from backstage.config import UPLOAD_PATH_MAP import os import shutil from flask import render_template, Blueprint, request, redirect, url_for import flask from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin from flask.helpers import make_response, send_file, send_from_directory from werkzeug.wrappers import Response import requests from PIL import Image, ImageFile from urllib.parse import urlparse import uuid import json from backstage.config import PORTAL_SERVER ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None #from backstage.utils.routes import update_manage_table upload_app = Blueprint('upload', __name__) @upload_app.route('/backstage/test/', methods=['GET']) def upload_test(iurl): test = iurl[0:iurl.rfind("/")+1] new_response = requests.get(PORTAL_SERVER + 'contents?url=' + test) #my_dict = json.loads(new_response.content.decode('utf-8'))[0].items() for key, value in json.loads(new_response.content.decode('utf-8'))[0].items(): if key == 'path': print(value.replace('\\', '/')) # print(my_dict[0].items()) return new_response.content @upload_app.route('/backstage/multiupload/', methods=['POST']) #collections def upload_multi_post(iurl): # 取得md路徑 mdPath = "" new_response = requests.get(PORTAL_SERVER + 'contents?url=' + iurl) #my_dict = json.loads(new_response.content.decode('utf-8'))[0].items() obj = json.loads(new_response.content.decode('utf-8')) if len(obj) > 0: for key, value in obj[0].items(): if key == 'path': mdPath = value.replace('\\', '/') #print(mdPath) mdPath = mdPath[0:mdPath.rfind('/')+1] #print(mdPath) isProduct = False if mdPath.find("設計家具") >= 0 or mdPath.find("模組系統櫃") >= 0: isProduct = True #bdata = filepath = "" itype = "" print("markdown path is" + mdPath) #aa = request.get_data() if iurl == "title": itype = iurl filepath = iurl else: itype = iurl[0:iurl.find("/")] filepath = iurl[iurl.rfind("/")+1:] if request.method == 'POST': # check if the post request has the file part # print(request.full_path) """ if 'file' not in request.files: #flash('No file part') return redirect(request.url) """ print(request.files) print(len(request.files)) if len(request.files) == 0: aa = {"success": 0} return aa else: n=0 filelink = '' for i in request.files: n+=1 fname = 'image' + str(n) file = request.files[fname] print("The file is at" + filepath) # If the user does not select a file, the browser submits an # empty file without a filename. """ if file.filename == '': #flash('No selected file') return redirect(request.url) """ oimgtype = file.filename[file.filename.rfind(".")+1:] oimgtypeName = oimgtype if oimgtype.lower() == 'jpg': oimgtypeName = 'jpeg' if file and not isProduct: #filename = secure_filename(file.filename) #fname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + file.filename[file.filename.rfind("."):] #sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:] + "/img/" if filepath == "title": sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][2] + "/static/img/title/" else: sitepath = mdPath + "/img/" #sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + "../" + itype + "/" + filepath + "/img/" wfname = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-','') + ".webp" owfname = wfname.replace('webp', oimgtype) #fullpath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:] + "\\img\\" + fname #print(UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][1] + filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:] + "/img/" + fname) # #image_object = #print(request.args.get('url', type=str)) wpath = os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/" owpath = os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/orig/" print("1wpath is " + wpath) print("1owpath is " + owpath) #fullpath = wpath + fname if not os.path.exists(wpath): os.makedirs(wpath) if not os.path.exists(owpath): os.makedirs(owpath) if not os.path.exists(sitepath): os.makedirs(sitepath) # image_object = if image_object.size[0] > 1000: image_object.thumbnail(size=((1600, 1600))) print("Loc1a: " + wpath+wfname) print("Loc1b: " + owpath+wfname) print("Loc2: " + sitepath+wfname) print(filepath) "/backstage/upload/img/"+ fname) # return redirect(url_for('download_file', name=file.filename)) filelink += wfname + ";;;" print(filelink) aa = {"success": 1, "fileurl": filelink} return aa if request.method == 'GET': print('GET') # print(request.files) # print(request.form) # print("/backstage/upload")) aa = {"success": 1, "file": {"url": "", }} return aa @upload_app.route('/backstage/upload/', methods=['POST']) def upload_post(iurl): # 取得md路徑 mdPath = "" new_response = requests.get(PORTAL_SERVER + 'contents?url=' + iurl) #my_dict = json.loads(new_response.content.decode('utf-8'))[0].items() obj = json.loads(new_response.content.decode('utf-8')) if len(obj) > 0: for key, value in obj[0].items(): if key == 'path': mdPath = value.replace('\\', '/') #print(mdPath) mdPath = mdPath[0:mdPath.rfind('/')+1] #print(mdPath) print(mdPath) isProduct = False if mdPath.find("設計家具") >= 0 or mdPath.find("模組系統櫃") >= 0: isProduct = True #bdata = filepath = "" itype = "" print(mdPath) #aa = request.get_data() if iurl == "title": itype = iurl filepath = iurl else: itype = iurl[0:iurl.find("/")] filepath = iurl[iurl.rfind("/")+1:] if request.method == 'POST': # check if the post request has the file part # print(request.full_path) """ if 'file' not in request.files: #flash('No file part') return redirect(request.url) """ if len(request.files) == 0: aa = {"success": 0} return aa else: file = request.files['image'] #file2 = request.files['image2'] #again, reference print("The file is at" + filepath) # If the user does not select a file, the browser submits an # empty file without a filename. """ if file.filename == '': #flash('No selected file') return redirect(request.url) """ oimgtype = file.filename[file.filename.rfind(".")