let userAgent; let isSafari = false; let browserName; window.onload = function(){ // if(screen.width < 900){ // window.location.href = "https://m3.hhh.com.tw/"; // } userAgent = navigator.userAgent; detectBrowser(userAgent); detectDirection (); let result; let matchData; $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "./json/realtime.json", dataType: "json", }).done(function (msg) { // result = [...msg]; // renderSec00(result); // renderSec02(result); // renderSec05(result); // renderSec06(result); // renderSec07(result); // renderSec08(result); // renderSec09(result); // renderSec10(result); // //renderSec11(result); // renderVideo(result); // renderTrending(result); }); $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "./json/match.json", dataType: "json", }).done(function (msg) { matchData = [...msg]; renderMatch(matchData); }); } function renderMatch(matchData){ let str = ''; for(let i = 0; i < matchData.length; i++){ str += `

${matchData[i].Name} 設計師


擅長風格 ${matchData[i].Style}

接案坪數 ${matchData[i].Square}

接案地區 ${matchData[i].Area}

${matchData[i].Consulting} 人正在諮詢
` } $('.container__match').html(str); } $(document).on("click", ".btn-match", function (event) { Swal.fire({ icon: 'success', text: '我們已收到您的訊息,將有幸福經紀人與您聯繫', confirmButtonText: '關閉', }) }); function detectDirection () { let height = (window.screen.width * 5) / 12; console.log(height); $('.sec-02 .slide-item').css('height', `${height}px`); } function detectBrowser(agent){ if(userAgent.match(/chrome|chromium|crios/i)){ browserName = "chrome"; }else if(userAgent.match(/firefox|fxios/i)){ browserName = "firefox"; } else if(userAgent.match(/safari/i)){ browserName = "safari"; }else if(userAgent.match(/opr\//i)){ browserName = "opera"; } else if(userAgent.match(/edg/i)){ browserName = "edge"; }else{ browserName="No browser detection"; } if(browserName === 'safari'){ isSafari = true; } console.log(isSafari); } function renderSec00(data) { let temp = data[0]['data']; renderBannerStr('sec-00__slider', temp); $(".sec-00__slider").slick({ dots: false, speed: 800, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 5000, arrows: true, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '' }); } function renderSec02(data) { let temp = data[1]['data']; renderBannerStr('sec-02__slider', temp); $(".sec-02__slider").slick({ dots: false, autoplay: true, arrows: true, fade: true, autoplaySpeed: 4000, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '' }); } function renderBannerStr(sec, data) { let str = ''; for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ if(data[i]['Dwebp'] && !isSafari) { str+= `
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`; } $('#pills-hot-tab .tabpar').html(str); } if(temp[i]["tab"] == '影音實錄'){ let str = ''; let sub = temp[i]["data"]; for(let j = 0; j < sub.length; j++){ str+= `


`; } $('#pills-video-tab .tabpar').html(str); } if(temp[i]["tab"] == '專欄文章'){ let str = ''; let sub = temp[i]["data"]; for(let j = 0; j < sub.length; j++){ str+= `


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`; } else { str+= `


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`; } else { str+= `


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` } else { str+= `


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` } else { str+= `


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