ming 3 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 177 добавлено и 9 удалено
  1. 40 8
  2. 2 1
  3. 135 0

+ 40 - 8

@@ -1,23 +1,55 @@
 # youtube upload api
 from youtube_upload.client import YoutubeUploader
+import dataset
+import sys
+import codecs
+for l in lines:
+    elmts=l.split(',')
+    if len(elmts[2])>10:
+        fnamedict[elmts[0].lower().replace('\r','').replace('\n','')]=elmts[2].replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace("http://youtu.be/",'').replace("https://youtu.be/",'')
+#db = dataset.connect('mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+db = dataset.connect('mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@')
+cursor=db.query('select * from youtube_list where youtube_video_id="'+yt+'"')
+for c in cursor:
+    print(c)
+    title=c['title']
+    desc=c['description']
+    break
 #uploader = YoutubeUploader()
-uploader = YoutubeUploader(secrets_file_path='c:\\keys\\client_secret_244642730545-m6s4um0g6p3289ig7k92oseusisibnfp.apps.googleusercontent.com.json')
+uploader = YoutubeUploader(secrets_file_path='c:\\keys\\.client_secrets.json')
 # Video options
 options = {
-    "title" : "Example title", # The video title
-    "description" : "Example description", # The video description
-    "tags" : ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
-    "categoryId" : "22",
+    "title" : title, # The video title
+    "description" : desc, # The video description
+    "tags" : [],
     "privacyStatus" : "public", # Video privacy. Can either be "public", "private", or "unlisted"
     "kids" : False # Specifies if the Video if for kids or not. Defaults to False.
 #    "thumbnailLink" : "https://hhh.com.tw/event170427/images/designer/37.png" # Optional. Specifies video thumbnail.
+#    "categoryId" : "22",
+uploader.upload(prefix+"\\"+fname, options)
-# upload video
-uploader.upload('C:\\data\\demo\\test.mp4', options)

+ 2 - 1

@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ def get_credentials(secrets):
     scopes= ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.upload'],
 #    redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob')
-    redirect_uri='http://api.ptt.cx')
+#    redirect_uri='http://api.ptt.cx')
+    redirect_uri='https://m.hhh.com.tw/hhh-home-mb/index.html')
     # Tell the user to go to the authorization URL.

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import traceback
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import os
+import datetime
+import urllib.parse
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import codecs
+import random
+import requests
+import time
+import rpyc
+import sys
+import codecs
+import sys
+import time
+import dataset
+import os
+def scrolling(driver,pgnum):
+    ub = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('body')
+    for i in range(pgnum):
+        ub.send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN)
+        if pgnum>1:
+            time.sleep(0.3)
+def restart_browser():
+#    os.system('docker container restart p4444')
+#    time.sleep(10)
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+#    options.add_argument("--proxy-server=socks5://")
+    options.add_argument("start-maximized")
+    options.add_argument('user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data')
+    options.add_argument('--profile-directory=Profile 7')
+    driver=webdriver.Chrome(desired_capabilities=options.to_capabilities())
+    driver.set_window_size(1400,1000)
+    return driver
+db2 = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/hhh?charset=utf8mb4')
+#cursor=db2.query('select * from yt_tasks where yid not in (SELECT yid FROM hhh.yt_hhh_progress)')
+cursor=db2.query('select * from yt_tasks2 where yid not in (SELECT yid FROM hhh.yt_hhh_progress)')
+for c in cursor:
+    print(c)
+    yid=c['yid']
+    spath=c['path']
+    print(spath)
+    title=c['title']
+    desc=c['desc']
+    break
+for i in range(20):
+    elmt.send_keys(Keys.BACKSPACE)
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+for i in range(15):
+    elmt.send_keys(Keys.ARROW_UP)
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+elmt=driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='value style-scope ytcp-video-info']")
+while True:
+    try:
+        cnt+=1
+#        elmt=driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[contains(text(),'檢查完畢,未發現任何問題')]")
+#        if cnt >=20:
+#            break
+        elmt=driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[contains(text(),'檢查完畢,未發現任何問題')]")
+        break
+    except:
+        print('not yet')
+        time.sleep(5)