+1:] oimgtypeName = oimgtype if oimgtype.lower() == 'jpg': oimgtypeName = 'jpeg' if file and not isProduct: #filename = secure_filename(file.filename) #fname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + file.filename[file.filename.rfind("."):] #sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:] + "/img/" if filepath == "title": sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][2] + "/static/img/title/" else: sitepath = mdPath + "/img/" #sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + "../" + itype + "/" + filepath + "/img/" wfname = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-','') + ".webp" owfname = wfname.replace('webp', oimgtype) #fullpath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:] + "\\img\\" + fname #print(UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][1] + filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:] + "/img/" + fname) # #image_object = #print(request.args.get('url', type=str)) wpath = os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/" owpath = os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/orig/" print("1wpath is " + wpath) print("1owpath is " + owpath) #fullpath = wpath + fname if not os.path.exists(wpath): os.makedirs(wpath) if not os.path.exists(owpath): os.makedirs(owpath) if not os.path.exists(sitepath): os.makedirs(sitepath) # image_object = if image_object.size[0] > 1000: image_object.thumbnail(size=((1600, 1600))) print("Loc1a: " + wpath+wfname) print("Loc1b: " + owpath+wfname) print("Loc2: " + sitepath+wfname) print(filepath) "/backstage/upload/img/"+ fname) # return redirect(url_for('download_file', name=file.filename)) aa = {"success": 1, "file": {"url": "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/" + wfname, "width": image_object.width, "height": image_object.height}} # aa = {"success": 1, "file": {"url": UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][1] + filepath[filepath.rfind( # "/")+1:] + "/img/" + fname, "width": image_object.width, "height": image_object.height}} return aa elif isProduct: wpath = os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/" print("2wpath is " + wpath) wfname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".webp" image_object =, oimgtypeName) if image_object.size[0] > 1000: image_object.thumbnail(size=((1600, 1600))) if not os.path.exists(wpath): os.makedirs(wpath) print("Loc3: " + wpath+wfname) print("Loc4: " + mdPath+wfname) owfname = wfname.replace('webp', oimgtype) aa = {"success": 1, "file": {"url": "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/" + wfname, "width": image_object.width, "height": image_object.height}} return aa if request.method == 'GET': print('GET') # print(request.files) # print(request.form) # print("/backstage/upload")) aa = {"success": 1, "file": {"url": "", }} return aa @upload_app.route('/backstage/upload/', methods=['GET']) def upload_get(filepath): # print(filepath) #print(os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/"+filepath, filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:]) #aa = {"success" : 1,"file": { "url" : "", } } # return redirect(url_for('upload.upload_get',filename=filename), code=301) # return send_from_directory(os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/"+filepath, filepath[filepath.rfind("/")+1:]) return send_file(os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/"+filepath) @upload_app.route('/backstage/getimage/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def get_image(iurl): itype = iurl[0:iurl.find("/")] filepath = iurl[iurl.rfind("/")+1:] # print(request.get_json()['url']) if itype == "blog": sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + "../blog/" + filepath + "/img/" else: sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath + "/img/" #sitepath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath + "/img/" oimgtype = str(request.get_json()['url'])[str(request.get_json()['url']).rfind(".")+1:] oimgtypeName = oimgtype if oimgtype.lower() == 'jpg': oimgtypeName = 'jpeg' # fname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + str(request.get_json() # ['url'])[str(request.get_json()['url']).rfind("."):] wfname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".webp" owfname = wfname.replace('webp', oimgtype) wpath = os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/" owpath = os.getcwd() + "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/orig/" """ fullpath = wpath + fname if not os.path.exists(wpath): os.makedirs(wpath) f = open(fullpath, 'wb') f.write(requests.get(request.get_json()['url']).content) f.close() """ if not os.path.exists(wpath): os.makedirs(wpath) if not os.path.exists(owpath): os.makedirs(owpath) if not os.path.exists(sitepath): os.makedirs(sitepath) image_object =['url'], stream=True).raw) if image_object.size[0] > 1000: image_object.thumbnail(size=((1600, 1600))) # send_file() #aa = {"success" : 1,"file": { "url" : "http://localhost:9000/backstage/upload/avatar1.jpg", } } #resp = make_response(open(os.getcwd()+ "/backstage/upload/" + fname, 'br').read(), 301) #resp.content_type = "image/jpeg" #resp.content_encoding = "Unicode" # return redirect(request.get_json()['url'], code=301) aa = {"success": 1, "file": {"url": "/backstage/upload/" + filepath+"/img/" + wfname, "width": image_object.width, "height": image_object.height}} return aa @upload_app.route('/backstage/modTitle/', methods=['GET']) def modify_title(filepath): oldPath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath.split('/')[0] newPath = UPLOAD_PATH_MAP[0][0] + filepath.split('/')[1] # os.renames(oldPath,newPath) """ if os.path.exists(newPath): return {"success" : 0, "message" : "New directory exists."} """ """ shutil.copytree(oldPath, newPath) shutil.rmtree(oldPath) """ print(oldPath + ' => ' + newPath) return {"success": 1}