#!/usr/bin/env python """ classic rpyc server (threaded, forking or std) running a SlaveService usage: rpyc_classic.py # default settings rpyc_classic.py -m forking -p 12345 # custom settings # ssl-authenticated server (keyfile and certfile are required) rpyc_classic.py --ssl-keyfile keyfile.pem --ssl-certfile certfile.pem --ssl-cafile cafile.pem """ import sys import os import rpyc from plumbum import cli from rpyc.utils.server import ThreadedServer, ForkingServer, OneShotServer from rpyc.utils.classic import DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, DEFAULT_SERVER_SSL_PORT from rpyc.utils.registry import REGISTRY_PORT from rpyc.utils.registry import UDPRegistryClient, TCPRegistryClient from rpyc.utils.authenticators import SSLAuthenticator from rpyc.lib import setup_logger from rpyc.core import SlaveService class ClassicServer(cli.Application): mode = cli.SwitchAttr(["-m", "--mode"], cli.Set("threaded", "forking", "stdio", "oneshot"), default="threaded", help="The serving mode (threaded, forking, or 'stdio' for " "inetd, etc.)") port = cli.SwitchAttr(["-p", "--port"], cli.Range(0, 65535), default=None, help="The TCP listener port (default = %s, default for SSL = %s)" % (DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, DEFAULT_SERVER_SSL_PORT), group="Socket Options") host = cli.SwitchAttr(["--host"], str, default="", help="The host to bind to. " "The default is localhost", group="Socket Options") ipv6 = cli.Flag(["--ipv6"], help="Enable IPv6", group="Socket Options") logfile = cli.SwitchAttr("--logfile", str, default=None, help="Specify the log file to use; " "the default is stderr", group="Logging") quiet = cli.Flag(["-q", "--quiet"], help="Quiet mode (only errors will be logged)", group="Logging") ssl_keyfile = cli.SwitchAttr("--ssl-keyfile", cli.ExistingFile, help="The keyfile to use for SSL. Required for SSL", group="SSL", requires=["--ssl-certfile"]) ssl_certfile = cli.SwitchAttr("--ssl-certfile", cli.ExistingFile, help="The certificate file to use for SSL. Required for SSL", group="SSL", requires=["--ssl-keyfile"]) ssl_cafile = cli.SwitchAttr("--ssl-cafile", cli.ExistingFile, help="The certificate authority chain file to use for SSL. " "Optional; enables client-side authentication", group="SSL", requires=["--ssl-keyfile"]) auto_register = cli.Flag("--register", help="Asks the server to attempt registering with " "a registry server. By default, the server will not attempt to register", group="Registry") registry_type = cli.SwitchAttr("--registry-type", cli.Set("UDP", "TCP"), default="UDP", help="Specify a UDP or TCP registry", group="Registry") registry_port = cli.SwitchAttr("--registry-port", cli.Range(0, 65535), default=REGISTRY_PORT, help="The registry's UDP/TCP port", group="Registry") registry_host = cli.SwitchAttr("--registry-host", str, default=None, help="The registry host machine. For UDP, the default is; " "for TCP, a value is required", group="Registry") def main(self): if not self.host: self.host = "::1" if self.ipv6 else "" if self.registry_type == "UDP": if self.registry_host is None: self.registry_host = "" self.registrar = UDPRegistryClient(ip=self.registry_host, port=self.registry_port) else: if self.registry_host is None: raise ValueError("With TCP registry, you must specify --registry-host") self.registrar = TCPRegistryClient(ip=self.registry_host, port=self.registry_port) if self.ssl_keyfile: self.authenticator = SSLAuthenticator(self.ssl_keyfile, self.ssl_certfile, self.ssl_cafile) default_port = DEFAULT_SERVER_SSL_PORT else: self.authenticator = None default_port = DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT if self.port is None: self.port = default_port setup_logger(self.quiet, self.logfile) if self.mode == "threaded": self._serve_mode(ThreadedServer) elif self.mode == "forking": self._serve_mode(ForkingServer) elif self.mode == "oneshot": self._serve_oneshot() elif self.mode == "stdio": self._serve_stdio() def _serve_mode(self, factory): t = factory(SlaveService, hostname=self.host, port=self.port, reuse_addr=True, ipv6=self.ipv6, authenticator=self.authenticator, registrar=self.registrar, auto_register=self.auto_register) t.start() def _serve_oneshot(self): t = OneShotServer(SlaveService, hostname=self.host, port=self.port, reuse_addr=True, ipv6=self.ipv6, authenticator=self.authenticator, registrar=self.registrar, auto_register=self.auto_register) t._listen() sys.stdout.write("rpyc-oneshot\n") sys.stdout.write("%s\t%s\n" % (t.host, t.port)) sys.stdout.flush() t.start() def _serve_stdio(self): origstdin = sys.stdin origstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdin = open(os.devnull, "r") sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") sys.stderr = open(os.devnull, "w") conn = rpyc.classic.connect_pipes(origstdin, origstdout) try: try: conn.serve_all() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("User interrupt!") finally: conn.close() if __name__ == "__main__": ClassicServer.run()