import suggests import networkx as nx import pyvis import time from import Network import pickle import dataset db = dataset.connect('mysql://') #cursor=db.query('select q,cnt from gap_hhh where cnt > 100') #cursor=db.query('select q,cnt from gap_searchome where cnt > 50') cursor=db.query('SELECT q,cnt FROM hhh.gap_searchome where q not in (select q from hhh.gap_hhh) order by cnt desc;') def hierarchy_pos(G, root, levels=None, width=1., height=1.): '''If there is a cycle that is reachable from root, then this will see infinite recursion. G: the graph root: the root node levels: a dictionary key: level number (starting from 0) value: number of nodes in this level width: horizontal space allocated for drawing height: vertical space allocated for drawing''' TOTAL = "total" CURRENT = "current" def make_levels(levels, node=root, currentLevel=0, parent=None): """Compute the number of nodes for each level """ if not currentLevel in levels: levels[currentLevel] = {TOTAL : 0, CURRENT : 0} levels[currentLevel][TOTAL] += 1 neighbors = G.neighbors(node) for neighbor in neighbors: if not neighbor == parent: levels = make_levels(levels, neighbor, currentLevel + 1, node) return levels def make_pos(pos, node=root, currentLevel=0, parent=None, vert_loc=0): dx = 1/levels[currentLevel][TOTAL] left = dx/2 pos[node] = ((left + dx*levels[currentLevel][CURRENT])*width, vert_loc) levels[currentLevel][CURRENT] += 1 neighbors = G.neighbors(node) for neighbor in neighbors: if not neighbor == parent: pos = make_pos(pos, neighbor, currentLevel + 1, node, vert_loc-vert_gap) return pos if levels is None: levels = make_levels({}) else: levels = {l:{TOTAL: levels[l], CURRENT:0} for l in levels} vert_gap = height / (max([l for l in levels])+1) return make_pos({}) G = nx.Graph() elmt_dict={} root=None for c in cursor: q=c['q'] elmts=q.split(' ') for e in elmts: if elmt_dict.get(e) is None: elmt_dict[e]=[q] else: elmt_dict[e].append(q) print(elmt_dict) idx=0 for k,v in elmt_dict.items(): if len(v)>2 and len(v)<20: for e in v: G.add_edge(k,e,weight=1) root=k idx+=1 G.remove_edges_from( list(nx.selfloop_edges(G))) G2=nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G,weight=5) #G3=hierarchy_pos(G2,root) pyG = Network(height="750px", width="100%",bgcolor="#333333",font_color="white") #pyG.set_options() pyG.from_nx(G2) #pyG.enable_physics(False) #pyG.barnes_hut()'gs.html') print(idx)