').includes('\n')) {
+ for (const line of _.get(data, 'description.text', '').split('\n')) {
+ mdContent += `\n${line} `;
- } else if (_.get(_.keys(data), 0) === 'image') {
- ampImgForm = `\n<amp-img\
+ } else {
+ mdContent += `\n${_.get(data, 'description.text', '')}`;
+ }
+ } else if (_.get(_.keys(data), 0) === 'image') {
+ ampImgForm = `\n<amp-img\
\n alt="${_.get(data, 'image.alt', '小寶優居')}"\
\n src="${_.get(data, 'image.src', '')}"\
\n height="${_.get(data, 'image.height', 300)}"\
\n width="${_.get(data, 'image.width', 400)}"\
\n layout="${_.get(data, 'image.layout', 'responsive')}">\
- mdContent += ampImgForm;
- }
+ mdContent += ampImgForm;
+ }
- const postData = {
- content: mdContent,
- url: (JSON.parse(document.getElementById('url').textContent)).url
- }
- axios.post(contentApiUrl, json=postData);
+ /* const postData = {
+ content: mdContent,
+ url: (JSON.parse(document.getElementById('url').textContent)).url
+ }; */
+ if (aa != postData['content']) {
+ //alert(postData['content']);
+ alert(mdContent);
+ //axios.post(contentApiUrl, json = postData);